The third season of Hope Clanleague will soon end with the finals and we can only guess who the teams will put up to play for the cash but mainly the fame and glory coming with the title. What we do know is that we'll see two 6:6 team battles casted by n.Die_JJu and in case of a tie, a superace match will decide.
Sunday, Nov 30 10:00am GMT (GMT+00:00)Day 2: Afreeca Streamhttp://play.afreeca.com/gagopa0602/embedTwitch Restreamhttp://www.twitch.tv/snipealot2 EverMost notable g1[kaL] / Modesty / Last / koala / Shinee / Snow / Noble / SalDaGa+ Show Spoiler [Full Lineup] +*Zerg* Ever)Z(Line / SuHoSin / Startale Progamer Ever)Z(Woon / Woon / Woongjin ex-Progamer Ever)Z(Annie / pinOkiO / KT ex-Progamer Ever)Z(kumjeja / Perfective / KT ex-Progamer Ever)Z(ergStyle / ZergStyLe / Hwaseung ex-Progamer Ever)R(JungHo / 유정호 / SKT1 ex-Progamer Ever)Z(Bear / g1[kaL] / KHAN ex-Progamer Ever)Z(Modesty / Modesty / STX ex-Progamer + Show Spoiler [semi-pros and amateurs] + Ever)Z(Amelie / 홍승인 / 前준프로 Ever)Z(rOo / 김현욱 / 前준프로 Ever)Z(Drone / 이동현 / 前준프로 Ever)Z(wise / 변영제 / 아마추어 Ever)Z(KwanWoo / 김관우 / 아마추어 Ever)Z(Yerim / 김진형 / 아마추어 Ever)Z(TerrOr / 김경진 / 아마추어 Ever)Z(HaNi / 송태민 / 아마추어 Ever)Z(David / 장상화 / 아마추어
*Terran* Ever)T(Reality / Reality / KHAN Progamer Ever)T(Holy / Holy / SKT1 ex-Progamer Ever)T(aShley / Last STX ex-Progamer Ever)T(Kiwi / Sea.Shine / KTF ex-Progamer Ever)T(Hwan / Hwan / MBC ex-Progamer Ever)T(Azang / AzAng / CJ ex-Progamer Ever)T(Size / YoungJoo / STX ex-Progamer Ever)T(koala / koala / MBC ex-Progamer Ever)T(Shinee / Shinee / semi-Progamer + Show Spoiler [semi-pros and amateurs] + Ever)T(Jiter / 배지웅 / 前준프로 Ever)T(Genius / 김형민 / 前준프로 Ever)T(Note / 이현철 / 前준프로 Ever)T(impact / 문태호 / 아마추어 Ever)T(Prime / 이인극 / 아마추어,BJ프라임 Ever)T(Jy / 배진호 / 아마추어 Ever)T(BingGoo / 이재영 / 아마추어 Ever)T(rObbery / 박상언 / 아마추어 Ever)T(Marid / 서재범 / 아마추어 Ever)T(SouL / 박진우 / 아마추어 Ever)T(PRO1 / 장준우 / 아마추어 Ever)T(BeBe / 이봉훈 / 아마추어 Ever)T(tOngDak / 권혁선 / 준프로 Ever)T(fact / 황경영 / 前위메이드프로
*Protoss* Ever)P(Anyppi / Ever)P(Anyppi / TCM Progamer Ever)P(Marine / Pigbaby / Indie Progamer Ever)P(Neige / Neige / Indie Progamer Ever)P(Sang / Sang / Jin Air Progamer Ever)P(tRust / Trust / CJ Progamer Ever)P(Horang2 / Horang2 / CJ ex-Progamer Ever)P(Sniper / Puzzle / KT ex-Progamer Ever)P(NorOo / NoroO / KT ex-Progamer Ever)P(sOs / Pain / MBC ex-Progamer Ever)P(Snow / Snow / CJ ex-Progamer Ever)P(Spear / Spear / Hwaseung ex-Progamer Ever)P(SalDaGa / SalDaGa / SKT1 ex-Progamer Ever)P(NoBle / Noble / SKT1 ex-Progamer Ever)P(ToSsLove / TosSLove / SKT1 ex-Progamer + Show Spoiler [semi-pros and amateurs] + Ever)P(est / 손경훈 / 브레인신 , 前CJ준프로 Ever)P(FloweR / 손인호 / 前준프로 Ever)P(Devil / 한돌 / 前준프로 Ever)P(Moka / 박원준 / 前Hite 연습생 Ever)P(RhythM / 황준 / 前웅진 연습생 Ever)T(SungMin / 양성민 / 아마추어 Ever)P(NaBi / 정윤성 / 아마추어 Ever)P(KaL / 최은호 / 아마추어 Ever)P(Blade / 권오현 / 아마추어 Ever)P(SJ / 김종한 / 아마추어 Ever)P(GGom / 정준영 / 아마추어 Ever)P(Say / 김한별 / 아마추어 Ever)P(ALPRO / 김정우 / 아마추어 Ever)P(Starking / 양동일 / 아마추어 Ever)P(Melody / 이기호 / 아마추어 , BJ이기호 Ever)P(K2 / 김병준 / 아마추어 Ever)P(Syr / 서영록 / 아마추어
NsPMost notable HoGiL / Hyuk / ZergMaN / Great / Snail / Lazy / Sharp / Iris+ Show Spoiler [Full Lineup] +ZergNsP_RorO / RorO / SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_ZerG / HoGiL / ex-Hite Sparkyz NsP_Action / Action / KT Rolster NsP_flOwer / Flower / ex-Hite Sparkyz NsP_Dream / Arista / CJ Frost NsP_ByungSoo / ByungSoo / ex-SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_Rarity / By.hOpe / ex-SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_Destiny / NsP_Destiny / ex-KT Rolster NsP_FlyUp / punsoo / ex-SKTelecom T1 NsP_JoJoBa / JoJoBa / ex-CJ ENTUS NsP_FATE / Fate / ex-Wemade FOX NsP_SuBRosa / Ever)Z(Maru / ex-CJ ENTUS NsP_HyuK / Hyuk / SKTelecom T1 Coach NsP_HAK/ Sea.Hak / ex-SKTelecom T1 NsP_ZergMan/ ZergMaN / ex-SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_Lucky/ Lucky / ex-SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_GGaeMo/ ggaemo / ex-Hwaseung Oz NsP_Great / Great / ex-SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_Ultra/ Ultra/ ex-Wemade Pro NsP_Naver / GGPlay OR / ex-WoongJin Stars NsP_HERO/ Eagle / ex-WoongJin Stars NsP_Pray / Snail / ex-HiteSparkyz NsP_gidong / Ruian / ex-eSTRO NsP_Muno /  박건수 / ex-STX SOUL + Show Spoiler [semi-pros and amateurs] + NsP_TaJJaboy / 김민규 / 前Semi-Pro NsP_ABC / 김은천 / 아마추어 NsP_iris / 이근학 / 아마추어 NsP_PJS / 박지수 / 아마추어 NsP_Gun / 김성건 / 아마추어 NsP_Fencer / 김경수 / 아마추어 NsP_Lair / 김현직 / 아마추어 NsP_Alan / 김자헌 / 아마추어 NsP_Hive / 박성웅 / 아마추어 NsP_s2 / 김현우 / 아마추어 NsP_ginko / 차인환 / 아마추어 NsP_._. / 김동민 / 아마추어 NsP_Snail / 조수기 / 아마추어 NsP_Cute / 최혜성 / 아마추어 NsP_yeOngjin / 최영진 / 아마추어 NsP_SaTan / 천용민 / 아마추어
