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On June 05 2016 10:15 On_Slaught wrote: Hillary is par for the course. Trump brings a special level of cognitive dissonance and demagoguery that we have never before seen. I think Cruz put it best.
"I'm going to tell you what I really think of Donald Trump. This man is a pathological liar. He doesn't know the difference between truth and lies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth. And in a pattern that I think is straight out of a psychology textbook, his response is to accuse everybody else of lying.
He accuses everybody on that debate stage of lying. And it's simply a mindless yell. Whatever he does, he accuses everyone else of doing. The man cannot tell the truth, but he combines it with being a narcissist. A narcissist at a level I don't think this country has ever seen.
Donald Trump is such a narcissist that Barack Obama looks at him and goes, 'Dude, what's your problem?' Everything in Donald's world is about Donald. And he combines being a pathological liar, and I say pathological because I actually think Donald, if you hooked him up to a lie detector test, he could say one thing in the morning, one thing at noon and one thing in the evening, all contradictory and he's pass the lie detector test each time. Whatever lie he's telling, at that minute he believes it.
I don't need to see this video because I already know Im right. I've seen the contradicting quotes of his with my own two eyes. I've heard the changes in his beliefs across a single day. I've seen the facts that prove he is wrong on any number of issues beyond a reasonable doubt.
Hell, why don't we make a game out of this? You list a Trump position and we will point out a blatant lie, or ten, related to it he has spewed. I have to go but I can always respond later.
As for the video, I only saw a few minutes, but it seems to focus a lot on how Trump is actually doing all this according to some grand media plan. My response is simple. Being a media and real estate genius and being an idiot about every other issue is not mutually exclusive.
That was like maybe five minutes of the video, the majority of it was displaying Trumps actual conversations/statements, and then displaying the complete misquotes/extrapolations by various media groups.
Environmental crews worked on Saturday to contain a sheen of oil that appeared in the Columbia river along the Washington-Oregon border after a Union Pacific train derailed and caught fire. Officials said there was no immediate indication of harm to wildlife.
Sixteen of the 96 tank cars on the train derailed on Friday near Mosier, Oregon, about 70 miles east of Portland. Four burned, sending a thick plume of black smoke into the sky before firefighters were able to extinguish the flames a little after 2am on Saturday. No injuries were reported.
There was no immediate word on the cause of the derailment, which forced the evacuation of about 100 people from a nearby mobile home park, as the site remained too hot to examine. Officials said they would consider lifting the evacuation order on Saturday evening.
“I want to apologize to the community,” Union Pacific spokeswoman Raquel Espinoza said at a news conference, adding that the company would pick up the tab for the response costs. “This is the type of accident we work to prevent every day.”
The derailment, in the scenic Columbia River Gorge, manifested the fears of environmentalists who have long argued against shipping oil by rail – especially through populated areas or along a river that is a hub of recreation and commerce. The tank cars were carrying especially volatile crude from the Northern Plains’ Bakken region, which has a higher gas content and vapor pressure than other types of oil.
More than 100 people rallied and marched in nearby Hood River, Oregon, on Saturday to call for a halt to the practice. Emily Reed, the city council president in Mosier, joined them.
In a telephone interview, Reed said her son was evacuated from school because of the derailment. Her husband, a firefighter, was a first responder. The family evacuated their house and her father was unable to ship the first crop from his small cherry orchard.
“I’ve just listed four major risks that I have, and I don’t see the benefit I’m getting in exchange for this risk,” Reed said. “There is no safe way for these fossil fuel trains to come through our town, and I’d like to see them stopped until there are standards and we know it’s safe.
“This isn’t a one-off. It’s happening in my town, but next time it’ll be somebody else’s town.”
At first light on Saturday, crews noticed a light sheen in the Columbia at the mouth of Rock Creek. Responders deployed about 1,000ft of boom to contain it. It wasn’t clear how much oil had spilled from the trains.
On June 05 2016 10:15 On_Slaught wrote: Hillary is par for the course. Trump brings a special level of cognitive dissonance and demagoguery that we have never before seen. I think Cruz put it best.
