What is this? Welcome to the D Ranks Team League Season 6!
This is a for fun team league for players in the D ranks. This time around, for TRUE D ranks. No players that have hit C- or above at any point will be allowed. Players that do not ladder will be judged subjectively on a case by case basis by committee of L_Master et al.
When? I'm hoping the league will start sometime around the beginning of April, but that is subject to change depending on how long it takes to get teams together. I expect this will take longer as many of the players from previous DRTL's are no longer eligible. Match time will be: 2:00 KST/ 10:00 PST /13:00 EDT / 18:00 BST and takes place every Saturday. It will have a regular season of 10 weeks with the top 4 teams advancing to the playoffs.
Where? The tournament will be held in channel op DRTL on the iCCup server.
How to watch: L_Master will be casting sometimes, other casters that are interested please indicate your interest and I can add you to the list http://www.twitch.tv/l_master
The season will consist of two 7 week rounds, culminating in a PO following the conclusion of round 2. The first 3 weeks of round 2 will feature a Bo5 "All Kill" format, the other 11 weeks teams will play a normal bo5 with no ace match. Lineups will be released 48 hours prior to match time, and the selected players will play a bo1 to decide the outcome for that map. First to team to win three maps wins the match.
Rules: If you have an issue during match time please contact sGs.LMaster on iCCup to resolve it.
- No excessive BMing. Manner CCs, Hatcheries and Nexii, as well as pylon hearts, nukes and infested terrans however, are encouraged.
- Winning team sends replays to drits5@yahoo.com following the matches. All 5 replays must be put into one zip/compressed file for download
- Winning team's captain must PM me the result of their match.
- Standard ICCUP rules apply.
- No excessive chatting, e.g. do not be distracting during the middle of the game.
- If players are race pickers they must announce their races within 12 hours of the lineups getting posted.
- Players need to identify which team they are playing with in their profile during match time.
- Players must play using the ID they used to sign up.
- Games must be played on the maps listed in the schedule.
- Games may be postponed between players IF the postponement is scheduled at least 12 hours ahead of the match time and both captain were notified.
- Maps must come from the latest ICCUP mappack.
- If a player disconnects in the first three minutes then a regame will be granted. If the same player disconnects again they will be d/q. Any disconnect after three minutes will be reviewed by sGs.LMaster unless one of the players willingly forfeits.
- Race picking will be allowed, but if you pick to play a certain race on a given day, you must continue playing that race throughout the whole day. You will only be allowed to change your race for the next week. For the purposes of this league, random will not be allowed.
Player Ranks - None Yet
Teams:+ Show Spoiler [TAKK] +: TAKK Roster sGs.LMaster  HappyBunnyTime  Greenelve  Golondrin  ColonBruise  SilverJohnny  gTank  hp.Shell/raddmiral Inactive Afaik at current moment  sGs.Click  Headstrong  Borg  Fakie (have not had contact with yet) + Show Spoiler [DESPA] + art of turtle  (Non-Playing)  n.stop)Qikz  iT.Duece  AtomicArchon  Bisudagger  n.stop)Jello  Reuental  /  JxN Currently Inactive: n.stop)okee.z  Biolunar  sgs.Mauddib  MicroMacro(OD) + Show Spoiler [Air Force Khan (AFK)] + L1ghtning   Floladriblere   [mPs]Kopp (Kopp)  Venfox  iT.Abyssal (leviaias)  whaski  xkcd (amazingxkcd)  Iway  Pebble TvP (pebble444) + Show Spoiler [Stealth Bunnies] + iykguil (sB.i91)  MinscandBoo  phamchienthang[v] (azaruth, D+)  Ruypture (D+)  AnachronisticAnarchy  /  ? BigFan (golden_phoenix, D)  Falling (sb.Passafist, D) Currently inactive: ikan (sB.ikan, D+)  Roy afk shearRZerg (sheaR, D+) not available during the summer CecilSunkure (sb.Cecil)
Map Pool:Fighting Spirit Mist Heartbreak Ridge Neo Jade Aztec Sniper Ridge Circuit Breaker DRTL Season 6 mappack
Do you want to cast? If you want to cast the league, PM me or skype me (luciditymasters) + Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler +
Addendum to Rules
- Lineups are due the Thursday, Mar 06 6:59am GMT (GMT+00:00). If you are confused about this, or don't trust it; that is 59 hours prior to the DRTL match time.
- Replays are due for submission to drits5@yahoo.com following the matches on Saturday, Mar 08 5:59am GMT (GMT+00:00). Again, since days/time may be blurred by time zones, this is 157 hours after the weeks DRTL scheduled match time. Winning team is responsible for sending in replays in the form of a SINGLE zip folder containing all played games.
