Mind's new expansion is totally complete, and ZerO assaults it with Zerglings, which deal severe damage. Medics are out and the zerglings are repelled. Mind doesn't realize his supply center is at 23 HP and lets it burn to death! The marines, two medics, and two firebats prepare to assault the two sunkens outside ZerO's natural... or perhaps it's merely a contain! After spotting a few Zerglings near Mind's base, the squad retreats. ZerO has his spire.
ZerO's hydralisk den is nearing completion, and so is his Queen's Nest. This is going to be a very short midgame if ZerO can help it.
ZerO remains on two bases to Mind's two. 1-0 upgrades for Mind's infantry, and no upgrades for any of ZerO's units. His Hive is morphing and two new sunkens are building! ZerO's distant third is morphing now. It's the lurker/muta trick again! Mind decides he's not falling for it this time and retreats from the egg block.
Siege tanks out for Mind at last. ZerO has five sunkens, and the Defiler mound is researching Consume. One vessel out!
Two new vessels join in. ZerO has four bases, but a lot of economic miles to make up! A nydus link to 8:00 helps to reinforce with a new defiler as the 7:00 hatchery morphs in. Is that a dropship? What can we expect from these four drophships? Two are taken out by four scourge, and we have a plague! The Nydus canal is destroyed after the plague on the marines that were dropped. ZerO is in trouble, his defiler is chased down as it consumes a drone at 8:00
Lurkers and lings have been scrambled to assist, as a new Nydus canal has morphed. The remaining forces are two dropships, some infantry, and a science vessel. Lurkers and scourge move to thin those forces out. Mind attempts a drop in ZerO's main, but that is instantly shut down by a bunch of mutalisks on hand.
United States13143 Posts
That 7:00 hatch is all but down. Mind has taken the 12:00, but lost all his vessels to scourge! lurker/ling moves in with defiler support to try and prevent the 8:00 from sharing the fate of the 7:00. Two battlecruisers are out and preparing to attack ZerO's natural!
The two battlecruisers have taken ZerO off guard, but mutas and hydras are on-hand to break it down. What the heck are we looking at here... Mind takes a fourth as he continues to dish out more pressure. A Scourge takes out a dropship containing troops, but the other one unloads at the 8:00. A huge plague on Mind's remaining forces! They are forced into retreat. ZerO has the initiative! He sends Zerglings to Mind's two expansions!
Japan11285 Posts
Mind decides not to ATTACK HIS OWN COMMAND CENTER! He has misclicked and all-but destroyed his own command center as lings finish off his defensive marines. Now, he's pulled his SCVs back to base at a perfectly safe base, and finally sent them back,. What the hell is going on in the mind of Mind?
Japan11285 Posts
Mind just pulled an elky HAHAHAHA
Mind's forces once again assault the main. ZerO still doesn't have overlord speed. Mind's expansions are back up as ZerO takes the 6:00 base. The pressure never stops for 7:00! Ultralisks are out and getting irradiated! Bunker are keeping the 12:00 safe. The two players are finally even in bases.
Ultraling attacks the top left base! mass marine attacks the 6:00, but are annihilated by ultraling. The main attack force comes in to challenge it, but loses vessels to scourge. replacement hatch coming in at the 7:00. Stray ultra getting picked off outside ZerO's natural.
Eraser at 8:00 finishes off all drones at that expansion. ZerO forced to retreat from 6:00 as well! ZerO has no mining bases!
ZerO very quickly repopulates his new 7:00, his 8:00, and his re-taken 6:00. Mind gives up, having been at a massive economic disadvantage for five minutes.
ZerO's FPV on that game was insane rofl. GG
United States13143 Posts
That game was pretty good.
Circuit Breaker baby! Close spawns again, with ZerO at top left and Mind at bottom left. Mind seems to do better in these situations, but he's yet to win one, so HA. Now that's bizarre - Mind build his barracks far off at his bridge. He's going to cheese ZerO's late pool. Looks like a really bad situation for ZerO.