So silly
Racial Slurs in QuanticDestiny's Stream - Page 103
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Think twice before hitting post; this thread will be moderated for idiocy and useless posts. Consider this a warning. | ||
Australia4032 Posts
So silly | ||
United States150 Posts
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Mexico5280 Posts
On May 02 2012 06:16 crms wrote: 102 pages and nobody linked destiny's tweet from 3 hours ago?? Steven Bonnell II @Steven_Bonnell Alright, I did some thinking, I'm sorry about what I said. Here's a link to my official statement on the issue - This is priceless, a non-issue that becomes an issue by whiteknights and deluded esports fanatics that fail to realize how small and insignificant we really are. I hope our inflated self worth esports bubble bursts so we can get back to reality and build this with a community that doesn't have add, bipolar and borderline personality disorders. I guess though, the bigger we get the more maintstream we will become. We all know how idiotic the general population actually is so I guess as we grow so does our proportion of imbeciles. All hail our new corporate media overlords, I welcome our new PC slavedrivers. You must really think highly of yourself no? | ||
United Kingdom1153 Posts
I don't think any "pro" (term used loosely in the gaming world I know) should use that sort of language. I'm going to compare E-sports to real sports seeing as it has the potential to grow and while may not ever become mainstream, with companies like Red Bull getting behind it I don't see why it can't get to the sizes of some less famous sports. And to that end I'd rather not have prominent members going around using shitty racial slurs, even if ment in a moment of nerd rage. I also don't enjoy watching witless raging. I rather watch the Combofiend / Mike Ross / 2GD style of BM (which is basically any BM that doesn't involve nigger, gook, chink cunts). I don't watch a crapton of sport but I can't remember Alonso calling Hamilton a nigger for example. The problem with E-sports is everything is recorded. It's also a bit sad people seem to watch him just for the shit he slings around instead of actually watching the game. But whatever, its your choice. | ||
3815 Posts
On May 02 2012 06:16 Klondikebar wrote: Really? It's clear that it was "fleeting?" Because Destiny regularly uses language like that and he even came into this very thread to defend his use of those words. Yep, it's still clear that it was nothing more than anger. Let me reiterate my position: Destiny's behaviour, while uncouth and rather crude, is not worthy of this kind of witch-hunting. I place him on exactly the same (rather low) level as the people who BM every single time they lose. I don't respect those people, but neither do I think they should be socially ostracized because of what they do on principle. I choose not to watch them because that behaviour pisses me off. My anger in this thread is with the people who want Destiny to face actual punishments from external entities. I already won't watch his stream because of his unbecoming behaviour. If you want to make a statement to his sponsors, just don't tune into his stream. Trying to ruin his career because he's not your cup of tea is immature, ridiculous, and malice with the permission of your conscience. | ||
1720 Posts
On May 02 2012 06:16 Klondikebar wrote: Really? It's clear that it was "fleeting?" Because Destiny regularly uses language like that and he even came into this very thread to defend his use of those words. retarded indeed because he does it on regular fashion, does make it even worse. I can't imagine a Korean player for example doing the same. (is this even heard of?) If people want to compete on international level, than people should also get some manners. They are representing the "foreigners" after all. | ||
United States147 Posts
![]() All this thread does is give him more publicity which he deserves. I love destiny just stop playing LoL faggot... User was warned for this post User was temp banned for this post. | ||
United States138 Posts
On May 01 2012 22:16 WardenSC wrote: I was playing vs QuanticDestiny a few hours ago where he was calling me a "gook" and a bunch of offensive words. Now I understand that one may get frustrated if he/she loses in a game (I've been there myself). I also understand that it is his stream and he may say that he can do whatever the hell he wants in his stream. However, he stands now as a "community figure" who has the reach to influence thousands of viewers daily and can skew the public's view of sc2 community in an extremely negative direction. Isn't it reasonable to expect a level of professionalism from a player that plays on a professional team? I just don't think spurting out racial slurs left and right in front of a large audience is why Quantic sponsors Destiny to market their team. As a note, I don't