Terror Starleague: sweet 16 - Page 4
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Canada520 Posts
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Bisutopia19161 Posts
On March 27 2015 10:55 9heart wrote: Anyone want to cast this with me? Get on teamspeak and group cast. That would be fun for people. | ||
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51342 Posts
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2421 Posts
[I refer to Terror as "T", and the other commentator, whose name I don't know, as "other commentator". Translator's notes are in square brackets like these.] The player interviews. Players gathered in the next room can be heard while Terror is getting started on his introduction. He interrupts himself and gets up to yell at them to shut up. Terror says that four players have not shown up for the selection: Bisu, Free and two others. T: "Bisu... is Bisu, so I can't say anything to him. But to the other three I want to say: 'Don't do this sort of thing!'" Seeds chosen by popularity vote from the users, but the players who haven't shown up will not participate. With Zero. T asks Zero to introduce himself. Zero (shyly): "Hi. My name is Kim Myeong Un". Terror: "Wow. Look at this tough guy. Says nothing but his name. He's like 'Don't you know who I am?'". Asks Zero what he thinks about the four guys who didn't show up. Zero pretends to be soo disappointed and says they should just be kicked from the league. T asks Zero to say some words to Bisu for not showing up. Zero is way too shy, "shouldn't you get Larva for this sort of thing?". T asks Zero whom he's afraid of meeting in the tourney. Zero answers several times that he's not afraid of anyone. T: "So whom do you think of as a guaranteed win, then?" Zero: "Well, all of the guys who didn't show up today." T takes this as a challenge to Bisu, goes crazy and shouts his name a few times. With Mind (whom T introduces as "Soju Terran"; apparently T saw him drink one shot of soju on his birthday, and tries to blow that out of proportion, trying to make him look like some dangerous thug). Boring interview with Mind. At the end T asks Mind to say a few words to his fans, and Mind starts giving his standard "I'll do my best" speech. T just takes the mic away from him and tells him to go away to the back. With Larva. T mentions that Mind named him as the easiest opponent for himself, and Larva can't believe that that would've been serious. Says that Mind must've let a few wins get to his head, because he has a good record against Mind. Larva trash-talks Bisu, saying that Bisu has always been below his level. With Ssak. T introduces him as the winner of the last Sonic starleague, asks him how much the prize money was. Ssak tells the number but adds that they still hadn't transferred the money to him. Other commentator immediately replies "Our starleague is not like that. You get the prize money right away. Cash." After Ssak introduces himself, Terror complains that all the pro-gamers have the same boring introduction "Hi, my name is ..". Other commentator asks him how he would do it. T: "Didn't I go in a dog costume?! That's how it's done!", to which Ssak replies: "I couldn't do that here. The floor is way too dirty." T cusses at him. Asked whom he fears the most, Ssak says Zero. T: "Why'd you pick him?" Ssak: "He's the best Zerg on Afreeca." T: "Are you disrespecting Savior?!". [I'm sorry, I could not make out Ssak's reply to this because T freaks out and starts yelling halfway through.] Easiest opponent for Ssak is Hero. With Hero. T: "Ssak named you as the person he can beat with one hand, as someone not worthy of even broadcasting on Afreeca, total scum, trash." [Of course Terror completely exaggerates what Ssak said here.] Hero replies shily: "Yeah, that sounds about right." T: "Are you just being modest?" Hero: "No, it's true that I lost a lot to him." T. "Okay, be blunt: Who do you think you'd have the easiest time beating? Honestly." Hero: "I guess Shuttle." T: "Wow, that was pretty blunt." [Because they're friends from their STX days.] Hero explains that it's because they practised a lot together, and he knows him best. With Shuttle. Shuttle says he'd rather avoid Hero. T takes the camera to zoom in on Shuttle's face while asking him "Aren't you thinking of getting these moles removed?" T explains "It's just that every time I look at Shuttle, I have to think 'Why isn't he getting those removed?'". Shuttle: "Before, when you called me in, didn't you say something about moles too?" T: "Yup." Shuttle: "Well, if I were to have them removed, you wouldn't have anything to call me by anymore." Whom does he want to avoid most: Larva, more than Bisu. Other commentator mentions that recently Shuttle had played a lot against Bisu and had won most games. When asked about the easiest person for him to deal with, Shuttle says: "Among the 15? ... I can't say Pusan, right? Alright, let me think of someone else to pick-" T: "No, it's done, you picked Pusan. Pusan, please come