PvP is going to change in the next Patch ! - Page 24
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Australia2275 Posts
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United States856 Posts
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Korea (South)8418 Posts
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United States483 Posts
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United States415 Posts
PvP will still be the stupidest match up :/ | ||
United States1 Post
For example if your warp field intersected with the warp field of your opponent then units cannot be warped in in the area of intersection. I feel that this will stop the main problem which is the ability to warp in zealots on the high ground of the opponents base past the force field. It also won't affect other aspects of PvP where 4-gate is still a viable strategy and hidden unscouted pylons will still be very powerful in this matchup, while still allowing other strategies such as 2 or 3 gate robo to be viable. Also this will not affect any of the other matchups other than PvP. There may be some ways to abuse this but I cannot think of any off the top of my head right now. | ||
3579 Posts
if this does happen, this would probably be one of the most influential patch in WoL | ||
United States371 Posts
On April 23 2011 01:09 aicaramba wrote: I was thinking something along this line, but not to increase the warp-in time. Increasing warp in time would make toss more vurnerable to medivac drops. The problem with warpgate technology as it is, is that the protoss can get a full volley of units very quickly after completing gateways/units. This can be prevented by increasing the time it takes a gateway to transition into a warp gate.. It takes 10 seconds now, but if that time is increased to 25/30 seconds or so, the 'extra' volley of units can be nullified. I have no idea how this would change the other match-ups though. This seems like a really good idea. The only problem I can see is that missing a round of production in the early game can be a very big deal, and might open up protoss to some strong timing attacks. | ||
730 Posts
On April 23 2011 00:24 eviltomahawk wrote: I wonder if Blizzard is also considering a change to the Colossus alongside this 4gate fix... Either way, I'm looking forward to the next PTR. It seems that with their acknowledgement that Colossi are OP and that 4gate needs fixing, there might be some sweeping changes coming for the sons of Aiur. Agree, Sons of Aiur need some change indeed LOL. But i dont think we'll see some hard changes to collosus, since they gonna mess up another matches. | ||
Canada202 Posts
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United States614 Posts
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Australia4865 Posts
On April 23 2011 01:05 Liquid`Nazgul wrote: i hope they patch it so that 4 gate is still a good strat just not the only one. i really don't want to see 50 colossus war games in a row. Not sure how they will even fix it, the timings work right now that a Voidray or Immortal can't be done in time before a 4warpgate hits, but aside from Voidrays, Immortal/3Gate will almost always hold 4gate if the Immortal can come out before the warpgates are done. I don't see 4gate being viable in PvP at all if the other Protoss is prepared for it. IF warpgate tech is delayed enough such that the other side can produce a round of units from 3gateways, then there is no chance in hell you can get those ramp pylons down, a 1 unit advantage isn't enough to deal with 2 pylons + Stalker/Zealot, but a 3/4 Unit advantage will clean house. Much the same, if an immortal can be completed before Warpgate tech is finished then how would you ever get close :S? Right now KCDC's 1gate Robo can get an immortal out 10seconds after 4gate hits, the tech doesn't have to be delayed long at all for it to favor Robotics builds. Being able to go DT's, Stargate, Robotics and Blink safer than before is just going to make this match up even more of a "coin flip" considering how hard it is to counter another tech tree when committed to one (Blink > Stargate > Robo) and if both players do the same build then there is going to be one long Mexican stand off where neither side ever wants to engage | ||
United States1904 Posts
On April 23 2011 00:47 Avean wrote: I really dont see how this is going to change anything with PvP. Increased research of warp gate to 10 seconds (Lets imagine that). Decreased build time for tier 1 units in gateways (3 seconds) That only means we will be building more units outta gateways for 10 seconds longer before warp. It will not change anything for PvP which i guess is Blizzards main reason for this change. But it will affect everything else, proxy rush from protoss will be alot faster (Depends on the decreased time change). I really dont see the point of this change .......... It lets other builds have more time. It gives you more time to get immortals out, or pheonix, or more sentries, etc | ||
Croatia2 Posts
Putting the upgrade on Twilight Council, limiting the range of warpin, allowing it only with warp prisms etc.??? What are you people smoking? Might as well put stim and concussive shells on ghost academy, and allow roach and ling speed only with lair tech. Warpin is a cornerstone Protoss mechanic, it's one of the main reasons why their units are weaker than their T1 counterparts, and you want to nerf it still? Seriously? Next patch is probably still some time away, and I'm almost certain the metagame will shift by the time they bring the ptr up, but even if they slightly change the timings in PvP I feel they should refrain from making any bigger changes to warptech like some of you would want. | ||
Netherlands110 Posts
On April 23 2011 01:21 Datum wrote: This seems like a really good idea. The only problem I can see is that missing a round of production in the early game can be a very big deal, and might open up protoss to some strong timing attacks. Ye, my worries exactly. Havent really thought about the solution for that. But I think blizzard can find something to fix that. | ||
Germany157 Posts
What i personally hate in PvP is the situation if the opponent does anything similar, cause due to the colossus count the player who wins the first engagement has achieved victory, nearly automatically. Therefore i'd conclude PvP will stay boring at another level. | ||
United States2400 Posts
On April 22 2011 17:42 Cajun2k1 wrote: Didn't they already increase buildtime for gateways because they found 2 gate to be too strong? With bigger maps being used now, 2 gate isn't a huge problem. | ||
United Kingdom378 Posts
I know we don't know the exact changes yet, but I'm guesing that if there come to be more builds that are safe to open with, could there be a possibility for strong non-collosi builds? | ||
United States2235 Posts
Protoss is balanced in many ways around warp gate tech. If you nerf the tech itself, by making it so Protoss can't warp in, so warping-in units takes much longer...you nerf the majority of the Protoss army, and likely cause huge imbalances that would require buffing them in other ways, which would cause a cascading effect throughout the game and ultimately run a good risk of breaking balance entirely. At this point, warp is as fundamental to Toss as creep is to Zerg. But as essential as Warp is for balancing purposes, it also makes certain early game all-ins ridiculously strong. Not just in PvP, although thats where it manifests the worst, but in all matchups. It makes it trivially easy to get a huge number of strong units right at your opponent's doorstep at a scarily eearly time. As such, the best move does seem to be to simply ensure that warp tech doesn't enter the game until a bit later, and then make whatever adjustments are necessary to ensure Protoss aren't simply overrun in the early game. | ||
Sweden31 Posts
Then you can if you place your ff:s correctly survive with 3 gates but it wouldn't remove 4 gate entirely, cuz it would suck to only have colossi wars. | ||
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