Protoss NsP_Protoss / Stats / KT Rolster NsP_ParalyzE / ParalyzE / SKTelecom T1 NsP_Moon / NsP_Moon / ex-Wemade FOX NsP_MuJuK / MuJuK / SKTelecom T1 Coach NsP_brave / Brave / ex-SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_Trend / Trend / ex-SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_Endless / Endless / ex-SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_lazy / Lazy / ex-MBCGAME HERO NsP_Bumsung / JaeyOon / ex-SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_HaedOri / HaedOri / ex-SKTelecom T1 NsP_Aria / Aria / ex-WoongJin Stars NsP_PJH / Sea.Pie / ex-Wemade FOX NsP_Grape / Grape /ex-SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_Channel / ReQuiem / ex-SKTelecom T1 NsP_Sweetly / Sweetly / ex-SKTelecom T1 + Show Spoiler [semi-pros and amateurs] + NsP_dignity / 임태묵 / ex-KT Rolster trainee NsP_Ktec / 조현우 / 前Semi - Pro NsP_Pixy / 손진우 / Brain Semi-Pro NsP_LCM / 이철민 / Brain Semi-Pro NsP_Coco / 최현진 / Brain Semi-Pro NsP_mighty / 이광용 / Fish Semi-Pro NsP_ByuL / 김요한 / 아마추어 NsP_MinsU/ 조민수 / 아마추어 NsP_Beom / 이기범 / 아마추어 NsP_lOnely / 정영환 / 아마추어 NsP_Eigen / 경병훈 / 아마추어 NsP_Semin / 박세민 / 아마추어 NsP_Girl / 김현철 / 아마추어 NsP_pretty / 이태희 / 아마추어 NsP_hsy / 홍성윤 / 아마추어 NsP_HangJin / 전항진 / 아마추어
TerranNsP_TurN / TurN / SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_FancY / Bomber / StarTale NsP_Sharp / Sharp / ex-SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_yeOngJae / JyJ / ex-SKTelecom T1 NsP_Rudy / HammEr / ex-WoongJin Stars NsP_January /  심창섭 / ex-Hwaseung OZ NsP_DarlinG / DarLinG / ex-WoongJin StarS NsP_PoOa /  장준원 / ex-Wemade FOX NsP_rAynor / Raynor / ex-KTRolster NsP_nOregret / nOregret / ex-STX SouL NsP_Pasta / Always / ex-SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_Speed /  박근일 / ex-SAMSUNG KHAN NsP_Just / Mercury / ex-SK Telecom T1 NsP_berserk / Iris / ex-CJ ENTUS NsP_Bi / Notice / ex-STX SouL NsP_Bassen / ModeL / ex-MBCGAME HERO NsP_Quetrin / iloveoov / ex-SKT1SKTelecom T1 & head coach NsP_Strict/ Heart / ex-Hwaseung Oz + Show Spoiler [semi-pros and amateurs] + NsP_Cookie / 위세진 / 前Semi-Pro NsP_Yukina / 박승호 / 前Semi - Pro NsP_ROYAL/ 이희재 /前CJ Entus 연습생 NsP_Apdo / 이진영 /前KTRolster 연습생 NsP_cOlor / 정판섭 / 前KTRolster 연습생 NsP_hush / 소으뜸 / Brain Semi-Pro NsP_Groo / 이상혁 / 아마추어 NsP_Olympus / 이용원 / 아마추어 NsP_Prada / 김종원 / 아마추어 NsP_Moosic / 김상진 / 아마추어 NsP_Hyeri / 권진환 / 아마추어 NsP_KMJ / 김명진 / 아마추어 NsP_Mini / 양하민 / 아마추어 NsP_Save / 김무진 / 아마추어 NsP_First / 고종완 / 아마추어 NsP_X / 이준우 / 아마추어 NsP_Terran / 조남준 / 아마추어 NsP_uzoO3 / 김준식 / 아마추어
6:6 Team Battle+ Show Spoiler [Results Day 1] +1set: Circuit Breaker Ever)P(LoveU aka SJ 김종한 Ama vs  NsP_mighty 이광용 Fish semi-Pro 2set: Neo Jade  Ever)P(LoveU aka SJ 김종한 Ama vs HoGiL김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 3set: Tau Cross  Ever)P(RhythM 황준ex-Woongjin Trainee vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 4set: Python  Ever)P(NaBi 정윤성 Ama vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 5set: New Heartbreak Ridge  Ever)T(Pirme 이인극 Ama vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 6set: Judgement Day  Ever)P(NoROo 노경래 ex-KT Progamer vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 7set: Circuit Breaker  Ever)P(ALPRO 김정우 Ama vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite ProgamerToday: Ever 1 - 6 NsPNsP leads 1-0. 2nd Match - Sunday, Nov 30 10:00am GMT (GMT+00:00)ACE Match If needed.MapsCircuit BreakerNeo JadeTau CrossPythonNew Heartbreak RidgeJudgment DayAce Match: Fighting SpiritPrizepoolWinner: $140 Runner-up: $50 Best ranked player: $20 Total: $210 + Show Spoiler [Results Day 1] +1set: Circuit Breaker Ever)P(LoveU aka SJ 김종한 Ama vs  NsP_mighty 이광용 Fish semi-Pro 2set: Neo Jade  Ever)P(LoveU aka SJ 김종한 Ama vs HoGiL김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 3set: Tau Cross  Ever)P(RhythM 황준ex-Woongjin Trainee vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 4set: Python  Ever)P(NaBi 정윤성 Ama vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 5set: New Heartbreak Ridge  Ever)T(Pirme 이인극 Ama vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 6set: Judgement Day  Ever)P(NoROo 노경래 ex-KT Progamer vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 7set: Circuit Breaker  Ever)P(ALPRO 김정우 Ama vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite ProgamerToday: Ever 1 - 6 NsPNsP leads 1-0. + Show Spoiler [Recommended] +Day 1 Set 6: Judgement Day  Ever)P(NoROo 노경래 ex-KT Progamer vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer a pretty intense game on an awesome map! Day 2 Set 3: Tau Cross drop into damn Day 2 Set 4: Python for lulz SUPER ACE most epic! VODs
can u post the line that both been using in the clanwars,atleast it will give a better idea rather than post this line full of sc2 pros :D btw what is indie progamer ? Ever)P(Anyppi / (P)Ever)P(Anyppi / TCM Progamer Ever)P(Marine / (P)Pigbaby / Indie Progamer Ever)P(Neige / (T)Neige / Indie Progamer
Poll: Heart says:NsP NsP NsP NsP (5) 100% EBBBEOOOOOOO (0) 0% 5 total votes Your vote: Heart says: (Vote): NsP NsP NsP NsP (Vote): EBBBEOOOOOOO
hmm ok thanks,my question was more about who been playing the whole season,so this way we can have an idea,but wathever,NsP ezz
koala is an old mate of mine rofl ,_,
Japan11285 Posts
Is there any realistic chance of IriS playing?
