For the fight scene i find it cool. Though i noticed it too that he looks very uncomfortable with that dual sword. Could have been better with just one or 2 short swords
[TV] HBO Game of Thrones - Page 1476
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Philippines2589 Posts
For the fight scene i find it cool. Though i noticed it too that he looks very uncomfortable with that dual sword. Could have been better with just one or 2 short swords | ||
Canada9858 Posts
I thought this episode was absolutely amazing. The fight scene was cool, Jon snow badass as usual, Tyrion humor was enjoyable... I dunno, but I really felt like besides Dorne, they've been doing a superb job. edit: Also now we know who the little birds are (which I didn't know before, besides knowing they're people and not birds), so that was interesting, and Tommen potentially becoming religious, come on... Who would've seen that coming? Two weeks ago everyone thought he'd become Cersei's little boy again. Very impressive for the show writers being able to surprise the viewers after many of these viewers research the show 10+ hours a week only to complain about this and that. edit2: Anyway, positive attitude guys (even though my response wasn't the nicest) | ||
3251 Posts
Other than that I think Jon's resurrection reaction was kinda underwhelming. But then again what else are you supposed to do when you come back from the dead. Glad to see he didn't get weak in the knees when hanging Ollie. You can always rely on a Stark to not go soft when it's time to chop of someone's head (or rope). Where do you guys think he'll go now? It sure didn't look like he intended to stay so do you think he will head straight for Winterfell? Do you think that would mean he misses Sansa? Wouldn't he also kinda need the watch to help him retake Winterfell and the rest of the North? I think Wildlings + Nightswatch are just about ready to do anything Jon says. | ||
Korea (South)4948 Posts
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Belgium1330 Posts
Also so excited for arya, I've been waiting 4 seasons and 4 books for this. Admittedly, I wasn't fully convinced either that she was truly noone but that would be impossible. Do you know how many months she's spent being blind? There's no way to truly show such a thing without dragging it out. | ||
Philippines2589 Posts
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United States3392 Posts
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19533 Posts
Still not feeling the season though, hope that will change ![]() | ||
Netherlands21373 Posts
On May 09 2016 19:49 riotjune wrote: I guess they needed Jon to reject power to show that he is worthy of it. Or something. They needed him free from the nights watch so he can lead an army of wildlings to take back the north once he is reunited with Sansa. | ||
Croatia900 Posts
umbers betraying starks is what gets me. no logic at all behind it. didnt umbers lose their lord to boltons & freys? its even said they refused to kneel for roose bolton AFTER he became wardne in the north, so obviously they thought they could oppose him and/or had some loyalty for the starks. now, a boy no one respects (he wasnt even fighting for Robb with other bannermen) take charge and here they come with tail between their legs. like what? the only explanation that was offered was that current head of umber house is a poor mans ramsay, and that they fear wildlings for whatever the reason. but again, why now, when boltons are at their weakest? outside of the north and north-related stories (which are kicking ass in my opinion), really slow-paced and kinda weird. kevan aligning himself with enemies of house Lannister deserves a better explanation outside of that one scene from last season, and tommen having a sit down and a nice chat with a man who humiliated his mother and still holds his wife imprisoned is outright unbelievable, no matter how weak he is supposed to be. i liked aryas scenes as always but i wasnt convinced she is truly no one. there was no breaking point, arya losing her sight was like the smallest part of her misery in the past few years, i dont belive it wouldve pushed her over the edge. maybe they should have isolated her more, for example after she lost sight if we didnt see her for 2 or 3 episodes except for barely surviving as a beggar, and >then< waifu coming to train her and then by the season end her becoming no one -- id say okay. plus, they could speed up kingslanding story that way, she got a decent chunk of first 3 episodes for no obvious reason... wonder what they plan to do with her | ||
Spain10109 Posts
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Netherlands21373 Posts
On May 09 2016 14:48 Cricketer12 wrote: It saddens me how dissapointing that was...hopefully "whatever's in that tower" will be better Ned mentions why he is there and we know the outcome of that since it is in the past. + Show Spoiler + "Where is my sister" + Show Spoiler + Lyanna Stark, betrothed to Robert Baratheon and dead | ||
France16890 Posts
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7088 Posts