"I'm going to tell you what I really think of Donald Trump. This man is a pathological liar. He doesn't know the difference between truth and lies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth. And in a pattern that I think is straight out of a psychology textbook, his response is to accuse everybody else of lying.
He accuses everybody on that debate stage of lying. And it's simply a mindless yell. Whatever he does, he accuses everyone else of doing. The man cannot tell the truth, but he combines it with being a narcissist. A narcissist at a level I don't think this country has ever seen.
Donald Trump is such a narcissist that Barack Obama looks at him and goes, 'Dude, what's your problem?' Everything in Donald's world is about Donald. And he combines being a pathological liar, and I say pathological because I actually think Donald, if you hooked him up to a lie detector test, he could say one thing in the morning, one thing at noon and one thing in the evening, all contradictory and he's pass the lie detector test each time. Whatever lie he's telling, at that minute he believes it.
I don't need to see this video because I already know Im right. I've seen the contradicting quotes of his with my own two eyes. I've heard the changes in his beliefs across a single day. I've seen the facts that prove he is wrong on any number of issues beyond a reasonable doubt.
Hell, why don't we make a game out of this? You list a Trump position and we will point out a blatant lie, or ten, related to it he has spewed. I have to go but I can always respond later.
As for the video, I only saw a few minutes, but it seems to focus a lot on how Trump is actually doing all this according to some grand media plan. My response is simple. Being a media and real estate genius and being an idiot about every other issue is not mutually exclusive.
That was like maybe five minutes of the video, the majority of it was displaying Trumps actual conversations/statements, and then displaying the complete misquotes/extrapolations by various media groups.
It's a Stefan Molyneux video, who is someone you should learn to ignore.
What Stefan did with the 10 minutes of my life I endured watching the video, was clarify Trump's terrible, poorly-constructed sentences to their "true" meaning.
The Mexican rapists is a prime example. Stefan accuses the media of falsely relaying what Trump was saying.
The thing Stefan seems to want to ignore, and wants you to ignore, is we all heard what Trump said... The media doesn't actually misquote him. They editorialize, and Stefan's using those editorials to claim misrepresentation.
What Trump said in his early remarks about illegal immigration from Mexico was diplomatically stupid, at best, and it was phrased in a way that BEGS to be taken at its worst.
"They're rapists. And some of them, I assume, are good people". Yes, that's an actual quote, and it wants to be quoted.
If Trump needs Stefan Molyneux to translate what Trump is saying for us, then that right there is problem enough that he shouldn't be the nation's statesman. We all know Trump wasn't saying every Mexican illegal-immigrant is a rapist. But, fuck, he may as well have been.
Getting past the sneering, delusional, ego-maniac cult-leader-wannabe that's narrating the video, I found it dishonest enough to just stop watching. The media isn't out to get Donald Trump any more than they should be, and Donald Trump isn't playing them like a genius. Some Americans would vote for South Park's Eric Cartman, if given the chance, and the media would be engrossed by it. That's what I see with Trump's campaign.
Molyneux is a lunatic with a religious following. The man was on the Joe Rogan podcast being called out on his lies and kept lying over and over. Sounds a bit like someone he's defending.
As far as the Xmen poster goes, it's a wasted up actress making a stink for publicity, simple as that. Now days everyone just makes a stink out of every single fucking thing on both sides to get the spotlight on themselves. Its the easiest way to get attention as Trump has clearly proven.
I don't have anything to say about Molyneux I browsed his wikipedia page before watching the video and saw some pretty strange views posted there, but that doesn't take away from the arguments he presented in the video.
If you want to equate Trump to Cartman then that's your agenda.
I personally believe Trump was the best candidate this election cycle. I foresee him defeating Hillary in one of the most one-sided elections in U.S. history.
I foresee America doing well under Trump's presidency.
I believe the protesters at Trump's rallies and the #nevertrump'ers to be far more dangerous than your typical Trump supporter or Trump himself.
On June 05 2016 12:40 OuchyDathurts wrote: Molyneux is a lunatic with a religious following. The man was on the Joe Rogan podcast being called out on his lies and kept lying over and over. Sounds a bit like someone he's defending.
