On January 21 2017 19:51 Euphorbus wrote: LoL, Dota2, WC3 and SC2 all have 250-400 ms build-in latency. That would be considered unplayable in SC BW. People don't notice or care about it anymore.
Only Starcraft and HoN have low latency, 50 to 100ms.
You should back up your statement with some sources. BW with lan lat has approximately 210ms latency, not 50ms - 100ms, according to the formula in the LatencyChanger article on Liquipedia, which isn't very far from 250ms, i.e. it's not "unplayable" as you suggested.
Since the balance topic is hot,im not someone that complain about it,except for the typical siege tank imba,reaver corsair ht dt archons,they are good units,but in a serious note in the state we re right now,if i tell you zerg is the hardest race to play will it be considered as game imbalanced? I think every race has the tools to win,but watching how easy is for protoss and terran players to comeback from sc2 and play right away in a very high lvl compared to our zerg comrades,again i dont even think it is a bad thing,it lakes me more proud to play zerg
Of course balance shouldn't be touched, I really don't understand why this keeps being discussed. I personally don't have any problems with taking care of port forwarding and ddraw fixes myself, but I can see how it can be a huge turn off for new players having to spent so much extra time getting the game to work properly. Fixing battle.net menus on modern OS however would be much appreciated. I'm not a fan of playing in window mode so having to deal with battle.net menus is kinda annoying atm.
I'd also be interesting to see how they take care of the resolution problem, as I think a lot of people don't want to play in 800x600 in 2017. Besides the FOV issue with widescreen, they'd have to produce higher res sprites or at least do some really good upscaling of the old ones to make higher resolutions not look like crap.
I would imagine this change will update the game to be played on Bnet2. I'll start playing it again if it's released in a lag free client in Bnet2. The only reason I ever stopped was due to problems with the ports on my router.
Is ICCUP/Fish going to switch to the latest patch? Considering that a lot of tools were made for 1.16.1 which will probably not work with this new patch.
On January 21 2017 22:44 Euphorbus wrote: Only if you play with Blizzard's flavour of Starcraft.
SC2 has the same build-in delay Starcraft originally had. That was when I called in with my 28.8 baud modem and my parents were mad people couldn't call us.
I don't want Blizzard to bring what they did to SC2 to Starcraft. We already solved all their problems long before they announced SC2.
I remember we could bake an egg on our CPU's because Starcraft would always use 100% of our 2 GHz processor, until the community fixed it. Only years later, Blizzard patched it in their official flavor.
Less Blizzard is what we need.
??? It's not about the client "delay", we're talking about the battle.net delay, which is one of the major reasons why battle.net sucks balls compared to the 3rd party platforms.
What patch are you referring to? I don't recall any fan patches that fixed CPU problems?
On January 22 2017 07:20 LetaBot wrote: Is ICCUP/Fish going to switch to the latest patch? Considering that a lot of tools were made for 1.16.1 which will probably not work with this new patch.
we will have to see the patch before we can determine if we do the switch or not. I dunno about fish.