Can the clans use anyone in their full lineup?
On November 29 2014 11:51 c3rberUs wrote: Is there any realistic chance of IriS playing?
Can the clans use anyone in their full lineup? 1. I have no idea to be honest. 2. If you mean if they're lineups of ppl ready to play at the day then not, they're just overall lineups. So whoever feels like will play if they get picked by the clan master.
loveu vs mighty up first! Protoss vs Protoss!
Now to find out who these players actually are.
One gate core from both players
Set 1: NsP_mighty / 이광용 / Fish Semi-Pro vs SJ (also known as LoveU)
LoveU is the guy from super fight.
On September 17 2014 12:47 Stratos wrote:Like this: Larva vs Loveu (Ever)P(SJ, SBENU_LOVEU) I originally told you we were trying to get Sea to play, but he had a problem with schedule. In any case we prepared an even cooler game, so don't miss this! We'll be having an amateur face the ex-pro who won in the last #3 Super Fight. Larva's enemy is a super gosu player Loveu who helped perpare Bisu's build for the finals of the 9th FIX Sonic Starleague. Bisu himself mentioned him in the after-game interview, saying he has immense skills vs Zerg. The player also came up in the Sonic Proleague, scoring a 75% winrate!
Both went robotech, red has 3 gates to Nsp's 2.
Japan11285 Posts
Is this JJu the JJu (Byun Eun Jong)?
Opened stream into gg.
Battle at yellow's ramp, extra gate was all that SJ needed to take the game from mighty.
SJ wins with a build order advantage and good micro in a blind PvP.
On November 29 2014 19:17 c3rberUs wrote: Is this JJu the JJu (Byun Eun Jong)?
Opened stream into gg. he's not haha
Set 2: (NsP) HoGiL vs SJ (Ever) on Neo Jade
Japan11285 Posts
Man that LoveU/SJ guy sounds so gosu.
It looks like we have Hogil vs SJ
Japan11285 Posts
Ever up 1-0 thanks to SJ, Looks like HogiL, aka ZerG, is coming out for NsP to counter him on Neo Jade.
But there are technical difficulties!
Japan11285 Posts
Technical difficulties are over.
Hogil starts at 5, SJ at 11.
One chick afreeca the chat asked if we can look forward to RorO today and another NsP chick answered she can look forward to it. He's not streaming though. Idk either so just rumours ^^
Japan11285 Posts
Hogil went pool first. 6 lings out. Cannons finish just in time.
Japan11285 Posts
Hogil took his third at 7 o'clock's nat. Hydra den spotted.
Japan11285 Posts
Citadel going up for SJ.
Hydras begin tearing down forge and gate. Gate goes down.
Roro playing would be nice.
Japan11285 Posts
Templar out for SJ. Hogil got a spire.
SJ adding gates. Hogil takes 7
Japan11285 Posts
SJ tries to take his third. Hogil is morphing 2 lurkers at the expo. Burrows just in time, SJ has no obs there.
SJ goes back with detection and takes his 3rd. SJ massing goons.
SJ forgets to multitask and loses his sairs over hydras and a spore.
Hogil attacks through the small ramp. He is pushed off by SJ. SJ continues to Hogil's third. Hogil with a nice sandwich move. SJ salvages a few goons.
SJ retreats to his third. Storm on attacking hydras. Lings coming in from the big ramp. GG
1-1 Match
Was a good match, Hogil was just playing on another level.
There's a quiz for quickview while we wait for the next matchup. ㄱㄹㅇㅌ ㅅㅍㅇㅇ was this one, if anyone with hangul knowledge wants to give it a go ^^
Japan11285 Posts
Got absolutely nothing aside from grngt spngng. haha
That was quite a clinic Hogil put on there.
We have Hogil vs Hwang Joon from woongjin on Tau Cross next.
Set 3: Ever)P(RhythM / 황준 / ex-Woongjin Trainee vs HoGiL on Tau Cross
RhythM vs HoGiL ... Why are they sending a P against HoGiL?
Japan11285 Posts
Another PvZ. I'll give this one to Hogil but RhythM practiced with woongjin zergs so he might put up a fight.
Rhythm at 1, Hogil at 5. Forge for rhythm because of 9 pool.
Japan11285 Posts
The minus clan competition is starting, what to watch???
Japan11285 Posts
It looks like +1 Speedzealot for Rhythm.
Hogil assembling hydras at P's nat.
Japan11285 Posts
Hogil almost broke into the nat but goons, zeals and warping cannons stop him from advancing.
That's game, here's the big bust.
If they throw another Protoss at Sangwook I'm going to bed.
Japan11285 Posts
Hogil with a huge clump of hydras waiting out of Rhythm's range.. Rhythm is tied to the defense of his 3rd from mutas and the hydras.
Hydras finally engage. HT in there but no energy. More hydras at bridge. Oh man, Rhythm's going to get overrun.
So many hydras. GG Hogil takes another protoss soul.
Japan11285 Posts
Well, another protoss. Hahaha
Wow. Ever is sending NaBi, confident that HoGiL's progamer winrate vP dictates that he will win two out of three ZvPs.
They spawn at 7 and 8. Might be a fast game.
Japan11285 Posts
Maybe no other race available to play from Ever)?
NaBi at 8, HoGil at 6
NaBi with a ramp wall. Won't hold against all those zerglings
Japan11285 Posts
Why did Hogil suicide his ovie?
Japan11285 Posts
Hogil attacked with lots of lings. Almost got through but some sick probe micro and a just finished cannon let only one ling thru.
HoGiL's third and lair are up, NaBi not too far behind despite losing a good deal of probes.
Spire and den are up, let the HoGiL midgame commence.
Japan11285 Posts
He has sairs to deflect some muta harass.
Japan11285 Posts
NaBi moves out with zeals. Hogil let them pass and goes for the nat again with speedlings.
3 sairs chase off two muta two scourge
Small zergling attack destroys cannons at NaBi's nat, delaying a speedlot/sair squad attacking the third. They then regroup and go for the nat before being blunted by a superior hydra force
Japan11285 Posts
NaBi suicides his sairs into HoGiL's nat as HoGiL fastdrops his hydras into NaBi's main. This is utter domination.
Japan11285 Posts
Here come the lurkers.
Good storm on top of hydras!
Lurkers vs storm, and there's no robotics.
Japan11285 Posts
Hydras tearing down the nat.
Man, Hogil owns this shit.
NaBi throws it in and HoGiL takes yet another easy win. SEND A GODDAMN TERRAN.
Japan11285 Posts
Nice game from Hogil.
On November 29 2014 20:32 Mirabel_ wrote: NaBi throws it in and HoGiL takes yet another easy win. SEND A GODDAMN TERRAN. hahahaha
Japan11285 Posts
There, they threw an amateur terran at him. I still don't like the chances though.
Amateur is right. Can Ever not send their best players or something?
Set 5: Ever)T(Prime / 이인극 / Amateur & BJ vs HoGiL @ New Heartbreak Ridge
Japan11285 Posts
From what I know, sometimes pros don't like to play in these matches.
