On February 24 2012 16:23 NB wrote: bane just brain snap with stat... may be 1 point in sleep if needed. Bane would be great to counter some carry pick bc of the dmg decrease....
BH getting BF is most likely: a) noob b) trying to farm to counter enemy carry. Either way its a waste of BH skills set. I do get BF sometime though depend on line up but those are special cases.]
side note: just realize i have been dropped to a horrible mmr...time to pick BS ans huskar and solomid...QQQQQQ
I wish I knew what my MMR was. I was doing pretty well for a while, and now I can't decide whether I moved up enough that I'm facing people who are better than me, or if I've moved down and my teammates are just more retarded. Keep going on wild streaks of 10+ wins in a row, and then losing like 8-9 in a row. Definitely been losing lately
to me there are 3 mmr: high, medium and low.
High: tri-lane, wards counter, dedicated ward bitch, dont try to steal last hit from carry, no stupid pick like clinkz or OD, smoke gank whole game etc. Got matched with sponsored players and ur game is on 1st 2 pages of Watch tab.
Medium: wards, dedicated ward bitch, mid/late game smoke gank, medicore pick like tiny/tinker/SF,...
Low: good pick carry, bad dont know what to do. No ward no dust no chick. Fav heroes: clinkz, riki, BH...
i lost like 20 games for the past week so my mmr must be super dupper low QQ
Well im definitely not getting matched against sponsored players lol. According to Dota2 my games all fall in the "high skill" category, but thats such a broad thing, and I don't think it actually means anything. It still seems like the skill difference varies wildly in the games I get. 1 game the team will play perfectly, doing everything right, then the next game the carry I'm babysitting can't last hit anything. I obviously have a long way to improve, I'm basically completely new to the game b4 i got my beta key on Christmas, but sometimes I wish the matchmaking were a bit more stable or something.
Ever since I got a beta key for my real steam account, I have been losing a ton of games. It seems I get paired with players who like to throw pretty often. I'm a pretty nice guy about it though, at one point I had more commendations than wins! Guess that's something. Judging my skill based on the TL inhouses, I would say I have gone from newbie with mechanics to semi-decent player who has a pretty good game sense but is still lacking a lot of knowledge.
Oh man Necro on bane is a great idea! I figured 5 second channel means I get to look at all the pretty spell effects rampaging across the battlefield for a little while but microing necro dudes is way cooler. Since he doesn't get much farm in a supporting role, is it better to necro book lvl 1 then BKB then work to necro book 3 or just bkb then necro? I can see it being game dependent but I still don't have a good feel for how much GPM a decent support gets and how that translates to items in the game. High base movement speed is interesting, on paper he seems like a strong mid. I can just see getting a quick soul ring, maxing nightmare, and just keeping the opponent sleeping forever while you take runes and life-drain the shit out of whatever you want. Plus a quick ulti seems like an almost guaranteed kill on almost every CD.
In my opinion bane is curently one of the strongest lanerş in dota, with enfeeble the other guy has the lasthitting ability of techies, he shoulndt be able to stay in lane very long if you just perma brain sap and nightmare him and at lvl 6 you just kill him
On February 24 2012 16:23 NB wrote: bane just brain snap with stat... may be 1 point in sleep if needed. Bane would be great to counter some carry pick bc of the dmg decrease....
BH getting BF is most likely: a) noob b) trying to farm to counter enemy carry. Either way its a waste of BH skills set. I do get BF sometime though depend on line up but those are special cases.]
side note: just realize i have been dropped to a horrible mmr...time to pick BS ans huskar and solomid...QQQQQQ
I wish I knew what my MMR was. I was doing pretty well for a while, and now I can't decide whether I moved up enough that I'm facing people who are better than me, or if I've moved down and my teammates are just more retarded. Keep going on wild streaks of 10+ wins in a row, and then losing like 8-9 in a row. Definitely been losing lately
to me there are 3 mmr: high, medium and low.
High: tri-lane, wards counter, dedicated ward bitch, dont try to steal last hit from carry, no stupid pick like clinkz or OD, smoke gank whole game etc. Got matched with sponsored players and ur game is on 1st 2 pages of Watch tab.
Medium: wards, dedicated ward bitch, mid/late game smoke gank, medicore pick like tiny/tinker/SF,...
Low: good pick carry, bad dont know what to do. No ward no dust no chick. Fav heroes: clinkz, riki, BH...
i lost like 20 games for the past week so my mmr must be super dupper low QQ
Well im definitely not getting matched against sponsored players lol. According to Dota2 my games all fall in the "high skill" category, but thats such a broad thing, and I don't think it actually means anything. It still seems like the skill difference varies wildly in the games I get. 1 game the team will play perfectly, doing everything right, then the next game the carry I'm babysitting can't last hit anything. I obviously have a long way to improve, I'm basically completely new to the game b4 i got my beta key on Christmas, but sometimes I wish the matchmaking were a bit more stable or something.
another quick way to tell what level of game u are playing is to see your long lane carrying obs ward to block neutral creep or not
High level should even have sentry to counter the block
also in the replay section everyone is listed in high mmr i think. I have played with people who have no clue how to skill their heroes and the replay is still listed as high
On February 24 2012 16:23 NB wrote: bane just brain snap with stat... may be 1 point in sleep if needed. Bane would be great to counter some carry pick bc of the dmg decrease....
