Are you kidding? Boxer is going to get romped over. What a joke.
39489 Posts
On May 05 2007 02:22 Elsi wrote: instructions??>> blank
I see 4 jpgs, maybe let them load? if that doesnt work, press "quote" and look at the links manually
39489 Posts
On May 05 2007 02:23 svenneburner wrote: Today????
On May 05 2007 02:23 thedeadhaji wrote:yes in about 30 minutes
Netherlands15103 Posts
I'm rooting for Boxer. I believe in miracles. :D
yeye my weekend is saved lol!
Can we get better instructions. What site is that?
how are those instructions? I'm not trying to be rude but we don't have a home page or anything...
Damn, I can't believe I'm actually going to sit this one out. I gotta study for midterms and it's getting late :[
hm who else has only got a 29 seconds video ? :l
so right now I dont see anything, when the time comes will it just show?
I think its a trailer the 29 second one...
midori yeah but it doesnt stream afterwards at all
I have a laggy 29 seconds trailer...
Im lost just like you are svenneburner. Do we just click that button again when the time comes?
i have no clue.. just click play in 15 min or something
I only get the player running...I dont see the right hand menu stuff =S
On May 05 2007 02:49 em.and.m wrote: I only get the player running...I dont see the right hand menu stuff =S
right menu is only in korean gomtv version
btw is there any method to get a lower quality stream? cause its very laggy on my shitty isp...
someone live report please
Is there maybe an alternate video stream? It lags really bad here..
The intructions suck.
All they show is screen caps and not even the page your supposed to start off with Not trying to be rude but your assuming everyone knows where to start at and what they need.
My gom player just auto shuts down when its trying to load the game.. anyone else with this problem?
39489 Posts
umm, if you load gom player, then it starts exactly where yakii's first ss is... I had absolutely no problem following them >_>
39489 Posts
On May 05 2007 03:00 Midori wrote: My gom player just auto shuts down when its trying to load the game.. anyone else with this problem?
if you have this problem you're pretty much screwred  some kind of security settings with your machine clashing with the koreanism
Report back if anyone gets it working and its actually starting~
The instructions start where they need to start. Only thing i dont know is will the player load the stream automaticly when the games start, or i should do something else?
go to superfight.co.kr and just klick on the orange button
39489 Posts
Haivan, once you are done wtih yakii's insturctions you'll see 4 icons (channels) over on teh player side (left side).
clikc the dram match one (savior/boxer face)
Hit the green button, only ads right now but I believe it is the stream.
by the way tossgirl got a haircut. she has short hair now
It's loading for me but it's laggy as fuck .
edit: nevermind, seems to be working for now at least.
39489 Posts
On May 05 2007 03:05 gravity wrote:It's loading for me but it's laggy as fuck  .
ya same~
Ok, show has started but still no games yet.
for full screen. ctrl ENTER
On May 05 2007 03:05 thedeadhaji wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2007 03:05 gravity wrote:It's loading for me but it's laggy as fuck  . ya same~ for some reason mine stopped lagging as soon as the actual show started. If it's like a normal GOMTV broadcast it will end up lagging halfway through though :/.
whats the main reason for this game? cuz they showing some children and there are many ppl there...
why couldnt this be boxer vs garimto!?!?!
39489 Posts
On May 05 2007 03:06 Presony-Boy wrote: whats the main reason for this game? cuz they showing some children and there are many ppl there...
showmatch, prolly similar to nada vs boxer @ game music festival
start the game already~~~
Hmm i hope i am on the right channel
If there is a huge crowd in front of a stage with 2 computer booths and a banner that sais DREAM MATCH you are on the right channel.
Lag has already started, yipee
if u see gomtv XTM then ur on the right channel
39489 Posts
upper left of screen says "gom tv" "Xtm"
the stream is laggy for me. wont be much fun to watch
Germany1302 Posts
6Mbit Connection here and still laggy and buffering like hell, won't be any fun ):
Maybe one can change settings to make that a little better?
oh~ that was the mayor of Seoul
39489 Posts
i mean chances are there's a mms stream somewhere on korean forums, but not too many of us are equipped to dig it out
Is there another stream like naver or such?
