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Barbarian - Builds/Discussion - Page 32
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Canada13817 Posts
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United States1363 Posts
On May 27 2012 20:53 Sindriss wrote: What strats are you guys using in order to cope with elites/champs? I feel like I should be able to do inferno act 1, yet I cannot dps down champs and elites. I am thinking of changing my build in order to be better prepared against elite/champs - so swapping my dps shout away and taking wotb instead. Utilizing EQ and WOTB in a fight against elite/champs hopefully should give me the damage and time in order to take most down. + Show Spoiler + ![]() You could try getting the passive skill weapon master... 15% more damage for swords. Would make you dps 15% higher | ||
Singapore2155 Posts
On May 28 2012 05:22 dsousa wrote: You could try getting the passive skill weapon master... 15% more damage for swords. Would make you dps 15% higher Actually, looking at that build and seeing that he doesn't use Fury at all, Berserker Rage will probably be a better choice. Though, i feel that his numbers are definitely sufficient for act 1. | ||
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United States47024 Posts
Congrats, btw. | ||
Singapore2155 Posts
On May 28 2012 05:30 skyR wrote: Just beat Belial relatively easily -_- Stats for reference: + Show Spoiler + Beat Belial today too, but i can't say that i had an easy time. In fact, we even had to go out n hunt for a Champion Pack to refresh out NV stack, cos the old one was running out. 2 man party, i'm tanking and a Wizard friend DPS. First stage was nothing, once we learn to retreat to a corner rather than just fight where we started out (we did that the first time, the snakes swarm n killed Wizard in the blink of an eye before i had time to Stomp or Taunt). 2nd stage posed some problem. Sometimes the snakedudes' waves spawned in an odd timing that they ll catch a window of 1-2 seconds where both my Wrenching Smash and Taunt are off cool-down, but 1-2 seconds was enough (3 hits always happened so quickly). Plus the fact that Belial himself was immune to taunt and that was annoying T_T. 3rd phase is simple once we learnt the fight, but someone always screw up somewhere, and we ended up dying in that last phase no less than 3-4 times =/ For reference, my stats ==: 50.5k HP 7.4k Armor 750-850 Resist (depending on the resist, but they are all within about this range) 10.4k DPS (i went DPS up till Hell, slowly started trading DPS for defense starting Inferno.. before i knew it my DPS became dismal T_T) >> My shield only has 22% chance to block 2.7k-3.7k damage, but the other stats are really sweet. 69 Resist All, and 60+ to one of the Resistance, among other things. Think i should get another shield with higher block chance? Doesn't feel like a few extra chance to block will outdo this many resist though, since high block shield on the market all looked to have pretty terrible stats, last i checked. Wizard: 40.5k DPS Now, i had a fair amount of trouble at the end of act 2 Inferno, so clearly i need to farm some more gears there before stepping into act 3. Anyone have any idea how much stats would be enough? Oh, and i have no "xx Life on Hit" should i gear for that? And is it worth sacrificing a lot of other defensive stats for? Bugged AH has locked 10 of my items on it, and clogged my Gold in-flow over the last 2 days, so i'm rather low on cash. Any cheap suggestion will be much appreciated ![]() In case it's necessary, the build: i'm using neither Leap or Charge (since running away by myself leaving the DPS behind isn't how we play, even if we are outmatched I will usually be covering the retreat with the occasional stuns n stuff). Frenzy (Side Arm) opted for this for the little AoE utility, and little extra 1-target DPS. Didn't feel that Smite was worth it. Revenge Ground Stomp (Wrenching Smash) Threatening Shout (Demoralize) Warcry (Impunity) Ignore Pain (Mob Rule) | ||
Denmark76 Posts
Frenzy - Smite Seismic Slam - Increased damage and knockback Ground Stomp - Wrenching Smash Revenge - Provocation War Cry - Invigorate (extra health and regeneration) Battle Rage - Maurader's Rage (increased damage) My passives are superstition, tough as nails and nerves of steel. I play mostly in groups but I am having a really hard time against elites of most types. Scrolling through the forums here it seems my problem could be my 0 life on hit and my average resistance of about 40. | ||
Germany5638 Posts
On May 28 2012 07:18 PencilZerg wrote: Reading through this forum it seems that my troubles stem from the fact that my priorities have been wrong. I am using enchantress and a 2h weapon with 915 dps for a total dps of 15k during a battle. My life is 47k and my skillchoice is a twist on the build by Psystarcraft: Frenzy - Smite Seismic Slam - Increased damage and knockback Ground Stomp - Wrenching Smash Revenge - Provocation War Cry - Invigorate (extra health and regeneration) Battle Rage - Maurader's Rage (increased damage) My passives are superstition, tough as nails and nerves of steel. I play mostly in groups but I am having a really hard time against elites of most types. Scrolling through the forums here it seems my problem could be my 0 life on hit and my average resistance of about 40. its the resistance. life on hit is nice to have but def not mandatory. but you def should get allres gear. it makes a HUGE difference in the amount of dmg you take. On May 28 2012 05:30 skyR wrote: Just beat Belial relatively easily -_- Stats for reference: + Show Spoiler + mmhh guess i should try to progress in act2 more. i have very similar stats minus the lif on hit, but way more dps(2hand) and bit higher resistances. | ||
Denmark76 Posts
its the resistance. life on hit is nice to have but def not mandatory. but you def should get allres gear. it makes a HUGE difference in the amount of dmg you take. Ok, thanks man - I originally thought that superstition would take the top off and be acceptable for act 1 - but lately I've been thinking that I would need additional resistance as well. Thanks, I'll be checking out AH tonight! | ||
