the dry humping scene was .... hmmmm not so well done. And in my imagination Bran was a better climber. But overall they got a great cast and the look and feel seems for me very much spot on. The cast was very close to perfection, the only things that i would change is magicly make cercei look out of this world, she just isnt pretty enough. I loved the hound but his armor was... not very well done. I would have prefered the head to be in one piece so that when he rides his horse the bottom jaw would not move in a weird fashion. Allso Sansa, just as in the books annoyed me from the first scene. + Show Spoiler +
I just hope that the series reach a feast for crows so that i can respect her a bit more ;-)
Allso the openings credits were ... very nicely done
I am looking forward to - bigger wolfs - some people dying - jousting! - little finger (god i love that man ;-))
edit: and i reaaaaaaaaaally like this to be hones. there are no "white heroes". every charackter fades to a certain grey. and you can see yourself in some of their actions and by others you think "bullshit"...
Keep reading, a lot of the characters that you didn't like at one point will grow on you. Character development in these books is amazing.
I'm about 40 pages into Clash of Kings, I hope to start liking some of the characters. I know I'm supposed to like a character like John Snow, and he does grow through the novel but his conflict was basically covered by his father...unless something else comes up. Anyways, I do like the books.
Wait wait wait wait wait. How can you not like Tyrion by now?
- Lack of massive armies (could be solved with CGI or bigger budget) - Robert is supposed to arrive in Winterfell with a HUGE crowd, they seem to be 50 people at most - Eddard is supposed to leave Winterfell with EVEN MORE people but again, all we see is 5 horses - Drogo's khal = 4 people ? Seriously, and the wedding = 50 people = seriously ? In the books there is a hill full of people. - Drogo's wedding night, he didn't rape the girl at all in the book, he was very gentle. - I also missed the part where she gets her white horse and rides it immediately which makes Drogo laugh.
Overall the episode was VERY good, I'm just afraid that the low budget / small cast will keep them from having MASSIVE armies / battles, and that's what Peter Jackson managed to do so well.
On April 20 2011 19:31 yejin wrote: Ok, here are my remarks.
GoT S01E01 - I'd give a 8/10, veryyy good.
What I don't like
- Lack of massive armies (could be solved with CGI or bigger budget) - Robert is supposed to arrive in Winterfell with a HUGE crowd, they seem to be 50 people at most - Eddard is supposed to leave Winterfell with EVEN MORE people but again, all we see is 5 horses - Drogo's khal = 4 people ? Seriously, and the wedding = 50 people = seriously ? In the books there is a hill full of people. - Drogo's wedding night, he didn't rape the girl at all in the book, he was very gentle. - I also missed the part where she gets her white horse and rides it immediately which makes Drogo laugh.
Overall the episode was VERY good, I'm just afraid that the low budget / small cast will keep them from having MASSIVE armies / battles, and that's what Peter Jackson managed to do so well.
they already over budget
more people on screen doesn't solve the above
he was gentle (maybe not very though)
I agree with the last point about getting someone like Peter Jackson and the bigger budget would be so damn awesome but I'm just happy it has been made
On April 20 2011 19:31 yejin wrote: Ok, here are my remarks.
GoT S01E01 - I'd give a 8/10, veryyy good.
What I don't like
- Lack of massive armies (could be solved with CGI or bigger budget) - Robert is supposed to arrive in Winterfell with a HUGE crowd, they seem to be 50 people at most - Eddard is supposed to leave Winterfell with EVEN MORE people but again, all we see is 5 horses - Drogo's khal = 4 people ? Seriously, and the wedding = 50 people = seriously ? In the books there is a hill full of people. - Drogo's wedding night, he didn't rape the girl at all in the book, he was very gentle. - I also missed the part where she gets her white horse and rides it immediately which makes Drogo laugh.
Overall the episode was VERY good, I'm just afraid that the low budget / small cast will keep them from having MASSIVE armies / battles, and that's what Peter Jackson managed to do so well.
