39489 Posts
On August 10 2007 19:54 hhkx wrote: wow, gj mumyung .....he is the best player in ACE right now
without a doubt (aside from oversky now perhaps though?)
<hr> 3rd game starting on python.
Freedom at 1 Mumyung at 3
Mexico1178 Posts
does i am the only one who is still watching?
39489 Posts
mumyung scouting towards 1 right away.
he doesn't bother trying to hide the fact that he's at 3, so freedom knows where to scout first.
freedom builds depot near his min line, but rax near the ramp.
12 hatch for mummy
zeus is playign somebody right now it think score is 1-1... or i might just be watching an old one i dunno lol
damn i am dumb thats not zeus thats muymung or w.e
39489 Posts
freedom sends scout out around 12 supply or so.
hmm mumyung's ol is awfully deep into freedom's main...
1st rine out for freedom, and curiously enough, it goes to mumyung's nat right away.
freedom is 2 rax, 2nd rax right next to his gas.
6 lings coming out
39489 Posts
hmm freedom stops his rines around the min only?
he moves forward now after gathering 4 rines.
forces a sunk out of mumyung, he retreats, losing 2 rines to mumyung's 3 lings.
mumyung going for mass speedlings, he's not mining gas anymore.
3rd hatch done in main
i've never liked freedom.. must be because hes form wc3
39489 Posts
freedom starting acad, as he builds cc at nat.
mumyung all in, lings gathering in middle now
12 lings come, killing the nat cc, induces freedom to come down teh ramp with his rines, and now he rushes in wiht another 15 lings, freedom drills the ramp to no avail, firebats are out but he's definitely fucked.
gg from freedom, nicely played by mumyung.
lol commentators losing their voice or is it because of hte lag... i cant tell
39489 Posts
Mexico1178 Posts
OMG mass lings takes freedom with his pants down.. the commentators just start gasping due excitement... gg, mumyung 2-1freedom
IntoTheRainbow 2-0 JJu YellOw 0-2 Memory Jaedong 2-1 HoOny Mumyung 2-1 FreedoM
Haji update results please!
<3 Mumyung and his lings.
39489 Posts
On August 10 2007 20:01 bahhh wrote: i've never liked freedom.. must be because hes form wc3
Shouldn't we praise him for repenting his sins?
Mexico1178 Posts
If you lose any games, you can watch them via GOMplayer ch.404. right now im going to watch the game of boxer ^^
I feel asleep 5 mins before GARIMTO ; ; Id imagine VODs would be released for this event yeah?
NVM: Just read above ^^
On August 10 2007 20:04 G.s)NarutO wrote: YellOw 0-2 Memory
Ya, I am doing quite well  Thanks for reports Haji, always nice to have you around
the problem with gom player is i don't have a friggin idea who's playin >.<