By the way I found the stream really laggy while uTorrent was running even though it was only using 10% of my bandwidth, so maybe try turning off torrents.
im not getting any lag....
its GOMTV exclusive. so.... no other sites sorry
i have never lagged using GOMTV.
I've got 10/10. Works smooth, but lags like hell from time to time. I feel unsafe : O
Watched MSL through GOM Player a few days ago too. Worked fine for about one match, then I had to switch to sc2.org.
Too bad we dont have a p2p stream for this T_T
opening match is tossgirl vs. a kid and a teacher. so its 2v1
nvm fuck this...watching naruto lol
Does anybody know how to adjust the buffer size?
Maybe some kind gentelmen who doesn't expirience the lag problem would live report here
is it seriously going to be a 2v1....?
the kid looks so serious to win, wtf its 2v1 chobo boy
Germany1302 Posts
On May 05 2007 03:21 dudel wrote: Does anybody know how to adjust the buffer size?
i like tossgirl's new hair >.<
On May 05 2007 03:22 AlexanderTheGreat wrote: is it seriously going to be a 2v1....?
Well, at least its not a 2v2
Germany1302 Posts
sometimes beeing at the exact other side of the globe to korea sucks..
And for a sec there i thought Savior got a new look ( j/k )
On May 05 2007 03:23 intelinside wrote: i like tossgirl's new hair >.<
I like Tossgirl.
the amateurs is gonna T and Z.. toss girl is gonna play with T
its starting 5 4 3 2 1 goggogogogoo
wtf why are there 3 players on that game? :s
is there any other way to play this its lagging heavly for me sometimes its fine but its lagging so much
toss girl is at 12 clock and the amateurs are at 6 and 8 oclock
rofl... tossgirl is gonna get rocked.
nvm sorry tossgirl is 6oclock
39489 Posts
hmm... i get like 1 frame every 10 seconds...
39489 Posts
On May 05 2007 03:26 intelinside wrote: toss girl is at 12 clock and the amateurs are at 6 and 8 oclock
tossgirl at 6 amateurs at 12 and 9.
zerg at 12 terran at 9.
zerg scouts towards 3, will see nothin~
terran walls
Zerg is going 9pool gas. Tossgirl going 1 barrack refinery and the amateur T is going 1 barrack refinery
39489 Posts
zerg going 9 pool speedlings, terran is wtf why is he building a bunker behind his wall
On May 05 2007 03:27 thedeadhaji wrote: hmm... i get like 1 frame every 10 seconds... I get 2 seconds of sound every 2 minutes
OMG the commentators fucked up again. they said tossgirl is 6oclock but she actually at 8oclock and the amateur T is at 6 o clock . -_-
39489 Posts
wtf so is this thing on the top wrong?
why does it say
T8 Z12 vs T6
It says the teams on top of the screen
no way she can win this, other T went mech and all she has are rines
Amateur T got Tank. Zerg has Lair and going lurker
Luker and tanks going to attack
this is over already lmao
that was some bad micro by tossgirl....
lol lurkers made Tossgirl lift her CC at nat
lurks in main. toss girl kills lurkers with scvs
tanks vults lurks pushing like there is no tommorow
more like no micro at all
Germany1302 Posts
1sec play, 1 sec buffer, 1 sec play, 1 sec buffer
tossgirl getting her ass whooped
Ah now it's suddenly laggfree. Cool.
lol waste of time, time for the real games
39489 Posts
how the hell did they set this up in the middle of these damn buildings hahaha
haha it was Terran mechanic units + Lurker vs Terran bionic units. no chance
i don't think gomtv player is streaming through your proxy so you sould close all the downloads
IMO she should have turtled, take island expo, push out with mech
who are those kids, and why does the one on the left look like a mini firebathero
CA10824 Posts
tossgirls legs are two works of art
those 2 kids seem so happy to be on stage with tossgirl
MM too fragile for 1v2. Especially at 9 o'clock where you can wall easily. Metal all the way and ironclad TvT style defensive turtling to drops and tank/gol.