Prime's signature unit is the SCV until further notice. He delays the 12 hatch and kills a drone outnumbered 2-1 while standing his ground.
2 vults get in and do some minor damage to his HoGiL's economy. HoGiL gets his revenge with a stack of mutas as Prime runs around with his Goliaths.
1st tank out, 3rd factory going up Mutas blunted at every turn. Prime is doing well!
HoGiL deciding he simply needs more mutas and sends in two control groups of them.
Mutas snipe the gas and armory as HoGiL adds expos and sunkens. Prime is suddenly in a lot of trouble.
Prime loses all his tech, outside of the Engi Bay.
Armory rebuilt, but that's not enough Goliaths. GG from Prime, HoGiL has 4 wins for NsP
HoGiL won with nothing but failed harass into mass muta
A KT Protoss, NoroO. Well, it's the most notorious player they've sent so far, but damn it, this is supposed to be the finals.
HoGiL bottom left, NoroO bottom right. HoGiL scouts the wrong way.
HoGiL starts his third right before his pool completes. Both players opting for economic builds. Might be a long game on Judgment Day, but I was wrong before.
Japan11285 Posts
Hogil starting a fourth base at 9
Overlord speed to combat roaming sairs. NoroO teching smart and hasn't sustained any damage yet.
with a hydra/muta and 3 evo chambers, hogil continues to build up
HoGiL working hard for a surround but not getting it. The Protoss forces head back to their base entrance.
Japan11285 Posts
Interesting choice of expo, at 6. It makes sense on defense though
That nexus snipe was pretty cute lol.
Japan11285 Posts
Hogil with a huge 2 pronged attack on 6. Toss barely saved it then mutas fionish it off
NoroO strikes, but some hydras sneak in and force a retreat. They deal some damage to the nat. NoroO strikes again but is led off as the Protoss base (equidistant between both mains gets ravaged by HoGiL's forces. Through these minor commitments, HoGiL is getting more and more stacked advantages.
Japan11285 Posts
Toss needs to get even on bases soon. Hogil is at 5 now.
Japan11285 Posts
Lurker defense plus dark swarm too strong...
Japan11285 Posts
Double expand from Hogil.
Dark Archon sighted!!
NoroO is the aggressor but can't seem to get through. The 6 is constantly getting pounded by defiler squads.
NoroO doesn't have enough shit and gives in. HoGiL is one win away from an all-kill?
Japan11285 Posts
Lurker drop on 6.
Toss attacks the front with everything he has left. Meanwhile, doom drop on toss main
Intense game
Yeah I'm going to call game 6 on Judgment Day game of the night so far.
Japan11285 Posts
So this trumped the mech vs zerg game on HBR? I didn't catch it.
Yeah the judgment day was cool, it's going into recommended.
The HBR game was cool but unfortunately one-sided. Prime has a full head of steam and I hope to see more of him, but HoGiL just danced on his head with those mutas.
Japan11285 Posts
Set 7: Ever)P(ALPRO / 김정우 / Amateur vs HoGiL @ Circuit Breaker
How to beat HoGiL - send Protosses at him until he loses interest in the game and retires, giving his individual league spot to Jangbi.
Japan11285 Posts
Send Bisu. Beat Bisu -> Hogil retires. HHAHAHAH
Maybe they want him to think that he beat bisu so he can go ahead and retire again.
Japan11285 Posts
2 slowlings get past the nat defenses.
Now that he has a chance to play on Circuit Breaker, HoGiL uses the same distant expo that he used for Jade when he spawned in the same corner - the 8oclock
DTs and sairs out, but HoGiL is in no hurry to grab map control. He's got 4 bases well-defended.
Archon/zealot attacking the 8!
Hogil sees it coming with burrow lings.
Japan11285 Posts
Toss Kim Jung Woo rolls out with some lots and 2 archon. Burrowed ling scouts this.
He attacked Hogil's 3rd, taking out the sunkens, but HoGiL has a crap ton of mutas. He clears it easily.
Speedlings force the cancel on the min only of the toss.
Japan11285 Posts
Toss attacks Hogil's nat while Hogil does the same thing. Difference is, Hogil's defenses are better than toss'.
With hydras overrunning the nat GG from the protoss.
HoGiL wins! a cloud of Zealots can't penetrate his nat and he busts through with his own hydra horde after some zergling burrow shenanigans
It would seem that HoGiL just all-killed in league finals.
Japan11285 Posts
HoGiL just rounded up all the kiddies Ever sent lol
Japan11285 Posts
He didn't all-kill, Ever took a game from NsP
This is it, NsP wins the first battle 6-1. More tomorrow I really enjoyed Jju's cast, I like his voice much better than Mio's and the chat is cool too.
It's still an all-kill - the only criterion is that you are the only player on your team to get wins, and you get enough to take the match.
Stratos, it was still silly during the HBR game when he missed the Vulture penetration shenanigans entirely.
Japan11285 Posts
An All-Kill means, that one team is eliminated by a single player of the other team. Here's my definition
Thanks for LRing guys <3 with all the stream switching etc. it helped keep track of the games
Japan11285 Posts
Thanks for the LR'ing and thread too yo.
+ Show Spoiler [Results Day 1] +1set: Circuit Breaker Ever)P(LoveU aka SJ 김종한 Ama vs  NsP_mighty 이광용 Fish semi-Pro 2set: Neo Jade  Ever)P(LoveU aka SJ 김종한 Ama vs HoGiL김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 3set: Tau Cross  Ever)P(RhythM 황준ex-Woongjin Trainee vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 4set: Python  Ever)P(NaBi 정윤성 Ama vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 5set: New Heartbreak Ridge  Ever)T(Pirme 이인극 Ama vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 6set: Judgement Day  Ever)P(NoROo 노경래 ex-KT Progamer vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite Progamer 7set: Circuit Breaker  Ever)P(ALPRO 김정우 Ama vs HoGiL 김상욱 Ex-Hite ProgamerToday: Ever 1 - 6 NsPNsP leads 1-0.
On November 29 2014 19:55 c3rberUs wrote: Got absolutely nothing aside from grngt spngng. haha
Somehow I didn't realize this was for the quiz LOL.
ㄱㄹㅇㅌ ㅅㅍㅇㅇ was 그레이터 스파이어, greater spire ^^. I like that they have these little games for when there's a delay etc.
so hes back playing brood war (since hes in the NsP lineup and left samsung not too long ago)? action and roro are also in there...
On November 30 2014 17:26 Probemicro wrote: "NsP_TurN / (T)TurN / SAMSUNG KHAN"
so hes back playing brood war (since hes in the NsP lineup and left samsung not too long ago)? action and roro are also in there... He could very well be there just as an honorary member or someone that once in a year comes to see some old friends at a clan meet-up. For most purposes, at least half of a typical clan roster is pretty much just for bragging, attracting new members etc.
Japan11285 Posts
^He does play BW. There was an afreeca stream thread back in Feb or March for him I think. Don't know about now though.
Send HoGiL out again to sweep!
And we are underway - PvP, Lazy out for NSP
Japan11285 Posts
And we're off!
A PvP to start the match again!!!
Snow, as red toss at 7, and an MBC pro Kim Ki-hoon as yellow at 11.
Double proxy gate at the center from Snow, yellow toss scouts it.
