Suncow wanted to be recuited into Siz clan. By that time, Siz clan was already in top position on west server, and we didn't let any foreigners join.
But Siz clan tried to stay away from " korean only clan " and create an international clan, so we recuited suncow.
Suncow told me(Siz)player) that he needed help to become a progamer.
Suncow spent more than 10 hours a day to practice by playing, observing and watching replays.
I also love starcraft as much as him, and i thought if any of foreigner start to play in korea, it will give more interest to everyone, including people from other countries.
So i decided to help him. I got him many games with progamers and amatuers. Suncow improved very quickly and he was satisfied with the result also.
Oneday, Suncow told me there is a friend of him who wants to be a pro also and he needs help just like him. I was amazed by his friendship with his friend, so i decided to put both of them into the same team, just like PJ and LX.
So i asked him who that person was and decided to help. He was Draco and i asked him if he is willing to become a progamer, and also if he needed any help.
Draco decided join Siz, and i decided to help him also just like suncow. But very next day, he moved back to Nal clan , so i asked him what the problem was.
He said he was in Nal for 2 years and he couldn't get away from his clan members because he feel them like a family there.
He also said his friends from Nal clan that Siz)player isn't a doctor, he can't help any foreigners, he is just a thief. Draco was very mad at me. Everyone knows that i am a doctor, i am kind and helping many gamers.
It's also true that i am keeping very good relationship between many foreigner gamers, and i keep the promise once its promised.
I understood Draco about how he couldn't leave his old clan, so i decided to keep the madness just to myself and forget about it. I told Draco that I will still help him, even though he is in Nal clan.
After that, I got Draco and Suncow many games and gave them lots of information. I also asked them if they want to be in same progaming team, and they said yes.
So I contacted with Pantech, MBC, Soul team, teams that i have good contact with about testing.
At that time, Slog told me to stop what i was doing, because he will be working with Draco. I told him to do so, and i told him please keep draco and suncow into the same team. I also asked him what team he will get them test games, but he said it was secret.
He just told me everything will go well, so i stopped what i was doing and waited. When all this happened, there was an information out about courage league in korea, but noone has told draco and suncow about the courage league.
So i told draco and suncow about courage league 3 days before the deadline, and they were wiling to play in it. I asked them for their personal information and their past experience in starcraft community. After that, i called E-Sports company and asked them if it was possible to let foreigners play in courage league.
First, they said impossible, but after talking how e-sports could be improved also if any of foreigner become pro, so they allowed them to play in it.
But someday, slog told me that draco wont be participating in courage league, so i only signed up for suncow.
That night, suncow told me that draco is willing to play in it also, so i met with draco asap and decided to sign him up also. But by that time, it was too late to sign him up, so i actually had to go to e-sports buliding and ask them to sign draco up.
I did all the work because i wanted suncow and draco to be successful, not for my own good. Next day, Slog got Draco testing games from Ongamenet Proteam.
He didn't tell them anything about SUncow. I was mad because this kind of actions is betraying suncow and I. I helped them because they needed help. Even though Draco wasn't in Siz clan, I tried my best to help him out.
I always trusted Slog, and because of him, Test games were appointed about a month earlier. But After all these things happened, i was very mad at him. I felt very sorry for Suncow, so I actually had to call Suncow and calm him down.
It's not hard for me to get Suncow testing games, so i will be helping him from now on. I am just mad because of Slog's Greedyness and he only does things for himself.
He is willing to get old pG clan revived, so he is taking Draco back to support himself, thats why he didn't wanted any help from me. He also told me why he should help Suncow out, he thinks Draco is a lot better play than suncow.
Anyone could improve their skills if they practice in good environment, and suncow isn't worse than Draco anymore. This is the reason why i fought with Slog, and i decided to share each other's apology.
Because i dont want to fight with anyone, and if we keep fighting, it will make draco and suncow's relationship worse. When Draco and Suncow come to Korea, i will go visit them and help them if its needed.
Many of foreigner gamres knows that Siz clan has reallly good relationship with many international palyers. We also ahve very good relationship with Mym, tot, Fanatic, smi, etc.
And we let players join if they are willing to become pro. And i was born in 1979 in korea, and i am a korean doctor.
I hope there will be no more misunderstanding. I want to keep godo relationship with everyone.