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Netherlands12045 Posts
what do you think? | ||
United States12679 Posts
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United States20288 Posts
On February 15 2012 12:38 Ryuu314 wrote: Just curious are there any item restrictions in tourneys in dota? I know in the past stuff like Mek, Eul's, Guinsoo's, etc... used to be restricted to a few per team. I know Mek is no longer restricted especially considering how they apply that debuff now, but are Euls and Guinsoos still restricted? no. sometimes there is a item sharing restriction to prevent money pooling but it should be corrected in dota2 | ||
Canada497 Posts
@NB shift + hotkey for item to put it in the quickbuy slot. or for recipe items it puts all the parts in your quickbuy. | ||
United States1935 Posts
So I did, got random clinkz, nobody went mid so I had to take it on my first time playing that hero vs sand king who obviously knew what he was doing and ended 0/17 xD Fun times were had. | ||
Netherlands12045 Posts
On February 15 2012 12:43 evantrees wrote: Since I figured it out I rather like the shop system, with the always on hotkeys at least. @NB shift + hotkey for item to put it in the quickbuy slot. or for recipe items it puts all the parts in your quickbuy. like the problem is i cant use hotkey for shopping items... bc they are QWER and number which i use for hero skills and control group... I have found myself several time spamming 1 and bought 5 branches so i turn off shop hotkey ~_~... | ||
Canada497 Posts
But I'll live with that chance for an easy to use shop. Can always keep f1 set to hero then ctrl group 1 to hero as well. might help? | ||
Netherlands12045 Posts
On February 15 2012 13:20 evantrees wrote: I have occasinally bought an orb of venom by accident the sell for full price period helps with that a little. But I'll live with that chance for an easy to use shop. Can always keep f1 set to hero then ctrl group 1 to hero as well. might help? i use all number key actually... and F key as well... Blame on my god-like sc2 skill xD Btw what is the full price period? also is there ways to sell items faster than right click sell? Anyway, back on Windrunner being imbalance: watch this http://www.joindota.com/en/vods/765-dignitas-vs-ariana-the-defense-quarter-final-lb-game-3. Basicly by planning a support hero in mid, they simply deny the farming power of invoker plus his mid game ganking power. You could see Invoker sit on phase + wand + gaunet of strength at 10 mins mark which is nothing. His mana pool is limited to use 3 spells at lv 7 and windrunner is sitting strong with one of the highest CS in game stepping into mid-game. I know that she isnt PERFECT OP such as who ever have wr gona win the game but compare with most heroes in the current pool, she obviously slightly above top tier and touching the line of over power. Unlike Darkseer which most pro team are QQ-ing about, WR could be run in any formation, any strat from push to babysit to mid-game aggressive play. You might debate well invoker is like that but invoker has a much higher skill curve which make sense unlike just spam Q and hope for a lucky shackle ~_~... Icefrog, nerf her PLEASE T__T | ||
449 Posts
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Canada497 Posts
and I don't know of a faster way I hope there is one too. i use all number key actually... and F key as well... Blame on my god-like sc2 skill xD so why would you not want to option to use said hotkeys when you press the open shop button? shop always uses hotkeys uses those keys only if the shop window is open can use em for other stuff otherwise. Or at least that is how I appears to me. That is what I've not quite getting, I suppose it makes shopping while doing other things harder. Might just be an misunderstanding here. or to put it another way. How I currently have it setup. I think I am still using the starting setup for the most part. wiith shop hotkeys always on, enabled whatever that does exactly ] open shop [ quickbuy ' purchase sticky, still haven't tried it and apparently you can edit the recommedned items section? and only when shop is open can use these for other things other wise. 1234567890-= select items in that part of the shop shift + this to put it as current item in quickbuy slot qwer basic stuff asdfgh recipes zx sideshop/secret shop or other way around not sure | ||
11686 Posts
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449 Posts
Along with some other good info | ||
United States1600 Posts
On February 15 2012 13:32 NB wrote: i use all number key actually... and F key as well... Blame on my god-like sc2 skill xD Btw what is the full price period? also is there ways to sell items faster than right click sell? Anyway, back on Windrunner being imbalance: watch this http://www.joindota.com/en/vods/765-dignitas-vs-ariana-the-defense-quarter-final-lb-game-3. Basicly by planning a support hero in mid, they simply deny the farming power of invoker plus his mid game ganking power. You could see Invoker sit on phase + wand + gaunet of strength at 10 mins mark which is nothing. His mana pool is limited to use 3 spells at lv 7 and windrunner is sitting strong with one of the highest CS in game stepping into mid-game. I know that she isnt PERFECT OP such as who ever have wr gona win the game but