3 zeals for each player, shield battery going up.
Snow is prepared! with a shield battery and more zealots.
Japan11285 Posts
Fuck, I had them mixed up lol
proxy shield battery for Snow as well.
Lazy makes a desperation attack through his own 2nd completing shield battery completes. He is surrounded and ggs. A very quick first game.
Japan11285 Posts
Time to send HoGiL to own everyone else again.
HoGiL unleashed! No Protoss will give him pause.
Japan11285 Posts
Japan11285 Posts
NsP_Zerg: 4sh5sh6sh7sh8sh9sh - oh shit, watch out for hydralisks Snow
neo Jade. Hogil at 5, Snow at 11
Japan11285 Posts
Hogil went overpool. Snow puts down a forge.
Japan11285 Posts
Snow scouts at 8/9, HoGiL requests a pause shortly before his natural expansion goes up.
Game starts again without a hitch.
Players are in cross positions, both geared to play the long game.
HoGiL puts a far 3rd down at 2oclock, scouts the FE wall
Japan11285 Posts
Hogil took his 3rd at 1 o'clock nat.
Lair up, spire first priority.
Zealot at HoGiL's 3rd, he will have to work to defend it
Japan11285 Posts
Some zealot harass at the zerg third. Sair out. Hogil takes his 4th at the main of 1.
Scourge slammed into the first sair.
Sair out, sweeping OLs. More on the way. HoGiL takes the mineral only at 1:30 and scourge snipes a sair over his natural. Zealots attacking 2!
Jju with the call interruption ^^
The speedlots are headed to HoGiL's natural, bypassing his FE wall and killing many drones and zerglings. The attack coincides with overhead sairs, and HoGiL takes significant losses before cleaning up the zealots.
Snow's 3rd going up at 10:00
Japan11285 Posts
Zealots break into the nat. Destroyed only the blocking sunken and cleaned up by lings. Did snipe some ovies in the chaos.
Meanwhile 3rd for toss going up.
Archons following up the speedlot build. Plenty of cannons, not a single goon in sight.
Shuttle being escorted by the sair stack. The mineral-only at 1:30 is shut down, with the drones in retreat to 2:00
HoGiL's forces are surprisingly sparse, lurkers doing their thing in blunting the offensive at 1:30. Snow can't attack again in force, but drops in with 4 speedlots at the hive!
Japan11285 Posts
Snow going to elevator some archons and lots at Hogil's 4th. Hogil has a lurker there, snow stops for an obs.
Snow attacks, lurkers dying, sunken down, drones dying. But another lurker stops him!
Snow also drops at Hoigl's main and targets drones.
Japan11285 Posts
Snow reinforced with a large zealot force, and is diversifying his army, adding HTs, reavers, and dragoons. HoGiL seems to be falling behind at every turn.
The attack slams into HoGiL's distant 3rd at 2:00, base totally wiped out, and instantly reinforced with like 500 Zealots.
Japan11285 Posts
Snow trying to break in with reeebbo and archon. Scourge snipe the shuttle.
Snow weathers the defense and takes out the nat. Stream of zealots coming!
Where is HoGiL's money going?
HoGiL ggs. Snow has brought Ever 1/3 of a Day 2 victory.
Japan11285 Posts
Snow continues to the 4th. GG from HogiL.
What execution Hogil did yesterday, Snow produced today. Nice game.
Japan11285 Posts
I'm guessing to his fourth base and teching to lurkers?
That's nothing compared to what Snow was putting into his units.
Japan11285 Posts
Oh yeah, he lost a lot of drones in the drops.
Japan11285 Posts
We have, NsP_abyss, an amateur up for nsp.
Japan11285 Posts
Snow at 6. Abyss at 9 goes 12 hatch. It turned into 12 pool.
Computer just crashed, and the stream seems to have gone offline. Can anyone confirm?
Japan11285 Posts
I was watching in Afreeca, my stream got cut off. I went to snipealot and its on. Its laggy for me though.
Ah, I can't watch streams on twitch. If afreeca is broken I guess I'm going to bed.
Japan11285 Posts
Is Abyss preparing to drop?! Eight overlords make it to Snow's base!!! I'm fine. Sharp arrived to JJu's room.
Could he be up next?
Japan11285 Posts
Hydralurk doom drop on Snow's main
Hydras lurkers all over Snow's gateways, but Snow's army is ready!
Two gateways down and some corsairs burned. Certainly a favorable trade for Abyss imo.
Now he's flooding the natural holy crap. This has gotta seal the deal!!
NO. Snow cleans it up
Japan11285 Posts
Snow races to defend. Zealots get impaled, goons control the situation.
A stream of hydras heading for Snow's nat. He walks right in. Goons defend successfully.
Japan11285 Posts
Mutas in the main now. More hydras coming too. Snow opting not to defend.
This amateur really abusing the expo timing of snow imo. Snow attacks the third at 12. Snow almost dies to defending hydra and mutas. Hydras attacking Snow's third.
Waaaaa Snow wins!
Japan11285 Posts
Snow with just enough goons to defend main. Snow's HT and later archons sealed the deal in his attack in the third.
I really thought Abyss had that until the last 30 secs wtf :D
And to think Abyss wasn't even on the roster.
Sharp out, a T to fight Snow.
Japan11285 Posts
Samsung Khan's Sharp
Thought he was doomed too. I don't know what happened with the mutas in toss main though.
Japan11285 Posts
Close positions, Sharp at 3, Snow at 1.
I would not like to play Snow in close positions on this map. We'll see tho
Just like yesterday's Python game, we have two near spawns, this time at 12:00 and 3:00 (Sharp the latter)
Japan11285 Posts
2 factories going down for Sharp. 2 gate range for Snow.
4 rines kill the scouting probe in time to meet the dragoons - the 2 fact push is blunted! The barracks is above the Protoss base and the Protoss is held back by mines, retreats after severely damaging the first tank. Repairs under way. Barracks landed! Building rines in Protoss base!
Goons make their return, Terran takes this as invitation to actually push.
Japan11285 Posts
Snow killed 4 marines with his goons. LOL Sharp lands his rax at Snow's main. Here comes the push too.
Terran in the enemy base with mines! Snow is in a heap of trouble, gets a tank. One goon left! The barracks doing some serious work tanking for Sharp's troops. GG! Well-sent by Ever!
Japan11285 Posts
Mines are devastating snow. gg
Quick match.
NsP without HoGiL or Lazy has an intimidating mountain to climb, but Sharp has taken the first step from base camp by finally beating Snow.
Yesterday's one-game wonder, SJ! Let's see what he can do.
Japan11285 Posts
I think Sharp can win this series.
Anyway we have Kim Jonghan
edit - oh wait that's SJ?
Set 5: (NsP) Sharp vs SJ (Ever) @ New Heartbreak Ridge
Like Snow and HoGiL, we've seen SJ in three different matchups in these finals. He is now officially one of the faces of the Hope Clanleague Finals S3!
NHBR! Sharp has the 9:00 vs SJ at the 3:00.
Japan11285 Posts
Sharp at the left, SJ at the right.
Sharp leaves his base for a few moments before returning. Likely scouting for a near proxy.
Sharp finally scouts, reaching SJ's base as his factory begins. No scout from SJ yet. Looks like a standard build from both.
