On February 24 2007 13:07 DeadVessel wrote: And it may have a different meaning there, they were a world away when the shit started to fly WW2.
While I'm not denying they know about WW2 and the holocaust I severely doubt Savior is a Nazi.
They were not a world away when the shit started to fly. Korea was under Japanese control, with all the atrocities that implied including comfort women and conscription into labour battalions.
But yes, I suppose if someone asked Savior to do a General Yamashita impression he would be hacked to pieces while the West wondered what the big fuss was about.
+ Show Spoiler +On February 24 2007 18:03 Wasabi wrote:okay, nobody get mad at this, but seriously... My 5 minute job. edit: made a better one-
holy shit i didn't even see this topic and its 82 pages long???????????????????????
is that even possible? what happened?
anyways, i'm happy jesuszerg pulled through
( that was awesome writing in the begging you two - either of you write for a living ?)
btw that was a cool beginning for the vods
anyone know what that was from?
On February 24 2007 11:27 gds wrote: that does explain why savior do the nazi salute in front of cameras... In my country he can go directly in jail for 6 months for simply doing it.
Savior IS Hitler! LOL Someone above just said that he killed 6 million terrans. Holocaust!
On February 24 2007 14:17 tKd_ wrote:Show nested quote +On February 24 2007 13:57 Sadist wrote:On February 24 2007 09:53 fLyiNgDroNe wrote:On February 24 2007 09:19 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: a resurgance of wall->dropship play is near Yeah, i wish that was true. I don't understand what is the matter with this kinda play nowadays. Boxer used FE builds 3 times vs Savior and was humilated. Nada used it today 4 times and was raped. All others are just playing FE against Savior who adapted this style so good it's ridiculous. I believe that Casy or even Boxer himself with his usual 'boxerish' cute micro play can hurt savior badly. If terran players will get back to 1 base play vs zerg because of Savior that would be a historical moment for bw. the reason no one uses 1 base builds anymore is because zergs are much better now than they were back then and you are basically dead if it doesnt work. Dropship builds were nullified by zerglings and then muta, it can still work vs hydra but you are fucked if they muta unless they dont make any lings and get a really late spire. As horrible as it sounds, you are right. 1 base play is very ineffective unless you can stall the zerg's tech considerably. I like what casy did vs july, fast tank push, gas block, expo block, so july has to 3 hatch. and it worked.
Dropship build is vulnerable. Fast task push or 3 rax +1 armor might work. The window of oportunity is small and the micro must be flawless. And yeah, use more firebats.
Wait a minute, you're seriously accusing him of being a nazi? He's ASIAN!
On February 24 2007 18:03 Wasabi wrote:okay, nobody get mad at this, but seriously... My 5 minute job. edit: made a better one-
What is the point with these?
Some things you don't joke around with. These were not funny
On February 25 2007 01:53 tomatriedes wrote: Wait a minute, you're seriously accusing him of being a nazi? He's ASIAN! I was joking. Relax.
Ah, wasn't really directing that at you.
This is offending those pics arent
On February 24 2007 21:22 The Storyteller wrote:Show nested quote +On February 24 2007 13:07 DeadVessel wrote: And it may have a different meaning there, they were a world away when the shit started to fly WW2.
While I'm not denying they know about WW2 and the holocaust I severely doubt Savior is a Nazi. They were not a world away when the shit started to fly. Korea was under Japanese control, with all the atrocities that implied including comfort women and conscription into labour battalions. But yes, I suppose if someone asked Savior to do a General Yamashita impression he would be hacked to pieces while the West wondered what the big fuss was about. A world away wasn't the best phrase sorry. But you catch my point it can be interpreted there differently and (big maybe) the picture was taken at the wrong time. I seriously doubt he was making a joke out of that salute.
+ Show Spoiler +On February 25 2007 02:31 Ryp wrote:This is offending those pics arent
completely tasteless i know but i just had the urge to do this
Hong Kong20321 Posts
omg enough with the savior-hitler posts already ~_~
Netherlands19129 Posts
Omg where did my manhood go
United States12224 Posts
Now, I'm no top-tier player, but I am a thinker. I just couldn't think of any moves that would put a dent in Savior's perfect defense. His forces are always so mobile that it's like he can attack and defend with the same force at the same time, far outpacing the comparatively slow Terran forces. Unlike most Zergs, Savior also earns his expansions, rather than recklessly mass-expanding. Normally when I'm watching a game I'm thinking "oh why doesn't T just do this" but this time my mind went blank. I was witnessing the demise of TvZ unfold before me. Those Dark Swarms in Game 1? Ridiculous, and they completely set the pace of the game from then on out. Nada was utterly robbed by one spell, and as more Zergs pick up on the importance of Defilers (moreso than they already do, I mean completely relying on Defilers alone) TvZ will get worse and worse. You can tell that in Games 2-4 Nada was going for the kill before Savior could get Defilers, because he knows that he's so skilled with them, once he has them it's over. I'm hardly the guy that will use one series to predict a matchup revolution, but this time...
Cayman Islands24199 Posts
On February 25 2007 04:44 alffla wrote: omg enough with the savior-hitler posts already ~_~
ok guys, i know sometimes it is exciting to dance on someone's grave or piss on someone's memorial, but fuck off.
On February 25 2007 07:59 Excalibur_Z wrote: Now, I'm no top-tier player, but I am a thinker. I just couldn't think of any moves that would put a dent in Savior's perfect defense. His forces are always so mobile that it's like he can attack and defend with the same force at the same time, far outpacing the comparatively slow Terran forces. Unlike most Zergs, Savior also earns his expansions, rather than recklessly mass-expanding. Normally when I'm watching a game I'm thinking "oh why doesn't T just do this" but this time my mind went blank. I was witnessing the demise of TvZ unfold before me. Those Dark Swarms in Game 1? Ridiculous, and they completely set the pace of the game from then on out. Nada was utterly robbed by one spell, and as more Zergs pick up on the importance of Defilers (moreso than they already do, I mean completely relying on Defilers alone) TvZ will get worse and worse. You can tell that in Games 2-4 Nada was going for the kill before Savior could get Defilers, because he knows that he's so skilled with them, once he has them it's over. I'm hardly the guy that will use one series to predict a matchup revolution, but this time... this is hardly the first time savior has shown his strength with defilers. the fact is its not going to be revolutionary because z's have been abusing defilers for a long time, the rest of them simply cannot use them as well as savior can. its the skill, not the matchup. its like those reps of nada that get published where he has 2 base sk terran and the zerg has the entire map + hydra lurk and he fights his way back into the game with perfect irradiate useage. every terran uses irradiate, every terran can't use it to the extent nada's perfect micro can.
Man... I would love for Nada to go into training for like a month and just come back and own Savior. That was depressing.
On another note, I'm switching to Z.