While I understand that there's a need to discuss this matter, this thread has way too many trash posts in it. Please think carefully about what you want to say. Ad hominem attacks on Swedish people in general, calling you fellow Starcraft fans idiots etc etc will be dealt with with harsher punishment from here on out. Keep it civil people.
Page 230: Here's some more stuff that'll get you banned! - Conspiracy theory mongering about MLG and GOM - Comparing people to Hitler - Posting useless one liners of arguments that have already been repeated ad nauseum. |
On December 14 2011 19:50 Dubpace wrote: Yeah to be honest I thought 1 year suspension was incoming.
Naniwa gave up on a game that people paid a lot of money to potentially watch. I was in particular interested in this matchup and stayed up til 7am waiting to watch him vs. Nestea.
Your fault as almost every game in a similar situation ends up being low skill or half assed effort by one or both parties.
I'm now actually glad that SC 2 is dying in Korea. Soon we won't have any shitty GSL anyway.
On December 14 2011 19:52 mrtomjones wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 19:47 Ninjahoe wrote: NaNi played MLGs ALL FUCKING YEAR LONG for this Code S seed, and they take it away for something like this. Fucking retarded shit, obviously not thought through, just a snap-judgement-decision.
Joke joke joke joke fucking terrible joke
And everyone saying he deserved it and swedish ppl are definding him because he's swedish - That's fucking retarded, people defending him are the only ones thinking with a clear fucking mind. I'm not saying what he did was good, and he deserves to be notified. Maybe a warning, to let him know that hey, that's not something we support for our invites, if you do something like that again you're out.
But not taking away something he worked hard for an entire year, now that's fucking retarded. You clearly are thinking with a clear mind. Thats why you repeat words over and over and rage swear multiple times. THIS IS THE WARNING. It could have been much worse. And if you don't think they thought it through you are just so so naive.
Much worse? I'm surprised people are defending this, I'd love to hear the arguments of people who would defend a lifetime ban.
On December 14 2011 19:51 xShoeicide wrote: Im a Naniwa fan but its cut and dry like a few people have said already.
Naniwa is paid to play Starcraft. When you are paid to do a job if you do a piss poor job you risk punishment.
If you work in a bar your job is provide customers drinks. But that doesn't mean you can slam the drink down, spill half of it, and ignore the customer.
IE you have to do your job to a standard even if you don't like it, or think it should be done another way.
People avoiding teamkills and throwing games away is acceptable, especially when they do a piss poor job of faking a loss? OK!
for those of you saying that you won't buy a ticket just because of this decision, try to think about it from the Korean's point of view. if some one just made your nation's proudest competitive sport look like a joke, do you just stand by and do nothing or punishment him for it accordingly.
to be honest, the punishment isn't even that harsh. so Naniwa needs to stop being a girl and do what he is paid for.
On December 14 2011 19:52 iCemiLo wrote: lol @ the ppl thinking that probe rushing is the same as 6-pooling, 1-1-1-ing, and manner mule-ing... So intentionally trying to make fun of your opponent is more honorable than not trying to win? I'd say both are unacceptable.
On December 14 2011 19:52 nekoconeco wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 19:45 Medrea wrote:So Gom is removing people's Code S for doing certain strats? Wish the same thing would happen if a Terran 1-1-1. + Show Spoiler +Half joking, half serious. I don't see why Naniwa got revoked. According to TL that was the best match of the night. Why ban the guy that gave you the best match of the night? Gom rules mean any strategy deemed "abusive" could lead to a ban. The rule is supposed to mean verbal or physical abuse but gom haven't applied it that way so I guess we shall see what other unjustified bans may come in the future. I demand that Puma can't ever return to Code S for his usage of the 111 back in the day. See, that rule is stupid T_T
I feel so incredibly bad for naniwa right now
LorangerChris Chris Loranger if it was a korean player, they would be out of gsl for months, kicked out of team house, and etc. is he perma baned or just this season? 33 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
So, whats the next step? 6 pools and cannon rush now means you are banned from the next season? GOM can't justify in any way banning someone for an ingame decision. I would think, where do you draw the line about what tactics are allowed and what tactics are bannable.
Naniwa clearly did not want to play and GOM forced him to trying to milk some viewers out of the Naniwa-Nestea rivalry. How many times have we seen them skip unimportant matches in the GSL up and downs? It happens everytime. This time they were being greedy and trying to fish for viewers with a Naniwa-Nestea rematch and they got mad because Naniwa didn't want to play along so they bend some rules to make it seem legit that they are banning them. GSL is going mafia style!
Naniwa got punished for be childish and unprofessional and now we have that amazing zerg player named Sen to replace it? Take my money for the next year GOM. You deserve it.
A little harsh, but not unexpected. Considering that etiquette and respect are paramount in Korean culture--apparently a foreign (see what i did there) concept to a lot of us on the Western side of the world--Naniwa should have tread more carefully before thumbing his nose at GOM. On television. In their home country. In their last event of the year that was supposed to showcase some of the best in the world. Especially after his stated passion to compete in Code S. To those of you who don't cotton to this idea of cultural values and think that GOM is somehow at fault for what Naniwa did, here's a question--
How many times in your life have you been required by your job to do something you didn't want to do or been told by your boss to do something you deemed meaningless? And how many times have you flatly refused to obey him or ignored your responsibilities? See what I'm getting at? Believe me, the further up you go in the corporate ladder, or advance more generally in any chosen field, the more extraneous bullshit you have to deal with in order to succeed. That's probably a hard concept to grasp for some of the demographic who follow competitive SC2. But it's true. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you can do whatever the hell you want. Even Tyler was on here earlier ranting about how GOM was totally at fault because of their tournament format. That. Is. Not. The. Way. The. World. Works. No one forced him to play if he didn't like the rules. Better yet, he could have gone about addressing his dissatisfaction after he finished his games.