out!" With Pusan. Pusan asks viewers to vote for him in the popularity contest. T says that while he doesn't have any hopes for Pusan to win it all, he's hoping that he'll make it to the Ro8 at least. Pusan: "I just want to take out Bisu." T: "This is a bit of an awkward question but... Are you having fun in married life?" Pusan: "... Why do you ask questions you know the answer to?" [Btw, Terror is married too, and had a baby daughter last October.] Other commentator to Terror: But he said that he can't stay long, that he has to leave soon for dinner. If he doesn't get home..." [implying that Pusan has no freedom whatsoever since getting married.] Terror gets up to punch the other commentator: "What the?! Why do you bring up stuff like that?" Pusan to the other commentator: "You're single, aren't you? Well, you won't go far in relationships. It's because you're so tactless." Everyone laughs. Regarding the easiest match-up for him, Pusan wants to pick Bisu. T doesn't take him seriously. Pusan: "No, I mean, I obviously won't win the whole thing, so I just want to play against him." T: "I know what's going on here. If you play against Bisu and lose, it's fine cause it's Bisu. But if you win it's a huge deal, so-" Pusan: "Alright alright, Sea. I can take out Sea." T: "Seriously?" Pusan: "I've beaten him plenty of times, haven't I?" T: "Okay, a few words to the fans?" Pusan: "... First of all, I'm not even dreaming of the finals. I'll just throw myself into it and see how far I can go." With Sea. T makes fun of Sea for trying to be stylish. Other commentator makes fun of him for the way he's holding the fake mic. T gives Sea a hard time because he had not shown enough respect to him (due to their age difference) during a game. T says there's lots of things he wants to ask Sea "... privately". Sea can sense an embarrassing question coming, yells at him to keep his mouth shut. T abides. T: "Pusan said he can take you out. What do you think about that?" Sea can't keep a straight face at that, says: "Well, he does play well, against Terran." T: "What are you talking about?" Sea: "I'm serious. Terran players all know him to be strong vs. Terran." Sea picks Mind as player he wants to face least. With Mong. Mong and the other commentator get into an argument about weight. Other commentator to the rest of the players: "Between Mong and me, who looks fatter?" Almost everyone, in unison: "You do!" (to the commentator). Fat commentator shuts up. Mong introduces himself as "honeynchip representative Mong", and T calls up the website that Mong is advertising for, gives him some free publicity. Mong is grateful. T: "Mong actually participated in my first starleague, but dropped out straight away. I guess he's about the least skilled player of the bunch." Mong: "What the hell are you talking about? You know how good I am." T: "Mong, look behind you... I don't know where this guy gets such self-confdience." T: "But your skill has dropped a bit, no?" Mong: "Well, didn't I show my skill in the SBENU starleague? I came in third." T: "... Don't mention SBENU, they're my rivals. When I hear SBENU, I'm ready to punch." Other commentator: "But... they're not really our rivals." T: "Oh, right.", slaps himself. A box of candy drops out of Mong's pocket and they make a big deal out of it. T shows it to the cam for free advertising and says he'll try these. Puts one in his mouth and immediately spits it out. T: "I'm just kidding, they're really tasty." Mong tries to talk the standard stuff about how he'll give his best but T cuts him off and tells him to shut up and go to the back. Mong protests, T: "It's late, we're running out of time. Go away." With Hiya. T: "Which race are you most confident against?" Hiya: "Zerg. But actually I'm confident against all of them." T: "So no matter whom you'll face, you feel confident?" Hiya: "Yes, very confident. Doesn't mean I'll win, though." T: "Okay, among the Zergs here, which one do you think is the easiest opponent?" Hiya: "To be honest, probably Larva." T: "Most difficult opponent?" Other commentator makes some suggestions. Hiya: "There's really nobody here who's a difficult opponent for me." T: "How arrogant." With Mini. Other commentator: "How old are you actually?" Mini: "Same age as Larva." T calls Larva over for a comparison, can't believe that they're the same age. T says they were never in STX at the same time, and there's not much to talk about with Mini, wants to dismiss him right away, but other commentator protests. T: "Alright, alright, say a few words." Mini: "Okay, the weakest opponent here is someone who's not playing. It's you (Terror). I mean you have the lowest skill among everyone here, no? So it doesn't seem right for you to pick on me. Anyway, I intend to win the whole thing. That's it." T: "Wooow. Okay, go away." With Last. T introduces him as a former teammate who wouldn't even talk to him. T: "The nerve on this guy. I message him on message him on battle.net, and he completely ignores me. Why did you do that?" Last: "... you did? I have no idea, I didn't see anything." T: "You were the runner-up in the Sonic starleague, weren't you?" Other commentator: "How much was the prize money?" Last: "10 million." Other commentator to Terror: "Why don't we talk about our prize money now?" T is a bit embarrassed because obviously it's less than Sonic's. "Alright, since we're all gathered here it's time to make the announcement. The total prize money is 6 million. But the second place prize money is 100 thousand. So the first prize is 5900000." Everyone laughs cause he's probably trying to make the first prize look a bit less embarrassing compared to Sonic's, at the expense of second place. T: "Easiest opponent for you?" Last: "They're all quite similar." T: "Why do you say that? Look, he's right there." (turns Last around so he's facing Pusan." Pusan: "What's your problem with me?!" T (to Last): "Okay, quickly, pick someone." Last hesitates. "Right, he picks Pusan as his easiest opponent." Group selection. The viewer popularity vote is done, with the 12 attending players split into two groups. The most voted two players from each group become seeds. Larva (1st) and Pusan (2nd) win the first group, and Hero (1st) and Sea (2nd) win the second one. Mind has by far the fewest votes; T says "That's exactly what I was expecting." Mind is forced into the role of a whiteboard stand as punishment for being unpopular. Larva (group A) gets to choose his first opponent. He says "I'll pick this person here", while taking Bisu's tag. T freaks out; "Are you crazy?" Larva: "The maps are good. I think I can win if I don't meet him on Fighting Spirit". Hero (group B) picks one of the Protoss players who didn't come. Pusan (group C) wants to know the map order before he makes his pick. Wants Bisu, but he's already picked. Mind tries to give advice but T shuts him up: "You're just a prop, keep your mouth shut." With Bisu unavailable, Pusan says he'll just go for the "easy choice", picks Effort. Sea (group D) says he'll also go for the easy choice: Mini, but then claims that there was no easy choice, and says that it was based on the maps. Mini says that the maps are too good for Zerg, so he wants to pick Terran. Chooses Ssak to group D. Pusan gets to choose again because the person he chose is missing. Picks Mong for group C. T asks why Mong. Pusan: "In order to advance from the group.", everyone laughs. Hero gets another pick: Shuttle to group B, says: "It's so we can advance together. ![]() Larva gets another pick for group A, and T makes him look into the cam while making his choice, in case Bisu is watching the broadcast. Larva takes Mind's name tag while going "nyaah!" into the camera. Everyone chuckles cause he's punishing Bisu for not showing up. Larva explains: "It's because I can beat Mind, and Mind can screw Bisu." T: "But do you really have the confidence that you'll make it out of such a group?" Larva (sheepishly): "No..". Other commentator to T: "Why? Larva can change group twice..." Mind gets to make his choice and he wants to pass the whiteboard to Larva, but they don't let him. T holds the fake mic for Mind while he has to read the names upside down. Mind chooses Killer for group A, says the group was already loaded, now he's making it the group of death. T says there's some extra money and they debate whether he should just give some amount to everyone who participates, or whether he should raise the 2nd and 3rd prize moneys. Shuttle: "I guess I have to choose this asshole." Picks Last to group C. The remaining choices are made, then other commentator explains that the two most popular players get two chances to change players. Hero gives up his chance to swap players, but Larva drops the bomb (after some debate regarding whether seeds can swap other seeds): He puts Hero into group A. Drops the second bomb with his final choice: Wants to put Sea into group A instead of Hero. Sea jumps on Larva, "Don't you dare!" Larva does it anyway. [I'm not sure what happened to the choices of the most two 2nd-most popular players.] | ||
Japan11285 Posts
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United States2948 Posts
![]() Terror and Britney seemed like the perfect moderators for this mix of roast and player introduction -- where else would we hear Bisu being besmirched and so much smack concerning Mong's body size and Shuttle's moles. Here are two of the relevant GIFs ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mr Honey-n-Chip ![]() | ||
Japan11285 Posts
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United States2948 Posts
![]() In the upper half, ![]() ![]() On the bottom half, it looks like a clash of the titans between ![]() ![]() ![]() Excited for next weekend's matches ![]() | ||
United States2527 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + | ||
Canada32737 Posts
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6165 Posts