Japan11285 Posts
So if Ever) ever wins day 2, when will the 'ace series' be?
4 marines emerge to scare off the goon that chased the scout SCV back to base.
First blood by 2 goons on a scouting SCV, preceding the push of 6 rines and a tank.
Japan11285 Posts
Machine shop spinning. SJ puts down a nexus at the natural.
Sharp moving out with a bunch of marines and a tank.
On November 30 2014 20:26 c3rberUs wrote: So if Ever) ever wins day 2, when will the 'ace series' be? Dunno. I'm not even sure if it's ace series, could be just a single FS ace match in which case it would probably be today.
Sharp has mined the BIR and the entire push force sits behind an SCV mining behind the natural cliff! This is going to get nasty!
Japan11285 Posts
4 goons at the nat. Sharp can't continue.
Sharp brings in a vulture. He's going to the backdoor. Sj still doesn't know.2
observer out, goons clearing the mines on the BIR and pushing out! the 5 goons assault the barely-defended Terran base, but the wall will not be penetrated easily.
Sharp's push is in! Nightmare mode engage!
Japan11285 Posts
SJ moves out with obs dragoon. Continues on to terran nat. Terran pulls scvs, siege tank defending.
Here comes the backdoor!!!!
Goons stream in to defend, killing all the mechanical units with the help of a traitor mine. The bunker is up and filled with marines.
Japan11285 Posts
SJ moves up and snipes the single tank in Sharp's strike team. Proceeds to drive away the vults and snipe the bunker from afar.
The bunker goes down without a hitch. Sharp's push failed, but he rallies more units to the BIR. He has many tanks stacked at his main.
Vults descend from the BIR to SJ's new third, almost totally annihilating the Probes as they retreat. SJ now holds the BIR and walls it off with Pylons for good measure.
Japan11285 Posts
SJ gets his third on the expo beside the temple. Sharp sends vults. SJ maynarding probes. 2 goons go down, SJ has to pull back. SJ regains control
Sharp has 4 factories complete, more on the way. He's got a great number of tanks but is not quite prepared to push across.
Japan11285 Posts
SJ going to get arbiters. Sharp throws down a starport in his nat. Sharp also getting his third at the bottom of his part of the map.
Terran is not overextending. Sharp has the economic advantage, and is fully teched for midgame. Protoss starting to fill the empty space between and scout potential expos, nailing a vult at 10:30
Japan11285 Posts
Sharp beginning to push out, decides against it and gives SJ map control. SJ's forces are pressing in and Sharp is strangely unprepared? The simultaneous recall on the other hand fails. This was a complex attack but Sharp sensed it was coming and responded. He then dropped vultures to raid SJ's main!
Japan11285 Posts
Its back!
A recall was made, SJ took an expo. Sharp killed some toss units it seems.
Sharp at a clear advantage, shelling the mineral-only expo at 12:00 and raiding the 10:30 with tanks as he gets attacked by dragoons and zealots at his third. it is shortly cleaned up and all the raiding units press across the ridges to take control of the top half of the map.
One sad, diminished Protoss army full of arbiters wasting Stasis on a few tanks as the rest of the forces sweep in and clean him out.. SJ concedes as Sharp finally reaches the BIR again.
Japan11285 Posts
The stream buffered into GG for me again.
Sharp too strong.
Set 6: (NsP) Sharp ex-KHAN vs koala ex-MBC (Ever) @ Judgement Day
Japan11285 Posts
Sharp is surgically cutting a path through Ever, and one game away from evening the situation with Snow. But here comes Ever's premier Terran, koala, in our first TvT at this event. koala at 10:30, Sharp at 7:30
Japan11285 Posts
Sharp as the yellow terran starts at 7 o'clock. koala as the red terran starts at 11 o'clock
I know very little about TvT other than the fact that it's never decided early. Both players scout the wrong way as they send their barracks, plural, out towards one another
Vults out for both players. Scary situation as Sharp's barracks goes down outside koala's natural as his first two vults move in with a marine. The two SCVs koala has on standby decide the battle and Sharp pulls back, pulling his barracks up. Trap failed.
Japan11285 Posts
Actually, like all matches, it can be decided early.
Japan11285 Posts
Is anyone else getting a no sound, extreme buffing stream?
Sharp's hurt barracks scouts a large group of vultures moving in from koala! the mines don't go off, and Sharp's tanks prevent the vultures from dealing any real damage before being forced to retreat. Koala's vultures attack with heavy pressure and nearly go in, killing 1-2 SCVs and all but one tank before being silenced. A Dropship followup comes in from Sharp and two siegeless tanks land, one on the cliff, to torment Koala's main.
The dropship returns again with vults after the tanks are shut down and deal heavy economic damage! What an action-packed TvT!
The first tank standoff of the game occurs midway between the bases, Sharp is in a good position to maintain aerial aggression.
On November 30 2014 20:54 c3rberUs wrote: Is anyone else getting a no sound, extreme buffing stream? My stream just died altogether a while ago. Trying it now.
.. yay.
Sure enough, two dropships ferry a large collection of units to the cliff outside koala's natural. It is shut down in short order by some nearby tanks, after dealing minor damage.
Japan11285 Posts
Sharp's cliff abuse is strong, reinforced by vultures and gols.
Koala pushing into Sharp's tank line.
Koala tankwalking into Sharp's bloated territory. The dropships drop vults into koala's main! These dropships are torturing koala!
Sharp forced to pull back in the field by 4 tanks. The dropship lands again with a vulture and a goliath at koala's natural, and 2 vults at his main, none of which last long. Koala has a superior tank force, but it gets MURDERED BY FRESH VULTURE MINES.
koala ggs. Game of the night for me so far.
Japan11285 Posts
On November 30 2014 20:57 Stratos wrote:Show nested quote +On November 30 2014 20:54 c3rberUs wrote: Is anyone else getting a no sound, extreme buffing stream? My stream just died altogether a while ago. Trying it now. .. yay. Mine dies like every match or so. Must be a problem on my side because snipe is also no sound/buffering.
Koala using Sharp's rather aggressive expoing against him. His tanks are almost at Sharp's nat.
GG as I typed.
Sharp has pulled a reverse 3-kill, and the momentum is clearly in his favor now. What can beat this Terran, who has beaten two Protoss and another Terran? Another Terran? Sure enough,another Terran is out for Ever - Ashley!
I think it's Last, but I'm not sure if that last character was Hyun. Edit: yes, it's him! Thanks Stratos.
Japan11285 Posts
Oh yeah. Sharp vs Last!!!!
Last, the King of Fish, whereas HiyA is the Fishiking.
Japan11285 Posts
Both clans have brought out their big guns. Its time to go!!!
Its been fortunate that I caught this.
Sharp at 7, Last 1. Cross positions!
Distant spawns this time, Last at 1:30 in red vs NsP's shining star of the day, Sharp, at 10:30 in yellow.
Cross positions lends itself to a longer TvT. Both players build barracks at their double bridges. Did I mention it was Circuit Breaker again?
Sharp throwing two marines out to pressure! SCVs moving in to tank hits. It's a bunker rush! And all the marines are dead except one. Last is forced to aggress with his remaining rines and send his SCVs back as he techs. No early expansion for anyone.
