On September 14 2014 09:36 TheYango wrote: What kind of shitty friends do you have if you feel more pressure playing with them than solo queue?
I think it is quite normal that a weaker player doesn't want to be a burden, even if his friends don't care.
I think that's normal too, but for it to get to the point where it's WORSE than solo queue seems like said friends actually do have to care for it to be that bad.
On September 14 2014 09:36 TheYango wrote: What kind of shitty friends do you have if you feel more pressure playing with them than solo queue?
I think it is quite normal that a weaker player doesn't want to be a burden, even if his friends don't care.
I think that's normal too, but for it to get to the point where it's WORSE than solo queue seems like said friends actually do have to care for it to be that bad.
If i knew i was going to fail horribly on a new hero or something, i would find it far less stressful to do so in front of people I'll never see again and care nothing about, compared to people who I like and therefore don't want to consign to a shitty game.
I can see why anonymously soloq-ing could be lower pressure than a friendly stack.
I fear nothing on ladder, who the fuck are those people? No one. I can get self conscious when I play with friends or people that are vastly better than me.
It also depends on the disposition of your friends. Lots of people have friends who are like hey buddy you're great relax you're doing fine. And lots of people have friends who are are like Sheever pls why are you so awful.
For CS:GO, I'd rather play with friends because I'm awful and no one queues with me expecting differently. I think it's practically a running joke when people play with me because I still manage to somewhat contribute even though I blow junks.
In Dota 2, it's different levels of expectations and different results when things don't go their way. I've had acquaintances and friends be very critical mid-game: "Why would you do that?" "Why did you go in like that? You saw they were here/there/at my momma's house" "Why are you alone?". This is one example but they all have different ways of reacting to bad matches and I'd rather not be aparty to those circumstances.
Simply, it's circumstantial (sometimes you do stupid moves without thinking or sometimes your rationale during the heat of the moment made sense then) as discussing it after the full game can be justified. But the approach and tone felt more hostile than constructive criticism and the line of questioning for the better part of 10 minutes made playing with these people very unwelcoming.
and I'm definitely someone who thanks people for playing with me and asks what I could I have done that game to play better.
This was way before the guide system was released, so pre-February 2013. Moving to EU and having improved thanks to the guide system has made me soloqueue more but also play a lot better than before.
So in that regard, I play alone because I assume everyone is as bad or worse than me and if not, I take a strong moral leadership role when I try to keep everyone's heads up and play off any bad mistakes as "not that bad". So I compensate my shitty scores in games by being more upbeat and positive. I'm very chatty when I'm with randoms strangely (mic or chat).
im totally silent in my solo q games except for when i flame someone
with my friends i get flamed but i laugh it off, just last week they told me i drafted the worst lineup in the history of playing dota and i also managed to lose my last life in ARDM by accidently pressing suicide.
i used to thank ppl from TL for playing me and stuff and ask how to get better but now i just dont bother and save focsuing on improving for my own time
WR is just an awkwardly designed hero, is all. She needs levels to do things, but doesn't scale well. A lot of what she does can completely fail to hit as well, which can wind up outright negating her potential. It always seems that she falls into this really awful position where she's underwhelming in 1-2, totally irrelevant in 4-5, and kind of toothless in 3. Either she needs an ability buff so she lands in 3-5 or a stat buff so she ends up in 1-2.
That video is pretty much what happens if everything goes perfectly.
I love Wr, she is my favorite hero as of right now. Versatility and the ability to make plays is always a joy. At times it can be a bother but playing as Wr can be quite satisfying. Perhaps the blend of movement skills is what I love most about her.
I have no idea how to play wr or how you win with that fucking hero, in all my days of dota, I've never seen a windrunner that was the reason we won the game that couldn't have just been a sand king or a lion or some other more useful offlaner.
About the only buff that i can see is buffing shackle to be bit better level 1, and im pretty sure with shackle level 1 to be a guaranteed full charge powershot, she might have some real use in the those first 2-3 levels.
all id do is 3 int gain, 2/2.75/3.25/4 second shackle