NaNiwa not invited to Code S - Page 48
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While I understand that there's a need to discuss this matter, this thread has way too many trash posts in it. Please think carefully about what you want to say. Ad hominem attacks on Swedish people in general, calling you fellow Starcraft fans idiots etc etc will be dealt with with harsher punishment from here on out. Keep it civil people. Page 230: Here's some more stuff that'll get you banned! - Conspiracy theory mongering about MLG and GOM - Comparing people to Hitler - Posting useless one liners of arguments that have already been repeated ad nauseum. | ||
United Kingdom768 Posts
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Germany45 Posts
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United States251 Posts
Naniwa gave up on a game that people paid a lot of money to potentially watch. I was in particular interested in this matchup and stayed up til 7am waiting to watch him vs. Nestea. | ||
Brazil105 Posts
I doubt people who agreed with this decisions will buy more tickets because of it. I'm pretty sure many people that disagreed will stop buying them though. | ||
324 Posts
No matter what the game is, how pointless it is, throwing a game should never ever be accepted. The reason Koreans take this so seriously is obviously because of the match fixing scandal in Brood War, which seriously hurt the view of esports as a whole in Korea. Throwing games must always be taken extremely seriously and the punishment for them needs to be the harshest. If you ask me, naniwa got off lightly. | ||
Germany187 Posts
naniwa got a lot of experience in getting kicked, so he is able to deal with it. | ||
Deleted User 183001
2939 Posts
On December 14 2011 19:46 Clefairy wrote: I don't know... Look at NesTea's face after the game. He looks pretty damn offended and furious. He was also in a really pissy mood when Naniwa beat him twice in two days. Guy needs to get some thick skin and not be so sensitive. | ||
Sweden2233 Posts
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United States532 Posts
On December 14 2011 19:49 Roxy wrote: dude u are making me facepalm so hard right now learn to read naniwa did not break any rules how can you penalize someone for not breaking the rules? ..this isnt north korea he did break rules but also by running your own tournament that you're in charge of, that's how. | ||
707 Posts
On December 14 2011 19:49 Roxy wrote: dude u are making me facepalm so hard right now learn to read naniwa did not break any rules how can you penalize someone for not breaking the rules? Naniwa did not respect his profession as a PROGAMER. Which is a huge deal considering GSL in korea and this wasnt his first foul up. | ||
Canada2058 Posts
On December 14 2011 19:49 Roxy wrote: dude u are making me facepalm so hard right now learn to read naniwa did not break any rules how can you penalize someone for not breaking the rules? ..this isnt north korea uhh yeah? since you like rules so much, where's the rule that says they can't? it's their tournament. they can do whatever the fuck they want. | ||
1353 Posts
Im more excited to see sen take his spot to be honest!!! Sen is awesome and hes actually friends with alot of the korean players instead of trying to be their enemy like naniwa is. I dont understand why he has to antagonize himself so much. Everyone says people hate on him just because its him, its probably true but it wouldnt be the case if he didnt antagonize himself so much. Complexity really dodged a bullet with this one sellling him off before this whole debacle happened LOL. | ||
United Kingdom289 Posts
On another note, as much as I love watching Naniwa play and have his awkward moments... at times I feel like he needs to grow up and hopefully this will be that turning point. | ||
United States84 Posts
On December 14 2011 19:49 jalstar wrote: No, he earned the Code S seed in a very explicit way, by finishing the highest out of any non-Code-S players at MLG. If that's not earning it then MMA and MC didn't earn theirs. Not trying to intrude or anything, but that code S spot is a privilege. When did it become a right? | ||
United States532 Posts
On December 14 2011 19:50 breadcat wrote: Lol. He didnt do anyhting against the rules. This is sooo unprofessional. Even more than Nani. yes he did | ||
Hong Kong1758 Posts
On December 14 2011 19:40 MooMooMugi wrote: What he meant was Naniwa didn't have to go through the harsh journey of qualifying from Code-B up to Code-S but instead place decently high in a foreign tournament and obtained a FREE seed straight to Code-S It was a done deal by MLG and GOM. I guess MC got a free gift to Code S last season too. Oh well. | ||
Denmark302 Posts
No he gained a lot more love because he doesn't give a flying fuck about playing pointless games. He showed us that he is only playing to win. Like a real champion. If it's a GLOBAL starcraft league, then why should they adapt to the Korean culture? They should've known that when they accept players from different cultures, they will also accept their ways of behaving (ofcourse to a certain extend). This is just such an ignorant move by GOMtv. | ||
Germany25 Posts
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Germany2099 Posts
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New Zealand41 Posts
Naniwa is paid to play Starcraft. When you are paid to do a job if you do a piss poor job you risk punishment. If you work in a bar your job is provide customers drinks. But that doesn't mean you can slam the drink down, spill half of it, and ignore the customer. IE you have to do your job to a standard even if you don't like it, or think it should be done another way. | ||
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