On April 02 2015 12:01 GeLaar wrote:+ Show Spoiler [translations] + A few days ago prech asked me if I could have a look at the group selection ceremony and translate some of the funnier parts. Not wanting to refuse someone who has contributed a lot to these forums, I said I'd have a look. Unfortunately, much of the humour does not translate well into English, and most of it does not translate well into text, so what I ended up with is just an approximate translation of the player interviews and the group selection ceremony. Note that this is by no means a sentence-by-sentence translation, and there were some parts I couldn't make out because of all the yelling going on. Hopefully I didn't get anything completely wrong. Thanks go out to my lovely fiancee for helping me with some parts I had trouble understanding, and for being lovely in general. [I refer to Terror as "T", and the other commentator, whose name I don't know, as "other commentator". Translator's notes are in square brackets like these.] The player interviews. Players gathered in the next room can be heard while Terror is getting started on his introduction. He interrupts himself and gets up to yell at them to shut up. Terror says that four players have not shown up for the selection: Bisu, Free and two others. T: "Bisu... is Bisu, so I can't say anything to him. But to the other three I want to say: 'Don't do this sort of thing!'" Seeds chosen by popularity vote from the users, but the players who haven't shown up will not participate. With Zero. T asks Zero to introduce himself. Zero (shyly): "Hi. My name is Kim Myeong Un". Terror: "Wow. Look at this tough guy. Says nothing but his name. He's like 'Don't you know who I am?'". Asks Zero what he thinks about the four guys who didn't show up. Zero pretends to be soo disappointed and says they should just be kicked from the league. T asks Zero to say some words to Bisu for not showing up. Zero is way too shy, "shouldn't you get Larva for this sort of thing?". T asks Zero whom he's afraid of meeting in the tourney. Zero answers several times that he's not afraid of anyone. T: "So whom do you think of as a guaranteed win, then?" Zero: "Well, all of the guys who didn't show up today." T takes this as a challenge to Bisu, goes crazy and shouts his name a few times. With Mind (whom T introduces as "Soju Terran"; apparently T saw him drink one shot of soju on his birthday, and tries to blow that out of proportion, trying to make him look like some dangerous thug). Boring interview with Mind. At the end T asks Mind to say a few words to his fans, and Mind starts giving his standard "I'll do my best" speech. T just takes the mic away from him and tells him to go away to the back. With Larva. T mentions that Mind named him as the easiest opponent for himself, and Larva can't believe that that would've been serious. Says that Mind must've let a few wins get to his head, because he has a good record against Mind. Larva trash-talks Bisu, saying that Bisu has always been below his level. With Ssak. T introduces him as the winner of the last Sonic starleague, asks him how much the prize money was. Ssak tells the number but adds that they still hadn't transferred the money to him. Other commentator immediately replies "Our starleague is not like that. You get the prize money right away. Cash." After Ssak introduces himself, Terror complains that all the pro-gamers have the same boring introduction "Hi, my name is ..". Other commentator asks him how he would do it. T: "Didn't I go in a dog costume?! That's how it's done!", to which Ssak replies: "I couldn't do that here. The floor is way too dirty." T cusses at him. Asked whom he fears the most, Ssak says Zero. T: "Why'd you pick him?" Ssak: "He's the best Zerg on Afreeca." T: "Are you disrespecting Savior?!". [I'm sorry, I could not make out Ssak's reply to this because T freaks out and starts yelling halfway through.] Easiest opponent for Ssak is Hero. With Hero. T: "Ssak named you as the person he can beat with one hand, as someone not worthy of even broadcasting on Afreeca, total scum, trash." [Of course Terror completely exaggerates what Ssak said here.] Hero replies shily: "Yeah, that sounds about right." T: "Are you just being modest?" Hero: "No, it's true that I lost a lot to him." T. "Okay, be blunt: Who do you think you'd have the easiest time beating? Honestly." Hero: "I guess Shuttle." T: "Wow, that was pretty blunt." [Because they're friends from their STX days.] Hero explains that it's because they practised a lot together, and he knows him best. With Shuttle. Shuttle says he'd rather avoid Hero. T takes the camera to zoom in on Shuttle's face while asking him "Aren't you thinking of getting these moles removed?" T explains "It's just that every time I look at Shuttle, I have to think 'Why isn't he getting those removed?'". Shuttle: "Before, when you called me in, didn't you say something about moles too?" T: "Yup." Shuttle: "Well, if I were to have them removed, you wouldn't have anything to call me by anymore." Whom does he want to avoid most: Larva, more than Bisu. Other commentator mentions that recently