8748 Posts
K i'll throw up predictions just for fun, but I don't know these players well so don't be offended if I predict your loss :o
Groups: Bandit > Cuteguy
Ro8: Testie > cuteguy Schism > freaky (already done) Bandit > CoolTemplar Iefnaij > JDrama
Ro4: Testie > Schism Iefnaij > Bandit
Ro2: Testie > Bandit
Loser bracket: Freaky > Cuteguy CoolTemplar > Jdrama
Loser bracket: Schism > Freaky Bandit > CoolTemplar
Loser bracket: Bandit > Schism
LB Finals: Iefniaj > Bandit
Grand Finals: Testie > Iefniaj
... i hope i did that right >.<
Calgary25963 Posts
I'm suprised CuteGuy beat Jiang. And more suprised that the games lasted 25 minutes (Jiang usually cheesed vs T from what I've seen)
Calgary25963 Posts
I think CoolTemplar > Bandit in Loser Schism > CoolTemplar Iefnaij > Schism
Other than that I agree with Nony
ya... they were pretty nice games... CuteGuy likes to turtle though from what I saw.
little update...
Bandit > CuteGuy on PA...
Game 2 started on Peaks (like 4-5 min in... no action yet.)
Nony, I'm going to do
like 1 v 3 and 2 v 4 for loser bracket .. that way something like Schism vs Freaky again is unlikely to happen.
8748 Posts
Oh that's good. I like that better when I'm playing
= D
Bandit 2-0 CuteGuy ...
Testie vs CuteGuy is going to start in a few minutes ... and CoolT and Freaky went out to get food, should be back shortly, then Bandit vs CoolT will begin.
First Round Map = Gaia.
(1st map of Groupstage was PA)
Ok, going to livereport Bandit vs CoolTemplar (Bandit's view)
Game starting, Bandit at 12 (Gaia). going for FE build.
really quick, Testie > CuteGuy game 1 on Gaia.
CoolT is at the 5 position ... bandit trying to nex first, bult CoolT has a pool nearly finished.
Bandit harassing with probe, trying to damage some drones.
CoolT pool nearly finished, Bandit starts 2 cannons.
Bandit is going to try to delay the lings with his probe while cannons come out.
his 2nd cannon forgot to build. uh oh =o
Bandit nexus finished, probes transferring, CoolT's lings chase probes around, so his expo is safe.
CoolT getting 3rd hatch and gas (he has expo too) while Bandit has gas and a gate popping out.
Bandit is sending his zeal to harass and building cyber core, also upgrading weapons.
CoolT is getting a 4th hatch ... probably going to power hydra (bandit scouts it)
Bandit putting up a few cannons and getting a citadel and gas at his expand.
CoolT coming out of his base with ligns probably to pressure or take out a cannon.
Bandit scouts the hydra den and 4th hatch... starts his temp archives and 2nd gate.
meanwhile... Testie vs CuteGuy game 2 has begun .. map = Paranoid Androide.
no action thus far.
Bandit researching storm and going to pressure with some zealots. also has about 5 cannons at his expand, and putting up a 2nd forge.
Zeal speed is finished, coolT has a lot of zerglings, bandit putting cannons in his main, expecting muta.
CoolT seems to have about 40 lings now, bandit with around 10 zeals with +1 attack, starting on +2 attack and +1 armor... he also has a few temps with storm ready and building robo for obs.