-They do not need to show massive armies yet (as there are none at this point). -What huge crowd are you talking about? He only brought a number of nobles and some guards up north. Most of non-nobles were probably left outside the walls of Winterfell. -Eddard didn't leave for south, he went boar hunting with Robert. -First scene was only him and his bloodriders (bodyguards), later there were more people (but I agree much less then in the books - but it is not such a big problem as his Khalasar members trying to fuck women with their pants on :D) -Well maybe this change was on purpose (and not an oversight) for a reason that will be revealed in later episodes. -There were much more important things missing from the book then that scene. But still none of the critical scenes are missing and that is what is important
Also I think the pilot had a smaller budget then the rest of the season as they needed to use the pilot to prove the show should be made and they probably didn't want to waste too much money on a episode that could be rejected.
On April 20 2011 19:31 yejin wrote: Ok, here are my remarks.
GoT S01E01 - I'd give a 8/10, veryyy good.
What I don't like
- Lack of massive armies (could be solved with CGI or bigger budget) - Robert is supposed to arrive in Winterfell with a HUGE crowd, they seem to be 50 people at most - Eddard is supposed to leave Winterfell with EVEN MORE people but again, all we see is 5 horses - Drogo's khal = 4 people ? Seriously, and the wedding = 50 people = seriously ? In the books there is a hill full of people. - Drogo's wedding night, he didn't rape the girl at all in the book, he was very gentle. - I also missed the part where she gets her white horse and rides it immediately which makes Drogo laugh.
Overall the episode was VERY good, I'm just afraid that the low budget / small cast will keep them from having MASSIVE armies / battles, and that's what Peter Jackson managed to do so well.
-They do not need to show massive armies yet (as there are none at this point). -What huge crowd are you talking about? He only brought a number of nobles and some guards up north. Most of non-nobles were probably left outside the walls of Winterfell. -Eddard didn't leave for south, he went boar hunting with Robert. -First scene was only him and his bloodriders (bodyguards), later there were more people (but I agree much less then in the books - but it is not such a big problem as his Khalasar members trying to fuck women with their pants on :D) -Well maybe this change was on purpose (and not an oversight) for a reason that will be revealed in later episodes. -There were much more important things missing from the book then that scene. But still none of the critical scenes are missing and that is what is important
Also I think the pilot had a smaller budget then the rest of the season as they needed to use the pilot to prove the show should be made and they probably didn't want to waste too much money on a episode that could be rejected.
I agree with most of your rebuttal, especially the dry humping :D
Although, your last point is moot, they make a pilot then refilm most, if not all of it again after the show is green lit.
I wanted to add some more food for thought to all the people that read the books and want to complain about the TV series missing this or that. I will use the example of Joffrey in the TV show for this. All have probably noticed that the TV show Joffrey is physically different then the books Joffrey. In the books Joffrey is described as a fair and handsome young man with long Lannister blond hair. But in the books there are parts designed to show us how is he on the inside (I will not go into details to avoid spoilers for others), like the wooden sword practice in the yard among other things.
In the TV show they didn't have the time to put in all these scenes so they needed to make a change. And they done it in a way to change the look of Joffrey to one we see and I am sure most people already dislike him just based on that. So the goal is accomplished, most viewers dislike Joffrey, just like most book readers disliked him.
So when you look at the TV show and see things made different ask yourself is this change going to accomplish the same goal as the book before complaining.
On April 20 2011 19:31 yejin wrote: Ok, here are my remarks.
GoT S01E01 - I'd give a 8/10, veryyy good.
What I don't like
- Lack of massive armies (could be solved with CGI or bigger budget) - Robert is supposed to arrive in Winterfell with a HUGE crowd, they seem to be 50 people at most - Eddard is supposed to leave Winterfell with EVEN MORE people but again, all we see is 5 horses - Drogo's khal = 4 people ? Seriously, and the wedding = 50 people = seriously ? In the books there is a hill full of people. - Drogo's wedding night, he didn't rape the girl at all in the book, he was very gentle. - I also missed the part where she gets her white horse and rides it immediately which makes Drogo laugh.
Overall the episode was VERY good, I'm just afraid that the low budget / small cast will keep them from having MASSIVE armies / battles, and that's what Peter Jackson managed to do so well.
...and Arya can't shoot a bow, there is a scene in the books where she laments the fact and vows to learn one day.
On April 20 2011 19:31 yejin wrote: Ok, here are my remarks.
GoT S01E01 - I'd give a 8/10, veryyy good.
