Think twice before hitting post; this thread will be moderated for idiocy and useless posts. Consider this a warning. |
On May 02 2012 05:20 reneg wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 05:07 LarJarsE wrote:On May 02 2012 05:05 denzelz wrote:On May 02 2012 05:02 Kaitlin wrote:On May 02 2012 04:50 Fueled wrote:Okay, so you clicked on it and you didn't like it. Turn it off and don't watch it again.
If you turn on your TV guide, you tune into a show you've never heard of before. Family Guy, that sounds wholesome and family oriented. 30 seconds in, you are offended, what do you do?
Contact the station/companies involved and tell them you are no longer buying any products featured in the commercials because you are offended?
Just don't watch it Again with this. You can't compare the two. Compare this to someone who is a big face in some other sport. Say a Derek Jeter for baseball or a Kobe Bryant for basketball. Do you think they wouldn't see any action against them if they said these choice words to someone they were playing against while thousands of people watched? No, they WOULD see some sort of action against them for its been done in the past and present. Actually, you can't compare the two. You can't compare people playing a video game over the internet to organized professional sports leagues. Derek Jeter is a member of Major League Baseball. The commissioner can punish him for making racial slurs as it hurts Major League Baseball. Destiny is not part of any such "League". Now, he has entered into contracts with Quantic, and sponsors, so they can make their own business decisions of whether they want to be associated with him, but they can't "punish" him. They can't stop him from doing what he does. They can simply cut their ties. Here's a solution. To those who are offended by Destiny, go write an email to Razer or whoever sponsors Quantic. I've already sent my email. That's probably the most effective way to get him to stop. Arguing in here is not productive at all. I'll stick with emailing quantic for now. if things dont change with destiny I will be emailing the sponsors of quantic, because they will have ignored many emails explaining how lame it is for destiny to use prejudice and racial slurs when streaming This is the mentality that I honestly don't understand. Destiny's a bigot. He uses offensive language. To trash him and a team by throwing a big fit to all the sponsors of SC2 teams, which is frankly what we need in order to keep the scene alive, just seems like a giant personal vendetta against Destiny. You think he's "lame." Cool. I get it. I go through times where I don't like him as much as I do, but trying to get him thrown off his team just because he's offensive is ridiculous. Vote with your viewership. If everyone hated him this much, no one would watch him, and he'd disappear from the scene. But people seem to love him. Causing a big stir is a good way to get all sponsors to never sponsor anything in esports, since they'll start to look at it in a, "well, if we put anything into that, everyone will hate everything everyone does, and we'll get a lot of complaints." So please, think before everyone rushes off and tries to take down SC2.
Take down SC2? Quantic can think for themselves too you know. They're going to get a bunch of opinionated e-mails, because one of their members did something that warranted an opinion. If they agree with his detractors they'll take action, if they agree with his supporters they won't.
On May 02 2012 05:14 dmasterding wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 05:12 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:11 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:10 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:08 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:04 Audemed wrote: He's more popular than Orb (IDK why), so no, he wont get fired.
Should contact quantic's sponsors though. No. Read the fucking thread instead of hoping in and posting shit. ? Many of us have read it, I know what InControl is saying but he's saying that as a beneficiary of the pro scene. I still choose to contact Razer. Good for you, destroy the scene you invested so much time in so 'the man' doesn't get his paycheck What? You expect companies like CBS to actually broadcast games if the competitors use derogatory, inflammatory and racist language? As I said earlier, if people want SC2 to grow bigger (eg. being on television), they have to accept that some acts (eg. racist remarks) are simply unacceptable. You've obviously never even paid ANY attention to Destiny's position on swearing on his stream. Swearing on the ladder, on his stream when only his viewers are watching, is WAY different from a professional game. Destiny has said that there's a time and place for everything - he most DEFINITELY would not play a broadcasted game (esp. if it WERE to be casted on CBS) and swear the way he does.
Does it really matter where he does it though, if it is public? If Peyton Manning streamed a live workout session (I know this never actually happens, but it's basically what Destiny is doing) and got angry at someone in the gym and called them a "faggot" there would be a huge uproar over that and he would be fined or suspended. Since SC2 isn't on TV or anything we don't have to worry about stuff like that, but if it were to become more mainstream the whole "he did it on his personal stream" excuse stops mattering - he's putting all this stuff out into the public domain.