Japan11285 Posts
Last outclasses Sharp on marine micro battle.
Gotta eat quickly.
Last finally figures out where his opponent is as Sharp contemplates his advantage. Last's tank is out, and it destroys the bunker handily. The position is reset to neutral, as Last's earlier tank pushes out with vults, but forced back by vulture mines.
Both players have a tank anf 4 vults in the middle of the map. last's expansion is in full force and his 4th factory is a bit earlier.
Last seems to be a good deal ahead in tech, as his speedy vultures prey on Sharp's slower ones - but then vulture speed kicks in. Very fluid game currently as the unit count increases. Both players have many tanks, ans siege mode begins as Sharp's barracks is finally sent home by a zealous marine.
Tank battle with both barracks as spotters, Last seems to be coming out ahead over and over, his unit advantage is adding up. The marine dies in the conflict and is replaced by a goliath.
Sharp continuously gets caught in his harass endeavors by superior unit numbers. It's difficult to say who's ahead, but Last unquestionably has taken map control, with an impressive tank-mine line from the center to the 6:00
Expo going up, Sharp has taken 6:00 and has enough goliaths to chase down the rax. Last already has 3 gas bases (1:00, 1:30, and 3:00) as Sharp's CC goes up AND IS SUBSEQUENTLY ASSAULTED BY A TANK CLUMP. Sharp forced to retreat to his mineral only, but collects himself for an vulture drop at 3:00 Sharp still in this fight and chipping away at the big line in the center.
Japan11285 Posts
it appears that last has the firm iniative
Another Sharp vulture squad shuts down a constructing Last CC at 4:30. But Sharp knows he can't break this contain with such inferior numbers and taps out.
Last wrests control from NsP and deprives them of yet another star player. Mighty, a Protoss, is out for NsP to beat Last.
Mighty is a Fish semi-pro.
Btw. I have no idea what Fish semi-pro means
Game starts on Neo Jade, Last, with a 1-kill, at 10:30, Mighty at 4:30, plotting Last's end.
Japan11285 Posts
Thanks for LRing guys! I can't catch the next game/s
If Ever wins and this goes to super ace, then that's just a single game btw. I assume FS.
Thnx c3rberUs, always a pleasure to read your reporting ^^
Standard start from both players, both players scout. But then, Mighty plotting hidden tech with the scouting probe at 9:00. Citadel is up, and the scouting SCV finds it.
Cerberus, your LRing is what inspired me to try tonight and last night!
Fast engi bay and bunker with 4 rines denies scouting probe, before surprising evacuating on it and killing it.
DTs come JUST IN TIME to kill the bunker before the turret is up. Vults come in the nick of time to preserve the wall, but Last decides more marines are necessary to complete the defense. New bunker with new marines almost goes down, and mighty ggs outright! He was banking on the hidden DTs and the scouting paid off for Last. Anti-cheese COMMON SENSE is how you become #1 on Fish.
Set 9: (NsP) Trend / ex-KHAN vs Last ex-STX (Ever) @ Tau Cross
Before the games Trend was hyped as playing really well these days, so let's see what he can come up with!
Trend! Another Protoss to beat Last. If there's a good time to bring out the big guns, it's right now!
Samsung's glorious Protoss line incarnate? You guessed wrong! It's Trend, and he's the black sheep of the family. They don't like to talk about him! Let's see what he can do from 5:00 to Last at 1:30 on Tau Cross.
Last not bothering to wall this game as he builds his barracks and supply center. P scouts at 11/17
Trend scouted in the right direction on the first try, and so follows Last. The Probe does well at remaining alive as an annoying dialog box occupies the minimap for a good 10 seconds. Last builds 4 marines and throws down his expansion well before Trend does.
Thx Mirabel, my stream's dead again. I also like your pre-game intro's
Trend's Dragoon goes spelunking in the dark crevasses of the map - anticipating who knows what. Two goons meet the bunker and are forced to retreat. The wall is improved by the floatover barracks.
A second factory is going up as Trend's Robotics Facility and Nexus near completion. The Dragoons are not penetrating for shit as Last's 3 tanks push out and siege under the lifted barracks.
The 3 tanks retreat into the main. Fast Engi bay. Reaver tech is complete, Shuttle on standby.
Protoss withdraws entirely, preparing to secure his third.
You're very welcome Stratos. Last's Engineering bay scouts out his third, a group of vultures and additional tanks are present to meet the two zealots and the reaver in the shuttle.
The reaver deals virtually no damage, its main achievement before being forced into full retreat is a dud scarab at the nat.
The shuttle returns, fully stocked with something, as Last prepared to take the mineral-only at 3:00. Turns out it's a dragoon! And Trend actually kills something!
One SCV, that is. The harass isn't really hurting too much. Bunch of goons storms to Last's 3rd and destroys the engineering bay as Trend techs up.
Templar archives, Observatory, and Forge all up for Trend. Last turtling like a boss against meager drops.
Last sieging up in defense of mineral only. Long line of mines and vultures. So long, in fact, that Last can confidently take the base at 4:00 as well!
Last actually builds 3 supply depots and a turret but forgets he needs an army, too! Trend dives in with all his units and actually flattens the defense before Last finds his vultures and sieges up across the 3:00/4:00 bridge.
8 Dragoons psychically avoid the one mine at the 10:30. A Dropship is shut down over Trend's recently taken 4th at 8:30. Trend is even with Last!
A lone arbiter enhances Trend's main army as a shuttle drops zealots on a tank siegeing Trend's 4th from the unused spawn.
Science Vessel dmatrixes a tank as Trend squeezes toward it. Last's army is certainly larger and the siege line is positioned like a needle towards Trend
Meanwhile in afreeca chat, Jju mutes some guy who hates on NsP, then someone says Jju looks good and gets muted by unknown mod guy, Jju flips some tables over that )
Looks like we're soon going into super ace FS!
Will anyone be able to beat Last with his Flash-like performance?
Lol some ppl trying to guess the overall series results 5 seconds before gg to get a quickview ^^
Arbiters fail at stasis on tanks attacking his natural and goons don't deal any significant damage. Trend's army is not all there and his forces are divided and conquered, leaving Vultures free to demolish the natural, and the tanks roam free. Last victoriously builds SCs to reinforce his contain of the natural as Trend's fresh and final dragoons fail to stop them. Trend GGs and makes it clear why we haven't heard of him, as Last once again manages to pull way ahead in a passive game, thanks to superior positioning and one dumb engagement at the end.
Super Ace Match - Fighting Spirit
Last for Ever vs HoGiL for NsP!
King of Fish is fighting... Kim Sang Wook! HoGiL's mild ZvT versus the King of Fish. Super Ace Go!
Last has been tested in all 3 matchups, as did SJ, Sharp, and HoGiL before him. Now he must triumph over all in this short event, as he has done in the long struggle of the Fish ladder. HoGiL is the underdog, but he has plenty of skill and might take an upset victory! He was selected over Sharp for this match, after all.
Last begins at top left for our first Fighting Spirit match, and HoGiL at bottom left, scouting in the right direction. There's some serious action about to take place as a drone harasses the 14CC! Against any Zerg I'd say that Last was in serious trouble!
Fitting HoGiL would play given he's been the most active team player over the season. Gogo NsP_ZerG!!!