As far as the Xmen poster goes, it's a wasted up actress making a stink for publicity, simple as that. Now days everyone just makes a stink out of every single fucking thing on both sides to get the spotlight on themselves. Its the easiest way to get attention as Trump has clearly proven.
People making a stink of things has always happened. We are just more aware of it now with how easy it is to spread things. Individuals and small groups making noise getting screen time on the internet then tv just gives the image that these are larger and louder groups then they really are.
On June 05 2016 05:32 Surth wrote: Just to remind everyone why we are flinging shit at each other:
Not about policies. Liberals have led a cultural revolution in which conservatives gave ground foot by foot to get where we are today. Trump unapologetically challenges a large portion of the idiotic part of the "progress" that liberals have achieved and as a result is getting a lot of vocal support and is gradually shifting public opinion in his favor. Liberals aren't used to losing in the court of public opinion and are therefore enraged.
That statement indeed says nothing about homosexuality, or, for that matter anything specific at all. It is literally without content.
Let's bring back some sense to the debate.
The "Trump movement" is challenging the political correctness thought police established by liberals; I would credit this as the mayor part for his sucess, and I assume even the "liberals" from this thread can see this (wether you agree with it or not).
This poster of X-Men Apocalipse posted a while back is an example of this.
Is the bringer of apocalypse supposed to spare half of the population because it wouldn't be politically correct to slaughter woman? It's a damn mutant fighting him ffs.
Geniune question for the liberals here: Do you think this poster is offensive, sexist, wathever or you think the complaints are fanatical nonsense that makes your side look bad to the rest?
It's not offensive or sexist. However I don't see any issues with a feminist group saying that the image of a strong man choking a woman is problematic due to the degree to which it normalizes that kind of violence against women. It's not sexist, wrong or anything else, it's problematic due to issues that they care about more than most people. Man choking woman is just a lazy shorthand for villain and it's a little tasteless given the degree to which domestic abuse is still a thing. Imagine if blacks were still routinely getting lynched and you used a black guy swinging from a branch as an image shorthand for "bad". It's not racist but it's problematic. That make any sense?
I think it's silly and hypocritical.
They want equality for women, strong women characters like strong men characters, etc
But they don't want them to be subject to the same beating no one would bat an eyelash over if it was a male character?
You can't have your cake and eat it.
It all just seems very absurd and whiney.
No matter what you do someone in the regressive left is always going to whine and cry 'racism, sexism, patriarchy, white privilege'
Unless you villainize heterosexual white males, then it's okay.
Why does this "normalizes that kind of violence against woman?" What does that even mean.
Why doesn't a categorically evil entity chocking a female mutant trying to save the world convey the opposite meaning? (That domestic violence is wrong)
What Surth said sums it up. This type of whining makes feminism look bad (trivial, unimportant?) and liberals by extension. Would you agree on that?
I don't even know why this is even an issue? Some people (sounds like a couple of vocal people) didn't like a fucking poster so a studio said "sure we will change it because its just a fucking poster". How big of a deal is this?
spoilering just because it's long and I don't think the topic warrants a page of discussion lol. + Show Spoiler +
Because conservatives would rather have their populace be informed on facebook once in a while about some economic problems rather than have their women folk talk about stupid shit they saw on a hollywood website. This isn't real news. Yet it will become 'real news' because people have learned they can make a living off being offended. So maybe a larger outlet will pick this up instead.
Also, I'm amazed that Rose didn't check her privilege. How do we know Mystique still identifies as a woman, or that apocalypse identifies as a man. These shitlords didn't even think about their preferred pronouns. 90% sure mystique is otherkin at least.
A feminist professor at UofT will spout this shit to her class and use this as another example of the patriarchy. Meanwhile all this is was:
At some point in time women said: "Treat us equally!" Men said "noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lol" for thousands of years. Then they got equality. Now this is equality and they're literally complaining about it. It's a minority of women (I would hope). But it's still an example of PC taken way too far.
A case from Toronto recently was Jian Ghomeshi - a man they accused of rape & lied repeatedly - was let free and a tonne of women were in an uproar. Meanwhile, the man is clearly a cunt but again my feminist professor was furious at the result and I explained that we cannot convict a man on clearly false testimonies (laughed right out of court) & no evidence. I was friend removed. Because it was an example of the left not being able to have their worldview align with reality.