I know that's a really dumb analogy, but if you put what can be construed as racist and homophobic views out in the public domain you will get in trouble in most lines of work if caught. Regardless of your views of linguistics (which is what a lot of these arguments are coming down to) most athletes would be in a world of trouble for calling someone a "gook" in front of 4K people, regardless of whether or not it was at a competition.
its destiny dudes a joke.
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On May 02 2012 05:21 Denzil wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 05:20 KimJongChill wrote: I'm Korean and not bothered by this at all. Huge Destiny fan, always will be. It's hardly derogatory, and it just sounds like a silly racial slur that somebody tried way too hard to come up with. Jesus christ, haven't we gone over this shit before guys? Of course we have but this is a cycle and cycles always repeat. See you back here next thread I guess I always find it amusing that it's white, middle-class people who are offended the most by this so-called "hate speech," rather than, you know, the actual group it's supposedly hateful of.
On May 02 2012 05:05 denzelz wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 05:02 Kaitlin wrote:On May 02 2012 04:50 Fueled wrote:Okay, so you clicked on it and you didn't like it. Turn it off and don't watch it again.
If you turn on your TV guide, you tune into a show you've never heard of before. Family Guy, that sounds wholesome and family oriented. 30 seconds in, you are offended, what do you do?
Contact the station/companies involved and tell them you are no longer buying any products featured in the commercials because you are offended?
Just don't watch it Again with this. You can't compare the two. Compare this to someone who is a big face in some other sport. Say a Derek Jeter for baseball or a Kobe Bryant for basketball. Do you think they wouldn't see any action against them if they said these choice words to someone they were playing against while thousands of people watched? No, they WOULD see some sort of action against them for its been done in the past and present. Actually, you can't compare the two. You can't compare people playing a video game over the internet to organized professional sports leagues. Derek Jeter is a member of Major League Baseball. The commissioner can punish him for making racial slurs as it hurts Major League Baseball. Destiny is not part of any such "League". Now, he has entered into contracts with Quantic, and sponsors, so they can make their own business decisions of whether they want to be associated with him, but they can't "punish" him. They can't stop him from doing what he does. They can simply cut their ties. Here's a solution. To those who are offended by Destiny, go write an email to Razer or whoever sponsors Quantic. I've already sent my email. That's probably the most effective way to get him to stop. Arguing in here is not productive at all.
Not so much offended, but after what happened to Orb it would be bullshit if people didn't get upset over this. Contact sponsors for equality :D (Sorry everyone, being a player does not allow you to throw out racial slurs)
Professionally, Quantic should kick him off the team. He just gives the team and its sponsors a negative image and can be a serious liability to them. If I were the Quantic manager, I would reconsider his contract because I wouldn't want my sponsors pulling away just because one of my players is making these statements on their stream.
Truthfully, this probably won't happen because this type of flaming is appealing to his stream audience which I would assume is mostly male teenagers who also participate in such flaming online and in real life.
Personally, I think it's stupid how someone with no tournament results can get more than 5000 stream viewers while someone like Nada who is golden mouse winner struggles to get 1000.
On May 02 2012 05:20 Odal wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 05:18 zefreak wrote:On May 02 2012 05:12 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:11 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:10 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:08 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:04 Audemed wrote: He's more popular than Orb (IDK why), so no, he wont get fired.
Should contact quantic's sponsors though. No. Read the fucking thread instead of hoping in and posting shit. ? Many of us have read it, I know what InControl is saying but he's saying that as a beneficiary of the pro scene. I still choose to contact Razer. Good for you, destroy the scene you invested so much time in so 'the man' doesn't get his paycheck What? You expect companies like CBS to actually broadcast games if the competitors use derogatory, inflammatory and racist language? As I said earlier, if people want SC2 to grow bigger (eg. being on television), they have to accept that some acts (eg. racist remarks) are simply unacceptable. What, you think sports stars don't use derogatory language during practice matches or on the street? When Destiny says something similar in a televised event, let me know. A personal stream is isn't a tournament or officially broadcast match. Thinking that esports can't grow mainstream because people use offensive language on their personal streams is ridiculous. You guy's must not follow mainstream sports/music/television. The starcraft community is pretty tame compared to some 'mainstream' scenes. But it's still broadcasted to the public. To sponsors and most people there is no different from a stream of Destiny laddering and a stream of Destiny playing in a major team league. Especially when Destiny pulls in tons of viewers. Oh I didn't know you were a representative of "sponsors and most people".
