On May 28 2004 19:59 DickDodgers wrote: Ali has weight, strength and size over him. A 140 lb man cannot beat the greatest heavyweight fighter of all time. Get real.
Disagreed!! Maybe Bruce Lee couldn't do it, but it seems quite possible to me (:
Anyone who says that Bruce Lee can beat Muhammad Ali knowns absolutely nothing about fighting, or about Lee or Ali.
Muhammad Ali was 6'3 and about 215 pounds in his prime. Bruce Lee was 5'6 and about 130 pounds. Ali has 80-90 pound advantage, and fights for a living. Not only that, but he was quite possibly the best heavyweight boxer ever. Lee, while a great martial artist, and ACTOR, was never in any sort of competitions, just bullshit rumours and street fights as a teenager.
If this was in a boxing ring, Muhammad Ali would jab Bruce's head off in 3 rounds or less. If this was in the streets, Lee might fare SLIGHTLY better, but there is no way he is gonna take down a man twice his size who knows how to fight at a world class level.
I would put money on Ali even if Bruce Lee had a blunt weapon, like a pipe or a 2 by 4. Bruce Lee would need a fucking sword to beat Ali, sorry.
By the way, another quick point, this one to deal with the physics. Force = mass x acceleration. If anyone's ever seen clips of Bruce Lee practicing, not even necessarily in the movies, if you don't believe those, but just messing around, demonstrations, whatever. You can tell that's he's fast. His acceleration must be incredible, the amount of force packed behind his punch may seriously knock Ali for a ride even if he's used to bigger people punch him.
http://davidlancashire.tripod.com/BruceLeefeats/feats.html: "Bruce once caved in a protective headgear made from heavy steel rods, rods that had previousl withstood several blows from a sledge hammer"
Interesting read for anybody who's interested: http://www.wcats.com/LectureII.php
Also, about the whole thing that Bruce would get his head punched off. Though I cannot prove or cite evidence for it myself, there is good evidence to suggest that with enough of certain martial art training, one could withstand the force of a lead pipe to the head at above average swinging velocity with minimal damage.
Also, Tien you are motherfucking retarded and know nothing about anything.
"ALI AHS NEVER BEEN KICKED EVER IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE?!?!" to roughly quote your inane babble. This is a false statement. Ali fought Antonio Inoki in 1976. All Inoki did was throw kicks at Ali. It was sort of an exhibition fight that was ruled a 15 round draw at the end, but this isnt important. What is important is that it is now obvious that you have no facts about anything and can feel free to shut the fuck anytime.
On May 28 2004 20:50 kewlsunman wrote:
Also, about the whole thing that Bruce would get his head punched off. Though I cannot prove or cite evidence for it myself, there is good evidence to suggest that with enough of certain martial art training, one could withstand the force of a lead pipe to the head at above average swinging velocity with minimal damage.
Obviously, Ali wouldnt actually knock Bruce's head completely off, but he would definately be capable of breaking a vertabrae in Lee's neck from a punch.
Bruce Lee would win. I've read his books that he wrote on Jeet Kune Do, and he is absolutely insane about fighting. He puts his heart, mind, and soul into a fight. Not to mention he's fuckin quick. I recall a quote from a man who actually received a kick from Bruce Lee. It went something like this, "oh my god..I felt like i got hit by a truck" LoL
On May 28 2004 17:03 InToTheWannaB wrote: I think in a ring, Ali Vs Lee would be a 100% different fight from Ali vs Lee in a street fight. I dont know much about lee as a fighter, but I know Ali. In the ring at his prime I'm fairly sure Ali would beat lee easy. If ali could block, and avoid lightning fast hooks from fraser. Then he could do the same for Lee kicks, and Lee punchs in all likelihood wont hurt Ali at all. It would only take one good shot to the head for Ali to KO lee also. In a street fight however where u can grapple, and snap each others arms. I put my money on the man who trained for that kinda fighting in Lee(I assuming Lee did train for fighting on the ground).
uh how can you compare joe's hooks to lee's kicks, that's just dumb.
On May 28 2004 17:50 FrozenArbiter wrote: ~Lee said himself that he probably would lose +_+~ + Lee wasn't that great of a fighter -_-~ Someone on another forum - very knowledgable character, said that Lee barely ever won any of his fights in china town +_+
Then there's size!
that's the most ridicoulus load of pile crap i've ever heard
by the way i think lee would win.
check out the countless fights lee had vs bolo yeung (a huge sized maybe as big as ali). ok it was a movie, but it's a demonstration on how a shorter thiner lighter dude can beat a bigger one.
