so many amazing ones.. both conceptually and aestethically.. I'm going to think about it and go for my 5 favourite ones that would maybe, actually, kinda work at the competitive level (imo), and post the list tomorrow 
thanks for all the contributions, this is great stuff
Actually we need 8 to go on the shortlist ;P
You are killing it! Making me want to download the game again..
My Favs so far (not in order): Eurydice, Wavelet, Dark Knight (love hate, not much competitive but nice flavor), Midnight Crossing, Turbine, Oil Flow
But all those maps are fire! Good job
On April 13 2021 07:19 Homunkulusgnom wrote:You are killing it! Making me want to download the game again.. My Favs so far (not in order): Eurydice, Wavelet, Dark Knight (love hate, not much competitive but nice flavor), Midnight Crossing, Turbine, Oil Flow But all those maps are fire! Good job 
Would it be too much trouble to ask you why you like these maps? You sort of mention why you selected Dark Knight. But why the other ones?
Mystery Box - games at 3rd taking 4th will be quite interesting for engagements/holds/play. CharacteR - can see some interesting aggression with wide open chokes similar to how Tau Cross had at times. Wavelet - it just looks sexy hands down! Chandelier - more aggression in regards to third expo holds Belt of Faith - obvious reasons The Dark Knight - batman gets instant pass Largo - looks fun Abyss of Remains - two great tilesets
@FT.aCt)Sony - CharacteR is a map maker and not map name fyi. Thx for your input
Looking for "Top 8 and why" posts pls for constructive feedback.Thanks everyone! 
Static - looks clean and the open areas are interesting Mystery Box - circuit breaker's mysterious cousin Goodnight - looks cool and I like the 3rds a lot Wavelet - I feel like the spawn possibilities will create wildly different games Chandelier - interesting 3rds that look hard to hold Carver - the terrain design is incredible and it looks fairly balanced Largo - looks balanced and clean Oil Flow - style points for destructible terrain creativity
Wonderful map submissions. 34 in total I believe. And I think we have 7 veteran mappers and 10 relatively new mappers (some newer than others). In any event, I spent hours today reviewing and thinking about all the maps above. Here are my two cents for what it's worth. CrystalDrag encouraged me to speak on my preferences in order promote further discussion so here I go!
Basically, I prefer new map layouts that share similarities to popularly preferred maps featured in recent ladder pools. Wavelet for example is very similar to Circuit Breakers which is no longer featured in the ladder pool or in other major leagues right now (unless I am mistaken), thus making it a refreshingly new albeit familiar map candidate for game play today.
My map preferences are rooted in my experiences of discussing new maps with players of all ranks, including top tier foreigners who have participated in our events. I have hosted over 400 showmatches, and many of them have featured newer/different maps. I typically ask players to provide feedback about their experiences on such maps so I have collected some information about players' preferences over time.
I believe high ranking foreign players want to adapt their builds/strats on new maps with relative ease, and not have to worry about too many new map features or variables 'getting in the way'. There are already a lot of variables unrelated to map features that players have to keep an eye out for so in my experience they don't like too many new features in a map.
Top players are used to laddering every single day on a handful of maps repeatedly, and they prefer certain ladder maps over others, and those maps are usually perceived by them to be more standard/comfortable/balanced than other ones. Terrans and to a lesser extent Zergs are more picky when it comes to maps than Protoss players in my experience.
In this connection, I think thirds should be relatively easy to take and include a geyser (where it makes sense to do so) but not be overly exposed. Pathing around map shouldn't be overly complicated and so easy for players to understand but not too boring to not create different rewards/risks. Rushing distances should be very similar to other popular maps, allowing Terrans to do their timing pushes, but not too short to create problems. Inside border areas of main bases should not be too large that they can't be defended against Protoss drops with turret rings. Boostable mineral patches for Zerg are important. Enough space behind natural mineral lines for mutas to harass Terran scvs are also another factor. Of course, at this stage of the contest, some of these points may not be that relevant or important.
As a result of playing on ladder maps countless of times, ladder map layouts have been ingrained in the back of players' minds, and so they have less difficulty producing good games on such maps. Newer maps always present the problem of being foreign and new to players, and they struggle a bit more adapting to them in the limited number of games they play on such maps (because they are imposed in certain tournaments or events). But I think if a new map is relatively simple and similar to pre-existing maps in some ways, players will be able to adapt and perform better on them.
