New Worlds Map Contest: ALL SUBMISSIONS - Page 4
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200 Posts
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Chile799 Posts
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2 Posts
1. Central structure changed 2. Triple position changed 3. Other tiles changed ![]() Download | ||
5386 Posts
On April 15 2021 06:23 Freakling wrote: Map files for Clock Strikes. Eurydice, Midnight Crossing and Sanctuary are missing from the download archive. Thanks for the 3 links, I updated the archive with those missing maps (the download link is the same). If anyone has a copy of sanctuary, you can PM me the link and I'll add! I played some fun games on Dodgy Dunes today, it was my favorite 2 player map so far. | ||
Canada2054 Posts
static abyss of remains adun carver good night largo terraform wavelet I havent played any games on these maps, but I did look over each of them in a replay. I chose based on what I as a player would most want to play on in tournaments, and avoided maps that had stuff like black tileset that I cant see lurkers on or see minimap features on, backdoor minerals/neutral buildings to kill or mine out, awkward pathing, naturals u cant wall on or are too small to fit a rally point in, super far/exposed 3rd or 4th base etc. | ||
Canada90 Posts
Eurydice The Belt of Faith Pearl Serenity Tundra Midnight_Crossing Clock Strikes No particular order. | ||
United States844 Posts
On April 18 2021 02:13 TeamThinkQuick wrote: Noun. mapper (plural mappers) One who produces a map. Mapmaker - noun - To create maps and/or humble battlefields amongst nerds. Creating a terrain which offers reasonable fighting matches. Mapper - noun - To look at maps or indulge in beautiful terrains. One who is a mapper is somebody who loves terrain levels and critters. | ||
29 Posts
Created additional elevation changes (middle) and broke up terrain throughout the map. Added more detail. ![]() Download | ||
Poland4116 Posts
On April 18 2021 00:47 TeamThinkQuick wrote: Given how much you love new maps, you should consider mapping sometime. I assume you're a member of the map making discord community at least? Lots of engagements there between mappers. I love watching gosu players play on new maps and try playing a bit myself, but I can't map for shit, dude.. ![]() | ||
Poland5452 Posts
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Germany1526 Posts
Euridice: Just overall pretty straight forward, very solid 2p map that provides some distinct but not overly extreme path choices. The mineral wall expansion leading into a nat backdoor is an interesting knack that makes for some unusual options for scouting and harassing without being too much of a deviation from straight forward standard gameplay. Only thing I would probably change is given the 12/6 expos a bit more "character", making them overall less open without a clearly defined choke. Clock Strikes: Interesting expansion layout with lots of harassment options. Maybe a bit too side focussed bilinear overall. Binging the clockwise 3rd closer/swapping it with the mineral only might be an options to provide players with a more comfortable 3rd gas. Goodnight: I like the use of different terrain levels here. 3rds are relatively far away, but should be manageable, very comparable to Gladiator in fact. I liked the old "pipe" deco though ![]() Terraform: Pure elegance of simplicity in the layout – for all positions shortest paths go through a low ground and a wider path is available on the central medium ground ring with lots of interconnection and flanking possibilities between those paths. I think the new addition of another Compound plateau in the centre actually takes away from this, particularly because it is so big that it leaves hardly any low ground remaining. Overlord spots scattered around the centre provide further character to the design. The use of Compound for the centre ring is also a neat and very modern idea. Unfortunately not all is hearts and flowers yet. The map has a long way to go to finish it. Basic terrain work is unfinished, decoration almost completely absent (in fact there is a lot of mono-tile spam that could rightly be called "anti-deco") and a look in the editor reveals some aberrations in symmetry. However, if all of that can be resolved I can see this giving HeMsK a run for his money and more. Vertebrae: I liked this concept a lot from the first moment I saw it. Pretty simple, yet still distinct in design with a nice expansion layout. Great complements to HeMsK for really putting in the effort to perfect this map. There are still some bugs to fix and I would consider mixing up all the Structure clutter a bit, either with dirt cliffs and water, or using more varied textures. In particular I don't like using invincible critters to plug drop holes. Do not need to copy every bad precedence ASL map makers set. One can happen to accidentally click on them which can screw up all kinds of air unit movement/micro. Sanctuary: Could become great. However, as I have been saying since the original Barzak was published, it would help rotational imbalance a lot it the layout could be tweaked to force the shortest scout paths through the tight bridges on both ends for all positions. Turbine: I like seeing a 3p map with equal expansion opportunities in both directions. Very unfortunate how ASL treated this map. Largo: Just overall solid, straight forward, good quality, as is to be expected from LatiAs. I feel like it should be included here, but at the same time I cannot help but feel that this is basically Bridging the Gap, only without any of the things that make the latter interesting and with further away, hard to take 3rds (being able to defend both chokes from one location might become handy in some situations though). | ||
