So a new email was released.
WCG Competitor,
The Starcraft: Broodwar WCG Online Qualifier East Tournament #1 begins tomorrow (4/27) at 7PM CDT. Your event will be played as a tournament. You can view the tournament bracket at http://qualify.us.wcg.com/?page=stem&view=schedule&stageid=2611.
To participate you will need to login to the GamOn client (http://file.wcgzone.com/WCGZoneInst_080602a.exe) using the WCG Zone ID and password that will be provided to you via Email tomorrow.
You can view the tournament competition guide which describes the game time process at http://qualify.us.wcg.com/files/file/WCG_2009_Game_Rules_SCBW_v2.pdf and the tournament rules at http://qualify.us.wcg.com/files/file/WCG_2009_NC_SC_Rules_ver_1_1.pdf. Please read both documents carefully, and check your email tomorrow for your WCG Zone ID and password.
If you need any tournament assistance, please open a support ticket via the web-based support system at http://qualify.us.wcg.com/?page=support. If you have any GamOn technical issues, please open a Q&A ticket at the WCG Zone site – www.wcgzone.com after logging in.
You’ll be able to see your opponents information and report your match score after the match is over directly from your My Matches page located at http://qualify.us.wcg.com/?page=my_matches. Remember matches are best of 3 maps, with players alternating map selection starting with the lower seeded player.
Good luck!
The retarded thing is. They STILL HAVE CONFLICTING MAP POOLS and STILL can't decide if it's going to be Bo1 or Bo3. The 2 Rules Documents say completely different things. Although I'm guessing the 2nd document is the most updated and thus most viable but that means all games are Bo1. Prepare your best cheese everybody.
did they change the date again? when i signed up it was supposed to be on may 4th i thought
Yeah. They changed the date again. I didn't even realize that.
Edit: Ohh I see. It's the West Tournament. Ok. So the delayed tournament will be on the 4th still for East. Thanks Idra.
Edit2: Now it's East again. Oo
ah no, this is the first west one first east one starts on the 4th
although i am apparently no longer signed up for it, and cant sign up again cuz i have a korean ip nifty
it better be bo3 and the map pool better be what inc had voted on
Woo.. so I need to prepare Blue Storm, Python, Tau Cross, Gaia, Colosseum II and Destination for a Bo1 or Bo3 against G5.
United States10774 Posts
oops i forgot about the east qualifier i signed up for...
lol who is this h0rnygirl who is #1 on wcg ladder at the moment?
where do u play the games at
This one is B.Net US East.
seriously whats maps and this better be bo3 or thats fucking stupid
bo3 and maps are on the op
On April 28 2009 05:39 tekushikume wrote: bo3 and maps are on the op
Read the e-mail that has been posted. They give you links to two different rule sets.
One says Bo3 with Blue Storm, Python, Tau Cross, Gaia. The other doesn't specify Bo1 or Bo3, but from the explanation, it would seem it is a Bo1, and the maps listed are Blue Storm, Colosseum II, Destination, Python, Tau Cross.
So when were we supposed to have signed up for this tournament? the west one that starts today... I coulda swore i registered for all of them.
hmmm its 7:17PM but no1 is on yet =\ does this start at 8PM eastern? I'm confused
sooooo the first day of wcg is once again an epic failure. the ref never showed up, many people were just talking in channel trying to get his attention, and my opponent who showed up and then left, tried to take the win over me. a very very sad day in wcg
ok well i have an official statement from the refs about the maps, the official maps are blue storm, colosseum 2, destination, python, and tau cross. but because of some techincal issues only python,blue storm and tau cross are available for online play right now. i am talking with him to see how long this will be an issue and also what we can do to fix anything. also the qualifier which was supposed to be played tonight wil be played tomorrow at 8pm eastern
edit: looks like they cant use the other ones because they were not made by blizzard map editors. if anyone cares about wcg and would like to try and make a new destination and colo that was made with staredit, im sure everyone would thank you so we could use it.
On April 21 2009 13:50 {88}iNcontroL wrote: I got your message but I am going to be honest: A friend of Dino's administrating for WCG doesn't sound like a keen strategy. I appreciate your willingness to help but I think we have it (as much as possible) under control.
thats unfair but ok i will accept who i am friends with may say something about me but whatever, i am just going to expect nothing but complete competence from wcg usa then if i reached my hand out to help.
Also just found it is bo3. once again, maps FOR ONLINE QUALIFIERS will be python tau and bluestorm played in a bo3. matches will start tomorrow at 8 pm est for your games that were supposed to be played today. come even if you got a w/o the first day because they need them replayed for some reason. day twos matches start at the standard 9pm est.