Bnet forums to be Real Name Only - Page 92
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Czech Republic2908 Posts
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Brazil522 Posts
Hell, here on TL i use it ![]() I personally support anything i say, and put my name with it. Thats it, my opinion | ||
England172 Posts
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United States3481 Posts
On July 08 2010 01:09 Pandonetho wrote: Let's get this straight. Blizzard isn't handing out your name to anyone. You agree to use the name yourself if you post it on the forums. It will be displayed publicly. That is different from Blizzard handing out your name to other people. You do know how ridiculously easy it is for any dedicated person to look you up anyway right? Knowing your first name will be a great starting point, but any person dedicated to harassing you will find your information regardless. Certainly, I'm not paranoid enough to believe that out of the thousands of people that could be posting on the forums, that I would be singled out to be harassed. And for what? Why would a random stranger harass me out of everyone else? It's not like I even talked to him, and if I did, then he would equally be revealing his name to the world. Why would you pay for privacy? You do know that's illegal right, if Blizzard is blackmailing you? So yes, it is exactly outside the realm of possibility that to protect your privacy, you have to pay Blizzard. Secondly, I would like it if you explained your expression in layman terms because I don't get what you mean still, if what I talked about didn't address the problem. No, it's not plainly obvious to me, and if you continue to beat around the bush I won't bother replying because it's obvious that you have no intention of a civil discussion and like to troll around. From what I understand every example used in your expression had something to do with forces that were outside the realm of the subject's control. That is, the Germans went for the Jews yes? And the jews couldn't do a thing about it. My point is that does not apply here. Blizzard will not "come for you". You kind of missed the point and you're proving mine. YOU as an individual aren't concerned. Are you everyone? How selfish is it to think that just because you don't have a problem with it, nobody else should? You can't prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to everyone who wants to contribute to the forums, that their name being plastered on there isn't going to bite them on the ass eventually, so why even bother saying pointless things like "You do know how ridiculously easy it is for any dedicated person to look you up anyway right?". Care to prove it? Use my online handle right here and come find me. Can't prove it? Then don't spout such nonsense. How are you going to feel about the whole system when something bad DOES happen to some poor sap who, just like you, didn't think anything bad would come from it? Maybe he got himself into a heated debate on the forums and didn't know the guy on the other end of the argument was a total whackjob and through knowing your full name, thanks to the Blizzard forums, was more easily able to find you. What if they hadn't put your full name up there? Would it have made a difference? You can't prove it either way except to say that the more information they're given the EASIER it gets. Why make it easier for psychos just because you have a stupid problem with your stupid, inconsequential forums?. The method used to fix such an inane problem boggles my mind. Its a total sledgehammer approach. Are the Blizzard forums really that frigging important to warrant such a breach of personal information? To me, fuck no. So, now I can't contribute to discussions about the game, which the devs read, because they couldn't be arsed to hire some guys to moderate their stupid forums? What a load of horseshit. And if people start behaving in a way to be all lovey dovey to each other on the grounds that they're too terrifed of nutjobs on the internet coming after them then that's just going to stifle the debate, not add to it. Just because you knowingly put your name on the internet and nothing bad happens to YOU, and you agree to a terms and conditions usage of the forums (seriously? you read that stuff?) doesn't mean its foolproof or is a good idea. If you want to answer just one question in that clusterfuck (I know you aren't going to read all of it thoroughly), answer this one: Why do they need to use your full name, when they could get the exact same effect by forcing you to pick a single character to post with? What difference does using your full name make compared to that? If you want to pick a level 1 alt and troll the place, fine. You're stuck with that level 1 alt name, even if you delete it, and everyone knows that poster, with that name, is a douchebag. | ||
United States22154 Posts