Shuttle had played a lot against Bisu and had won most games. When asked about the easiest person for him to deal with, Shuttle says: "Among the 15? ... I can't say Pusan, right? Alright, let me think of someone else to pick-" T: "No, it's done, you picked Pusan. Pusan, please come out!" With Pusan. Pusan asks viewers to vote for him in the popularity contest. T says that while he doesn't have any hopes for Pusan to win it all, he's hoping that he'll make it to the Ro8 at least. Pusan: "I just want to take out Bisu." T: "This is a bit of an awkward question but... Are you having fun in married life?" Pusan: "... Why do you ask questions you know the answer to?" [Btw, Terror is married too, and had a baby daughter last October.] Other commentator to Terror: But he said that he can't stay long, that he has to leave soon for dinner. If he doesn't get home..." [implying that Pusan has no freedom whatsoever since getting married.] Terror gets up to punch the other commentator: "What the?! Why do you bring up stuff like that?" Pusan to the other commentator: "You're single, aren't you? Well, you won't go far in relationships. It's because you're so tactless." Everyone laughs. Regarding the easiest match-up for him, Pusan wants to pick Bisu. T doesn't take him seriously. Pusan: "No, I mean, I obviously won't win the whole thing, so I just want to play against him." T: "I know what's going on here. If you play against Bisu and lose, it's fine cause it's Bisu. But if you win it's a huge deal, so-" Pusan: "Alright alright, Sea. I can take out Sea." T: "Seriously?" Pusan: "I've beaten him plenty of times, haven't I?" T: "Okay, a few words to the fans?" Pusan: "... First of all, I'm not even dreaming of the finals. I'll just throw myself into it and see how far I can go." With Sea. T makes fun of Sea for trying to be stylish. Other commentator makes fun of him for the way he's holding the fake mic. T gives Sea a hard time because he had not shown enough respect to him (due to their age difference) during a game. T says there's lots of things he wants to ask Sea "... privately". Sea can sense an embarrassing question coming, yells at him to keep his mouth shut. T abides. T: "Pusan said he can take you out. What do you think about that?" Sea can't keep a straight face at that, says: "Well, he does play well, against Terran." T: "What are you talking about?" Sea: "I'm serious. Terran players all know him to be strong vs. Terran." Sea picks Mind as player he wants to face least. With Mong. Mong and the other commentator get into an argument about weight. Other commentator to the rest of the players: "Between Mong and me, who looks fatter?" Almost everyone, in unison: "You do!" (to the commentator). Fat commentator shuts up. Mong introduces himself as "honeynchip representative Mong", and T calls up the website that Mong is advertising for, gives him some free publicity. Mong is grateful. T: "Mong actually participated in my first starleague, but dropped out straight away. I guess he's about the least skilled player of the bunch." Mong: "What the hell are you talking about? You know how good I am." T: "Mong, look behind you... I don't know where this guy gets such self-confdience." T: "But your skill has dropped a bit, no?" Mong: "Well, didn't I show my skill in the SBENU starleague? I came in third." T: "... Don't mention SBENU, they're my rivals. When I hear SBENU, I'm ready to punch." Other commentator: "But... they're not really our rivals." T: "Oh, right.", slaps himself. A box of candy drops out of Mong's pocket and they make a big deal out of it. T shows it to the cam for free advertising and says he'll try these. Puts one in his mouth and immediately spits it out. T: "I'm just kidding, they're really tasty." Mong tries to talk the standard stuff about how he'll give his best but T cuts him off and tells him to shut up and go to the back. Mong protests, T: "It's late, we're running out of time. Go away." With Hiya. T: "Which race are you most confident against?" Hiya: "Zerg. But actually I'm confident against all of them." T: "So no matter whom you'll face, you feel confident?" Hiya: "Yes, very confident. Doesn't mean I'll win, though." T: "Okay, among the Zergs here, which one do you think is the easiest opponent?" Hiya: "To be honest, probably Larva." T: "Most difficult opponent?" Other commentator makes some suggestions. Hiya: "There's really nobody here who's a difficult opponent for me." T: "How arrogant." With Mini. Other commentator: "How old are you actually?" Mini: "Same age as Larva." T calls Larva over for a comparison, can't believe that they're the same age. T says they were never in STX at the same time, and there's not much to talk about with Mini, wants to dismiss him right away, but other commentator protests. T: "Alright, alright, say a few words." Mini: "Okay, the weakest opponent here is someone who's not playing. It's you (Terror). I mean you have the lowest skill among everyone here, no? So it doesn't seem right for you to pick on