My gf of 6 years and I are currently living in 2 different cities 2200km apart. I was home for the christmas vacation and we spent tons of time together. The distance is really beginning to hurt. I'm in med school, in first year, and not sure if I can take this for another 3 years. To make matters worse, members of both my family and her family got engaged over the break, both couples are younger and been dating for shorter periods of time. This really burns my ass because it essentially what I want after being together for 6 years.
I don't know. The day to day activities are alright as I'm usually too busy to become distracted by loneliness. But being home with my family and gf always leads to about a week of depression when I return to school, which I did this morning. I come from a ridiculously large and close family (we're italian, so you could imagine), and so being in a city on my own really sucks.
To preempt some of the responses, I have no intention of dropping out of school or breaking up with the gf lol, it just feels really good to vent and get some of this emotional baggage off my back. Nevertheless, right now, all I can say is FML.
I've been struggling with social phobia for the past 5 years. Needless to say I haven't had any friends during this time, and only on very rare occasions have I had contact with anyone who are as old as me. This Tuesday, I was supposed to start in school. And again i failed. This was my sixth or seventh attempt during this whole period. I feel like I'm in a hopeless situation, and I admit that I have recently had thoughts of suicide.
Seeing as I've actually gotten used to living this way, I'm actually happy more often than not. But when I look at other people, people who have an active social life and a future, I feel like a pitiful human being.
Have you gone to therapy? I'm no expert in psych, but it sounds like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy would be good for you. Either way, stick it out man. Life is shitty sometimes, but when life is awesome it's beautiful.
When i was 7 years old and i was in a library some highschoolers told me they were going to show me cartoons on the CP but it was actually PORN it was 1man 1woman and they said this is how babies are made. My confession
+ Show Spoiler +I told everyone at my school how babies are made and the rumours spread faster than a disease and later the principal found out and accidently accused the wrong kid for telling the whole school about this matter, His parents were so pissed off i bet they spanked him because him and i are immigrants. I still sleep good at night thinking of that :D
Whenever I take a short walk I listen to the Inception trailer music and I feel like a BAMF.
I'm 22. AT 21 I hadmy first and only GF, who also happened to be my best friend ex. We were in the same class, so it was really akward, could not talk too much to each other. It was especially hard as she told me random shit on him. She also gave me a very hard time, to the point that I pretty much regret ever being with her, even though there were a few good moments. But hey, today I can talk to my fdriend again, everything's back as normal. I'm just much more obsessed with sex than I have ever been. My friend sometimes read this thread.
On January 06 2011 09:26 corumjhaelen wrote: I'm 22. AT 21 I hadmy first and only GF, who also happened to be my best friend ex. We were in the same class, so it was really akward, could not talk too much to each other. It was especially hard as she told me random shit on him. She also gave me a very hard time, to the point that I pretty much regret ever being with her, even though there were a few good moments. But hey, today I can talk to my fdriend again, everything's back as normal. I'm just much more obsessed with sex than I have ever been. My friend sometimes read this thread.
Yup. One problem with only one short "relationship" is that annoying libido setting up onward. Never been annoying before that, and since urges are more frequent and I miiss it more because now I actually know how it feels.
Your body can be quite a nuisance, sometimes.
gf broke up 1 day before our yearly anniversary and I can't feel sad or care
I'm trying to regain some social skills I lost during 3 years of frustration and, I have to admit, depression by loosing my gf and being stuck in a really shitty job with a discouraging boss. At least it will all be over, soon - soldier on...
On December 30 2010 11:26 D10 wrote: I hate going out, night clubs, parties, whatever it all sucks.
Id much rather smoke a joint with a close group of friends and talk shit watch a movie play some games etc...
Specially RPGs
This is sooo valid for me, also.
On January 04 2011 16:28 BritishBeef wrote:When me and my sister were younger (about 6 and 7) my mom caught us smoking the used ciggarettes out the ashtray.. she then proceeded to tell the teacher who announced infront of mine and my sisters class that we had been caught smoking..My mom also then went to the shop and bought 2 packs of 10 cigarette's and proceeded to "force" me and my sister to eat a whole packet each .. At least once we got past about 4/5 ciggarette's each we were both crying really hard whaling like a 7/8 year old does she allowed us to not ahve to eat the remaining 12..needless to say i don't smoke .. But my sister does.. lol. My mom / dad also told me and my sister the easter bunny wasn't real so we went and told people in school and got into trouble ... seriously my parents were evil in that regard.. 
pretty sure its healthier to smoke cigarettes than to EAT them LoL!
I can't get addicted to cigarretes. I've been smoking weed for the past 3 years and more often since I got a job. When I was taking breaks from weed I would smoke the rest of the pack of cigarretes for 1 week or so and then stop smoking for 1 month. I did this more than 5-6 times. I never have the urge to smoke a cig. I stopped smoking again (1 week now) and I'm going fine
On January 06 2011 06:23 Dropsonic wrote: I've been struggling with social phobia for the past 5 years. Needless to say I haven't had any friends during this time, and only on very rare occasions have I had contact with anyone who are as old as me. This Tuesday, I was supposed to start in school. And again i failed. This was my sixth or seventh attempt during this whole period. I feel like I'm in a hopeless situation, and I admit that I have recently had thoughts of suicide.
Seeing as I've actually gotten used to living this way, I'm actually happy more often than not. But when I look at other people, people who have an active social life and a future, I feel like a pitiful human being.
Most important thing is that you feel happy yourself, but I understand how your happiness can fade if you compare yourself with other people. Its never fun to feel that way. Not sure if it is any help at all, but I think a lot of people you "meet" at forums like this can somewhat relate to your problems. At least I find it a lot easier to find likeminded people online than in real life. If you wanna share your thoughts more privately some times, feel free to PM me.
i masturbate furiously whenever i see marauders crushing protoss units
I hate and am slightly afraid of dogs. Always have been.. been bitten pretty badly a few times. I guess small ones I dont care about.. but I still don't understand why people would even want one.
On January 06 2011 21:47 Noxie wrote: I hate and am slightly afraid of dogs. Always have been.. been bitten pretty badly a few times. I guess small ones I dont care about.. but I still don't understand why people would even want one.
Dogs can be great company when you rise them properly (not makeing them aggressive, human-biting beasts) and they are pretty intelligent. I just love our dog!
Uhh, my confession: I am happy most of the times because i plainly dont care about bad things that happen to me. I tend to simply make them fade away and once they are off my mind, its pretty hard to even recall them exactly. Its pretty much lying to myself, but its very comforting :-o
^Dude where is your quote from? I remember it was somewhere here on TL >_<
I just had a soda (come and slap me TL health and fitness).
I play Terran but I still have some self-respect left.
On January 07 2011 01:21 MBH wrote: I play Terran but I still have some self-respect left.
I know sometimes its not ok to question peoples confessions, but i have to ask you sir, how did you still cling onto the respect that would usaully wither and die before you once you played terran as your main?
I come across as an extremely uncanny person to people who don't know me.
I'm 20 and never had a GF, don't think I ever will.
I think life in general sucks - yes, there are happy moments, but overall it's just one huge shit-storm.