BH getting BF is most likely: a) noob b) trying to farm to counter enemy carry. Either way its a waste of BH skills set. I do get BF sometime though depend on line up but those are special cases.]
side note: just realize i have been dropped to a horrible mmr...time to pick BS ans huskar and solomid...QQQQQQ
I wish I knew what my MMR was. I was doing pretty well for a while, and now I can't decide whether I moved up enough that I'm facing people who are better than me, or if I've moved down and my teammates are just more retarded. Keep going on wild streaks of 10+ wins in a row, and then losing like 8-9 in a row. Definitely been losing lately
to me there are 3 mmr: high, medium and low.
High: tri-lane, wards counter, dedicated ward bitch, dont try to steal last hit from carry, no stupid pick like clinkz or OD, smoke gank whole game etc. Got matched with sponsored players and ur game is on 1st 2 pages of Watch tab.
Medium: wards, dedicated ward bitch, mid/late game smoke gank, medicore pick like tiny/tinker/SF,...
Low: good pick carry, bad dont know what to do. No ward no dust no chick. Fav heroes: clinkz, riki, BH...
i lost like 20 games for the past week so my mmr must be super dupper low QQ
Well im definitely not getting matched against sponsored players lol. According to Dota2 my games all fall in the "high skill" category, but thats such a broad thing, and I don't think it actually means anything. It still seems like the skill difference varies wildly in the games I get. 1 game the team will play perfectly, doing everything right, then the next game the carry I'm babysitting can't last hit anything. I obviously have a long way to improve, I'm basically completely new to the game b4 i got my beta key on Christmas, but sometimes I wish the matchmaking were a bit more stable or something.
another quick way to tell what level of game u are playing is to see your long lane carrying obs ward to block neutral creep or not
High level should even have sentry to counter the block
also in the replay section everyone is listed in high mmr i think. I have played with people who have no clue how to skill their heroes and the replay is still listed as high
Nah, my friend who I play with pretty often, his games while playing solo are listed as "medium". Maybe thats why I'm being matched with idiots, playing with him? Also when I started playing my games were listed as "medium", but I moved up to high.
useful video demonstrate some high level mechanic in dota.... Im wondering if the gona implement neutral creep sleeping state in dota2... I play naix a ton so it matter alot xD
BF gives good stats for gondar in the early game. Early RoH means you can sustain yourself in lane, and void stone means you can spam all the nukes in the world. Damage never hurt anyone, (except for the other team, but shh) especially gondar. But yea, the whole point of BF (cleave) contradicts the whole point of gondar (ganking). Its still viable though, especially in pubs where people won't buy dust ect unless MAYBE you go are completely destroying, so by being passive for a while you can come out of the jungle with SnY deso and w/e else.
But yea, if they get BF at 35 mins, they are doing it wrong, its a build for when you get a freefarm lane but can't gank their team well. Ganking will help your team more in general.
OD seems very easy to shut down. IMO you really need to build the team around him which a lot of pubs just don't want to do.
I have a question. Can anyone shed some insight as to why Death prophet is not seen in competitive play? As far as int carries/pushers go, she seems extremely strong. Huge AoE stun, awesome teamfight potential, pushes and takes towers extremely fast. I feel like she fits the current meta very very well yet I never see her.
On February 24 2012 21:04 Hoban wrote: OD seems very easy to shut down. IMO you really need to build the team around him which a lot of pubs just don't want to do.
I have a question. Can anyone shed some insight as to why Death prophet is not seen in competitive play? As far as int carries/pushers go, she seems extremely strong. Huge AoE stun, awesome teamfight potential, pushes and takes towers extremely fast. I feel like she fits the current meta very very well yet I never see her.
ultimate duration and cooldown is her biggest problem.
On February 24 2012 21:04 Hoban wrote: OD seems very easy to shut down. IMO you really need to build the team around him which a lot of pubs just don't want to do.
I have a question. Can anyone shed some insight as to why Death prophet is not seen in competitive play? As far as int carries/pushers go, she seems extremely strong. Huge AoE stun, awesome teamfight potential, pushes and takes towers extremely fast. I feel like she fits the current meta very very well yet I never see her.
she doesnt have an aoe stun O.o , its a silence and the problem with her is the ult goes away if she does so she is just killed when she uses it, she needs to tank up before she can actualy do anything and if you compare her with other pushers like lesharc he can push at lvl 3 like a truck while she needs lvl 6 so she needs levels fast so she ususaly goes solo mid but has like almost no ganking potiential which is what you usualy want your solo mid to have, there are just better heros....
