On February 23 2012 22:53 LAN-f34r wrote: When there are people going boots first, no courier, bottle first, no ability first (stats), RoH first, ect ect ect, I'm not particularly worried about people flaming me for (not) making a situational item.
Problem is that a flaming team will never ever work together, so the game is pretty much over if noone can 1v5.
Yeah but when you get a 20min mjollnir and kill 2 supports in chronosphere with CL procs, who needs the rest of your team?
On February 24 2012 01:26 theqat wrote: Blademail can be really good vs. Huskar. You may have time to activate it while he's in the air for his ult, even, and it takes him down to like 20% life instantly
Ghost Scepter is more reliable because BKB blocks the Blademail damage reflect.
question: why are Dota 2 streams allowed to be featured streams? I thought the reason why Testie, with an SCBW background, was never featured was because TL only allowed SC feaured streams.
its not a bug.... i have seen shits like that so many times now after years of playing dota.... mostly done with chen abuse xD this reminds me of when enchan ulti was her 1st skill.. u can 1 hit any hero with chen enchan combo xD
its not a bug.... i have seen shits like that so many times now after years of playing dota.... mostly done with chen abuse xD this reminds me of when enchan ulti was her 1st skill.. u can 1 hit any hero with chen enchan combo xD
iirc there's a damage cap on enchantress for a long time now
its not a bug.... i have seen shits like that so many times now after years of playing dota.... mostly done with chen abuse xD this reminds me of when enchan ulti was her 1st skill.. u can 1 hit any hero with chen enchan combo xD
iirc there's a damage cap on enchantress for a long time now
There was a time when it was not capped. They changed impetus from her first ability to her ultimate, Untouchable was her ult back then.
If I remember correctly the sb thing was actually fixed in dota 1 eventually.
On February 23 2012 22:53 LAN-f34r wrote: When there are people going boots first, no courier, bottle first, no ability first (stats), RoH first, ect ect ect, I'm not particularly worried about people flaming me for (not) making a situational item.
its not a bug.... i have seen shits like that so many times now after years of playing dota.... mostly done with chen abuse xD this reminds me of when enchan ulti was her 1st skill.. u can 1 hit any hero with chen enchan combo xD
iirc there's a damage cap on enchantress for a long time now
There was a time when it was not capped. They changed impetus from her first ability to her ultimate, Untouchable was her ult back then.
yes, that was a long time ago though. like 5-6 years