think QuanticDestiny is a true racist. However, I do believe that ignorance towards his excessive use of racial slurs would eventually lead to tolerance within the community and that would be a very dangerous outcome. ![]() I believe he was refering to the last part of your name, and spelt it in a racial way, Then again he could of taken your name and in rage made a racial remark. Maybe you should of brought this up in a more professional manner though... Talked to him directly and or someone from Quantic instead of posting for thousands to see so it forces quantic to react.. In-house is always better... none the less no negative remarks are good for E-sports, but then again every sport started with racism in some shape of form and eventually panned out.. | ||
United States75 Posts
As for Destiny himself, Destiny provides entertainment. I think what the people are trying to get at when they say Destiny is not a racist is not that it's okay for non-racists to say racist things. Rather, they are saying that all of those who watch Destiny's stream consistently understand that it is almost a form of satire. To me, watching Destiny's stream is equivalent to watching Archer (or in a lesser sense, Southpark) on tv. It is NOT politically correct in any way whatsoever, and that it what makes it entertaining. However, I do understand that some players might get distressed if they are on the recieving end of Destiny's behavior, having never encountered it before. In that case, I would say that I hope they can come here, read these posts, and feel enlightened enough to forget, even if they do not forgive. | ||
Nigeria3519 Posts
On May 02 2012 06:18 MoonfireSpam wrote: Well I'm kinda for booting him off QxC and letting him he indie, he can still do what he wants on stream, he can be a cunt, burn flags, rape babies, couldn't give a fuck, I just don't think he should be associated with any pro team right now. Heres why: I don't think any "pro" (term used loosely in the gaming world I know) should use that sort of language. I'm going to compare E-sports to real sports seeing as it has the potential to grow and while may not ever become mainstream, with companies like Red Bull getting behind it I don't see why it can't get to the sizes of some less famous sports. And to that end I'd rather not have prominent members going around using shitty racial slurs, even if ment in a moment of nerd rage. I also don't enjoy watching witless raging. I rather watch the Combofiend / Mike Ross / 2GD style of BM (which is basically any BM that doesn't involve nigger, gook, chink cunts). I don't watch a crapton of sport but I can't remember Alonso calling Hamilton a nigger for example. The problem with E-sports is everything is recorded. It's also a bit sad people seem to watch him just for the shit he slings around instead of actually watching the game. But whatever, its your choice. Jason Terry used racial slurs, was he kicked off of Chelsea? I agree that Destiny goes over the top, but this thread is going out of control. Asking for Destiny to be booted off of Quantic, and if not Quantic should lose their sponsors? E-mailing sponsors over this? Wow. Well in about 2 weeks when nobody cares about this, I'm sure we'll all have a good laugh over this thread. | ||
United States2197 Posts
Just my two cents ~YourGoodFriend | ||
Korea (South)798 Posts
On May 02 2012 06:11 mythandier wrote: Warden -- I never see you stream anymore so I'm really surprised to see you post here. I do think you have a valid point -- one that's been brought up before and one that most people replying to the OP are more or less overlooking. Destiny has every right to stream whatever kind of language he chooses to do so and Quantic has every right to sponsor him if they are willing to accept that he represents their organization. However -- whether or not he wanted it, as a featured streamer, Destiny is a highly visible community figure. I think for someone to continue to be a featured streamer on TL they should portray values that are in line with 1) TL itself and 2) professional esports as a whole. Generally speaking, professionals of any sort are held to a higher standard than casual/amateurs in the same field. For example, if JoeShmoe the non-featured, non-sponsored, platnium league streamer wants to go on racial tirades for no reason then no big deal. Why? Because his actions don't have the influence that someone with 2-6k viewers has. As professional streamers, you have kids looking up to you. Seriously, kids. Easily influenced kids that want to emulate what they perceive as cool -- and that kind of stuff just isn't cool. Personally I don't think there's any room for this kind of language or attitude in professional eSports. In my opinion, there should be agreed upon standards for featured streamers and if they don't adhere to said standards then they are removed from the featured list. Also, I don't think this conversation needs to involve the -orb- incident at all because that's a different situation that's over and done with and this thread is purely about 1 persons actions. Agreed. With all four of his main points. 1) Destiny's sponsorship is Quantic's concern, not ours. 2) But we are TL members and the featured players on TL should reflect the values of the community (or the majority of) 3) You don't have to be a role model, but when you do something on a professional level, it's no longer about just you. Whether you like it or not, you have obligations to other people. 4) Orb's case was different. | ||