yes yes her legs are nice >.<
how do you refresh the player?
she shoulda just made like 40 tanks and sieged em on the cliff
that was so lame, how are you going to 9 pool speed in a 2v1
commercial break~~~~~~~ gay~~~~~~~
Haha ultra korean geek commercial :D
CA10824 Posts
wow tossgirl got so much prettier
the comments from koreans on GOMplayer are so funny lol
lagg free commercials is even more lol
i dont know who i want to win~~~ i love both boxer and savior~~ i just wanna see some close games unlike the first SF where savior owned boxer
39489 Posts
What the fuck they didnt even bother redubbing the commercial for this ps3 game? I was super confused when I started hearing japanese through the stream
=o =S a;?!@?>!@#>$!@#?$>K???????
39489 Posts
On May 05 2007 03:45 intelinside wrote: i dont know who i want to win~~~ i love both boxer and savior~~ i just wanna see some close games unlike the first SF where savior owned boxer
man at this point i dont even care about the results. Just give me a lagless video feed TT_TT
okok commercial break is over =)
On May 05 2007 03:46 thedeadhaji wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2007 03:45 intelinside wrote: i dont know who i want to win~~~ i love both boxer and savior~~ i just wanna see some close games unlike the first SF where savior owned boxer man at this point i dont even care about the results. Just give me a lagless video feed TT_TT
its perfectly fine for me
On May 05 2007 03:46 thedeadhaji wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2007 03:45 intelinside wrote: i dont know who i want to win~~~ i love both boxer and savior~~ i just wanna see some close games unlike the first SF where savior owned boxer man at this point i dont even care about the results. Just give me a lagless video feed TT_TT aww poor haji
Korea (South)17174 Posts
2 laggy : - ( sb found out how to set buffer ?
boxer salutes the crowd
god damn it. stream died again
lol they are gonna sit down and chat more
savior's hair is so puffy
Why cnt we have an english gomplayer but then WITH gom tv
aww those are the people savior and boxer are gonna help them
aww those kids are so poor that they only east lamyun everyday
i wanna help those poor kids. i wanna send them some money
its shown that kid eat a whole bowl of soup....
what are they talking about?
their mom ran away and their father went to some other country but they havent heard from him years and they live with their grandma who is 81 and sick
im really gonna find out a way to help them out
better get us some laggfree stream
On May 05 2007 03:53 DwmC_Foefen wrote:Why cnt we have an english gomplayer but then WITH gom tv  write an email or letter to GOMTV requesting this. if bunch of people do this, they may consider this
CA10824 Posts
oh my God this is so sad T____T
This is like some sort of Starcraft telethon.
this is really really depressing.
On May 05 2007 03:58 intelinside wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2007 03:53 DwmC_Foefen wrote:Why cnt we have an english gomplayer but then WITH gom tv  write an email or letter to GOMTV requesting this. if bunch of people do this, they may consider this
Just take the english files and copy it in your kor-gomtv-player folder. There should be a thread somewhere i posted which files you need to copy.
the old lady collects boxes and barely makes 100000won(100USD) a month. wow... im this close to tearing up.
welcome to crying??
huhu dfsh
YEA! i managed to run this fucking thing, random clicking FTW!
On May 05 2007 04:02 niteReloaded wrote: YEA! i managed to run this fucking thing, random clicking FTW! GJ!!!. Gosu clicking skill
will there be a vod of this?? ^^
*some chick getting kidnapped*
wtf kind of commercial is that, so random i cant stop laughing asfddsfa
Entertainment-buissness is all the same. First the wuhuhuhu story about the poor, then the "buy some shit you dont need"-commercials.
thanks alot zurg you saved this matches for sure
hmm i really wanna try that golf game
how many times are they gonna play that HERA commercial. wtf
well in romania the minimum salary is around 120Euro or 160$
i sent the email to gom makers. some1 else do it and we might just get something. EDIT: its about korean version of GOMplayer having the GOMTv feature, and english not.
