So there's absolutely no stream at all, right?
On October 04 2008 10:21 DeepGreen wrote:So there's absolutely no stream at all, right? I don't believe so. Anyways, the results of Louder/Artosis are up.
Dino will get a W.O. against Yosh. The last match of the day will be Louder vs Machine.
51338 Posts
Is that Artosis in the eSTRO jacket? Also how is ESL Masters going for you Jonas  Yosh didn't show up I assume?
On October 04 2008 10:28 DeepGreen wrote:+ Show Spoiler + Whoa, Artosis lost? Anybody know anything about Louder?
+ Show Spoiler +Is on USA A( i think ), and is in team Light. He's on the forums as Louder( i think :D )
On October 04 2008 10:29 GTR-2-Go wrote:Is that Artosis in the eSTRO jacket? Also how is ESL Masters going for you Jonas  Yosh didn't show up I assume? Yeah. Something about a job interview? At least that's what Colbi said a few threads back.
So many upsets this WCG.
But to be honest I expected the results thus far except IdrA losing.
51338 Posts
people who support dino disgust me
On October 04 2008 10:57 GTR-2-Go wrote: people who support dino disgust me
I'm just amazed Dino beat Machine 2-0. Top 4 in Spirit league and all.
Most of these results were really unexpected.
On October 04 2008 10:57 GTR-2-Go wrote: people who support dino disgust me I agree 100%
He is a known hacker and abused and cheated during WCG Qualifiers and people support him.
Why was Group A so much harder than Group B? The seeding seems messed up. And wtf Dino is gonna advance! I hope G5 and Nony pwn him ez.
On October 04 2008 11:02 JudgeMathis wrote: I'm just amazed Dino beat Machine 2-0. Top 4 in Spirit league and all.
I dunno, I could've seen the match go either way Machine is a good player but Dino is very good too. That said, it still sucks that he got to participate. Didn't he get 3rd in his regional? Why would WCG give a special favor to a hacker?
Congrats Nony and G5. Hang tough Idra, just practice even harder.
On October 04 2008 08:57 sqwert wrote: theyre all going to lose to the koreans anyway
psh, nony can ez koreans np
edit: oh yea and one of these for you for negativity,
Dino does hack on US East, I think that is widely known, and he is a dick there too. He's abused before. And I am not trying to protect him or anything. But... he's in WCG USA Finals for reasons unknown to me, and he's trying his best to make up for his terrible reputation. I hope he does decently well, maybe even creates a upset.
On October 04 2008 11:11 ZZangDreamjOy wrote: Dino does hack on US East, I think that is widely known, and he is a dick there too. He's abused before. And I am not trying to protect him or anything. But... he's in WCG USA Finals for reasons unknown to me, and he's trying his best to make up for his terrible reputation. I hope he does decently well, maybe even creates a upset.
?? Winning WCG USA does nothing to make up for his reputation. It doesn't change the fact that he stole money from people or that he is and always will be a hacker on bnet. He hasn't ever apologized or even stopped hacking for that matter...
oh and Yosh didn't show up or what? That's really disappointing.