What a moronic and selfish logic. Hopefully the people saying that are beardnecks that will never be in charge of anything important
Racial Slurs in QuanticDestiny's Stream - Page 99
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Mexico5280 Posts
What a moronic and selfish logic. Hopefully the people saying that are beardnecks that will never be in charge of anything important | ||
United States509 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:48 DarkLordOlli wrote: And I have yet to see Destiny use racist slurs to intentionally offend people of a certain ethnicity, origin, etc. <-- THAT'S what I'd consider racist. Oh, you mean like calling an Asian person "gook"? | ||
Italy185 Posts
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3815 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:47 Klondikebar wrote: It is logically fallacious to infer that a creature is a duck because it quacked. No seriously, if you don't want people calling you a racist, don't use racist slurs. I don't care if people call Destiny racist. Those people are entitled to be presumptive buffoons. I care when people act like this is a logical or reasonable conclusion, because it's not. For what it's worth, I don't think using racial slurs is evidence of not being a racist either, but in the context Destiny used it, I figure it's evidence of basically nothing. I mean, if you want to infer that Destiny's a human being because he used human speech, or that he speaks English because he spoke an English word, then go for it. Spare me your poorly crafted and disingenuous witticisms though. | ||
United States1074 Posts
But Destiny gets one, even less content or point behind the post and there's 100 pages of replies in a day. Just don't watch him. I know I don't. I've tried to give him a chance once or twice, but every time I'd go there he'd say something offensive, or blame the opponent for his herp derp plays. One time he even said "Shut the fuck up" to his viewers.. haha | ||
United States1378 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:48 LarJarsE wrote: internet censorship bad. lets make a more fair poll it would be nice for the people who answered this poll to explain themselves I chose that internet hate speech (or any hate speech really) is morally bad. its HATE speech people.. i think that hiding behind your online ID and using hate speech to piss someone off or intimidate them is LOW and lame as hell. | ||
Canada2392 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:48 ch33psh33p wrote: This thread is about 100 times more offensive than what Destiny said. It kind of also disappoints me. People on both sides of the argument are really degrading the quality of this thread. I think some valid points have been made by both sides but 90% of this thread is irrelevant and quite insulting to one another, as well as cheapening the issue. This is really a great opportunity to make people aware of the issues with using such language and why it should be unacceptable to use it, and in that sense I wish Destiny listened and noted that, and avoids using the language again, even if he won't admit so publicly. Yet we're wasting this opportunity with ridiculous bickering, people bashing Destiny as opposed to identifying the actual problem, as well as people defending Destiny while cheapening such remarks to simple rage. | ||
Denmark323 Posts
if you find destiny offensive, dont watch his stream. if you face him on ladder and hes being offensive, report him to blizzard like you could for anyone else you'd face... going to sponsers?? really?? especially the people who are offended on behalf of someone else... really?? what ever happen to sticks and "stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? i think some people should reconsider their priorities... | ||
United States409 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:47 Primadog wrote: As expected. The only offensive thing going on is this thread. I guess TL polls now come with a secured racial identifier. Wouldn't want people to vote if they're not really Asian... | ||
Austria317 Posts
While I dont say "Its ok" I dont understand why this topic deserves 100 pages of attention, while there are REALLY POPULAR Persons out there in the wide world who abuse his "marketing gag" even more aggressive and get more followers at a daily basis. Even worse, ACTUAL RACISTS get elected while the eWarriors battle for a better world through eMail in the gigantic eSports World. | ||
3815 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:48 FairForever wrote: This is kind of a general comment that doesn't really explain the situation. Internet censorship isn't needed - but Destiny's actions should be taken seriously by the public. The fact that many of you are saying not to go to his sponsors already says something: That you know that his actions would be deemed unacceptable by Razer. If you thought he didn't do anything wrong in society's eyes, you would have no issue with the complaints. It wouldn't matter if Razer's CEO was Destiny's dad. No company wants a flood of complaints coming to their Inbox, because it means bad news for profits. I has nothing to do with what Razer actually thinks about the issue. They probably couldn't care less. | ||
Canada615 Posts
He has an in-built audience base...also consider that he makes his living off of gaming via his stream. Remember that he's not simply supporting himself, I do believe he is supporting a wife + kid, and all the things that go with that. When you realize that - he is going to continue doing what he's doing, because to be honest, it's working out for him just fine. If you observe the reaction of his fans, they are amused and entertained when Destiny does the rage/racism thing. Everyone knows it's not politically correct, and that's exactly what's feeding them. Consider this just part of the stream's appeal, Destiny's character that he's portraying, to an audience. He is giving them what they want. To those of you who are decrying "double standard". Truth is this. Look around you, everywhere you go, where you work. There are double standards in literally every part of the world we live in, in every aspect of the rules that govern us, the law, what's socially accepted in society and so forth. We are not going to change any of these things. What's fair or what isn't, isn't even a valid question. All you need to remember is, Destiny for all we know, is not the same person online, that he is when he is physically standing in front of you and saying hello. | ||
866 Posts
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Canada3741 Posts
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United States509 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:51 CrugerDK wrote: i dont get people sometimes.... if you find destiny offensive, dont watch his stream. if you face him on ladder and hes being offensive, report him to blizzard like you could for anyone else you'd face... going to sponsers?? really?? especially the people who are offended on behalf of someone else... really?? what ever happen to sticks and "stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? i think some people should reconsider their priorities... I don't get why people like you feel the need to come into a thread and post a sentiment which has been voiced literally 100 times in almost the exact same words. It has been responded to even more times, just search through the thread. You're adding absolutely nothing to the discussion. | ||
Zombo Joe
Canada850 Posts
That much is true. | ||
United States125 Posts
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413 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:52 courtpanda wrote: im asian and never heard the word gook until now. yeah this, I'm asian too and I have no idea what gook means, wasn't even aware it was an asian slur | ||
3815 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:53 Silvertine wrote: I don't get why people like you feel the need to come into a thread and post a sentiment which has been voiced literally 100 times in almost the exact same words. It has been responded to even more times, just search through the thread. You're adding absolutely nothing to the discussion. The first part of his post is completely and utterly correct. If you don't like his stream, don't watch his stream. Complaining to Quantic is just ridiculous and making something out of nothing, just like it was with the Orb fiasco. | ||
United States765 Posts
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