On May 09 2016 16:43 FiWiFaKi wrote: Man, you guys are such whiners. This is what happens once you get unrealistic expectations because you're too into a show. Maybe you should rewatch the past episodes to see that it's your nostalgia boner talking. I thought this episode was absolutely amazing. The fight scene was cool, Jon snow badass as usual, Tyrion humor was enjoyable... I dunno, but I really felt like besides Dorne, they've been doing a superb job. edit: Also now we know who the little birds are (which I didn't know before, besides knowing they're people and not birds), so that was interesting, and Tommen potentially becoming religious, come on... Who would've seen that coming? Two weeks ago everyone thought he'd become Cersei's little boy again. Very impressive for the show writers being able to surprise the viewers after many of these viewers research the show 10+ hours a week only to complain about this and that. edit2: Anyway, positive attitude guys (even though my response wasn't the nicest) the priest was already sweet-talking his way around everything, its not much of a surprise that he continues to sweet talk the boy king. tyrion dialogue has been non-interesting since S5. this "lets have a conversation with 2 people who cant make conversation" crap was cliche and dull with nothing added. S1-4 WERE awesome, i did rewatch them like 2x. they are great because everything is done smartly. tommen being sweet talked is old news tyrion's cleverness is reduced to a quip you'd find on star trek (only its actually amusing in star trek) (or worse yet from that new star wars movie which i literally turned off after 15 minutes). arya's training shit has been going on for a freakin year, was executed really poorly. was hitting her in the face supposed to make you think she's becoming a better fighter? or that her resolve continues? or what? it just showed us that hitting a homeless blind girl in the face does literally fuck all and was completely immersion breaking and to end it all they stuck in some dialogue that makes us actually doubt her conviction (asking about her list, making us wonder if she has more people on it, showing her feeling confused , all right literally seconds before she takes the poison to judge her conviction but somehow passes the test) "little birds" always refers to whatever lower class people working around the streets/palace. showing 5 kids as the "little birds" felt really dumb, obviously there are more than five 8 year old kids involved in his network. if the point of the scene was to show that cersei's rule was buttfucked (since they literally got five 8 year olds as their network now) then thats fine, but it wasnt presented that way; it was presented afaik as showing that they had gained control of the spies network as a positive rather than as a failure On May 09 2016 11:13 Hider wrote: The "supposed" to argument tilts me. Either you are convincing in your role and make people interested in you or you are not. Gilly is just extremely boring because the actor isn't convincing. Noone cares jack shit about her child or her safety because she performs so poorly. the dialogue she was given this episode was complete crud . just listen to the lines she was given. what the fuck are you supposed to do with that. On May 09 2016 18:12 B-royal wrote: Do you know how many months she's spent being blind? There's no way to truly show such a thing without dragging it out. i have no idea, it could be 4 days, infact if you asked me i'd say it was 4 days??? they showed her getting hit in the face . we already knew arya could get hit in the face and stand up again. literally nothing was proven by showing it again and again. and following this, the only thing proven was that she was ultimately "confused" right before taking the poison (but still passed). so what was the point of all this? the show has completely failed to convey messages to me. the point of it actually was that they took her eyesight and she had to make a hard choice to get it back again. but they didn't convey any hardships of having no eyesight. my first thought seeing her begging, blind, in the street was that she should be starving to death, basically covered in her own shit, crying , shaking uncontrollably , weak as shit. her resolve may continue in that state, but she wasn't shown in ANY FUCKING state of suffering at all, she was shown perfectly healthy in a street with a bowl with money in it , no shit all over her face and hands, not in any physical or emotional discomfort whatsoever. then they hit her in the face with a stick, blood everywhere, no effect. there was no choice here, no progression, no message. except right at the end, literally seconds at the end of a 1 year ordeal (for the viewers) when they actually tested her in a relevent fashion by asking about her family/friends , at which point she apparently failed the test yet still passed. what? S1-4 were smart, and smart to me is avoiding cliche by providing something different that is impactful and reasonable but you don't need to do that in mainstream televsion/movies , because the same shit is always impactful to your younger audience who hasn't seen it yet . except when u execute it like shit (star wars movie, sand snakes, legend of arya the drunken master) | ||
Biff The Understudy
France7811 Posts
On May 09 2016 21:02 Godwrath wrote: It's impossible to not like Ramsay. The actor puts that childish look of pure joy when he is being a dick which makes it awesome to watch. The actor does an amazing, amazing job. He looks like a kid being given a long wanted toy every time he can hurt someone weak. Perfect vilain; Joffrey seemed like a puppy next to him. | ||
France17333 Posts
On May 09 2016 22:47 Biff The Understudy wrote: The actor does an amazing, amazing job. He looks like a kid being given a long wanted toy every time he can hurt someone weak. Perfect vilain; Joffrey seemed like a puppy next to him. I agree, he's incredible at his job. | ||
United States2534 Posts
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United States30730 Posts there's a sub for everything. I didn't think he was that bad tbh. >_> | ||
7088 Posts
On May 09 2016 22:56 Hyperbola wrote: I wonder if GRRM was talking about Ramsay when he said he wanted to make a character more evil than Heisenberg from Breaking Bad. maybe it turns out to be sansa :D | ||
France1503 Posts
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