On May 05 2007 04:06 mahnini wrote: *some chick getting kidnapped*
wtf kind of commercial is that, so random i cant stop laughing asfddsfa shes not getting kidnapped. shes actually getting chased and the guy in the shadow is saving her by hiding her. that commercial is comming out with sequals. its a cosmetics commercial.
CA10824 Posts
woohoo, on GOMtv you can watch savior and boxer live FP view, just click the orange box next to their respective pictures that says 개인화면
On May 05 2007 04:10 xM(Z wrote:well in romania the minimum salary is around 120Euro or 160$  Korean average salary is just about lil over 20000USD. making 100USD a month is way below poverty.
oh~~ its not longinus2 its longinus1
both boxer and savior picked the first match
can these commentators shut the fuck up plz
On May 05 2007 04:12 LosingID8 wrote: woohoo, on GOMtv you can watch savior and boxer live FP view, just click the orange box next to their respective pictures that says 개인화면
like every superfight^^ only prob this time i lag 1 picture every 60sec T_T
This is still lagging horribly for me. Everything is lagging. What a nightmare.
boxer at 7oclock and savior at 11
lol savior said "im afrad of the bunker" on the chat
aaargh lag there will be vods of this?
On May 05 2007 04:16 intelinside wrote: boxer at 7oclock and savior at 11
shit, my stream is 1 min later than yours
12 nat for savior. 1barrack FE for boxer
On May 05 2007 04:12 LosingID8 wrote: woohoo, on GOMtv you can watch savior and boxer live FP view, just click the orange box next to their respective pictures that says 개인화면 Wow, thanks for that I never knew! Not trying to be sarcastic I really didn't.
savior takes 3 hatch at another nat
savior doing zvp 3 base build...
Look he used the arrow keys all the time!
On May 05 2007 04:19 mahnini wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2007 04:12 LosingID8 wrote: woohoo, on GOMtv you can watch savior and boxer live FP view, just click the orange box next to their respective pictures that says 개인화면 Wow, thanks for that I never knew! Not trying to be sarcastic I really didn't. im watching this with 3 computers. watching both of their FPV and the main view. kinda getting dizzy
wtf are they chatting ? We need a korean translator :d
On May 05 2007 04:20 intelinside wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2007 04:19 mahnini wrote:On May 05 2007 04:12 LosingID8 wrote: woohoo, on GOMtv you can watch savior and boxer live FP view, just click the orange box next to their respective pictures that says 개인화면 Wow, thanks for that I never knew! Not trying to be sarcastic I really didn't. im watching this with 3 computers. watching both of their FPV and the main view. kinda getting dizzy LOOOL WTH
On May 05 2007 04:20 intelinside wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2007 04:19 mahnini wrote:On May 05 2007 04:12 LosingID8 wrote: woohoo, on GOMtv you can watch savior and boxer live FP view, just click the orange box next to their respective pictures that says 개인화면 Wow, thanks for that I never knew! Not trying to be sarcastic I really didn't. im watching this with 3 computers. watching both of their FPV and the main view. kinda getting dizzy
you have 3 comps??? wtf?
39489 Posts
so savior went 12 hatch 11 pool then hatch again at the 12 expo, while boxer went 1 rax cc behind wall.
On May 05 2007 04:21 hixhix wrote: wtf are they chatting ? We need a korean translator :d when boxer brought out the first group of m&ms savior said "please dont come out" lol
39489 Posts
haha boxer and savior chatting to eachother.
savior gets his nat gas. and starts lair.
