On November 02 2011 22:36 RoKetha wrote: You guys are really reaching with "ten seconds flat" and "what in tarnation". They're everyday phrases. Wait for something like "20% cooler" or "my faithful student".
Watching GSL Code S Day 1, I believe it was Set 3 of the Group A, Tasteless said something like "The Ultralisks will be turned into Oatmeal!"
Recognizing MLP shirt? Fine, it's not that weird. "10 Seconds Flat"? Possible, although I find the very combination of the words suspicious. Now, Oatmeal? Are you Crazy?!
I say Tasteless at least is a closet brony. I'm just waiting for him to drop "This build is at least 20% cooler!".
I think you guys are looking to hard. Way too hard. Those guys cast a lot, and the three instances now are all pretty common expressions, the oatmeal one in particular is *really* farfetched. Next I expect you guys to say something like "he said 'its a rarity to see such a good player' HIDDEN MLP REFERENCE?" :-P
agree 100% with Gmarshal just chill out and stop grabbing at straws. Let these things come because they totally will come :D
also the 11th sounds good to me but i am going to remberance day events so ill probably miss 2-3 hours depending on the time that it will be shown at.
On November 02 2011 22:36 RoKetha wrote: You guys are really reaching with "ten seconds flat" and "what in tarnation". They're everyday phrases. Wait for something like "20% cooler" or "my faithful student".
Watching GSL Code S Day 1, I believe it was Set 3 of the Group A, Tasteless said something like "The Ultralisks will be turned into Oatmeal!"
Recognizing MLP shirt? Fine, it's not that weird. "10 Seconds Flat"? Possible, although I find the very combination of the words suspicious. Now, Oatmeal? Are you Crazy?!
I say Tasteless at least is a closet brony. I'm just waiting for him to drop "This build is at least 20% cooler!".
I think you guys are looking to hard. Way too hard. Those guys cast a lot, and the three instances now are all pretty common expressions, the oatmeal one in particular is *really* farfetched. Next I expect you guys to say something like "he said 'its a rarity to see such a good player' HIDDEN MLP REFERENCE?" :-P
On the contrary, I don't think we've trying hard enough.
Why does artosis like clide so much? Is it because clide is the first part of Clydesdale which sounds like cloudsdale? Probably. And that's how we know artosis' favorite is rainbow dash.
asdfgh a mare-a-thon. I need details. I totally want to attend :D I'm excited.
I too like the idea of making mare-a-thons a monthly event. I need more brony friends! (currently I have zero lol.) Plus I haven't seen a lot of the earlier episodes in forever.
I'm working the rest of this week so probably won't have much time to attend, if it's next weeks friday I probably can make it. But no matter when you decide to do it I'll certainly attend with all the spare time I have!
On November 03 2011 04:32 Squarewalker wrote: guys we must work on making the last panel from this also become reality
also I like GM's idea of making the mare-a-thon a monthly event
Yeah, that'd be fun! It would also provide a great opportunity for us to invite those who are more reluctant. "Just come hang out with us for a bit while we watch some of the episodes!" Also, it's a good chance to catch up on and review ALL of the episodes. I know that when I'm going back to watch one, I'm more likely to pick one of my favorites. This will make me watch every one of 'em!
So Square just had the greatest idea in IRC and I must post it. We should air a movie in between some episodes during the mare-a-thon. The first movie I think we should show? THE ROOM.
We could also air some really good BW and/or SC2 vods as well to get some non-brony TLers more interested in tuning in than just for the chat during the eps + to see what all the fuss is all about.
As well as to convert some bronies from EqD into SC fans heh. (we'd need to get a news post up on EqD, which would oddly enough be much more likely to actually happen than them featuring the Liquid Bronies poster / operation Flutter[9] / etc. :/ Oh well.)
Perhaps we could make this even a twice a month (or even weekly) event? Depending on how Twilight Sparkle-esque us TL bronies' organizational skills are, and how well the first time works out.
Anyway, whoops, really need to go to sleep now to be able to wake up less than 5 hours from now to watch Sean streaming Amnesia (stuff like that really make it a lot more bearable to wait for episode 5 heh).
Yeah, lets make a movie/episode night every week! Oh Oh and then let's add an embed chat channel to a site!
Oh Oh Oh and then we make a newsletter so the followers know what we are airing every week! And then.... we get http://bronystate.net :|
I'm okay for a mare-a-thon, but going for some "weekly night" is just against my plans, considering friday is BronyMovieNight on bronystate, and I really love the bronystate guys
If we ended up going with a weekly movie night at some point, it'd have to be a different day, like Sunday, since if you want a brony movie night, as Zeph said, you've got Bronystate on Fridays already.
I just want to share a nice story that happened to me today. It's not as well written as aylear's, but I still think it's cool.
Since I loved MLP so much, I decided to try and convert some friends to it. I talked one into it, he watched it, through incessant badgering on my part, and ended up watching the whole series. He then told me, sure, it's good, but not THAT great. He couldn't seem to figure out why so many ppl made such a big fuss of it on the internet. He told me there were so many animes that are SO much better, with better moods, jokes, etc and that MLP wasn't worth all the attention. He was expecting something better.
The magic came at school yesterday in physics class. He comes in, doesn't even take the time to sit down, and asks: Where's this weekend's episode??? I thought you said they aired every week!
MLP is just awesome that because a lot of the time it's got a delayed reaction. It's kind of like chugging a crapton of liquor. You're normal at first, and then it will randomly hit you, very hard, when you least expect it. Watching it have that effect on others just makes me smile.
Discord went down to Ponyville He was looking for a soul to steal. He was on a bind, 'cuz he was way behind He was willing to make a deal.
When he came accross this young filly sawin' a violin and playin' it hot, And Discord jumped upon a window stump and said "girl let me tell you what." "I bet you didn't know it but I'm a violin player too, and if you care to take a dare I'll make a bet with you. Now you play a really nice violin but give the Chaos it's due, I bet a violin of gold against your soul cuz I think I'm better than you."
The filly said "I'm Octavia, and it may be a sin, But I'll take your bet and you're gonna regret cuz' I'm the best that's ever been."
Octavia you raise your bow and play your violin hard, 'Cos hells broke loose in Ponyville and Discord deals the card. And if you win you get this violin made of gold, But you lose Discord gets your soooooooul~
Discord opened his case and said "I'll start this show" And fire flew from his fingertips as he rosined up his bow. And he pulled his bow across his strings and it made an evil HISS Then a band of demons joined in and it sound something like this *Solo*
When Discord finished, Octavia said: "Well you're pretty good my sir, But sit down in the chair right there and I'll show how it's done!"
Fire on the mountain, run boys, run. The devil's in the house of the risin' sun. Chicken in the bread pan, pickin' out dough. "Granny, does your dog bite?" "No, child, no." *Solo*
Discord bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat. He laid that gold violin on the ground at the filly's feat. Octavia said "Discord just come back if you ever wanna try again" "I told you once you son of a gun I'm the best there's ever been!"
And she plaid Fire on the mountain, run boys, run. The devil's in the house of the risin' sun. Chicken in the bread pan, pickin' out dough. "Granny, does your dog bite?" "No, child, no."