Naniwa may not have been under the direct employ of GOM--but he was there at their leisure. He agreed to play in their tournament, and he agreed to abide by it's format. Which, of course, just happened to include the possibility of playing 1 (ONE) match that happened to be meaningless because he failed to advance. You can't be arsed to play an extra 5 minutes because things didn't totally go your way? That's somehow the tournament's fault? Personally, I don't especially care either way about what Naniwa did; if he didn't feel the need to play out his match then that's his prerogative. But please, those of you ranting about GOM should realize that you can't have everything your way, all the time. If you're too ignorant to realize the effect your actions are going to have, then bigger fish in the sea will show you.
In summary, I understand that he was upset. I understand he probably did what he did out of sheer anger and frustration. But I also understand that if I storm out of my office and refuse to finish my work for the day (I can damn well guarantee you it takes longer than 5-10 minutes) because I was having a bad go at it--well I wouldn't be surprised when I was asked not to return the following day.
I'd say 3/4th the people who post "This is retarded. Not going to buy pass" are too cheap anyway and watch the free streams. But I wholly support your misguided outrage.
Swedish nationalism ftw.
On December 14 2011 19:50 Dubpace wrote: Yeah to be honest I thought 1 year suspension was incoming.
Naniwa gave up on a game that people paid a lot of money to potentially watch. I was in particular interested in this matchup and stayed up til 7am waiting to watch him vs. Nestea. I stayed up 365 days to watch the games that determine the outcome of who goes further in the tournament.
On December 14 2011 19:52 Candide wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 19:48 OlorinTheWise wrote:On December 14 2011 19:46 probablywrong wrote:On December 14 2011 19:41 bana wrote:On December 14 2011 19:37 Legace wrote:On December 14 2011 19:30 mgl0x9 wrote: A Korean player WOULD NEVER do this and everyone knows it Choya, Byun and CoCa. They would never... Choya did it on LADDER Byung, CoCa in a ONLINE cup, which was for nothing, CoCa loses 1 game on purpose, but won the series anyway. To qualify for Code B, ladder ranking on the KR server is actually important. Byun and Coca did it in a tournament where there was a Code A seed on the line. There wasn't a Code A seed on the line in that tournament. :/ there was... ESV No deal was in place at the time. This has been known for a long long time.
There was nothing on the line.
On December 14 2011 19:51 Executor1 wrote: He breaks a rule and he pays the price. Dont bite the hand that feeds you. Gom has given him so many code A seeds and hes failed to prove himself thusfar. I dunno if i completely agree with his code S seed getting revoked considering he sort of earned it but at the same time he broke the rules and his actions yesterday pissed me off.
Im more excited to see sen take his spot to be honest!!! Sen is awesome and hes actually friends with alot of the korean players instead of trying to be their enemy like naniwa is.
I dont understand why he has to antagonize himself so much. Everyone says people hate on him just because its him, its probably true but it wouldnt be the case if he didnt antagonize himself so much. Complexity really dodged a bullet with this one sellling him off before this whole debacle happened LOL. Oh give me a break. Broke a rule?
This is the most ridiculous rule bending/adaptation I've ever seen in my 10+ years watching Starcraft.
The vagaries of GOM's decision here have exceeded even Kespa-level stupidity from my perspective...
On December 14 2011 19:50 Decessus wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 19:45 HolydaKing wrote:On December 14 2011 19:44 snailz wrote: GOMTV lost a lot of love today And gained a lot of love today! I doubt people who agreed with this decisions will buy more tickets because of it. I'm pretty sure many people that disagreed will stop buying them though. I'm getting a ticket. GomTV made the right decision, fits my sense of professionalism 100%
On December 14 2011 19:52 Vardant wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 19:49 LXR wrote: I don't understand how people view this as GOM making a joke out of themselves, if anything, it just shows their higher standards and a greater level of respect that i think are only necessary for e-sports... They forced a player to play a meaningless game for the first time. I could just as well say, that GOM was disrespectful towards Naniwa, because they forced him to play against Nestea, just so he can have his revenge. Might actually be true, I wouldn't believe that two days ago, but after what stunt they just pulled? Who knows...
so disrespectful that GOM paid Naniwa $850 to play in the group stages.
On December 14 2011 19:51 Vari wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 19:50 breadcat wrote: Lol. He didnt do anyhting against the rules. This is sooo unprofessional. Even more than Nani. yes he did Yes, that 'one rule about professionalism'. Which is a strange rule because it doesn't describe anything. In the end, it gives GOM the option to ban a player according to this rule without explaining why the person was banned. In this case it is obvious (although I don't agree) but such rules are not good for a proffessional organisation. The rule should be explained in much more detail. At this moment, it just says 'if we don't like you, you can get banned'. Brilliant.
I would just love to see Idra get on a tilt and do something similiar in the GSL, and then see what the fuck happens.
On December 14 2011 19:52 GoonFFS wrote: GSL = boring as fuck now lol so before it was awesome when naniwa was in it and got knocked out every time in the first round and never won a game?
GSL is just the same as it was before, if you didnt like it before thats fine, but dont go and say that its boring as fuck NOW. Because naniwa hasnt won a single game in the GSL yet so unless you just enjoyed watching him get thrashed in previous seasons, its the exact same as it was before.