![[image loading]](https://i.imgur.com/zJfoDjZ.jpg)
The 3rd ASL 6 qualifiers are upon us. A chance, maybe a second chance, for players to qualify for the round of 24. Seoul was a fun Qualifier. I trust we are all pumped for more Brood war action today, as our competitors gather once again for a chance at Starcraft Glory.
ASL 6 Seeded players are Rain, Mini, Snow and Flash (Wildcard)
Qualifiers From Seoul + Show Spoiler + Group 1: Shine 2-1 Rush Group 2: Last 2-0 Hyuk Group 3: MIsO 2-1 Best Group 4: Sharp 2-0 wico`fresh Group 5: Jaedong 2-0 Prime Group 6: Horang2 2-0 Sacsri Group 7: Sea 2-1 PianO Group 8: Mind 2-0 Modesty Group 9: EffOrt 2-0 HerO[Shield] Group 10: Killer 2-0 Shuttle Group 11: SoulKey 2-0 ForGG Group 12: Mong 2-1 Action
Qualified from Gwangju Preliminary + Show Spoiler + Best 2-0 Jaehoon Calm 2-1 Noble Sacsri 2-1 Action Shuttle 2-0 HerO[Shield] Rush 2-0 Stork Guemchi 2-1 Prime
Thank you for this topic, I see Movie, Pure, Stork, Artosis today 
I look forward for NaDa, Leta, ForGG, Skyhigh, Firebathero.
https://challonge.com/2018ASL6_BUSAN_1 Grp 1 bracket, notable players: Noble, Hyuk, bishOp, Sorry, Ample, Stork, Jila aka Kal, Pure
https://challonge.com/2018ASL6_BUSAN_2 Grp 2 notable players: Artosis, Hm[ArnC], By.Maru, HerO[Shield], Movie, Wind[HyO], PURPOSE
Stacked grps.
iloveoov spotted on efforts stream.
Artosis currently 1-1 r1.
On August 20 2018 11:53 Ikirouta wrote: iloveoov spotted on efforts stream.
Do you know if he is playing?
On August 20 2018 12:07 ii.blitzkrieg wrote:Do you know if he is playing?
I asked afreeca chat and someone there said hes playing but dunno if thats a good source.
On August 20 2018 12:08 Ikirouta wrote:Show nested quote +On August 20 2018 12:07 ii.blitzkrieg wrote:On August 20 2018 11:53 Ikirouta wrote: iloveoov spotted on efforts stream. Do you know if he is playing? I asked afreeca chat and someone there said hes playing but dunno if thats a good source.
Ah okay, thanks. Would be cool to see him play again even if it's casually. Who knows what new shit he might have thought up lol
On August 20 2018 12:20 Dante08 wrote: Wow iloveoov is back ?
dunno if hes actually even playing or there just to talk to some old friends or something.
Movie in finals of grp2 waiting for the winner of HerO[Shield] and Hm[ArnC]
Nada spotted at the qualifier!
On August 20 2018 12:22 Ikirouta wrote:dunno if hes actually even playing or there just to talk to some old friends or something.
maybe hes coaching
Almost didn't recognise NaDa with that haircut :o
Stork vs Pure g2 on stream atm, Stork up 1-0.
On August 20 2018 13:03 Ikirouta wrote: Stork vs Pure g2 on stream atm, Stork up 1-0.
Stork came back from a nearly hopeless situation in game one purely through great army management combined with really sloppy engagements from Pure's part.
Grp3 Notables: Action, SangHo[Shield] aka TSL.Killer, Oz aka SeCret, ajuk12 Grp4 Notables: DongHyun, NtO`Smile, Pigbaby, GGPlay/Impact (these guys have the same name, I don't know which one it is), 815, Rock, Light NaDa
NaDa has a pretty ez bracket, he should qualify?
Ample vs Sorry is holding grp1. That match has been going for really long now. TvTs man..
Are people just not counting FBH as a notable or is he not playing / out? ;_;
On August 20 2018 13:52 Turbovolver wrote: Are people just not counting FBH as a notable or is he not playing / out? ;_;
Haven't seen his name in the brackets yet.