On May 05 2007 04:22 mel_ee wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2007 04:20 intelinside wrote:On May 05 2007 04:19 mahnini wrote:On May 05 2007 04:12 LosingID8 wrote: woohoo, on GOMtv you can watch savior and boxer live FP view, just click the orange box next to their respective pictures that says 개인화면 Wow, thanks for that I never knew! Not trying to be sarcastic I really didn't. im watching this with 3 computers. watching both of their FPV and the main view. kinda getting dizzy you have 3 comps??? wtf? 1 desktop and 2 notebooks
39489 Posts
boxer going 2 rax and fast factory, savior's 3rd hatch at 12 is done.
39489 Posts
boxer lifts his rax wall and moves out with his first group of mnm, just sits in front of nat atm.
ah boxer goes starport w/o factory addon.
39489 Posts
spire done for savior, looks like he has 3rd gas morphing atm at 12.
39489 Posts
den starts for savior, mutas are gathering up.
boxer with 3 turrets on the north side of his nat, sci facility is building.
now im lagging bad and dont get that link to work
saviro harrssing really well
39489 Posts
lol why is there is a shrek in the crowd.
boxer is using the most genius building placement Ive seen for his position on this map, compact yet no clutter
Boxer is in bad shape after the lurker +ling diversion into muta owning his main scvs.
39489 Posts
looks like savior with enough mutas to start harassing now. quickly takes down a turret in boxer's nat, another now in his main.
vessle starts for boxer, getting 2nd factory for tanks as well
Boxer moving out with 5 tanks 2 vessels and 1 and 1/2 group of mm
wow boxer is gettin raped...
Boxer's first army got completely annhilated. Savior has this game ez.
wow boxer about to get owned
Man Shrek sponsors everything huh, wow.
39489 Posts
boxer scans savior's nat, sees some lurkers morphing.
1st vessle out for boxer. boxer has rebuilt the lost turret at his nat.
hm well boxer hasnt lost that much to be honest, other than being kept in place by mutas so far.
lurker ling at the nat entrance, while mutas go attack the main scv line.
turrets down, scv's dying, irrad on mutas and i have no idea how quickly savior split them b/c stream lagged.
I hear screams and shrieks but see nothing, damn
39489 Posts
savior rushing hive with minimal lair units, wow wtf mutas still killing shit in boxer's main.
savior is making boxer look so bad
savior didnt even need defilers
39489 Posts
boxer moving out with ball, 3 tank 2 vessle, 2 group mnm.
this damn gomtv player lags like shit for me :[
39489 Posts
savior gets hatch at 3 main, he burrows lurkers at the ramp to the right of boxer's min only.
as boxer moves north through teh middle, he's flanked from above and from the right, and loses everythign easily.
Savior infest like vs. Nada. Toying now
39489 Posts
that was some ugliness right there >___>
lurker muta ling goes into the nat now, lurkers(10) burrow, more lings rallying.
boxer sending 1/2 group marines to 3 main.
On May 05 2007 04:18 DwmC_Foefen wrote: aaargh lag there will be vods of this? yes after the match chan 406 @gomtv
39489 Posts
boxer does take down the 3 main hatch but lurkers force lift on nat cc
Boxer plz no FE-thing next game
That was a pretty onesided game.
39489 Posts
boxer says some stuff on chat and i have no idea what is being said.
boxer with 1 group mnm and 2 tanks at his nat choke.
hm looks like boxer sent that 1/2 group rines to 12, which got cleared.
cc infested.
savior wins first match and thx zurg ^^
39489 Posts
infested cc dies right away to rine/tank fire though.
39489 Posts
savior gets hatch at 3 main and 3 nat again, boxer tries to move out and gets trashed by muta ling in the middle of the map.
haji your stream seems to be a fair bit behind
39489 Posts
boxer tried to remake his nat cc, forced to cancel by lings, whoever was complaining about light staying in the game too long in proleague needs to complain about boxer too.
GG from boxer.
I want to see some boxerish hardcore micro battles. Boxer's macro way may be enough for mediocre zergs but against a savior you need more than that.
Why does Boxer suck so bad against Savior? lol, he was made a fool there, but it's all in fun I guess
yeah savior destroys macro terrans
39489 Posts
hmm lets see, well gom stream is no good for me, so someone else shoudl report then.