Sorry if this sounds a lot like backseat mapping. I just wanted to participate in and contribute to the public discussions.
Here's a list of maps that I like more (in no particular order).
Chandelier (by Gosomi) Vertebrae (Hemsk) Scarabee (JoJo) Terraform (Spider) Goodnight (CrystalDrag) Wavelet (Freakling & CrystalDrag) Tundra (StyleZerg) Midnight Crossing (Stylezerg & Minerals) Turbine (Minerals) Static (Character) Sanctuary (Jungle Terrain)
Here's a few standard / comfortable / balanced maps by veteran mappers that I lean towards more...
Wavelet (Freakling & CrystalDrag) Midnight Crossing (Stylezerg & Minerals) Sanctuary (Jungle Terrain & Minerals) Chandelier (Gosomi)
I wish there was links for download those maps. Idk how to analyze it for balance wise, only can tell which maps looks cool or not for me. 1) (2)Static 2) (2)Eurydice 1.13 3) (2)Clock Strikes 1.1 4) (4)Wavelet 5) (2)Chandelier 6) (2)The Belt of Faith or (2)Pearl both maps looks like has some interesting concept 7) (4)Abyss of Remains 0.92 8) (2)Midnight_Crossing
Yes, i like duel maps
On April 13 2021 14:25 Dewaltoss wrote:I wish there was links for download those maps. Idk how to analyze it for balance wise, only can tell which maps looks cool or not for me. 1) (2)Static 2) (2)Eurydice 1.13 3) (2)Clock Strikes 1.1 4) (4)Wavelet 5) (2)Chandelier 6) (2)The Belt of Faith or (2)Pearl both maps looks like has some interesting concept 7) (4)Abyss of Remains 0.92 8) (2)Midnight_Crossing Yes, i like duel maps
Unofficial map pool DL here 
Wow so many good maps!
Going to have to think about my top 8.
I like more maps than just these eight, and I picked rather haphazardly. Good job on these maps, dudes, even ones I didn't mention. Anyway, here are my picks. Also, I haven't ordered my picks.
Oil flow: What a 9000 IQ map for geniuses. Yikes. I could play on this for years. It is a macro map because people will take lots of bases, but every one of those bases is very harassable. There are also many paths to counter attack and maneouvre against a slower enemy. First I thought that this map would be Zerg favoured in ZvP, because every Protoss base is severely harassable or counter attackable, while Zerg easily takes a new main's natural as a third. The egg paths to the naturals, I thought, only favour Zerg with lings everywhere, because Zerg can easily send zerglings everywhere, while defending against any Protoss attempt to use those paths with sunkens and lurkers. However, if the Protoss can stand there, then he can storm the mineral line from the egg path, letting him use it, too. If the Zerg takes any other base, then the Protoss can threaten it during the midgame, because the other bases are all easy to attack, making a new natural the only option for a turtle style Zerg. Still, consider making the ramp by the egg path wider, in case the map turns out imbalanced, so that Protoss can use it better in PvZ. The concept is good because it allows a Protoss ball to threaten any base on the map, while zergling mobility is also effective.
In TvP on the map, no third base is easy to take for Terran, but every expansion is severely harassable, leading to fun aggressive play instead of turtle play.
Macro, harassment, and counter attack maneouvres.
Eurydice: PvT: No easy third base for Terran, but every base is severely harassable except for the corner bases, which can be delayed by sniping probes trying to build them. Also dropships to use the pylon walls can work if the Protoss loses his shuttles. Fun stuff. ZvP: A big ball can run around and threaten every expansion, except for the corner bases. Looks balanced and playable for Protoss. In TvZ it's pretty good for Terran but the easy third base that allows for sunkens to immediately defend the narrow entrance makes up for the lack of a free fourth gas.
Harassment and counter attack maneouvres.
Augustgrad: This map might be Terran favoured, but it looks like a lot of fun, so I want to play on it anyway. It's the most massive macro map, but with some interesting traits. If the enemy spawns vertically to you, you can split the map by crawling in one direction and taking expansions as you go. If he starts horizontally, you might have to take the middle, as your fourth, which gives two bases, or you could expand toward the enemy for a strong all in. It's also very open, so even though Terran can get many bases, Protoss can use the psi advantage well which they usually get in the modern style. Also the third base has no gas. So it's probably fine.