me. Anyway, I intend to win the whole thing. That's it." T: "Wooow. Okay, go away." With Last. T introduces him as a former teammate who wouldn't even talk to him. T: "The nerve on this guy. I message him on message him on battle.net, and he completely ignores me. Why did you do that?" Last: "... you did? I have no idea, I didn't see anything." T: "You were the runner-up in the Sonic starleague, weren't you?" Other commentator: "How much was the prize money?" Last: "10 million." Other commentator to Terror: "Why don't we talk about our prize money now?" T is a bit embarrassed because obviously it's less than Sonic's. "Alright, since we're all gathered here it's time to make the announcement. The total prize money is 6 million. But the second place prize money is 100 thousand. So the first prize is 5900000." Everyone laughs cause he's probably trying to make the first prize look a bit less embarrassing compared to Sonic's, at the expense of second place. T: "Easiest opponent for you?" Last: "They're all quite similar." T: "Why do you say that? Look, he's right there." (turns Last around so he's facing Pusan." Pusan: "What's your problem with me?!" T (to Last): "Okay, quickly, pick someone." Last hesitates. "Right, he picks Pusan as his easiest opponent." Group selection. The viewer popularity vote is done, with the 12 attending players split into two groups. The most voted two players from each group become seeds. Larva (1st) and Pusan (2nd) win the first group, and Hero (1st) and Sea (2nd) win the second one. Mind has by far the fewest votes; T says "That's exactly what I was expecting." Mind is forced into the role of a whiteboard stand as punishment for being unpopular. Larva (group A) gets to choose his first opponent. He says "I'll pick this person here", while taking Bisu's tag. T freaks out; "Are you crazy?" Larva: "The maps are good. I think I can win if I don't meet him on Fighting Spirit". Hero (group B) picks one of the Protoss players who didn't come. Pusan (group C) wants to know the map order before he makes his pick. Wants Bisu, but he's already picked. Mind tries to give advice but T shuts him up: "You're just a prop, keep your mouth shut." With Bisu unavailable, Pusan says he'll just go for the "easy choice", picks Effort. Sea (group D) says he'll also go for the easy choice: Mini, but then claims that there was no easy choice, and says that it was based on the maps. Mini says that the maps are too good for Zerg, so he wants to pick Terran. Chooses Ssak to group D. Pusan gets to choose again because the person he chose is missing. Picks Mong for group C. T asks why Mong. Pusan: "In order to advance from the group.", everyone laughs. Hero gets another pick: Shuttle to group B, says: "It's so we can advance together. ![]() Larva gets another pick for group A, and T makes him look into the cam while making his choice, in case Bisu is watching the broadcast. Larva takes Mind's name tag while going "nyaah!" into the camera. Everyone chuckles cause he's punishing Bisu for not showing up. Larva explains: "It's because I can beat Mind, and Mind can screw Bisu." T: "But do you really have the confidence that you'll make it out of such a group?" Larva (sheepishly): "No..". Other commentator to T: "Why? Larva can change group twice..." Mind gets to make his choice and he wants to pass the whiteboard to Larva, but they don't let him. T holds the fake mic for Mind while he has to read the names upside down. Mind chooses Killer for group A, says the group was already loaded, now he's making it the group of death. T says there's some extra money and they debate whether he should just give some amount to everyone who participates, or whether he should raise the 2nd and 3rd prize moneys. Shuttle: "I guess I have to choose this asshole." Picks Last to group C. The remaining choices are made, then other commentator explains that the two most popular players get two chances to change players. Hero gives up his chance to swap players, but Larva drops the bomb (after some debate regarding whether seeds can swap other seeds): He puts Hero into group A. Drops the second bomb with his final choice: Wants to put Sea into group A instead of Hero. Sea jumps on Larva, "Don't you dare!" Larva does it anyway. [I'm not sure what happened to the choices of the most two 2nd-most popular players.] thank you for these translations! Skimmed trought the vid today and was hoping for some translations ![]() | ||
United States2948 Posts
On April 06 2015 10:31 hp.Shell wrote: This Ro8 is really starting to look like the old days... all 8 players were on pro teams. Here's some info on each player because I was bored.... + Show Spoiler + Thanks, neat compilation! | ||
Canada3301 Posts
I'm sorry, I could not make out Ssak's reply to this because T freaks out and starts yelling halfway through This really speaks volumes as to why I cant stand terror. | ||
Poland324 Posts
the most important vod from terror britney "the dance" | ||
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