There is a HUGE difference between Destiny playing in a major team league (in which he is usually VERY well mannered and I don't believe has EVER swore on stream in game) and playing on his own stream.
On May 02 2012 05:21 Shiori wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 05:19 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:14 dmasterding wrote:On May 02 2012 05:12 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:11 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:10 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:08 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:04 Audemed wrote: He's more popular than Orb (IDK why), so no, he wont get fired.
Should contact quantic's sponsors though. No. Read the fucking thread instead of hoping in and posting shit. ? Many of us have read it, I know what InControl is saying but he's saying that as a beneficiary of the pro scene. I still choose to contact Razer. Good for you, destroy the scene you invested so much time in so 'the man' doesn't get his paycheck What? You expect companies like CBS to actually broadcast games if the competitors use derogatory, inflammatory and racist language? As I said earlier, if people want SC2 to grow bigger (eg. being on television), they have to accept that some acts (eg. racist remarks) are simply unacceptable. You've obviously never even paid ANY attention to Destiny's position on swearing on his stream. Swearing on the ladder, on his stream when only his viewers are watching, is WAY different from a professional game. Destiny has said that there's a time and place for everything - he most DEFINITELY would not play a broadcasted game (esp. if it WERE to be casted on CBS) and swear the way he does. So if LeBron James used derogatory and racist language when not playing NBA games or not making NBA promotional appearances that would be acceptable? Something tells me that Nike wouldn't be too happy. As far as I'm concerned, it should be his own damn business what he says on his own time. The only reason Nike wouldn't be happy is because they don't want to be perceived as endorsing his behaviour, even though the finer points of his contract likely stipulate that his personal life isn't representative of the company. You know who's responsible for this perception? People like you, who think that uttering a word in one context might as well be a signature on a petition to legalize the crucifixion of homosexuals or something equally ridiculous.
This isn't a one-time issue - apparently Destiny has no problems using racist language.
If Destiny simply apologized for his behaviour I think the community would be more forgiving. Personally I know he is typically very BM, but I haven't seen anything elsewhere that would signify racist or significantly unacceptable behaviour. Everyone makes mistakes.
His attitude towards the criticism sickens me though. Especially because I've had that derogatory term used towards me at one point in my life.
On May 02 2012 05:19 JDub wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 05:12 dmasterding wrote:On May 02 2012 05:08 JDub wrote: I used to really enjoy watching Destiny's stream, but I have stopped enjoying it, as every time he loses he throws out some really offensive, childish insults (his favorites involve using "autism" and "special olympics"). I for one will not watch his stream anymore. Good. Then don't. That's the mature way to go about it. If you don't like what you hear on a stream, just stop watching it. One shouldn't just get offended, and then immediately email sponsors trying to get the player seriously reprimanded for something the team obviously took into account whilst hiring him (not saying you're doing this specifically, just using your quote as an example to respond to other people in the thread.) Yes I understand what you mean. I don't think people need to go e-mailing Razer, Quantic, everything, etc. But it's really, really naive to think that being offended by racial slurs means there is a problem with the person who is offended. It just depresses me that Destiny is still so popular. I encourage everyone to stop watching his stream until he grows up. I don't know if I've ever seen him leave a game without spewing some childish and offensive remarks in recent memory. I do enjoy watching his coaching sessions, though, and still love the good old YouTube highlights (the fail forcefield, the destroying the entire enemy 2v2 army with burrowed banelings, etc.).
The problem with racist is never their individual actions but from the support they get from (usually) the privileged white males of western societies.
On May 02 2012 04:57 Holytornados wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 04:55 Silvertine wrote:On May 02 2012 04:52 Holytornados wrote:On May 02 2012 04:49 Corrosive wrote:On May 02 2012 04:47 Arghmyliver wrote: What the fuck guys.
THE ONLY reason that these words were EVER offensive was the CONTEXT IN WHICH THEY WERE USED.
Its fucking 2012 - the most fucking offensive term these days in the US is probably "sandnigger" because racist fucking lunatics actually think that people of Middle-Eastern/Arabic descent are inferior. And that's just pure, dumb, stupid, ignorance. And honestly it stems from the fact that these idiots are pants-shitting xenophobics. They are SO AFRAID of a group of people that they resort to dehumanizing them.