kewlsunman: im glad youre pointing out other options besides size and speed. However the most important of all that nobody has talked about, is mental. So much about fighting has to do with your mind. Everything from people being so scared that their adrenaline rush wears them out from an equal amount of energy expenditure as a calm fighter, to your emotions, your fears, anger, etc. All these things have tremendous draws and impact on your ability to fight. ALI was prone to all of this. Used to it, knew how to handle his mind under the stress of a fight. Bruce Lee probably didnt. Hes like a scientist who builds the rocket but cant pilot it very well. The rocket is an ingenius design, but takes someone whos used to flying them to do it perfectly. Of course, Lee was also very very good at the 'piloting' of his body too. But i say ALI was better in this dept, and thats what would make the ultimate difference.
kewlsunman: i'd also like to point out that your stories of martial arts tactics are derived mostly from fantasy. Things that will never happen. Transfer of motion and energy may be possible given the techniques of aikido, but nothing is as ever cut and dry as that. "Oh hes punching at me, let me just divert his innertia here and down he goes", i dont think so. As for lees fist inflicting more damage than a 12-lb sledge being swung at full force, i believe that to be a complete work of fiction. It is simply, physically, impossible. Im sorry but i do not believe in this whole mind of matter stuff, a steel pipe will cause a cuncussion if hit directly on your skull, no if's and's or but's. You cannot will yourself to have bones of steel that reject the power of a bullet going through them and what not.
ok it was a movie, but it's a demonstration on how a shorter thiner lighter dude can beat a bigger one. Um, no. A demonstration would be just that, a demonstration between two fighters. Typically referred to as a 'fight'. A movie is a scripted sequence of movements, built to look good with a given camera angle, and to stimulate and impress an audience at that time. That movie in no way whatsoever could possibly in this lifetime give any incling of a clue as to how this fight might end up in real life.
i think ali beat his opponents in the ring by playing with their mind..
and since there was rules, it made it easier for him to do that, but lee has a different set of rules and wouldnt give time to people to play around with him so lee for sure
silly child.. you think they just chose bruce lee off the streets and asked him if he knew martial arts?
wrongo... same with jackie chan and jet li, they all accomplished something in china before making to movies, jackie chan was a martial arts champion at the age of 14... jet li is a former shaolin monk, the shaolin that has been round and fighting for a few centuries now and bruce lee is .... well bruce lee is bruce lee =]
On May 28 2004 20:41 Zerius wrote: Anyone who says that Bruce Lee can beat Muhammad Ali knowns absolutely nothing about fighting, or about Lee or Ali.
Muhammad Ali was 6'3 and about 215 pounds in his prime. Bruce Lee was 5'6 and about 130 pounds. Ali has 80-90 pound advantage, and fights for a living. Not only that, but he was quite possibly the best heavyweight boxer ever. Lee, while a great martial artist, and ACTOR, was never in any sort of competitions, just bullshit rumours and street fights as a teenager.
If this was in a boxing ring, Muhammad Ali would jab Bruce's head off in 3 rounds or less. If this was in the streets, Lee might fare SLIGHTLY better, but there is no way he is gonna take down a man twice his size who knows how to fight at a world class level.
I would put money on Ali even if Bruce Lee had a blunt weapon, like a pipe or a 2 by 4. Bruce Lee would need a fucking sword to beat Ali, sorry.
Korea (South)17174 Posts
ali would crush lee
no questions asked.
Um, i am very aware of jackie chans history, and no part of it includes him being a martial arts champion. In fact, i believe in his auto-biography he states that in his entire life, he has only been in ONE fight, that involved him and some friends in their teens picking on some bar guys who pissed them off.
Jackie Chan's training school of which was also his home is what introduced him into film. The schools purpose were to create live martial arts 'plays' (called the Peking opera) in which talent scounts would request students of the school to participate in movies from time to time. After he 'graduated' and was on his own, he got himself behind the scenes in films given his prior connections.
I know nothing about Jet Li but i imagine his journey to fame was similar. People are quite literally just spotted on the streets at times and take off from there.
And bruce i know even less about.
jet li was a shaolin monk and jackie chan is a former martial arts champion and whoever wrote that biography on him is bs... because even in tv and magazine interviews he said hes been in more than 1 fight..
its true that he went to the art school but if you've ever read a maxim magazine, he is in one of them talking about a random fight that he had just because she looked at some guys motorcycle
On May 28 2004 21:48 NewbSaibot wrote: Um, i am very aware of jackie chans history, and no part of it includes him being a martial arts champion. In fact, i believe in his auto-biography he states that in his entire life, he has only been in ONE fight, that involved him and some friends in their teens picking on some bar guys who pissed them off.
Jackie Chan's training school of which was also his home is what introduced him into film. The schools purpose were to create live martial arts 'plays' (called the Peking opera) in which talent scounts would request students of the school to participate in movies from time to time. After he 'graduated' and was on his own, he got himself behind the scenes in films given his prior connections.
I know nothing about Jet Li but i imagine his journey to fame was similar. People are quite literally just spotted on the streets at times and take off from there.
And bruce i know even less about.