This starts 22kst, or whenever sonic event is over maybe.
Japan11285 Posts
What's up with the really forward rax by mind?
Anyway, Mind at 11, ZerO at 1.
Japan11285 Posts
So, Mind goes for a timing attack. Catches Zero with only one sunken. Zero pulls drones, losing lots of drones and lings. One sunken goes down but another one finishes. Zero pulls drones one more time, Mind retreats with one marine left.
Zero counters with a small ling runby, Mind takes care of it.
Mind has firebats, he tries to break the sunken line again. Zero confident in his sunkens, runby at Mind's nat. Firebats at Mind's nat rain down flame on the lings.
Zero holds his nat and gets spire tech.
Japan11285 Posts
Missed some action. Thinking of eating after this one.
Zero getting his third at 5 o'clock. Mind can't even get to the ramp because of mutas.
Zero swings by Mind's main but nowhere to attack. Lurkers at 5 o'clock ramp.
Vessels out for Mind. Siege tanks and bio going to Zero's nat, takes out all the sunkens. Irradiate on mutas.
Dark Swarm upgraded just in time. Mind loses some tanks, backs off.
Mind attacks Zero's building 4th but swarm saves it. Mind drops at the 3rd, speedlings take care of it easily.
Mind's breaks are all futile against Zero.
Japan11285 Posts
Mind's bio assaults Zero's nat but then swarm and lurkers stop it. Mind simultaneously dropping with 3 dropships at Zeros' 3rd. Swarms and plague stop it again with minimal damage.
Zero got his 5th at 3 while all this is happening. Some mutas harassing mind's 3rd at 9.
Small engagement at the middle.
Mind breaks the 4th and streams of bio come pouring in. Meanwhile Mind drops at zero's 5th. Cows and lings stop Mind at the ramp but not for long.
Japan11285 Posts
My internet broke as I was typing f*ck.
After playing defense almost perfectly in the mid game, Zero just fell apart. I'm calling terran imba XD
edit GG from ZerO. Mind is up 1-0. Well gotta eat.
Game 2 on Blitz, Mind 2, ZerO 10
Mind tries a marine push but goes back seeing the lings
A lot of marines crossing the map, ZerO without lurkers are trying to delay his as much as he can but now firebats at the 11 o clock, ZerO cleans that up but now Mind goes after the 7 base firebats kill the 11 of ZerO crazy zerg ultras are out poor unit control from Mind this game, getting stuck on ramps and mienerals ? ultras are getting shreded by marines 7 is dead again, Mind going after the 11 3 ultras irradiated Mind got his 3rd up and is chilling.
Mind apparently sick of these minerals screwing up his pathing  Physics Lab :O Will we see BCs? on Blitz X from Mind again? Mind has tank now sieging on the close 11 Mind's small group of marines sneaky by and snipes the 7! No more eco for ZerO Mind 2-0
Poll: Mind vs ZerO Game 2★★ (2) 67% ★★★★★ (1) 33% ★★★★ (0) 0% ★★★ (0) 0% ★ (0) 0% 3 total votes Your vote: Mind vs ZerO Game 2 (Vote): ★★★★★ (Vote): ★★★★ (Vote): ★★★ (Vote): ★★ (Vote): ★
Japan11285 Posts
Game 3 on Bifrost 3, Mind 7, ZerO 1
Don't think Mind needs to be fancy here, Bifrost 3 pretty good map for T in TvZ I think. Mind proxies a factory near the 5 expo, but I think ZerO might stop this ZerO going 3 hatch, this could be trouble. Vultures incoming! No sunkens and 2 marines incoming NICE surround on the vulture with drones by ZerO!! Not the greatest Vulture micro in the world from Ind but it doesn't matter I think  Hydras are out, Mind getting stim!
On November 12 2014 23:14 c3rberUs wrote: Proxy factory from Mind. How's your food? Just taking over for ya 
Japan11285 Posts
Zero kills the first vulture with a drone surround.
More vults and a couple of marines in Zero's base. Drones and hydras get rid of the terran but at what cost.
Anyway, mind is resdying a timing attack.
And marine medic Vulture destroys ZerO Mind 3-0 ZerO sucks at zvt, what else is new...
Poll: Mind vs ZerO Game 3★★★★★ (1) 33% ★★ (1) 33% ★ (1) 33% ★★★★ (0) 0% ★★★ (0) 0% 3 total votes Your vote: Mind vs ZerO Game 3 (Vote): ★★★★★ (Vote): ★★★★ (Vote): ★★★ (Vote): ★★ (Vote): ★
Poll: Mind vs ZerO Game 4★★★★★ (1) 33% ★★★★ (1) 33% ★★★ (1) 33% ★★ (0) 0% ★ (0) 0% 3 total votes Your vote: Mind vs ZerO Game 4 (Vote): ★★★★★ (Vote): ★★★★ (Vote): ★★★ (Vote): ★★ (Vote): ★
Poll: Mind vs ZerO Game 5★★★★★ (1) 33% ★★★★ (1) 33% ★★ (1) 33% ★★★ (0) 0% ★ (0) 0% 3 total votes Your vote: Mind vs ZerO Game 5 (Vote): ★★★★★ (Vote): ★★★★ (Vote): ★★★ (Vote): ★★ (Vote): ★
Japan11285 Posts
On November 12 2014 23:17 HyralGambit wrote:How's your food? Just taking over for ya  It was nice, thanks. My rice is a tad too hard though.
Zero can't and won't stop the timing attack. GG Mind dominates.
13th Nov LoveTV
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