On July 08 2010 01:37 danieldrsa wrote: i dont care to show my real name Hell, here on TL i use it ![]() I personally support anything i say, and put my name with it. Thats it, my opinion While you might support it with your honour and reputation, its different from giving your full name so that some nut who is really pissed at you for something you said goes after you and trolls your facebook and/or e-mail, just look at what happened to Bashiok, this is the main reason to keep your real life identity and your on-line identity separate, so that an angry nut *can't* take it to a more personal level. | ||
United States2503 Posts
On July 08 2010 01:22 Tray wrote: Slippery slope fallacy. Your arguent is invalid. Nice attempt at scare mongering though. Straw man fallacy. Some people are scare-mongering. Others have legitimate and reasoned fears about what this means for their personal privacy and for the future of the Internet. These fears are not "sky-is-falling" nonsense, but honest worries about a system that will seem to open a Pandora's Box of potential changes/abuses. I'd like to post on the Blizzard forums. I personally will not post there by my full name. I will push them as hard as I can to reconsider this move on not only my behalf but the behalfs of those who will post there. At the same time, if anyone here wanted to PM me and ask for my name, I would probably let you know it. Why? Because I'm not ashamed of my name or giving my name to people I associate with. I'm worried about what happens when my name becomes the unique key that unlocks tons of personal data about me through a simple google search. It's already a problem, but this makes it even more of one. | ||
Iceland4053 Posts
On July 08 2010 01:37 danieldrsa wrote: i dont care to show my real name Hell, here on TL i use it ![]() I personally support anything i say, and put my name with it. Thats it, my opinion That's all great and fine. That's your decision, but other people shouldn't need to decide between that and not posting at all. At the same time, if anyone here wanted to PM me and ask for my name, I would probably let you know it. Why? Because I'm not ashamed of my name or giving my name to people I associate with. The thing is though, when you say you are fine with giving name in PM, you also know _who_ has your name, even if it is just by nickname. Posting will give everyone with internet connection the link between your gaming and your RL. | ||
United States350 Posts
That next to nobody does, is reason enough not to change it now. We understood the risk involved back then, and if anything, the threat is only greater now than it was before. | ||
United States5 Posts
File a complaint to the ESRB and get Blizzard to lose its certification. Type the following message or create your own: " ActivisionBlizzard has abstained from protecting the privacy of their customers with their new planned forum policy changes for their MMO World of Warcraft and an upcoming release of StarCraft2. Forcing people to display an unreasonable amount of information to the public to partake in product discussion, feedback, or support is heinous at best. I hope that some manner of recourse exists for customers at some date and their status as “ESRB Privacy Certified” is reevaluated. | ||
United States3683 Posts
you know blizzard is smart enough to come here for real advice :p | ||
United States4101 Posts
After a long talk with a few Blizzard phone reps, it turns out BLUES will NOT have their real names posted in the forums due to "Security Concerns." Blues are free to hide from the nightmare RealID will turn these forums into, and yet we, the paying customers, will be forced into it? Can someon call Blizzard and verify/discredit? | ||
United States350 Posts
I'd fully expect it too. Maybe this is all a ploy towards micro-transactions, give us money to hide your name or change it to whatever call-sign you prefer. | ||
United States3214 Posts
On July 08 2010 02:15 Archerofaiur wrote: There is a (currently unconfirmed) report from a wow poster Can someon call Blizzard and verify/discredit? I would laugh so hard... | ||
United States4876 Posts
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Canada1350 Posts
Also lol@ thinking this can fix post quality. Gotta take a second to laugh at this... + Show Spoiler + hahahahahhahahaha BATTLE.NET FORUMS... Post... QUALITY HAHAH | ||
United States824 Posts
On July 08 2010 02:11 zizou21 wrote: who uses bnet forums? LOL you know blizzard is smart enough to come here for real advice :p Obviously not. Have you been asleep for the last year? If they were smart enough, we'd have lan play and chat channels. Blizzard does not have a target audience. | ||
United States5524 Posts
If this change completely kills the forums, we will have lost almost nothing. If it works as Blizzard intends and dramatically reduces the posting to only include the people who are willing to attach their name to what they say (meaning they're posting worthwhile stuff) then maybe the forums will actually have some decent content for a change. | ||
Canada233 Posts
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United States922 Posts
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