729 Posts
On May 27 2012 01:09 Coolness53 wrote: Can use almost any skill and be ok at the level your at but I found cleave with the exploding rune to be really useful. Yes. Exploding rune is EXTREMELY effective on Barbarian. I use it ever since i got it unlocked, and now I'm Inferno act 3, and still it's the best thing that barb has immo. Only on boss's I change it to Frenzy ;p | ||
United States47024 Posts
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Canada13817 Posts
On May 28 2012 06:48 ffreakk wrote:+ Show Spoiler + On May 28 2012 05:30 skyR wrote: Just beat Belial relatively easily -_- Stats for reference: + Show Spoiler + Beat Belial today too, but i can't say that i had an easy time. In fact, we even had to go out n hunt for a Champion Pack to refresh out NV stack, cos the old one was running out. 2 man party, i'm tanking and a Wizard friend DPS. First stage was nothing, once we learn to retreat to a corner rather than just fight where we started out (we did that the first time, the snakes swarm n killed Wizard in the blink of an eye before i had time to Stomp or Taunt). 2nd stage posed some problem. Sometimes the snakedudes' waves spawned in an odd timing that they ll catch a window of 1-2 seconds where both my Wrenching Smash and Taunt are off cool-down, but 1-2 seconds was enough (3 hits always happened so quickly). Plus the fact that Belial himself was immune to taunt and that was annoying T_T. 3rd phase is simple once we learnt the fight, but someone always screw up somewhere, and we ended up dying in that last phase no less than 3-4 times =/ For reference, my stats ==: 50.5k HP 7.4k Armor 750-850 Resist (depending on the resist, but they are all within about this range) 10.4k DPS (i went DPS up till Hell, slowly started trading DPS for defense starting Inferno.. before i knew it my DPS became dismal T_T) >> My shield only has 22% chance to block 2.7k-3.7k damage, but the other stats are really sweet. 69 Resist All, and 60+ to one of the Resistance, among other things. Think i should get another shield with higher block chance? Doesn't feel like a few extra chance to block will outdo this many resist though, since high block shield on the market all looked to have pretty terrible stats, last i checked. Wizard: 40.5k DPS Now, i had a fair amount of trouble at the end of act 2 Inferno, so clearly i need to farm some more gears there before stepping into act 3. Anyone have any idea how much stats would be enough? Oh, and i have no "xx Life on Hit" should i gear for that? And is it worth sacrificing a lot of other defensive stats for? Bugged AH has locked 10 of my items on it, and clogged my Gold in-flow over the last 2 days, so i'm rather low on cash. Any cheap suggestion will be much appreciated ![]() In case it's necessary, the build: i'm using neither Leap or Charge (since running away by myself leaving the DPS behind isn't how we play, even if we are outmatched I will usually be covering the retreat with the occasional stuns n stuff). Frenzy (Side Arm) opted for this for the little AoE utility, and little extra 1-target DPS. Didn't feel that Smite was worth it. Revenge Ground Stomp (Wrenching Smash) Threatening Shout (Demoralize) Warcry (Impunity) Ignore Pain (Mob Rule) Barbs don't do well in parties tbh. +130% hp and +15% dmg per player is pretty brutal... I might try it again later with a DPS and see how it goes but I'm guessing it won't go well, probably won't even be able to kill him since phase 2 was quite brutal for me. I was constantly close to death and had to pop ignore pain and pots so many times. Phase 3 was a complete joke though. Hit two to three times, dodge, use WotB right before breath for max DPS, dodge special, repeat. Tbh, you can probably stand through the punch with WotB and Ignore Pain but I just played it safe. Life on hit comes from amulet, weapon, and rings mostly so you aren't really sacing much to get it. There was a really sweet sword for 9mil. 900 DPS, 100 vita, 100 str, 800 life on hit or something along those lines... too bad I'm dirt poor and now its gone, probably won't ever see something that good again for so cheap >< | ||
United States47024 Posts
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Canada13817 Posts
Act II and III are like the most melee unfriendly acts. Wasps and prophets makes me rage so hard... | ||
Denmark76 Posts
On May 28 2012 07:35 TheYango wrote: Life on Hit's effectiveness scales off your armor/resistance (since each actual point of HP healed is worth more EHP depending on your mitigation). Because of this, life on hit should only become good once your resists and armor have reached a decent baseline. Very insightful, what are your thougths on 2h v. 1h + shield? | ||
Canada7774 Posts
Anyway I've got good gear, but just wondering whether everyone is running a 2-hand weapon or 1-hand plus shield? Or anyone doing 2 1-hands? Which is best? My skills/passives are as follow: Frenzy - Vanguard Cleave - Rupture Ground Stomp - Wrenching Smash Revenge - Vengeance Is Mine War Cry - Hardened Wrath Battle Cry - Marauder's Rage Weapons Master Inspiring Presence Berserker Rage | ||
Denmark76 Posts
On May 28 2012 08:15 trinxified wrote: I just started my Barbarian again (currently Level 34 at Act 1 Nightmare) after playing Wizard (currently at Act 2 Hell). Anyway I've got good gear, but just wondering whether everyone is running a 2-hand weapon or 1-hand plus shield? Or anyone doing 2 1-hands? Which is best? My skills/passives are as follow: Frenzy - Vanguard Cleave - Rupture Ground Stomp - Wrenching Smash Revenge - Vengeance Is Mine War Cry - Hardened Wrath Battle Cry - Marauder's Rage Weapons Master Inspiring Presence Berserker Rage Of the runes you have unlocked, I personally would prefer sidearm for Frenzy over Vanguard and mayhaps pound of flesh over Inspiring Prescence. (I neaver really have experimented with it though - it never seemed convincing) | ||
Finland33997 Posts
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776 Posts
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Vietnam10817 Posts
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