Look, I don't mean to be a bother, Dota2 is the game I am most engaged in, all I regularly play, and really all I watch nowadays and it is awesome to see Dota2 streamers featured, but right now I see 6 featured Dota2 streams and 6 featured SC2 streams. The Dota2 section of TL is the minority and I feel like there should be better screening of the Dota2 featured streamers, there are just so many nowadays of mid tier players on the mid tier sponsored teams (Rexi, for example, is on mouz but not exactly a hugely popular player or personality. He almost never gets more than even 50 viewers).
I feel like there should be some sort of requirement that the streamer should be popular enough to get say, 300+ viewers, or be the premier personality/figure on his team (Loda, Synderen, Singsing, etc.)
As much as I want to see Dota explode, this is a Starcraft website and it almost feels unfair to so many SC2 streamers that want to be listed as featured when players with <50 viewers for Dota2 are being listed.
Quite frankly teamliquid is a starcraft site and to have featured Dota2 streams is awesome but it was at the point where every Dota2 player that is on a sponsored team was getting featured and I think the moderation should be stricter than that. No offense but mouz has been a tier 2 Dota 2 team lately, and Trixi/Rexi are not a premier personalities nor players that people are flocking to watch right now. I think players like Loda, CWM, Fear, Demon, Synderen and the like are the right types of streams to feature as they already have high viewer counts and are on teams performing well and tend to be the most outgoing personality or of the highest skill level on their respective teams.
I've often seen more Dota2 featured streams than SC2 featured streams which begins to be an issue since the vast majority don't go to teamliquid for Dota2 so the moderation should be nice, I think anything from 2-4 streams at a time is fine but sometimes there are 6-7 of them and thats pretty crazy for an SC2 site lol
Ye I agree, I mean if you like a dota2 stream you can just favorite it
I think it should be even stricter than you suggest, I would feature just streams like tobi cuz he casts tournaments and dendi because he has a huge amount of viewers and if someone gets to like 3000 regular viewers he deserves to get featured, but this is still a starcraft site
On February 24 2012 16:23 NB wrote: bane just brain snap with stat... may be 1 point in sleep if needed. Bane would be great to counter some carry pick bc of the dmg decrease....
BH getting BF is most likely: a) noob b) trying to farm to counter enemy carry. Either way its a waste of BH skills set. I do get BF sometime though depend on line up but those are special cases.]
side note: just realize i have been dropped to a horrible mmr...time to pick BS ans huskar and solomid...QQQQQQ
I wish I knew what my MMR was. I was doing pretty well for a while, and now I can't decide whether I moved up enough that I'm facing people who are better than me, or if I've moved down and my teammates are just more retarded. Keep going on wild streaks of 10+ wins in a row, and then losing like 8-9 in a row. Definitely been losing lately
it's definitely flooky (word?)...
A friend and I duo queued and kept track of our record for ~10 days and went 19-4. None of the games were really stomps just decent playable games. We hit really good people like jeyo, demon, and other well known non pros so we figured our MMR was higher. Then all of the sudden our games turned to shit (i think mostly from playing SD, SD in theory is fun but pubs refuse to pick anything but their carry option) and we went on a massive losing streak. I think we went like 4-8 over the next few days after our big streak.
The weird thing though we weren't getting beat down hard by much better players because perhaps our MMR got to high for our own good. The quality of the games just got worse. We were getting a lot of newer players on our team all the sudden, players who would feed, people who rage and talk shit etc. It seems like the game tries to balanced W/L to close to 50% similar to SC2 but instead like SC2 where you just get matched against people who should beat you, it just teams you up with complete shitbags that you probably can't carry.
I wish i understood their MM more as a previous posted said, it's weird to be matched up with top players from EG, Fire(coL), dignitas etc., then the next game people with 26 wins who feed and buy retarded items.
speaking of Krobulus, they ninja buffed her, it wasn't in the notes but the speed of the ghosts have increased I believe and so has the damage I believe.
ow yeah, and vanguard bloodstone krob back when it was op was so much lolz.
On February 25 2012 03:15 Ack1027 wrote: Krob's ghosts are also simply not fast enough against certain lineups/heroes.
NB why are you obsessed with mmr rofl....thank god we don't have k:d:a, wards, cs otherwise I'd be honestly worried you'd kill yourself.
may be i looked into LoL/HoN/sc2 system too much... all those game match making system has their flaws and i want something perfect for dota2...
Isnt this the first game valve ever design match making based on skill level? i tried the one they got in TF2 and it sucks
TF2 just throws you in the first server it finds that fits your filters pretty much. Id hardly call it matchmaking.
E: I think its pretty much impossible to make a perfect matchmaking system for a 5v5 game where theres so many different roles and stuff involved. Its hard enough for games like SC2 (which also often fails at delivering even matches) that are just 1v1 to get a decent matchmaking system, so I cant imagine that a 5v5 game will ever really be capable of making a good system.
I dont know how much the skill level higher up varies within the team when you solo que, but at least for me whos still ranked stupidly low theres quite big differences. I get matched with a lot of people who dont understand couriers, wards or invisibility, and who just roam around the map at the 10 minute mark no matter what hero theyre playing. Most of these obviously ignore what you say or dont even speak english (often russians). So fun times when I solo que \o/