dino is hacker, right? and he was caught hacking many times, right? and he was laughing coz of it, right?
so, why he can play at wcg? is it award for him or what?
i don't like this format.. only one spot for finals and there is no LB... i mean, it is usa wcg, not croatia, but format is almost the same.. only diference is that croatian wcg last few hours and american is two days, so there is time to have better event.. sooooo... i don't know why the hell this format!
gg nony...i hope that inc has one more chance and i hope artosis will make something.. those two are only players i like from usa now (lastgosu comeback).. and machine is ok coz i like zerg players, hehehe
Well this shows that there is obviously no gap between top foreigners and B team koreans.
I mean look: Idra nearly passed courage, he almost reached the second round of GOM TV and now he is losing to some good, but except of Nony not even top foreigners.
Seeing this I guess White-Ra, Strelok, Draco, Mondragon, Dreiven etc. would still have high chances to win against Idra as well as against other B team koreans.