What we bring you now is the second edition of Nation Wars. After an exciting, pride filled close prerequisite, we've sequestered the second edition up until this point. Below you'll see why. Be prepared to fight for your home, your life, and your name.
Round 1:
* 8 Teams * 6 Weeks * 2 Groups of 4 teams * Twice repeated round robins * Best of 7's played simultaneously * 5 - Best of 3 1v1, 1 - Best of 3 2v2, if necessary, a Best of 3 Ace match - Loser Picks
In case of a 3 way 2-1 or 1-2 tie, teams will fight until the death. Meaning, if the results of the playoffs are 1-1-1, the nation wars will continue to happen until there is a 2-0, 1-1, and 0-2 settling. Only the 2-0 team will advance with the initial round robin best team to the finals. + Show Spoiler [Possible initial score for ties] +
Team 1, 2, 3, and 4. Team 1: 3-0 Team 2: 1-2 Team 3: 1-2 Team 4: 1-2
Team 1: 0-3 Team 2: 2-1 Team 3: 2-1 Team 4: 2-1
Round 3:
* Finals * Best of 1 NW contingent on a tiebreaker in Round 2 * Best of 3 NW's otherwise * Identical match format
So it is clear from the beginning, SBWI has the need to explain the use of their funds. With that, they will individually appropriate their generous contribution to this league. This way, players get paid according to their input of effort. Because of those circumstances, each team leader will be required to create and send in a point system based on player results before the first nation war is played. These point systems will be displayed publicly not only for the purpose of records, but for as incentive and reminder for each nation's players. A quick example of a point system would be 1/2 point for showing, 1 point for losing, 3 points for winning. It is that simple.
Location:Fish Server Channel: op SBWI Day and Time: Saturday, 19CET Beginning Date: Saturday, November 17th
Trrrr Nemu INF3CTED Wallace M0B YouNoob /vInJo JIM ZergbOy ? Zeran Werdum Praetor OctZerg
Team selection
So, this part is going to tell you how to get involved with your respective nation. Certain nations have been recalculated for balancing purposes, so please, if you're not on one of the solo nations, scroll up and find out where your country is listed. If you are not listed, then you should post here with your countries name and we will add it in where fitting. Now that you've identified your team, you can apply for it. This can be done through this thread, your nation's TeamLiquid thread, or privately with the leader of your team (Leaders will be selected based on individual merit within the next week or so and MUST post in the thread for their candidacy to be considered). If you have been recruited onto your nation's team, the team leader will have to be the one to confirm this to the organizers, not the player. Leaders have all executive decisions in their own teams on a managerial level.
Rules: 1) All teams and players are subject to administrative discretion. 2) All team leaders must be capable of communicating efficiently in English. 3) All games must be played on Fish Server using Mini or Chaos Launcher. 4) LRM)Game reserves full discretion over all decisions and procedures. 5) All players must use their most known ID, if you are unsure of which ID you should use, you should direct your PM to LRM)Game. 6) All names must end with country tag in brackets. E.G Eywa[CA], Game[US] 7) All replays must be submitted to SBWINWars@gmail.com by the winning player, failure to do so will result in reversal of the match. 8) Any player found abusing in any way will be attributed with a permanent ban from the Nation Wars, in addition, the clan war which was abused in will be counted as a loss for the abusing player's team. 9) If a player disconnects from a game due to internet issues and/or launcher issues, the player may be re-entered or subbed out. If the player is re-entered and drops a second time, the set will be counted as a loss by W.O. 10) IP conflicts between players will be handled on a case-to-case basis. 11) There will be no PP matches unless scheduled a minimum of 24 hours beforehand with LRM)Game. 12) The use of an incorrect map will result in a draw for the set, both players will be banned from their next Nation War. (Rule #8 applies for rigged maps) 13) Team rosters must not exceed 15 players + 2 organizers. 14) Only team leaders are to communicate with the league commissioner over implementable concerns about the league. 15) No Korean IP addresses. 16) Players with former cases hacking and abuse must contact the organizers of the tournament before being admitted to play in this league. Organizers reserve the right to refuse these players. 17) No BM or flaming will be tolerated in Official SBWI Nation Wars threads, failure to abide by this rule will result in action taken against the offending nation at the organizer's discretion. 18) Players must have /dnd active at all times while in official SBWI Nation Wars games. 19) No map can be used twice in a single set. 20) ACE matches can be postponed without the concurrence of the other team only when the time surpasses 2AM local time. Russia has the only exception to this rule, as it has been explained to them. 21) If you have any questions about the rules, you must contact Game, not knowing the rules or misinterpreting them is not an excuse.
