NaNiwa not invited to Code S - Page 59
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While I understand that there's a need to discuss this matter, this thread has way too many trash posts in it. Please think carefully about what you want to say. Ad hominem attacks on Swedish people in general, calling you fellow Starcraft fans idiots etc etc will be dealt with with harsher punishment from here on out. Keep it civil people. Page 230: Here's some more stuff that'll get you banned! - Conspiracy theory mongering about MLG and GOM - Comparing people to Hitler - Posting useless one liners of arguments that have already been repeated ad nauseum. | ||
Sweden143 Posts
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Canada161 Posts
No, it completely misses the point. GomTV is GomTV, not Korea. You people need to use your goddamn brains. | ||
United States2900 Posts
On December 14 2011 20:04 galenkan wrote: All I see here is a clash of culture... If GOM is trying to cater to koreans, who are demandiing more of Naniwa (and GOMTV is trying to keep the korean viewerbase) then it's the right course of action. Clash of culture? Any league would do this. NFL would. NHL would. NBA would. Premier League has done something like this. La Liga would. GOM acted like any professional sports organization would act, professionally. | ||
Germany2952 Posts
imo they should just fine him and keep his earnings from blizzard cup, but banning goes to far. they have a ridiculous tournament format. | ||
United States10531 Posts
On December 14 2011 20:01 kickinhead wrote: OMG, is GSL turning into KeSpa? If more ridiculous rulings like that happen, I'll definitely stop watching GSL. It's already boring with so few foreigners, now they ban Nani for reacting like a normal Person to their stupid Format?.... I don't think they are trying to copy KESPA. It's just that they are both in fact Korean Starcraft organizations following Korean standards. I highly doubt that a "normal" pro gamer would have done with Naniwa did to NESTEA, of all people. | ||
3054 Posts
On December 14 2011 19:47 Sprouter wrote: Did gom just make this rule up? This is a total embarrassment for esports and the GSL. Does this mean that mule bombs, manner nexus, and /dance is banned from GSL? That rule have been since open season 1. Maybe Nazgul still have player booklet from that time. It was sth along the lines "Gretek/GOM reserves the right to remove the player if his behaviour is deemed inappropriate" | ||
Australia776 Posts
On December 14 2011 20:03 Zanno wrote: this is more like playing a game of football and just standing there while the other team kicks the ball into your goal over and over No, this is more like tennis where you let your opponent get every single point so the game ends as early as possible... | ||
1570 Posts
On December 14 2011 20:04 perestain wrote: A fake sloppy fourgate against nestea would not be anymore likely to win but would have been considered acceptable. Double standards right there. Ideally he would just play a normal game like other progamers such as HerO would have. It just speaks more to Naniwa's immaturity and selfishness in my opinion... | ||
3149 Posts
On December 14 2011 20:03 StarBrift wrote: Except Naniwa doesn't belong to any organisation that could fine him. Being banned from the GSL for a while is the only option GOM has available.That being said its still not an appropriate punishment. A fine is customary in most sports for behaviour that hurts the professional image of the sport/game and I dont see why that shouldn't be the case here. | ||
743 Posts
On December 14 2011 20:04 perestain wrote: A fake sloppy fourgate against nestea would not be anymore likely to win but would have been considered acceptable. Double standards right there. Actually there is a possibility of winning there. Acceptable in that hes pulling a legitimate strategy that can be successful. | ||
United States532 Posts
On December 14 2011 20:03 laggikoN wrote: Well, that's me not watching GOM anymore, fucking ridiculous, "Dont dont have meaningless matches if you want players to take them seriously." hahaha, define "meaningless" have some self respect man. there are no meaningless games on TV. you have a chance to show any number of things (including that you can beat nestea on tv in korea). those things have meaning. pleasing your fans has meaning. just because it's not a match that offers you a chance to place 1 at a tournament doesn't make it meaningless. I was glad for the chance to see every player in a group play every other player. I paid to be entertained and I find that entertaining. one guy couldn't handle it though, he has no pride in his play and no interest in showing the world what he's capable of against nestea. | ||
Canada753 Posts
On December 14 2011 20:04 ethos wrote: He could have just spent 5, at most 10 minutes of his fucking life hashing out the last game, but instead he throws it, doing something that is obviously disrespectful to Gom? Did you really think Gom would just sit idly by while someone gets on their stage and disrespects them? How would that make them look? It amazes me that such a large portion of the community supports this (obvious disrespect). Some of you are like the kids that support Kanye. You're from South Korea so I'm sorry to say but your opinion may be skewed. For being a Global Star League, the GSL sure does incorporate so many different cultures. The only people who were seriously offended were some of the Koreans. Instead of considering the situation from more than one point a view, a GLOBAL point of view if you will, they say "He offended Koreans, he's out". | ||
Singapore152 Posts
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United States134 Posts
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Australia185 Posts
On December 14 2011 20:04 perestain wrote: A fake sloppy fourgate against nestea would not be anymore likely to win but would have been considered acceptable. Double standards right there. So your saying that probes are equally as powerful as zealots and stalkers? Interesting I swear I have never seen any evidence of this, I must be not playing enough SC. | ||
United States89 Posts
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Canada2058 Posts
On December 14 2011 20:05 grobo wrote: Already stopped watching GSL because of their horrible format but this is a fucking joke. It's ok though, because the international SC2 scene have an infinite amount of awesome tournaments. lol another butthurt swede. it's funny though because naniwa wants to remain in korea and train. go figure. | ||
Sweden2233 Posts
On December 14 2011 20:05 Spiner wrote: Why is nearly everyone from Sweden defending him? Blind nationalism eh? Hey, hey, hey. Guess what! What Gom did is wrong! :O OMG I know. Just so happens that we can see it. | ||
United States707 Posts
On December 14 2011 20:05 grobo wrote: Already stopped watching GSL because of their horrible format but this is a fucking joke. It's ok though, because the international SC2 scene have an infinite amount of awesome tournaments. which are made possible thanks to Korean players. | ||
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