- PPed games must be played no later than Friday, Mar 07 5:59am GMT (GMT+00:00) following the standard DRTL match time (133 hours after scheduled time). If players cannot find a time to play, the case may be brought before LMaster who will make a final ruling.
Warning Regarding Addendum
There is ZERO tolerance this season on failure to follow these rules. A lineup that is between 1 second and 12 hours late will receive a two set loss. A lineup late than 12 hours after the submission deadline will result in that team forfeiting the match.
The same goes for replays, failure to submit replays in a SINGLE zip folder will result in a 1 set penalty for every 12 hours in which they are not submitted, or incorrectly submitted. More than 24 hours late will result in a forfit of the match.
I repeat again, there is ZERO tolerance. Don't lose matches from a failure to read, and clarify with myself if you have ANY questions concerning this.
Free Agents welcomed!
If you do not have a team and are D-/D/D+ and would like to play please just post in the thread with your:
ICCup Name: Race: Max Rank:
PS. If anyone knows how to use magic skillz to update the banner to 6 instead of 5 that would be mega cool
Free agent. iccup id: azaruth, phamchienthang race: Z max rank: D+ Is it ok if I postpone most of my match because play time is 0am in vietnam?
I haven't been able to play much and we lost a lot of players, but SUN KHAN IS OPEN FOR RECRUITMENT!!!
I will so cast some series this season if you don't mind L_Master =)
United Kingdom12022 Posts
Just posting to say that DeSPA are also looking for players since after last season we lost one to him moving up, someone quit the game entirely and one of our newer members just dissapeared so any new signups are welcome <3
Hitting C- for a game was the worst thing that happened to me in BW
I'm in.
Iccup ID: Golondrin Max Rank: D+ Race: Z
Yup, I will be switching to zerg since seems to be a shortage of those filthy rascals. If there ends being enough of them I'll be switching back to protoss or who knows, with the race picking allowance may be end playing all 3 races. But for now, zerg it is.
Also, I would like to ask, if there needs to be a new emerging team, to be fielded to that team, as I would like to try on management.
After having a chat with LMaster and other board members TAKK has officially signed me. Apart from that I am not allowed to disclose any further details of our contract, especially the fame, pussy and money I will be swimming in.
On March 01 2014 23:28 HeaDStrong wrote: After having a chat with LMaster and other board members TAKK has officially signed me. Apart from that I am not allowed to disclose any further details of our contract, especially the fame, pussy and money I will be swimming in. I took a look at what you two agreed on, and other than a meager one additional game signing bonus, all you signed on for is to be criticized by greenelve. Tsk tsk....
On March 02 2014 02:33 SynC[gm] wrote:Show nested quote +On March 01 2014 23:28 HeaDStrong wrote: After having a chat with LMaster and other board members TAKK has officially signed me. Apart from that I am not allowed to disclose any further details of our contract, especially the fame, pussy and money I will be swimming in. I took a look at what you two agreed on, and other than a meager one additional game signing bonus, all you signed on for is to be criticized by greenelve. Tsk tsk.... You got to do what you got to do.
On March 02 2014 02:33 SynC[gm] wrote:Show nested quote +On March 01 2014 23:28 HeaDStrong wrote: After having a chat with LMaster and other board members TAKK has officially signed me. Apart from that I am not allowed to disclose any further details of our contract, especially the fame, pussy and money I will be swimming in. I took a look at what you two agreed on, and other than a meager one additional game signing bonus, all you signed on for is to be criticized by greenelve. Tsk tsk.... Na he signed up for TAKK to be turned into a man
On March 02 2014 02:33 SynC[gm] wrote:Show nested quote +On March 01 2014 23:28 HeaDStrong wrote: After having a chat with LMaster and other board members TAKK has officially signed me. Apart from that I am not allowed to disclose any further details of our contract, especially the fame, pussy and money I will be swimming in. I took a look at what you two agreed on, and other than a meager one additional game signing bonus, all you signed on for is to be criticized by greenelve. Tsk tsk....
On March 02 2014 04:11 LightningStrike wrote:Show nested quote +On March 02 2014 02:33 SynC[gm] wrote:On March 01 2014 23:28 HeaDStrong wrote: After having a chat with LMaster and other board members TAKK has officially signed me. Apart from that I am not allowed to disclose any further details of our contract, especially the fame, pussy and money I will be swimming in. I took a look at what you two agreed on, and other than a meager one additional game signing bonus, all you signed on for is to be criticized by greenelve. Tsk tsk.... Na he signed up for TAKK to be turned into a man  But you are the byproduct of all that is not a man...
I can i join? Nick MoreandMore Rank: C- 2000 year befor christ race:z
YoYo! I would like to play for The Khan for this season as well! Iccup nick: iiN.Mrkopp , [mps]kopp , Rank 1v1: d+ (kinda) , Race: Terran or zerg, (will depend on team composition)