Pudge was smart....
General Discussion - Page 157
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IRC chatter should remain in IRC - http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=tl.dota2 Posts that relate to topics with their own thread, such as in News, Tournaments or Strategy should go in those threads. | ||
United States9129 Posts
Pudge was smart.... | ||
Singapore15360 Posts
On February 28 2012 03:29 Zlasher wrote: ....Why are you complaining, if the SF lost it that fast then he's a fucking idiot and should be banned for intentionally feeding. This happened earlier in beta for me, this Viper went treads first, then divine, fed the divine instantly, when we killed the other teams hero that held it we picked it up put it at fountain and when i respawned i killed it because i'd rather nobody have the item than the viper feeding it to their team again. Pudge was smart.... Maybe throwing the game wasn't the correct phrase for Pudge, 'being a dick' fits better I think. I'm not referring to leaving the rapier in stash, earlier we Roshan'd and took the Aegis because he was the tanker and carried a gem instead of letting Riki take it. Oh yeah, definitely a tanker with his 1.8k hp compared to my 3.2k. | ||
Germany523 Posts
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Netherlands12045 Posts
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Norway1221 Posts
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United States816 Posts
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Germany10227 Posts
On February 28 2012 05:00 NB wrote: wait so could you drop rapier in stash and let ally take it? ~_~ sound like a potential bug? I dont think you should be able to drop rapier in anyway possible except death... there are two version of rapier the first version can be dropped, but can't be used by allies when a enemy picks it up, it transform into second version, which can't be dropped and used by everyone | ||
Singapore15360 Posts
On February 28 2012 05:04 scorch- wrote: You should have been quicker and picked up the rapier. I'm not sure how to deal with a slardar that attacks for 500 damage, but I think it mostly involves losing. I was at bot/jungle... or dead, don't really remember. And my plan was to let them focus me while Riki does all the damage, which was why I got heart-bmail. | ||
Netherlands12045 Posts
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Ireland421 Posts
On February 28 2012 08:49 NB wrote: hmmm is it just me or u can hear all the sound enemy make through fog in dota? from smoke, orb attack to ursa roar... all detectable as soon as u have sound and ur screen locate on the target. This make roshan or smoke gank became much more easy to detect if u have good apm intended & dota1like certain sounds are global (freshmeat, sniper shot etc) certain sounds are hear-able through fog/invisi within their normal range (alchemist ultimate breathing, ursa roar etc) certain sounds require your team to have vision as well as range (most attack sounds, targeted spells etc) not sure if there is a place to check what sounds have what range and what sounds require sight, but in my experience it's done in this way | ||
Canada1841 Posts
Anyone know if u can see if u are in leaver queue with the new UI? | ||
Netherlands12045 Posts
On February 28 2012 09:35 Darkren wrote: Hey my internet fucked and i quit a game a day ago, before u could see under the mm if u were in leaver queue but now i dont have a notification, but my games are slower to find and i just had a game with 3 leavers. Anyone know if u can see if u are in leaver queue with the new UI? i think it take 2 abandons to get u into leaver queue 1... after that u will go to leaver queue 2 .... My internet last night is fucked up too T_T... ISP tend to reset the router around 3AM T_T | ||
United States1834 Posts
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United States6046 Posts
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United States475 Posts
On February 28 2012 12:45 PHILtheTANK wrote: Just had first game ever where someone recognized my name from TL! Probably for posting too much crap in this thread. Yep that's how I recognized you. ![]() | ||
Netherlands12045 Posts
![]() | ||
United States1834 Posts
haha gg man ![]() | ||
Netherlands12045 Posts
First of all, everyone is just a rude or even more than average 'pub' i gota deal with. There is almost 0 tolerance for these people to post under that language in TL forum for sure... i dont know why would they show up in TLIH-dota. 2nd of all, the game quality is not even that high... Opening out team 4 support no ward no chick... i spend my money to buy a chick but that isnt enough so bot lane just get completely dominated without ward which result Invoker Force staff phaseboot bracer at 12 mins.... Turning back on top is a BH farming whole game for Battlefurry with 0 ganking... die 7 times in total bc he only has 1 lv in windwalk and enemy team just spam dust on his head... I dont even understand the BH 2nd pick in captain mode but w/e 3rd: the report system sucks. Mainly bc there are no replays available therefore its almost impossible to find proof to report people. Like how would you report somebody if he exclusively using voice chat? Lastly: i think some additional rules need to be added to make the game quality higher. Something like temp ban all 5 people if no ward+chick bought before game start is applied to other leagues and i dont see why it should not be in TLIH. Also if there is a system that connect the IRC account with TL account to make the ban global (IRC+TL.net) would be great. That way its also reduce the amount of trolls who just register new nicks under proxy IP and feed... ... my head hurt !_! | ||
Slovenia7251 Posts
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