compare with most heroes in the current pool, she obviously slightly above top tier and touching the line of over power. Unlike Darkseer which most pro team are QQ-ing about, WR could be run in any formation, any strat from push to babysit to mid-game aggressive play. You might debate well invoker is like that but invoker has a much higher skill curve which make sense unlike just spam Q and hope for a lucky shackle ~_~... Icefrog, nerf her PLEASE T__T I'm pretty sure it was Dignitas.Sony on WR that game. As far as I know, he is one of the absolute best windrunners. I went over a lot of the teamfights in that game a couple times just to watch what he did (I absolutely love WR so I am trying to learn to play her well) and between force staff and phase boots he was consistently in position to hit a double-shackle on every CD in almost every teamfight. It isn't that she is super OP, you just saw her in the hands of a master. Invoker should be able to LH better than windrunner as soon as he gets some levels (5+ I imagine). So now, I challenge you to go into a bot game and every teamfight try to hit even 50% of double-shackles using shackleshot on CD. You will find it is quite a bit harder than "Spam Q and hope for a lucky shackle". I can tell you because when I just started learning WR it was "Spam Q and hope for a lucky shackle" and frankly, that did shit for my team in fights because I would maybe get lucky 1 of 5 times if that. She is a very powerful hero, similar to invoker, with a very high skill cap. That is why I feel teams don't complain about her. | ||
United States883 Posts
On February 15 2012 14:24 esotericc wrote: Lan mode confirmed in Dota 2:http://www.joindota.com/en/news/2526-erik-johnson-confirms-lan-mode-for-dota2 Along with some other good info Oh shit. That's actually great news! LAN being available for Dota 2 means this game has a chance to actually stick around for quite a long time and portentally supplant Dota 1 someday. | ||
449 Posts
On February 15 2012 14:31 Rayeth wrote: Oh shit. That's actually great news! LAN being available for Dota 2 means this game has a chance to actually stick around for quite a long time and portentally supplant Dota 1 someday. Considering icefrog has confirmed they will have optimization in place to allow PC bang computers to run it before release lan mode was the nail in the coffin to any doubts that dota 2 would actually replace WC3 dota. | ||
United States1834 Posts
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South Africa35471 Posts
On February 15 2012 14:34 esotericc wrote: Considering icefrog has confirmed they will have optimization in place to allow PC bang computers to run it before release lan mode was the nail in the coffin to any doubts that dota 2 would actually replace WC3 dota. Wait have they confirmed they are going to optimize graphics so it can run better on lower spec pcs or am I misreading what you are saying? | ||
Slovenia7251 Posts
On February 15 2012 14:27 Hoban wrote: Invoker should be able to LH better than windrunner as soon as he gets some levels (5+ I imagine) I highly dissagree with this, wr has a ton higher base dmg than invoker so she should be able to get to phase boots earlier than invoker and after than invoker shouldnt be able to get a single lasthit against her, he has great regen if he goes gor quas but that doesnt help much in lasthiting and its not like he can actauly kill wr | ||
United States1600 Posts
On February 15 2012 19:47 cilinder007 wrote: I highly dissagree with this, wr has a ton higher base dmg than invoker so she should be able to get to phase boots earlier than invoker and after than invoker shouldnt be able to get a single lasthit against her, he has great regen if he goes gor quas but that doesnt help much in lasthiting and its not like he can actauly kill wr I see your point there now. I had to go back and look at their base stats but you are correct. I guess if invoker leveld E after a point in Q/R/W it might bode better but that is ~lvl 5. I don't know many invokers that prioritize E, or who sacrifice W for an extra point in E to get the last hit advantage. I still don't think she is OP though. Yea, she is strong at all stages in the game but she doesn't get a 4.2k item and suddenly multiply the dps of your team by 190%. Oh Dark Seer. | ||
United Kingdom10823 Posts
On February 15 2012 12:27 NB wrote: hmmm i just found out the time rule is still being apply in most dota tournament. This cause a lot of 3 way 4 way tide in tournaments being settled by total time cost to win a match. I think this rule should be removed since it highly limited the strategy therefore give the defending team a certain advantage in the ban/pick phase. what do you think? The problem with doing it another way is that Dota games can take sooooooo long! Plus most of the tournaments nowadays are online, so there are problems with time differences for people. I have no idea how Absolute Legends have held their own for so long, because most of their games are at like 3-4 in the morning for them :S Its a tough one, but I sort of agree with you. I would say that IF it is an option to do a payoff, because of leniancy in timings, then that should be the option. However, if that's not possible, then the time rule should be in effect | ||
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