TL.net128 Posts
KING CHARLIE :D was just temp banned for 1 week by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2012-03-29 06:35:58 and had 391 posts.
Reason: Two warnings already this month and you are still demonstrating your total unwillingness or incapability of putting a stop to your seemingly compulsive trollage of every discussion you participate in. I fail to see any real kind of future for you around here unless you seriously change your attitude and start thinking before going for that post button.
TL.net128 Posts
IPLeague was just temp banned for 1 week by R1CH.
That account was created on 2011-04-30 21:49:26 and had 52 posts.
Reason: Advertising.
TL.net128 Posts
Hallstatt7 was just banned by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2012-11-22 23:25:57 and had 12 posts.
Reason: Sup affinity_12.
TL.net128 Posts
FaRess was just temp banned for 1 week by Liquid`Nazgul.
That account was created on 2010-09-06 07:36:16 and had 832 posts.
Reason: who is this shitty zerg seriously ? Take it easy there champ.
TL.net128 Posts
Neabuze was just banned by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2012-01-04 00:12:45 and had 58 posts.
Reason: It is users like you that are turning my backyard into:
TL.net128 Posts
Vallye was just banned by Plexa.
That account was created on 2012-03-24 22:31:47 and had 5 posts.
Reason: Previously banned user.
TL.net128 Posts
cdecdecdecde was just banned by Plexa.
That account was created on 2012-11-21 19:04:22 and had 16 posts.
Reason: Previously banned user.
TL.net128 Posts
OSRusher was just banned by Excalibur_Z.
That account was created on 2012-06-09 02:57:00 and had 1 posts.
Reason: Spam/advertisement.
TL.net128 Posts
EggYSC was just banned by HawaiianPig.
That account was created on 2012-11-23 05:11:07 and had 0 posts.
Reason: nope
TL.net128 Posts
Requizen was just banned by Ares[Effort].
That account was created on 2011-03-28 02:24:00 and had 5405 posts.
Reason: By request
TL.net128 Posts
blackheartpress was just temp banned for 2 days by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2012-11-19 23:49:26 and had 1 posts.
Reason: Registered with the sole intention to advertise. I suggest you spend the next two days to read up on what we actually expect and do not expect from our users. If you desire to advertise please contact site administration for a sponsored thread.
TL.net128 Posts
NB was just temp banned for 90 days by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2010-02-22 13:07:37 and had 6417 posts.
Reason: 28!!! Prior moderations, 4 warnings last month alone and still you continue to make the most basic of violations of the Teamliquid posting guidelines. For some reason I feel like giving you one last chance. I suggest you take it.
TL.net128 Posts
plasmidghost was just banned by KwarK.
That account was created on 2011-04-22 15:18:20 and had 1015 posts.
Reason: By request. You're welcome to return.
TL.net128 Posts
jingjing was just banned by Falling.
That account was created on 2012-11-23 11:59:24 and had 1 posts.
Reason: Advertising
TL.net128 Posts
Kororo was just temp banned for 90 days by Harem.
That account was created on 2009-12-22 17:08:13 and had 271 posts.
Reason: By request
TL.net128 Posts
jeam065 was just banned by GTR.
That account was created on 2012-11-23 17:17:10 and had 6 posts.
TL.net128 Posts
TL.net128 Posts
aKaKano was just banned by monk..
That account was created on 2012-10-27 03:41:38 and had 2 posts.
Reason: Guess warnings don't mean much to you.
TL.net128 Posts
golemka82 was just banned by Plexa.
That account was created on 2012-11-23 23:57:39 and had 3 posts.
Reason: Previously banned user.
TL.net128 Posts
[3S]Green was just temp banned for 2 days by Waxangel.
That account was created on 2011-12-04 23:10:32 and had 23 posts.
Reason: "So you're arguing that because certain plants are illegal to grow in many countries (because there's many that it is perfectly legal in) that it must be wrong? What if your Homosexuality was outlawed in All countries would that make it wrong? And there is no proof that humans are "born gay" Who's to say people don't become homosexual because of factors such as gay media promotion, gay pride marches, stuff they see on tv, or any other false imformation they might receive such as "People can be born gay" Mabey uganda wants to stop people from being turned gay through all this brainwash bullcrap? What's wrong with that? And if they happen to be "born gay" then why will love it in prison im sure."