NaDa looks like he's in good shape
Movie vs HerO[Shield] on stream now.
Who is playing on stream right now?
On August 20 2018 14:01 Delial1986 wrote: Who is playing on stream right now?
Read above.
Grp5 notables: First, Jaehoon, Leta, yerrrim2, By.Spire, ForGG Grp6 notables: Cadenzie, PianO, force[Name], Britney, RainBOw, OversKy
Looks like Pusan has quit trying to qualify for ASL. I have to get drunk today ;(
Did NaDa just win his Semifinal? I tuned back in to see him waiting for the next game so I Think he might have. One more game to qualify!
EDIT: Looks like it was just his first game.
rip hero
Movie is the first one to qualify today!
On August 20 2018 14:30 Wonk wrote: Did NaDa just win his Semifinal? I tuned back in to see him waiting for the next game so I Think he might have. One more game to qualify!
Looks like he won g1. Map1 is BS, map2 FS.
Light vs 815 on stream now!
On August 20 2018 14:36 Ikirouta wrote:Show nested quote +On August 20 2018 14:30 Wonk wrote: Did NaDa just win his Semifinal? I tuned back in to see him waiting for the next game so I Think he might have. One more game to qualify! Looks like he won g1. Map1 is BS, map2 FS.
Yep, that'd be right. Still, he's close!
NaDa just killed his opponents natural and 3rd!!!
On August 20 2018 14:37 Ikirouta wrote: Light vs 815 on stream now! It is so easy for Light, I want to see he is a new champion ASL
On August 20 2018 14:42 bovienchien wrote:It is so easy for Light, I want to see he is a new champion ASL 
easy? he is 0-1 behind now...
btw cadenzie won round 1, gogo
Photos from the #ASL Season 6 Busan Qualifier: CadenZie, effOrt, Kal, Stork, Sea, Artosis, HerO
Nice! Nada just beat Rock!
^ He doesn't lose Zerg player, He loses person who created the Blue Storm map.
Hi, anywhere to see Light vs 815 Game 2? (afstar1 get some sleep right now :p)
Anyone know who's on stream now? Protoss v Zerg
On August 20 2018 14:55 Sk0 wrote: Hi, anywhere to see Light vs 815 Game 2? (afstar1 get some sleep right now :p)
Nope, sorry.
On August 20 2018 14:57 KamMoye wrote: Anyone know who's on stream now? Protoss v Zerg
Cadenzie vs RainBOw (EDIT, I'm dumb and did dumb.)
Stork vs Ample Group1 final now
Hyuk succesfully Hyuked himself in all 3 qualifiers once again.
Light vs NaDa grp 4 Finals.
^ They are playing without cast!
51342 Posts
poor hero, maybe he'll forever be destined as an always-qualifier finalist.
Stork qualifies, Ample successfully played 2 really long series vs Sorry and Hyuk just to lose to Stork.
Action qualifies in Group 3 if im not mistaken?
On August 20 2018 15:48 oEkY wrote: Action qualifies in Group 3 if im not mistaken?
On August 20 2018 15:47 KarlHungus1908 wrote: Action qualifies too
We have 9 Zerg players, we don't need Zerg anymore.
51342 Posts
Nada vs Light in their group finals. Light just won game 1!
On August 20 2018 15:51 Delial1986 wrote: So, is Nada in or out? He is closed out, he is 0, Light is 1
51342 Posts
btw winner of group 6 (piano vs britney/rainbow) will play vs ErOs_ByuL because he won an instant asl qualifier finals seed from winning the ACS.
We have 9 Zerg players, we don't need Zerg anymore. So we have 9 p too, including 3 wildcard protoss
Nada (red) vs Light on stream!
Leta is waiting for his finals opponent in group 5, its ForGG or another person, hopefully ForGG qualifies!
On August 20 2018 15:54 GTR wrote:btw winner of group 6 (piano vs britney/rainbow) will play vs ErOs_ByuL because he won an instant asl qualifier finals seed from winning the ACS. What about ACS runner up Yerim2?