Now, despite all that. These women receive no punishment for their false claims. But we'd have a slew of websites telling them that they are the victims in this case. Jezebel, Salon, Buzzfeed,, Gawker if it were't hulkslammed, Vice (they used to have decent content and documentaries), etc. These aren't even news sites. They're victim outlets. Maybe some of them have a few good writers on them that deserve more credit than their dirty rags are worth. But they aren't even remotely trying to tell the news as spin a narrative of victimhood. Plenty of websites said justice was not served and we should always side with the victim. Unless it's Bill Clintons rape accusers, in which case they are totally stupid bitches who've been discredited. Believe the victim when it is politically expedient!
So despite not being a real issue (the poster) it becomes a real issue because now we have to discuss a complete non-issue instead of something far more serious like corporate welfare or illegal immigration and its effects. It leaves a populace uninformed on more important matters. Also, it actually worries me that gender studies classes are ran by some feminist professors who clearly hate men. The feminist professor at UofT I'm quite certain genuinely dislikes men and may even teach with a serious negative slant against them.
Fox actually apologized instead of telling them to go shove it. Jesus Christ. That's it I'm converting to Islam. Insha'Allah friends. The West was wrong all along. I feel that women should be neither seen nor heard, can we all agree brothers? Takbir!
On June 05 2016 13:05 SK.Testie wrote: Fox actually apologized instead of telling them to go shove it. Jesus Christ. That's it I'm converting to Islam. Insha'Allah friends. The West was wrong all along. I feel that women should be neither seen nor heard, can we all agree brothers? Takbir!
Ironically, you'd probably get more respect from the regressive left if you did because then you'd be a 'minority' and victim of islamophobia.
On June 05 2016 13:10 Nyxisto wrote: can you please stop using the word 'regressive left' as if it actually means anything
A societal shift in which Fox is expected to apologize for that poster is undeniably a regression. This is hugely due to the left relative to how much it is due to the right. I think regressive left is sensible in this case.
On June 05 2016 13:10 Nyxisto wrote: can you please stop using the word 'regressive left' as if it actually means anything
The regressive left is the tea party/biblethumbers of the left.
It's a real, insane, vocal minority within the left that should not be ignored any more than it has.
When the president is creating jobs for refugees at a time when unemployment is as high as ever for the American people, there is something inherently wrong in thinking that is okay.
This is the American thread so I don't want to bring up Europe, but there is some legitimate insanity going on over there that can't be described as anything other than 'regressive'.
On June 05 2016 13:05 SK.Testie wrote: Fox actually apologized instead of telling them to go shove it. Jesus Christ. That's it I'm converting to Islam. Insha'Allah friends. The West was wrong all along. I feel that women should be neither seen nor heard, can we all agree brothers? Takbir!
Do you even know what those words mean outside the little bit of googling you did ? I get your being a dick on purpose, but well.. you are being a dick on purpose. Free speech is cool and all but my humble request is. Dont be a dick. Especially when its unprovoked. Obviously I am not denying that you have a right to be a dick. You absolutely do.
Also Jian Ghomeshi is scum, the judge threw that shit out because the women basically didnt immediately behave like regular sexual assualt victims .. what the fuck is a regular sexual assault victim ?
On June 05 2016 13:10 Nyxisto wrote: can you please stop using the word 'regressive left' as if it actually means anything
The regressive left is the tea party/biblethumbers of the left.
It's a real, insane, vocal minority within the left that should not be ignored any more than it has.
When the president is creating jobs for refugees at a time when unemployment is as high as ever for the American people, there is something inherently wrong in thinking that is okay.
This is the American thread so I don't want to bring up Europe, but there is some legitimate insanity going on over there that can't be described as anything other than 'regressive'.
The regressive left is a hodge podge of dissaffected tumblr users, 70s era professors, deluded protesters, and various identity group clubs in some colleges.
The regressive right has the Republican nomination for President of the United States and has been endorsed by the sitting speaker for the United States House of Representatives.