HoGiL not giving Last any breathing space. Fresh vultures are proving a nightmare for the ultraling as they mine the field once again. HoGiL's attacks are becoming less and less frequent, but more condensed.
HoGiL is still shaking things up! He has a fresh base at 2:30 - this is Last's new target, and he almost instantly sieges up to destroy it. HoGiL's strength is diminished and the cost-effective Vultures are just re-establishing him. However, Last is down to only one mining base. If he doesn't take a new base soon, he will have great difficulty against lategame Zerg. HoGiL is on one mining base too - he needs to be conservative, but he must also keep attacking! How will he win this?
Last has taken the 2:30 and heavily defended it with the bulk of his remaining forces. Vultures push ahead and block the primary attack vectors with mines. Logically I'd go mass muta to counter this, but how much gas can he have to make it happen? He's lost map control! Ultraling slams into 2:30 with a doom drop. This is a desperate move, and HoGiL's mining base is being raided by vultures. Last is familiar with this situation, it's in his name! He gets the last laugh, HoGiL ggs after losing his 8:00 base. What a game!
Great stuff! GG, congrats to Ever.
Incredlible game! Hogil almost did the impossible, but beating a mech terran with map control and on even bases is just that - impossible. Maby Hogil could have gone for queens in the late game?
Last, King of Fish, lord of the Ever clan, cements his superiority over all the Fish in the sea by bringing his clan a victory, with the help of Protosses Snow and SJ. HoGiL and Sharp did their best for NsP, but they both fell to Last's beastly gamesense and top-tier levels of management skill. Well played Ever, your HCL champions!
I think he needed muta a lot more than queens. He didn't trickswitch sufficiently, made two poor and costly engagements, and kept getting blunted by those science vessels. But yeah, TvZ imbalance - Zerg has to play blind, psychologically, and suicidally to win against an established opponent.
Also Ultraling just isn't worth it against diffuse mech, christ. By the time you get through all the mines their army is bigger than yours. HoGiL would have triumphed with better prediction or intel, or if he had managed to transition to mass muta. Jju was excited for it when he saw all that shit morphing at bottom right at the end.
Yeah ultralisks just is not cost efficient running head first into mines and siege tanks. Ultraling is best used in large numbers and dropped on the tanks with overlords. Since he went for the muta switch, i think you are right in that he should have continued focusing on mutas, using the gas from ultralisks on guardians instead and lings and defilers to cast plague on the goliaths..but i have to say that Hogil did very well in the midgame - defending methodically with lurkers and swarms.
Such a shame his proxy hatchery was detected..i guess Last went down there to build turrets, but when it happened i was just yelling MAPHACK MAPHACK! :D