United Kingdom378 Posts
On May 02 2012 06:24 Flonomenalz wrote: Jason Terry used racial slurs, was he kicked off of Chelsea? It's John Terry. And actually no, he's facing criminal charges instead. I expect he'll be thrown out of the team if found guilty. Just saying. | ||
United States509 Posts
On May 02 2012 06:19 Shiori wrote: Yep, it's still clear that it was nothing more than anger. Trying to ruin his career because he's not your cup of tea is immature, ridiculous, and malice with the permission of your conscience. Yet another straw man. People are not taking action because he isn't their "cup of tea", they're doing it because they believe he is spewing racism. | ||
United States790 Posts
On May 02 2012 06:17 latan wrote: this is a very relevant video: He is talking about government censorship. What does that have to do with this? | ||
Sweden46 Posts
On May 02 2012 06:18 Raid wrote: As an asian-american, I actually think a simple apology from Destiny to the OP is simply enough. But after seeing how he responded on how he defends himself on having the "right" to use such racial slurs... I find it disgusting that people would defend such a person. The term "gook" is to not be taken lightly, my parents came from the Vietnam War and I can tell you the reason why the military uses racial slurs is to differentiate themselves from the minority making it easier for them to kill... There shouldn't be justification in committing a hate crime of a person of another minority just because you feel you have the right to free speech. I find it silly that Destiny cannot man up and just apologize and get this over with. If he feels that he needs to have an extended vocabulary then I suggest not being in a team where he represents the name of "Quantic" and their sponsors... I agree i didn't even know what gook meant before this thread, Im pretty sure destiny don't have anything against vietnam or even supported the war. So a warning from quantic and after that i don't think he will use any racial slurs, he said it to a south korean witch have been in war with communist countries so its not related in that way. | ||
3815 Posts
On May 02 2012 06:26 Silvertine wrote: Yet another straw man. People are not taking action because he isn't their "cup of tea", they're doing it because they believe he is spewing racism. Going to just stop responding to your one-liners. | ||
856 Posts
The point is only reinforced by the fact that at live tournaments he would never dare lash out like that where the reaction from the crowd would overwhelmingly negative. Yet when he is in his own element, in his own place , with his own 'fans' being the majority of the people watching him, then he has no issue with lashing out. Just goes to show how he really is. It doesn't matter 'if he means it' or 'he's not really racist' or w/e. If you are so disrespectful of a person that you resort to that sort of immaturity then you really need to take a look at yourself and ask "why are you such and angry jerk when things don't go your way?" | ||
Australia47 Posts
On May 02 2012 05:48 LarJarsE wrote: internet censorship bad. lets make a more fair poll that's your FAIR poll? do you also flip coins that have heads on both sides? | ||
Canada3132 Posts
On May 02 2012 06:18 Raid wrote: As an asian-american, I actually think a simple apology from Destiny to the OP is simply enough. But after seeing how he responded on how he defends himself on having the "right" to use such racial slurs... I find it disgusting that people would defend such a person. The term "gook" is to not be taken lightly, my parents came from the Vietnam War and I can tell you the reason why the military uses racial slurs is to differentiate themselves from the minority making it easier for them to kill... There shouldn't be justification in committing a hate crime of a person of another minority just because you feel you have the right to free speech. I find it silly that Destiny cannot man up and just apologize and get this over with. If he feels that he needs to have an extended vocabulary then I suggest not being in a team where he represents the name of "Quantic" and their sponsors... Hear, hear. Almighty white folks in their discussions have not noticed this person's post. ♥ | ||
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