Zerglings make their approach and the SCVs prepares to wall off. HoGiL is forced back, and has his third hatch going up. Last resumes control over the game and begins making barracks for his new Engineering Bay.
Academy up, and scan active. Last is playing with no weakness, as Spire goes up well after hydra den.
Last moving out with his first force and attacking the bottom right proxy expo! HoGiL will have lurkers in time to block at the ramp.
Hive going up for HoGiL. He will win this with maximum tech.
That sick timing and stop lurk hahaha
3 Sunkens at HoGiL's nat. He is ready for the large M&M force, but he needs a nydus! Lurkers stalk the M&M force in hope of punishing. The bottom right was bait! No drones in sight, as a nydus goes up and new lurkers help defend. There are 5 marines left and HoGiL has taken map control in the meantime. Lurker/ling demolishes it as a new force heads toward HoGiL's natural, where he has a FOURTH sunken and a defiler ready and waiting.
Nice save by HoGiL in that position..
Last building a long-distance CC at top right, it's not going to amount to anything because HoGiL sees it and kills it. HoGiL mass expanding, blocks an attack, sniping a vessel at his 4:00!
Sunkens going up at 4:00 to deter attacks. Dropship in his main containing 3 vults and two marines does significant damage, while Last crushes a proxy hatch at the top right base.
This is bio into vult. No tanks or gols yet, but Last is playing very Vult heavy
Last taking map control with mines all over the goddamn field. HoGiL throws a 2 OL drop with a defiler, lurker, and lings, resulting in a DS and a plague on 2 factories and a starport.
two lurkers are dropped to finish them off as a full mech squad sweeps eastward. The lurkers are finally cleaned up. Last is not avoiding damage as well as he's done in his previous matches.
So many floating raxes! This is a mech transition, is it not? The game has stagnated and HoGiL knows he has to switch gears. How will he defeat these mines, let alone this tank push against 8:00? He doesn't, and it falls. Mass Mutas out, and HoGiL is ready to deal some serious damage.
Mutas raid top right and are met with Irradiating science vessels, which put on a clinic. HoGiL suddenly looks like he cannot possibly hold back the advance.
HoGiL is fully teched, but doing no damage to HoGiL's forces. However, Last is not dealing any direct damage either. Ultras are out, and they're partnering well with defilers!
The zone of battle is the center of the field. HoGiL is shifting into ultraling. Guardians (the survivors of the previous irradiation on mutas!) morphed above the 1:00 and did some damage! Ultra/Lurker/Ling sweeping in and clearing the entire field of mines and tanks! HoGiL is ready to do some damage!
Damn yeah HoGiL showing us the Fighting Spirit!!!
Drones maynarded in preperation to take 2:30. Or are they distance mining? Ultraling blocks for it supported by defilers, battles in left center and top right!
HoGiL wants to win! He's got Last bunkering up and is attacking on multiple fronts, constantly! Floating barracks goes down over a spore colony, Last's tank lines are holding fast and HoGiL's hatch at 2:30 goes up. There's a lull in the action as Last attempts to regain some control.
This is game of the night, this is Brood War! Last sweeps in with a ton of Science Vessels as the scourge are scrambled to thin them. Last is attacking 2:30 but HoGiL flooding towards top left with ultraling and top right with mass muta!
Mass muta ANNIHILATES the attacking force at 2:30, and more mutas move in to kill the tanks at 10:00. The 2:30 mutas move on to kill 1:00, and then cruise to the heavily turretted 1:30!
I can't believe what's happening DAMN.
Last is in serious trouble... he can't keep up with all these suicide attacks, and he has too many units securing his main. HoGiL is still mining strong from his new fringe bases and Last just lost his 1:00!
Another lull in the action, until the mass muta cruises into the mined out natural and runs in fear from a science vessel.
new hatch going down at 2:30. Last has a solid force of goliaths and sieve tanks. MASS MUTA WITH FRESH ULTRALINGS headed thrrough the bulk of Last's forces! They are deflected! The tanks and goliaths push forward!
NooOOOooooooo don't fight it straight on (
HoGiL just threw his whole army at the top right unit cluster, and it failed! But he needs mass muta now! Lings are fine too it seems, but he's going to lose that fresh base at 2:30. Most unfortunate.
This is an insane game, very back and forth. Last has 3 vessels supporting a huge number of goliaths and tanks. How will HoGiL beat it except with waves of ultraling?
HoGiL gets a nice plague off on fresh tanks, but he's got 2 mining bases, and so does Last. This could go either way.
HoGiL running really dry now, I don't think he'll be able to break the line
Almost! But it's just too much...
HoGiL not giving Last any breathing space. Fresh vultures are proving a nightmare for the ultraling as they mine the field once again. HoGiL's attacks are becoming less and less frequent, but more condensed.
HoGiL is still shaking things up! He has a fresh base at 2:30 - this is Last's new target, and he almost instantly sieges up to destroy it. HoGiL's strength is diminished and the cost-effective Vultures are just re-establishing him. However, Last is down to only one mining base. If he doesn't take a new base soon, he will have great difficulty against lategame Zerg. HoGiL is on one mining base too - he needs to be conservative, but he must also keep attacking! How will he win this?
Last has taken the 2:30 and heavily defended it with the bulk of his remaining forces. Vultures push ahead and block the primary attack vectors with mines. Logically I'd go mass muta to counter this, but how much gas can he have to make it happen? He's lost map control! Ultraling slams into 2:30 with a doom drop. This is a desperate move, and HoGiL's mining base is being raided by vultures. Last is familiar with this situation, it's in his name! He gets the last laugh, HoGiL ggs after losing his 8:00 base. What a game!
Great stuff! GG, congrats to Ever.
Incredlible game! Hogil almost did the impossible, but beating a mech terran with map control and on even bases is just that - impossible. Maby Hogil could have gone for queens in the late game?
Last, King of Fish, lord of the Ever clan, cements his superiority over all the Fish in the sea by bringing his clan a victory, with the help of Protosses Snow and SJ. HoGiL and Sharp did their best for NsP, but they both fell to Last's beastly gamesense and top-tier levels of management skill. Well played Ever, your HCL champions!
I think he needed muta a lot more than queens. He didn't trickswitch sufficiently, made two poor and costly engagements, and kept getting blunted by those science vessels. But yeah, TvZ imbalance - Zerg has to play blind, psychologically, and suicidally to win against an established opponent.
Also Ultraling just isn't worth it against diffuse mech, christ. By the time you get through all the mines their army is bigger than yours. HoGiL would have triumphed with better prediction or intel, or if he had managed to transition to mass muta. Jju was excited for it when he saw all that shit morphing at bottom right at the end.
Yeah ultralisks just is not cost efficient running head first into mines and siege tanks. Ultraling is best used in large numbers and dropped on the tanks with overlords. Since he went for the muta switch, i think you are right in that he should have continued focusing on mutas, using the gas from ultralisks on guardians instead and lings and defilers to cast plague on the goliaths..but i have to say that Hogil did very well in the midgame - defending methodically with lurkers and swarms.
Such a shame his proxy hatchery was detected..i guess Last went down there to build turrets, but when it happened i was just yelling MAPHACK MAPHACK! :D