That makes you a racist. It also makes you a fucking dumbass.
Do you HONESTLY BELIEVE that Destiny is like "Oh God, not another Korean! I hate these guys, they all look alike and they've got no Seoul cause they Seould it to get good at SC!"?
If so than you're fucking dumb. Seems suspicious that he happened to land on the word "gook" while playing vs. a korean huh? A lot of the time people throw the term "nigger" around at everyone, not just black people. It doesn't matter who he was facing; it was just a word he used. Oh, so he just happened to say "gook" against someone who clearly had an Asian name twice(the other case being on LoL)? That doesn't seem very likely. No, he definitely picked gook because of the Asian name. But a lot fo white players use pseudo-Asian names occasionally. He was not trying to personally offend the OP, he was just raging and picked a word that he deemed suitable. You're joking. Unless you actually believe what you're saying for some reason? I could understand if he said "asshole" or something, but he didn't.
On May 02 2012 05:23 Shiori wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 05:21 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:20 KimJongChill wrote: I'm Korean and not bothered by this at all. Huge Destiny fan, always will be. It's hardly derogatory, and it just sounds like a silly racial slur that somebody tried way too hard to come up with. Jesus christ, haven't we gone over this shit before guys? Of course we have but this is a cycle and cycles always repeat. See you back here next thread I guess I always find it amusing that it's white, middle-class people who are offended the most by this so-called "hate speech," rather than, you know, the actual group it's supposedly hateful of.
Pop into the SC2 LGBT IRC when this stuff goes down. None of them get involved because it always just ends up making them too angry. But believe me, it pisses them off.
On May 02 2012 05:23 dmasterding wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 05:20 Odal wrote:On May 02 2012 05:18 zefreak wrote:On May 02 2012 05:12 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:11 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:10 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:08 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:04 Audemed wrote: He's more popular than Orb (IDK why), so no, he wont get fired.
Should contact quantic's sponsors though. No. Read the fucking thread instead of hoping in and posting shit. ? Many of us have read it, I know what InControl is saying but he's saying that as a beneficiary of the pro scene. I still choose to contact Razer. Good for you, destroy the scene you invested so much time in so 'the man' doesn't get his paycheck What? You expect companies like CBS to actually broadcast games if the competitors use derogatory, inflammatory and racist language? As I said earlier, if people want SC2 to grow bigger (eg. being on television), they have to accept that some acts (eg. racist remarks) are simply unacceptable. What, you think sports stars don't use derogatory language during practice matches or on the street? When Destiny says something similar in a televised event, let me know. A personal stream is isn't a tournament or officially broadcast match. Thinking that esports can't grow mainstream because people use offensive language on their personal streams is ridiculous. You guy's must not follow mainstream sports/music/television. The starcraft community is pretty tame compared to some 'mainstream' scenes. But it's still broadcasted to the public. To sponsors and most people there is no different from a stream of Destiny laddering and a stream of Destiny playing in a major team league. Especially when Destiny pulls in tons of viewers. Oh I didn't know you were a representative of "sponsors and most people". There is a HUGE difference between Destiny playing in a major team league (in which he is usually VERY well mannered and I don't believe has EVER swore on stream in game) and playing on his own stream.
I heard he did in a game in the IPL team league vs minigun, could be wrong.
On May 02 2012 05:19 FairForever wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 05:14 dmasterding wrote:On May 02 2012 05:12 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:11 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:10 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:08 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:04 Audemed wrote: He's more popular than Orb (IDK why), so no, he wont get fired.
Should contact quantic's sponsors though. No. Read the fucking thread instead of hoping in and posting shit. ? Many of us have read it, I know what InControl is saying but he's saying that as a beneficiary of the pro scene. I still choose to contact Razer. Good for you, destroy the scene you invested so much time in so 'the man' doesn't get his paycheck What? You expect companies like CBS to actually broadcast games if the competitors use derogatory, inflammatory and racist language? As I said earlier, if people want SC2 to grow bigger (eg. being on television), they have to accept that some acts (eg. racist remarks) are simply unacceptable. You've obviously never even paid ANY attention to Destiny's position on swearing on his stream. Swearing on the ladder, on his stream when only his viewers are watching, is WAY different from a professional game. Destiny has said that there's a time and place for everything - he most DEFINITELY would not play a broadcasted game (esp. if it WERE to be casted on CBS) and swear the way he does. So if LeBron James used derogatory and racist language when not playing NBA games or not making NBA promotional appearances that would be acceptable? Something tells me that Nike wouldn't be too happy.