In ZvT, late mech switches will be strong. The fifth gas bases and on are all vulture harassable because they have more than one entrance, or they exist in the middle which make them unviable for Zerg.
Protoss I think can play this against Zerg, because while Zerg gets four bases for free, Protoss can expand like a Terran in this match up, and get many easy bases, while preventing a fifth over and over.
Pure macro, as far as it can be taken without extra resources in the main, and a dash of counter attack maneouvres with the middle having some walls.
Clock Strikes: An other big brain map. Every base is very harassable in every match up. Every race can harass. Taking a third starts out doable as Terran against Protoss, but quickly becomes difficult to hold as the game goes on against storm drops. An interesting mixture of macro and harassment, instead of going hard in one direction like some other of my picks. On this map, bases can be taken, but also harassed.
Harassment, counter attack maneouvres, but a little bit of macro too because a fast third base is actually viable.
Wavelet: A standard macro map. Not crazy macro like Augustgrad, just normal levels of macro. Every map pool can have a standard map or two, and this one has an appealing apperance, so I like it. That may be shallow of me. I don't know why I am drawn to this map.
Macro and counter attack maneouvres, but slightly less of both compared to Polypoid, which allows four bases, but even more paths. A tempered map that doesn't go crazy in any direction.
The Dark Knight: An other map that I admittedly noticed because of its aesthetics. However, it's also interesting. In vertical positions, Terran can expand in one direction to split the map, while there's still decent terrain to maneouvre against the mech ball and to counter attack. Terran has to spread out to expand. In horizontal positions, Terran struggles to split the map in the late game, but can expand toward the enemy, allowing for a strong early lategame all in.
As far as four player macro maps go, this is one of the better ones for Protoss against Zerg, I think, because of the four somewhat easy bases that Protoss can take. It's not as Protoss favoured in ZvP as a map like Bloody Ridge or Blue Storm (they didn't start out that way but later statistics validated this claim, and I always picked them when I played Protoss in tournaments and did well PvZ), but we probably don't want to help out Protoss that much. 50% wins for P is the goal, not 55 to 60.
Heavy macro with some counter attack maneouvres.
Vertebrae This map has an interesting expansion layout, and there's more than one valid choice for which fourth base to take. Every race can take bases decently well, and every race can threaten bases of other races decently well. It has a bit of macro, maneouvering, and harassment; Zerg gets a third base for free with immediate sunkens on the ramp, Terran has a third base takaeble somewhat early. However, many of the bases that must eventually be taken are harassable because they can not be walled off. There are also many paths to counter attack and walk around a slower enemy through. It doesn't look flashy but it's one of the most interesting maps.
A balance of all three
I originally picked Turbine, but changed my mind to Trinity after noticing and reconsidering it, which is made by the same creator. Four bases with one entrance, but one of them is an island. That's an interesting concept. It's good for Terran, but makes arbiters and recalls oppressive.
Macro and a dash of counter attacks (by air). Also harassment (by air) because of the large mains.
+ Show Spoiler +Turbine Three easy bases, but the third one has no gas. The terrain is good for mech, but it's also a great carrier map, especially considering the lack of centre buildable terrain and gas on the third base. Being a three player map is bad for Terran, but four bases are takeable in quite a small area. Zerg can take plenty of bases protected by ramps, and taking a new main as a third really gives a free fourth. The bases are difficult for Protoss to threaten, but Protoss can keep up in expansions. This might be a corsair reaver map.
Heavy macro, a decent amount of maneouverability.
I downloaded the map pack
On April 13 2021 10:33 MineraIs wrote:Looking for "Top 8 and why" posts pls for constructive feedback.Thanks everyone!  will do ^^
Gold treasure is interesting with the extra money
iirc thing is the initial contest post saidthis is a Standard map contest. Maps considered experimental will not be considered. so while stuff like pearl or gold treasure are interesting, they aren't exactly standard.
Without any particular order, my picks are:
- Turbine - Chandelier - The Belt of Faith - Good Night - Wavelet - Eurydice - Abyss of Remains - Largo
Since our new computer overlords are bound to 1.16.1, they pick:
- Largo - Chandelier - Abyss of Remains
Thank you all, awesome maps!