Ah this could be a good rush position for boxer. Remember him doing it last year... Plzzz boxer do it!
savior sends first ovie to 1
boxer making proxy barrack
savior finds the proxy racks harrases the scv and kills one
39489 Posts
erm proxy barack where >__>
An odd position for a bunker?
omg fucking lag, no way to follow this match decently
Ok so Savior killed the bunkers one by one, first with a sunk then with mass speedlings.
Boxer is very very very far behind.
wow savior fended off so well
Boxer goes 3 rax acad now and canceled the expansion
Savior adding his min only expansion as well. Boxer has secured his choke very tightly so Savior will have to progress in tech.
Savior spire up and muta coming it looks like.
savior has his natural and is going 2 hat muta
boxer is still 1 base and going 3rax m&m
Boxer has to ninja hit savior's expansion or it will be too late
Boxer moving out with MM, savior throws down sunks very hastily.
boxer is attacking with mm now
FUCK WHY DOES IT LAGG NOW! Fucking pussy stream omg!! i dont see shit....great...
savior fends off the attack but loses most of his muta
Savior again toying, intent on killing Boxer with just muta micro when a few speedlings will finish easily.
savior is harrasing boxer with muta. boxer is losing all his mm
savior is attacking with a few muta, hdyra and lings and its gg
Savior going for the CC kill ignoring the marines shooting his men. Gets it. Oh and lurkers burrowed in boxer's base.
Watch muta harass in first person is so amazing.
savior completely outclasses boxer.
savior is toying boxer
On May 05 2007 04:50 mahnini wrote: Watch muta harass in first person is so amazing.
can i watch on firstpirson on gomtv? how?
I didn't see this. This never happened.
first superfight 3-0 savior this time 2-0 ㅠ_ㅠ
On May 05 2007 04:51 SuperJongMan wrote: I didn't see this. This never happened.
I wish I didn't see it either Savior owned Boxer way harder this time.
wow boxer's fans donated 5000usd and saviors fans donated 3000usd online.
This sucked! Why humiliate boxer like that??? :'(
so all together each are donating 8000USD each.and the airforce and CJ is doubling that =) im so happy =)
What.. and i excepted hour long games full of nukes and the players having fun.. T-T
both were determined to win the match bc they both wanted bring more money to the kid each represented. they didnt play this for fun.
with the help from boxers fans boxer matched the money
On May 05 2007 04:55 Puosu wrote: What.. and i excepted hour long games full of nukes and the players having fun.. T-T The only way Savior could get nuked is if he blatantly didn't try.
This was no surprise. Remember Boxer only practices 4 hours every day if that much even. Thats not enough to beat the best player.
pics of tossgirl new haircut? where? ^_^v
=/ boxer will get him when he comes back
and at least the money went to a good thing
dont worry, Boxer will win when it matters, like in Proleague ? xD
come on guys, what did u expect? on that superfight savior was at his prime when nobody knew how to beat him, but now boxer cannot keep the pace because he is in not trainning properly
Korea (South)17174 Posts
M2, boxer trains almost just as much as he used to on SKT. That is his job in the airforce, to play broodwars all day.
I think the korean airforce advertises it differently though and claims that he does all the other normal airforce duties.
I strongly believe that he doesn't...though I'm not sure...it could be true that he doesn't practice nearly as much but I doubt it.
Korea (South)17174 Posts
and damn, is that tossgirl haircut ever ugly
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Wow this dream match sounds really shitty..
Cmon we all knew this would happen. I know it suxx but SaviOr is not Inter.Calm (im refering to the survivor game on longinus) or any other zerg who backs off if he sees a sign of danger.
1. SaviOr knows Boxer. He won against him before...he's not a rookie who get's nervous just playing against him.
2. I'm sure savior saw the game vs intercalm, so he got his 2nd expansion at 1 o'clock right away. While inter.calm as i remember searched for a proxy rax in fear of any boxerish movement.
