United States2948 Posts
Every day: Work the job, walk the dog, and
So much fish feeding these days.
When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.
Looks like a late start. Hope no cancellation. Can't read the exclamatory hangul!
FS Cross positions. HiyA at bottom left, Pure at Top right. Game hits 12 supply without a hitch.
2nd factory added after machine shop, then machine shop! Big cross-position push about to happen. It's a fake FD? Dragoon blocks the way and HiyA moves out only after gaining 3 tanks and 5 marines. Four goons between him and victory.
HiyA's expansion blocked by a pylon. Let's see if that comes to haunt him. The nexus is going down!~ Observers already nominal. Range is up! Pure will probably hold this, but there's three tanks ! Pure has to kill them before siege! There's a shuttle now. The mines are doing serious damage! One crawls all the way around to get a zealot on the siege cliff! And now the tanks finally move up the entrance. The Reaver pops out and is immediately killed by mines! Pure couldn't hold fast and loses in quick order to HiyA!
Pure's APM at a mere 167 that game.
Odd-Eye III 3.0 selected by Pure, aka 7000won. He spawns at 10, while HiyA, aka Terran, spawns at 4.
Japan11285 Posts
A bit late. Already 1-0 Hiya I see.
Odd-eye next
Pure at 11, Hiya at 5
HiyA scouts first, at 12. 1 Gate Tech from Pure, who builds his second pylon besides his nat mineral line.
Another two factory pressure coming from HiyA! Pure still hasn't scouted, for god's sake, and sends his first goon across the map!
2nd machine shop building now as Pure expands and, true to his last name, parks his goon. An SCV makes sure everything is in place and gleefully scouts the expansion! Barracks floatover.
Templar tech in a corner of Pure's base. The 3 tank push is on its way!
the number is the same, 4 goons! Shuttle being built! All probes retreat from natural!
Nexus dies as 5 goons stand and watch. DTs in the shuttle and running across the field! Vultures see it and retreat to mama base!
Croatia9478 Posts
haha HiyA instantly ggs out when he sees dt drop instead of a reaver, even though he probably could've defended it