On August 20 2018 16:07 sc19980331 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 20 2018 15:54 GTR wrote:btw winner of group 6 (piano vs britney/rainbow) will play vs ErOs_ByuL because he won an instant asl qualifier finals seed from winning the ACS. What about ACS runner up Yerim2?
ahhhh thats the guy who plays against forGG in the semi of group 5 atm 
he plays vs Leta now in the finals of group 5
Ah Nada loses to Light in the second game...
Piano Britney 1 0 final group 6
On August 20 2018 15:45 Ikirouta wrote: Stork qualifies, Ample successfully played 2 really long series vs Sorry and Hyuk just to lose to Stork. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yeah!
On August 20 2018 16:07 sc19980331 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 20 2018 15:54 GTR wrote:btw winner of group 6 (piano vs britney/rainbow) will play vs ErOs_ByuL because he won an instant asl qualifier finals seed from winning the ACS. What about ACS runner up Yerim2? Yerim2 is dream.t)nongmin He used nongminzerg on iccup in the past and denied participating TSL2. There should be an article somewhere on TL.
51342 Posts
BM D-matrix or missclick D-matrix?
oh yerim2 vs leta now, 1-1 so far
On August 20 2018 16:58 asel wrote: Oh Leta, pls qualify!
looks bad for him :/
51342 Posts
first non-kespa ex-pro to qualify since PURPOSE (season 3)
51342 Posts
eros_byul > piano and also qualifies for asl.
so top 2 of the acs qualify for the ASL.
On August 20 2018 17:12 GTR wrote: eros_byul > piano and also qualifies for asl.
so top 2 of the acs qualify for the ASL.
cool, so we got action, stork, light, movie, yerim2 and eros_byul from busan qualifier
United Kingdom12022 Posts
On August 20 2018 17:16 oEkY wrote: cool, so we got action, stork, light, movie, yerim2 and eros_byul from busan qualifier
Movie again! Let's go PvT king.
Will never understand the hype about Movie. Nope, never.
Happy about Action though
Fuck yeah Action. Glad he made it after all.
On August 20 2018 18:14 TornadoSteve wrote: Will never understand the hype about Movie. Nope, never.
Really? He made an OSL finals, had an overall decent career and was notable for having much better than average PvZ. Granted that was a long time ago, but I can understand why he would still have plenty of fans.
I thought he movie hype was because CJ fans were the most outspoken people on TL till 09
United Kingdom12022 Posts
On August 20 2018 19:10 BLinD-RawR wrote: I thought he movie hype was because CJ fans were the most outspoken people on TL till 09
Yeah CJ fans were certainly something.
All them CJ fans got nothing on us AIR FORCE ACE fans
Busan final round results
+ Show Spoiler +Stork 2-0 Ample Movie 2-0 HerO[Shield] Action 2-0 yeOngJae Light 2-0 Nada Yerim2 2-1 Leta eros_byul 2-0 PianO
Qualifiers for the Ro 24 ASL 6:
Shine Last MIsO Sharp Jaedong Horang2
Sea Mind EffOrt Killer SoulKey Mong
Best Shuttle Guemchi Rush Calm Sacsri
Stork Movie Action Light Yerim2 eros_byul
United States10055 Posts
Very solid roster we have as well as 2 new faces. Time to do our research on them haha. Byul taking down Piano is no small feat.
I’m ready for a randomized group of death with since Action and Stork might be seeded lower because of qualifying last.
Someone post their races so we can put on Liquipedia.
And when is the group stage selection ceremony. That is my favorite thing of the tournament.
On August 21 2018 04:28 Alpha-NP- wrote: Someone post their races so we can put on Liquipedia.
And when is the group stage selection ceremony. That is my favorite thing of the tournament. In the Ro16, It will have selection ceremony. In the Ro24, players will be arranged based on their ASL point or tier.
Does Killer is still active ? I mean was he laddering or practicing at all before ASL 6 qualifs ?
Really interesting player in my opinion, and he has some very nice build order in the last ASL he showed (was it ASL 4 ?). Anyway, could be a hidden threat for some of the usual suspects if his game is sharp. Could be interesting... : )