Germany1526 Posts
Mystery Box, Serenity: I lump these two together because they have pretty much the same "issue": They are all pretty straight forward, basically solid, but simply lack the fine tweaking, level of detail and decoration that would make them stand out in any way. Mayday: Similar to the above. There are some things about the layout that need to be fixed: First of the 3/9 o'clock bases are basically death traps that are impossible to defend with the huge high ground ramp surrounding them. I would separate the bases from the high ground, give them small, easily wallable entrances at the top and bottom, and move the high ground cliff further towards the centre to ensure he resource depot is out of Tank range. I would reduce the cliffs over the ramps at the 11/1/5/7 expos as well so Tanks cannot as easily cut off reinforcements on the low ground. Static: Looks decent. The pathing looks more emergent than planned with the shortest rush/scouting path going through the mineral onlies and wide centre bridge. Maybe make the ramps from the mineral only to the centre small and instead widen the ramp to the low ground base, which should probably be a bit further away with its Geyser out of Tank range from the mineral only cliff. I would also shorten the centre bridge to make it visually less imposing. Teknopathic: Still pretty raw in design. Somthing needs to be done with the empty spaces in the top left/bottom right corners for sure. Angelmaker: Can't really see a clean line where this is going yet. Some nice ideas for deco though, but those need to be fleshed out a lot more. Chandelier: Alright, it's standard. I don't like too straight forward, simple open middle designs for 2p maps though, kind of defeats the purpose of all the additional freedoms that 2p maps have to offer. Having a single obstacle in the centre also does not work so well for a 2p map because instead of one unambiguous scouting/rushing path there are two paths of about equal length now, one of which will be preferred by the game's pathfinding, effectively making the map asymmetrical. I also cannot help noticing that the real focus of the map doesn't seem to be so much on the layout but on a lot of "just because" terrain editing, starting with the Raised Jungle mains to the sprite spam clutter to the bridge-edged high ground, which does not take correct terrain levels into account and leads to erratic vision and miss chance around the cliff edges. Carver: Shows an interesting solution to the above mentioned vision problems with the custom cliff edges (using High Ruins doodads instead of bridges). I see a pretty plain (almost all even ground) and standard map with some cool visual ideas. My only real quarrel is with the space management and expansion layout. A lot of space is "wasted" for dead air spaces, particularly around 12/6 while the expansions cluster together pretty closely. I would either go for more of a Polypoid layout with the mineral only against the mains and the neutral gas bases pushed back further toward the edge, move the mineral onlies to a more central position (examples: Shadowplay, Teru) or move the gas base closer to the nat with relocated ramps and other modifications that would space out the bases more evenly. Scarabee: A bit of a let-down for me right now. This map started out quite promising, but I haven't seen any progress for a while now. Most of the ramps and other terrain work still leaves me rather confused and the decoration looks plain and straight-linish. The Belt of Faith: Interesting design. I think this has too many integral "weird" elements to be considered a standard map in the sense of this competition, that allows players to for a normal build order relatively comfortable. Third gas choices are all very hard on this base, the best probably being out the main backdoor, taking the mineral only on the way or as a stepping stone. Contains at the front will be strong here (good thing there is a backdoor, I guess). I would move the ramp to the centre further away from the natural by a fair amount and make all of the high ground around it unbuildable. 4 mineral onlies on a 2p map is over the top, particularly with how hard securing another gas already is. Having two gas bases out the backdoor kinda pushes the pendulum the other way though, so I think the best solution would be to add Geysers to the centre expansions. The Assimilator gate will be a source of lots of very annoying pathing issues throughout the game, once it is closed. It would probably be a good idea to at least add some high HP neutral next to it that could be destroyed later on to reopen a path through the middle. Pearl: 128² 2p map with only 5 bases/4 gas per player, and yet it does not look oversized, due to the floating mains and nats taking so much space. Again, not really within the realm of "reasonably standard". Again I basically like it, but I think it cannot be balanced. It's overall pretty similar to Tres Pass or Pathfinder and that's bad news in 2 Hatch Muta TvZ. It's probably gonna be even more Z>P>T with no good pushing possibilities, overwhelming air play and hard to take bases beyond the third. I don't like the high-ground-clutter-to-Rusty-Pit blends (or rather lack thereof) around the centre. I'd also get rid of all