You can be quite certain that there is a clause in LeBron James' contract with Nike to cover this. But really, the sponsor can always cut ties, it's just a matter of whether they have the right sever future compensation under the contract.
There is a difference between being a racist and using racial slurs. I think thats one thing that many people apparently don't understand.
Words mean nothing except for the power that we give them. The way he is using them he may as well be typing in random profanities and it would get the same meaning. Or he could mash his keyboard. But for some reason people are so obsessed with being politically correct.
I think racist has to be one of the most overused and least understood word in the English language.
You could easily call destiny insensitive, or rude. But not racist.
On May 02 2012 03:03 KristianJS wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 03:01 Leafren wrote: sigh @ the white knights circle jerk
If you think Destiny swears/offends/whatever too much, don't watch his stream. It is that simple. If Destiny thinks it's OK to use words like nigger, gook, etc, on his stream that's his damn right. However distasteful you or I find it. Freedom of speech.
Personally I don't see why you would routinely use words like nigger or faggot, I'm one of those types that does go out of his way a bit to avoid offending people.
However, I'm not entirely convinced Destiny's behaviour is bad for esports, I think it has little to no effect on it at all. If we want esports to grow (soon to be the most cliché sentence), by definition it will include a wider variety of characters and viewpoints. Does any of the world's sports stop growing because players misbehave (in your view that is)? You're right, for esports to grow, we need to make sure we allow racism to be expressed freely by professionals. After all, we wouldn;t want to alienate racist viewers.
No point in debating with people who lack any sense for nuance or intentially misinterpret posts. Posts like yours kill any debate. If you couldn't make any sense of what I wrote just ASK. Instead of making a semi-smartass post that completely misses the point. Where did I ever say we should allow racism? (I don't even agree Destiny's behaviour qualifies as racism). Or that Destiny's behaviour actually promotes the growth of esports? That's right, I didn't, but you wanted to read it so you could squirt out that fountain of sarcasm.
I claim it doesn't hurt the growth of esports at all if a minority of people misbehaves according to the majority or according to what is 'politically correct', see other sports.
Hope that makes my point more clear.
On May 02 2012 05:23 Shiori wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 05:21 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:20 KimJongChill wrote: I'm Korean and not bothered by this at all. Huge Destiny fan, always will be. It's hardly derogatory, and it just sounds like a silly racial slur that somebody tried way too hard to come up with. Jesus christ, haven't we gone over this shit before guys? Of course we have but this is a cycle and cycles always repeat. See you back here next thread I guess I always find it amusing that it's white, middle-class people who are offended the most by this so-called "hate speech," rather than, you know, the actual group it's supposedly hateful of. Right, because a single Asian person, who happens to describe himself as a "huge Destiny fan" speaks for all of the others.
On May 02 2012 05:21 Shiori wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 05:19 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:14 dmasterding wrote:On May 02 2012 05:12 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:11 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:10 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:08 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:04 Audemed wrote: He's more popular than Orb (IDK why), so no, he wont get fired.
Should contact quantic's sponsors though. No. Read the fucking thread instead of hoping in and posting shit. ? Many of us have read it, I know what InControl is saying but he's saying that as a beneficiary of the pro scene. I still choose to contact Razer. Good for you, destroy the scene you invested so much time in so 'the man' doesn't get his paycheck What? You expect companies like CBS to actually broadcast games if the competitors use derogatory, inflammatory and racist language? As I said earlier, if people want SC2 to grow bigger (eg. being on television), they have to accept that some acts (eg. racist remarks) are simply unacceptable. You've obviously never even paid ANY attention to Destiny's position on swearing on his stream. Swearing on the ladder, on his stream when only his viewers are watching, is WAY different from a professional game. Destiny has said that there's a time and place for everything - he most DEFINITELY would not play a broadcasted game (esp. if it WERE to be casted on CBS) and swear the way he does. So if LeBron James used derogatory and racist language when not playing NBA games or not making NBA promotional appearances that would be acceptable? Something tells me that Nike wouldn't be too happy. As far as I'm concerned, it should be his own damn business what he says on his own time. The only reason Nike wouldn't be happy is because they don't want to be perceived as endorsing his behaviour, even though the finer points of his contract likely stipulate that his personal life isn't representative of the company. You know who's responsible for this perception? People like you, who think that uttering a word in one context might as well be a signature on a petition to legalize the crucifixion of homosexuals or something equally ridiculous.
