In conclusion, I think enchantress is my new favorite hero until Lanaya comes out. Oh yea, and force staff is one of the best items ever.
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United States1600 Posts
In conclusion, I think enchantress is my new favorite hero until Lanaya comes out. Oh yea, and force staff is one of the best items ever. | ||
United Kingdom1043 Posts
I find that she farms far harder in the jungle than in a lane, she's actually quite a passive laner, whereas in the jungleshe can have more creeps than Chen from level 1, and destroy lanes, or speedfarm the neutrals. Also tend to go fast agha o her, because the range bonus is awesome. | ||
New Zealand2099 Posts
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United States1600 Posts
Know of any jungling video guides for enchantress? | ||
Germany10227 Posts
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Austria3553 Posts
Windrunner, Riki, Pudge, Faceless Void and Broodmother vs Mirana, Naix, Necrolyte, Skeleton King and Lich - yeah, that game was over after the picks were done. >_> | ||
United Kingdom1043 Posts
On February 06 2012 20:54 LAN-f34r wrote: I'm pretty sure the distance does not increase the damage once you hit 2500 distance. That makes the damage cap 625 (at level 3 ofc), not 400. you're right - it used to be a flat 400 damage cap, I'm sure, but it's 2500 distance now. My bad, old mech memory fails me *sadface* edit: god, it hasn't been that way since at LEAST 6.55, that's like... 2008? Mechfag fail. | ||
United States16280 Posts
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New Zealand2099 Posts
On February 06 2012 22:36 ChrisXIV wrote: Who the hell picks Pudge against freaking Naix+Necrolyte? In what universe is that supposed to work? That's a hard-counter if I ever saw one... Windrunner, Riki, Pudge, Faceless Void and Broodmother vs Mirana, Naix, Necrolyte, Skeleton King and Lich - yeah, that game was over after the picks were done. >_> Not as bad as necro vs huskar... | ||
France342 Posts
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Netherlands45349 Posts
meh xP had a nicer ring to it but ill take it, good luck to them. | ||
United States3216 Posts
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United States1834 Posts
On February 07 2012 08:00 0123456789 wrote: Who is the hottest hero in Dota 2? A champion that will turn me on every time I play this champion, so that I can play better? Invoker | ||
New Zealand2099 Posts
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United States10573 Posts
On February 07 2012 08:00 0123456789 wrote: Who is the hottest hero in Dota 2? A champion that will turn me on every time I play this champion, so that I can play better? Morphling can be anything you want it to be :p | ||
United States16280 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
On February 07 2012 08:00 0123456789 wrote: Who is the hottest hero in Dota 2? A champion that will turn me on every time I play this champion, so that I can play better? Phantom Assassin | ||
United States1659 Posts
PA is not even added yet. Well its in the game just not released. | ||
United States1101 Posts
On February 07 2012 08:17 Spicy_Curry wrote: Morphling can be anything you want it to be :p I think you mean Puck. | ||
Brazil9072 Posts
On February 07 2012 07:40 Nevuk wrote: Batrider. How to build him? In pubs, I mean. hmmmmm It depends a LOT. He's a great pubstomper. You can use him in pretty much every single lane. But I recomend it solo mid/long lane. Batrider is not a great carrier, he can kill a lot in early/mid game and disable an important hero late game. Start out with the usual stout shield/regens if the lane is going to be hard (against double lane) or regens + stats itens if you are going against a solo hero. your goal inlane is to be the most annoying little fucker EVER. image how annoying a huskar is in lane, ok.. you need to be 10x more annoying. Get napal level 1 and use it EVERY SINGLE TIME. its really annoying and if the your enemy advances a little bit you just uses your firefly and kill him. You will probably get 1/2 kills in your lane before level 7. If you reach level 7 without anykills, things are going wrong for you already. Ok, when you get 7 you should have bots + ring of aquila/botle + stout shield + ring. Go gank like a mad man. you can dive towers like no other hero, you can kill 2/3 heroes with just one ally disable. go for it, call your team to help you out on the ganks, take map control, rune control, farm heroes like a balanar. Your goal is to get dagger + vanguard + whatever bots you want before the 22 minute mark. You can go for dagger before vanguard if your team is killing a lot. Ok, so mid game is stop farming pretty much, just gank around with smokes and support heroes, and let your carry farm, remember, you are not a carry hero, you do not need farm. Try getting pipe/forcestaff in the mid game, it helps a lot in big fights and ganks. Go to their jungle and try to kill their carry hero as much as possible. Remember to always use your ultimate on their key heroes (enigma, sandking, big aoe ult heroes or big/fat carriers) As for the late game, you goal is pretty much the same, slow all their heroes with napal, disable with flamebreaker, ut their key hero and uses firefly to do huge aoe dmg. A ideal full build batrider would be Travel Tarrasque forcestaff dagger shivas radiance/pipe | ||
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