What I don't like
- Lack of massive armies (could be solved with CGI or bigger budget) - Robert is supposed to arrive in Winterfell with a HUGE crowd, they seem to be 50 people at most - Eddard is supposed to leave Winterfell with EVEN MORE people but again, all we see is 5 horses - Drogo's khal = 4 people ? Seriously, and the wedding = 50 people = seriously ? In the books there is a hill full of people. - Drogo's wedding night, he didn't rape the girl at all in the book, he was very gentle. - I also missed the part where she gets her white horse and rides it immediately which makes Drogo laugh.
Overall the episode was VERY good, I'm just afraid that the low budget / small cast will keep them from having MASSIVE armies / battles, and that's what Peter Jackson managed to do so well.
The wedding night annoyed me too, but I think they made it on purpose: + Show Spoiler +
In the book, Drogo is gentle during the wedding night and she enjoys it. Later when they are riding she doesn't because it just hurts, and then she starts enjoying it more and more. It basicly goes from good to bad to good. My guess is that the TV show will have it just be bad and then good, for simplicity. I don't think it's a big loss.
What annoyed me the most was how Catelyn reacted on Eddard being offered to become the Hand. If I remember correctly in the book she was all for it and even helped convince him, and instead they switched it for the so cliché "Woman wants man at home with family, man needs to do his duty and do what a man gotta do." + Show Spoiler +
Or did she change her mind in the book after the note from her sister? I don't think that's what happened, but I might remember wrong. Please correct me if I do.
Or did she change her mind in the book after the note from her sister? I don't think that's what happened, but I might remember wrong. Please correct me if I do.
Jep. Thats the way it went.
She originally said something along the lines of "blabla you still can refuse bla" with eddard replying "you dont refuse the king"..
But after the note she changes her mind, like you said.
a: The roles are wrong. Just wrong. I mislike most of the actors and their portrayals. This could change though as the series progresses.
b: The visual style is... dull. The books have some very intriguing descriptions of characters and looks that have not been carried over to the series. Where are the Maesters`chains? Where are Drogos Bells? Why the hell are everyone so fucking good-looking? And why are people nice with Tyrion? Even Tyrion looks too good. In my opinion they ought to have departed more from the regular medieval look.
Things I liked: The Intro is amazing. And the Hounds mask was awesome as well.
Ugh, i really hope they don't spend ten minutes on lesbian porn with daenarys. That was glossed over so quickly in the book, and really should not take precious time away from better things.
I thought the exact same thing. But you know, it's a preview, I'm sure they added that just to further entice people to watch. I doubt it will be a long scene.
I didn't even think they would turn that into something. I agree with this assessment because looking back at what i read. When i got to that part i didn't even think she'd teach her in that way. I just assumed it was like all talking about it. Not a girl/girl scene.
EDIT: I'm not even sure I see a scene like that in the preview. I saw the part about teaching Dany but i assumed the scene they showed in the bed was her and Drago.
Ugh, i really hope they don't spend ten minutes on lesbian porn with daenarys. That was glossed over so quickly in the book, and really should not take precious time away from better things.
better things? what better things? o_O
and btw.guys better stop comparing every scene in book and this series because there will be shitload of differences and it just doesn't have sense to compare every little detail.
I just felt that some scenes that I thought were important to AgoT were either brushed over too quickly or didn't even happen. Like the instance when Jon asked Benjen to take him to be a man of the Night's Watch. It was just him being pissed off and asking his uncle. In the book, I believe he made a spectacle of it at the banquet when he got drunk. And yeah there little things the had peeved as well. Such as Khal Drogo's bells. Where were they? And I think Dany was wearing a lion sigil at one point. I could be wrong.
as someone who didn't read the book I'm definitely planning on following this, quite happy I'm not biased one way or the other by having read the book :p
Ugh, i really hope they don't spend ten minutes on lesbian porn with daenarys. That was glossed over so quickly in the book, and really should not take precious time away from better things.
better things? what better things? o_O
and btw.guys better stop comparing every scene in book and this series because there will be shitload of differences and it just doesn't have sense to compare every little detail.
Well I think that would have been nice to see them but I guess they got scrapped.
But these are such minor things as long as they adapt or remake the personal relationships in an believable way I am satisfied. Because these relations are the center of the show. Everything else is just not as important imho.