His stream isn't his personal life, though. Like it or not, his name is attached to the team, and his team is attached to those sponsors. If he wants to stomp around his house shouting "faggot" to himself all day I couldn't care less, I don't think anybody is seriously trying to control how the guy acts. It's pretty obvious by now what a horrible human being he is and that's never going to change, the issue is we have to let his team and his sponsors know that we don't support this kind of behavior by anybody.
On May 02 2012 05:23 Shiori wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 05:21 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:20 KimJongChill wrote: I'm Korean and not bothered by this at all. Huge Destiny fan, always will be. It's hardly derogatory, and it just sounds like a silly racial slur that somebody tried way too hard to come up with. Jesus christ, haven't we gone over this shit before guys? Of course we have but this is a cycle and cycles always repeat. See you back here next thread I guess I always find it amusing that it's white, middle-class people who are offended the most by this so-called "hate speech," rather than, you know, the actual group it's supposedly hateful of.
you got to defend those groups because those groups clearly don't know about teamliquid or the first world problems / travesties going on in the battle against racism on Battlenet
On May 02 2012 05:23 FairForever wrote:Show nested quote +On May 02 2012 05:21 Shiori wrote:On May 02 2012 05:19 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:14 dmasterding wrote:On May 02 2012 05:12 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:11 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:10 FairForever wrote:On May 02 2012 05:08 Denzil wrote:On May 02 2012 05:04 Audemed wrote: He's more popular than Orb (IDK why), so no, he wont get fired.
Should contact quantic's sponsors though. No. Read the fucking thread instead of hoping in and posting shit. ? Many of us have read it, I know what InControl is saying but he's saying that as a beneficiary of the pro scene. I still choose to contact Razer. Good for you, destroy the scene you invested so much time in so 'the man' doesn't get his paycheck What? You expect companies like CBS to actually broadcast games if the competitors use derogatory, inflammatory and racist language? As I said earlier, if people want SC2 to grow bigger (eg. being on television), they have to accept that some acts (eg. racist remarks) are simply unacceptable. You've obviously never even paid ANY attention to Destiny's position on swearing on his stream. Swearing on the ladder, on his stream when only his viewers are watching, is WAY different from a professional game. Destiny has said that there's a time and place for everything - he most DEFINITELY would not play a broadcasted game (esp. if it WERE to be casted on CBS) and swear the way he does. So if LeBron James used derogatory and racist language when not playing NBA games or not making NBA promotional appearances that would be acceptable? Something tells me that Nike wouldn't be too happy. As far as I'm concerned, it should be his own damn business what he says on his own time. The only reason Nike wouldn't be happy is because they don't want to be perceived as endorsing his behaviour, even though the finer points of his contract likely stipulate that his personal life isn't representative of the company. You know who's responsible for this perception? People like you, who think that uttering a word in one context might as well be a signature on a petition to legalize the crucifixion of homosexuals or something equally ridiculous. This isn't a one-time issue - apparently Destiny has no problems using racist language. If Destiny simply apologized for his behaviour I think the community would be more forgiving. Personally I know he is typically very BM, but I haven't seen anything elsewhere that would signify racist or significantly unacceptable behaviour. Everyone makes mistakes. His attitude towards the criticism sickens me though. Especially because I've had that derogatory term used towards me at one point in my life. Destiny has never BMed at an event at which he was representing his sponsors.
People are racist. Words are associated with racism. Not all people who use associated words are racist, although racist people tend to use them. Destiny is obviously not expressing his profound hatred of Asians.
On May 01 2012 22:17 Fionn wrote: Destiny?
Racial slurs?
Woah, I never expected this. Sarcasm? Idk from someone who rages kinda often this kind of things don't really suprise me. Although it was probably in the heat of the moment i doubt he feels like this towards gay people in a derogatory way.