those mini mid ground ramp spots around the centre and on the outer circle. I am not sure whether they are meant to be decorative and the high ground is just happenstance or whether they are actually meant as a game play element, in which case they are pretty useless because you can only fit maybe 2 units on them, with appropriate micro and map knowledge. In either case I'd just get rid of them. The Dark Knight: Stuff like this better belongs on city-themed UMS maps. It looks kind of blocky and meh close up. I guess fitting a deco theme like this into a melee map and get a basically functional result is somewhat of an accomplishment, but if I look beyond that the map is actually pretty plain with no usable high ground except for the small ridges into the 3rds (which cause paradoxical-seeming vision in turn) and otherwise minimalist terrain design. I also cannot help but notice that this is basically just a throw-away submission of a minimally updated rather old map, with the only thing that's changed being the ramp deco in the centre – which doesn't work because it introduces "random" high ground spots… Trinity: I like the idea of 3p map with island expansions, but here it results in very hard to take 3rds. I think the way to do it is to have 2 half gas bases evenly spaced out between the nats (next to the main and in the current island positions) and then an island in the half-way position (where the ground 3rd currently is), The symmetry overall could be better, the air parameter for the mains seems very uneven in particular. Adun: The new update improves on the symmetry problems. It looks as if the mineral onlies would still get in the way of unit movement between nat and counter clockwise 3rd a lot though. Otherwise this looks pretty solid albeit not terribly exciting (a unique theme with great decoration goes a long way to make an otherwise unremarkable standard map stand out and shine!) Flying Battery: I like the idea of having a tight low ground path as the shortest rushing route on a 4p map. Unfortunately that's pretty much where it ends for me. The mains are oddly shaped and very uncomfortable, I guess to achieve a natural with a choke pointing to the side without using up too much perimeter space. This doesn't really work, however, since so much of the bulk of the main needs to be shifted to the other side and uses up the space there. Just a neat, mostly square main in the corner would probably make for the most efficient layout. With either layout I'd rather put the mineral only on the other side from the nat, further away from the 3rd, to achieve a more even spread of expos. There is a lot of "just because" terrain editing that doesn't serve the map well The doodad spam around the main edges looks way too blocky and everything in the centre somehow manages to look straight line bloppy, spammy and confusingly all over the place and haphazard at the same time. Some more subdued but better detailed ideas would be a lot better I think. Abyss of Remains: Interesting layout. I'd consider adding an island base at 12/6 o'clock to make better use of that otherwise dead space (Eddy/Andromeda/Eye of the Storm-like). 3 expansions in a straight line along the left/right edges is way too much, should be reduced to two with proper separation and chokes. The idea for a half-and-half deco theme is there, but it still looks very raw and blocky and needs some work. I would "roughen up" the centre transition line a bit, having it just a perfectly straight line instead of a more gradual, chaotic transition (see Exlipse, for example) looks pretty bland. Gold Treasure: Not standard. Get rid of the buildings and the extra resources and you end up with a pretty bland and boring CB/Toad Stone-like map with a centre that is way more restricted than would be required by the islands. Midnight Crossing: Decent idea, but needs lots of refinements. Make it more organic, curving out the terrain around the expos, instead of everything just being straight lines. Also looks very turtly with the defender always having and advantage of both high ground and mobility. Needs a lot more unbuildable terrain on the high ground to stop Terrans from locking everything down with Depots and Turrets. It would probably help if there were more expansions on the central low ground areas to force players more out into the open. | ||
Sweden507 Posts
The Belt of Faith Pearl Serenity Flying Battery Abyss of Remains Static Wavelet Cellular Automaton Chandelier Sanctuary | ||
793 Posts
Wavelet -standard map, similar to CB, which is no longer in ladder or league map pools -co authored, by Freakling & CrystalDrag, gives two mappers one slot -veteran mappers, with active mentoring activities, and willing to edit/develop this map further (as necessary based on feedback/play testing). -4 spawning positions (important in relation to other maps chosen) -space tileset (important in relation to other maps chosen) - i am very confident in this map selection and it has received the most votes so far Sanctuary -standardish map -co authored, by Minerals & JungleTerrain, gives two mappers one slot -veteran mappers, with active mentoring activities, and willing to edit/develop this map further -4 spawning positions (making it the second 4p map in my top 4 list now) -jungle tileset (different from tileset above) -there may be a few other maps that have a competitive edge over this map, but they don't take into consideration some of the smaller factors I have listed above which are important to me Vertebrae -standardish map -single authored, by a new mapper, HeMsk -new mapper, active on BWMN discord, willing to edit/develop map further -most developed and complete new map -2 spawning positions (first 2p map in my top 4 list) -badlands tileset (different from tilesets above) Fourth map undecided -Need to think about this. I would prefer to select one not authored by anyone listed above, and perhaps a 3p map, by mapper(s) who are active and willing to edit their map further as necessary (requirement of the contest) -I like Tundra by StyleZerg & Freakling, but the ice tileset is off putting to players in my opinion. -CrystalDrag's map GoodNight is nice but I already selected a map by him which also happens to be a space map -I really like Turbine but it's not a standard or standardish map, however interesting and well developed it is in my opinion -Maybe Bridging the Gap by Freakling & Stylezerg, 4p map, ash tileset. Gosh this is so hard to pick and choose, while taking into account so many things! We should also keep in mind that we will have a non-standard map contest in the near future. So maps that appear to be less standard, could be better top 4 candidates in the future. | ||
Poland4116 Posts
On April 18 2021 15:35 Eidolonic wrote: Update to Terraform -> 0.37 Created additional elevation changes (middle) and broke up terrain throughout the map. Added more detail. ![]() Download I think it looked much better without the middle high ground looks kinda clunky now | ||
Poland4116 Posts
On April 19 2021 04:45 ox.tQ wrote: Some thoughts about my top four maps below. I am considering some factors that most people would not think too much about. But they help me come up with my list. Wavelet -standard map, similar to CB, which is no longer in ladder or league map pools -co authored, by Freakling & CrystalDrag, gives two mappers one slot -veteran mappers, with active mentoring activities, and willing to edit/develop this map further (as necessary based on feedback/play testing). -4 spawning positions (important in relation to other maps chosen) -space tileset (important in relation to other maps chosen) - i am very confident in this map selection and it has received the most votes so far Sanctuary -standardish map -co authored, by Minerals & JungleTerrain, gives two mappers one slot -veteran mappers, with active mentoring activities, and willing to edit/develop this map further -4 spawning positions (making it the second 4p map in my top 4 list now) -jungle tileset (different from tileset above) -there may be a few other maps that have a competitive edge over this map, but they don't take into consideration some of the smaller factors I have listed above which are important to me Vertebrae -standardish map -single authored, by a new mapper, HeMsk -new mapper, active on BWMN discord, willing to edit/develop map further -most developed and complete new map -2 spawning positions (first 2p map in my top 4 list) -badlands tileset (different from tilesets above) Fourth map undecided -Need to think about this. I would prefer to select one not authored by anyone listed above, and perhaps a 3p map, by mapper(s) who are active and willing to edit their map further as necessary (requirement of the contest) -I like Tundra by StyleZerg & Freakling, but the ice tileset is off putting to players in my opinion. -CrystalDrag's map GoodNight is nice but I already selected a map by him which also happens to be a space map -I really like Turbine but it's not a standard or standardish map, however interesting and well developed it is in my opinion -Maybe Bridging the Gap by Freakling & Stylezerg, 4p map, ash tileset. Gosh this is so hard to pick and choose, while taking into account so many things! We should also keep in mind that we will have a non-standard map contest in the near future. So maps that appear to be less standard, could be better top 4 candidates in the future. As for Tundra - you can always edit the snow from the middle + one of the expos and replace it with grass/dirt and leave one snowy natural so players will not complain about their delicate eyes getting hurt ![]() Bridging the Gap is amazing, too.. yeah this is hard stuff, I don't envy your position with picking just four haha | ||
793 Posts
For example, some map makers are contestants in this contest, so there may be a slight conflict of interest there (whether real or perceived), especially if they list their own maps as candidates or those of their collaborators or acquaintances. Meanwhile, players sometimes arbitrarily select maps without giving those maps much thought or they select maps they think will be good for them (given their races or styles). Their feedback on maps after play testing can also be problematic for similar reasons. A bad experience or loss may result in a less thought out and unbiased opinion. At the same time, TL users could randomly list maps that 'look nice' without giving more thought to how high ranking players would react to such maps on first glance or how those maps would play out in very high skilled games. Nevertheless, the submissions are all pretty good and I am sure we can figure out a democratic, systematic and transparent system to make things work. | ||
Bulgaria1373 Posts
All the Freakling submissions AND All the TNWZombie submissions. ^_._^ | ||
793 Posts
Static Mystery Box Bridging the Gap 0.80 Carver 0.4 Pearl The Dark Knight Trinity Turbine | ||
Australia4315 Posts
Clock Strikes Chandelier Scarabee Belt of faith Tundra Oil Field Carver | ||
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