3. On the second game it was obvious boxer would try a bunker rush at these positions. Savior knew it, saw it an reacted to it.
What makes savior special is that he knows when to back of and when to attack, even if there's just a small chance. I mean boxer is no nada. Compare the first game with the boxer vs inter.calm game. While inter.calm tried to stop boxers first go by running around him, savior had the patience to just crush him right in the middle of the map with a perfect flank.
I mean we see this all the time. If you can't push savior back to the wall he will flank / surround / ninjakick you every fucking time. He's no "Meh i just send thousands of zerglings into death..maybe it helps..". Players like boxer start to shine as soon you give them a little space for stunts. But not against a player like savior.
I personaly think it's sad because it seems that boxer is a bit afraid of saviors power. I just can't see it happen for boxer. Maybe he has to be more like nada (wich doesn't seem to work) or force up a huge micro battle from start to finish.
looks like someone optimized his keyboard.
Not saying that I like the outcome, but playing macro terran... against savior... BEING BOXER ? wtf
wow thx zurg i liked her hair~ is different~ stylish and ....perfect legs nhamii
On May 05 2007 08:05 poilord wrote:looks like someone optimized his keyboard.
He also removed the "Esc" Key oo;
maybe he is not allowed to cancel his stuff :o?
"heh d00d she toly owned me but I got a t-shirt lawl!"
Omg, someone save this for a hype thread.
Something among the lines of "Even Shrek loves Boxer" comes into mind :D
u gotta skate8152 Posts
I think that key on top left is the Esc key. Looks like he's removed the tilde key and F1.
Is this going to be available on torrents later?
he removed ` - [ , f1 and windows key you can go to chan 406 @gomtv and watch the vods
On May 05 2007 09:56 funKie wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2007 08:05 poilord wrote:looks like someone optimized his keyboard. He also removed the "Esc" Key oo; maybe he is not allowed to cancel his stuff :o? Midas needs to do this for his 'Q' key. lawlawl
p f f sad. was hoping he'd be able to beat him in his slump seeing as every other top player seems to be able to atm.
tossgirl has some sexy legs
thats for sure but the new hair cut hmm i think i liked the old one more
On May 05 2007 09:59 KizZBG wrote: I think that key on top left is the Esc key. Looks like he's removed the tilde key and F1.
Ah yes you are right, silly me ;p
Korea (South)17174 Posts
those legs would be sexy if she had breasts to compliment them
Does the MBC live channel not work anymore?
??? what do you want to watch now ?
Man, i like Savior and all, but seeing him humiliate and destroy Boxer like that was hard, i never ever thought i would feel sorry for Boxer :<
On May 05 2007 11:37 Rekrul wrote:those legs would be sexy if she had breasts to compliment them 
Well fucking said.
Where are the VODs for this? I can't seem to find them in the VOD section....
United States5262 Posts
아씨발, the Sharks are losing.
USA29055 Posts
her legs arent nice imo. No definition, just skinny o-O
And that pic where she has bruises on her legs are burnt into my brain >_<
United States1654 Posts
Does anyone know what they were chatting about in game?
On May 05 2007 17:09 SigrUn wrote: Does anyone know what they were chatting about in game?
i'm curious about that too, i'm dying to know what was being said after savior infested his CC.
Can someone please upload these vods.
i really wanna see.
On May 05 2007 02:21 thedeadhaji wrote: we can all dream can't we?
We sure can !
The VODs for this match were there earlier... did someone remove them or something? I can't find them!!!!
Im a bit late, but I just want to let you guys know that if you know the channel id, you can just type it in the go bar and hit enter. You dont have to surf through korean menus
try ch 704 :D NSFW! meh. wait. shes not that hot
Just saw the shadow man commercial. That girl is without a doubt amazining. absolutely beautiful
On May 05 2007 20:34 fusionsdf wrote: Just saw the shadow man commercial. That girl is without a doubt amazining. absolutely beautiful yes yes she is. her name is Kim Tae Hee. She is an actress. she makes a million for a 15second commercial also.