Why are you still here?
I have waited for you to DISAPPEAR from the Brood War forums like a little WUSS. I thought denouncing your steer-like lack of CAJONES since the "Death of Brood War" would have broken your fragile, MALNOURISHED SPIRIT. For some time, your BABY-SOFT PSYCHE has been SIEGE TANK'D with "Goodbye Brood War" threads from DOOMSDAY PROPHETS of biblical proportions: BUT YOU HAVE NOT FALTERED.
Or maybe you are just a NEWBORN who came into the WRONGEST OF ALLEYS looking for TRUE ESPORT because you found the first HAIR ON YOUR BACK and want to play with the BIG BOYS now?
While the NANCY BOYS have run home to play SC2 because "I can't get past D-" you have gone for the jugular like a RABID DOG, and brought all the 2 GATE MANLOTNESS you could muster. With uninhibited observations about their SPINELESS DEMEANOR that would shame any parent into disowning such an EMBARRASSING ACCIDENT, you demand MORE SKILL, MORE PASSION and MORE GLORY.
You are the loudest in the crowd when spotting a DEEP SIX and you live off of the BLOOD, SWEAT and INEFFECTIVE APM (tears) that only can come after Sziky rips appart your mineral line with 2 frikkin' lings. 2 FRIKKIN' LINGS.
Naniwa? You've never heard of him. Stephano? Unfit to shine your boots. Every day you play you reinvent the wheel. And when you do, you not only reinvent it. You put on Ion Thrusters, cover it with spikes and roll over another GRANDMA'S HOUSE. For you and I are the same. We have understood what millions COULD NOT.
To us the death of marines is MUSIC. The 37 kill Reaver is ART. To all of us who persevered and who will continue to thirst for Master Class Brood War I now proudly present the Swedish Brood War Initiative's first sponsorship:
"the SBWI's Nation Wars".
Teammates will do battle FOR THE GLORY OF THEIR MOTHERLANDS while fulfilling the secret FREUDIAN WET DREAMS that have twisted your OVERMIND since 1998. Now PINCH yourself, because:
This is going to be RAW.
This is going to be BRUTAL.
This is going to be BROOD WAR.
- Jaevlaterran, Chairman of the Swedish Brood War Initiative
On October 19 2012 08:21 ForeignBW wrote: 12) The use of an incorrect map will result in a draw for the set, both players will be banned from their next Nation War. (Rule #8 applies for rigged maps)
First Disciplinary Actions:
LocDog vs HanDy: Used FS as 2nd and 3rd map. MaD + PaSs versus babo and LoCcxitO: Used FS all 3 times.
I was going to let the 2v2 slide because it seems the rules weren't understood, but the leader was involved from LA. Come on...
All players mentioned cannot play in this week's nation war. Sorry for the short notice, I've been traveling and celebrating the holidays all week. I suggest that you guys read the rules for further notice.
Kinda weird that Slovenia and many other countries are put into such weird specifications of regions because Slovenia for instance is considered to be Central Europe along with Austria, Germany etc etc. (European classification)
Austria Czech Republic Germany Hungary Liechtenstein Poland Slovakia Slovenia it is most often placed in Central Europe but sometimes in Southeastern Europe Switzerland Countries (regions) occasionally included in Central Europe
Some sources also add neighbouring countries (for historical, geographical and/or cultural reasons):
Croatia Romania Serbia
From wikipedia.
There is nothing wrong with the way the European teams are organized at the momment, but I do hope that you know that you haven't put the right countries into the correct regions (Is it for the sake of organization?)
And an additional question: Is the player Specter Slovene (Somebody who apperantly knows him told me that on ladder when talking about our nationalities). Specter currently lives in Russia.
nah, you are wrong. Actually i cant understand ppl, who use paypal? Do you enjoy paying ENORMOUSLY LARGE COMISSIONS? fuck paypal, why dont you use moneybookers, all?
On October 19 2012 20:47 Mewka wrote: Nation wars with 8 'teams'? Germany Hungary, Bulgaria, China and many more could play as a single country
Germany - If Kolll and dOTY were active, which they aren't. Hungary - Has 2 top level players... Bulgaria - I'm actually not sure, guaranteed they could support one.. Just, how strong? China - I believe the players who had contact with the foreign scene are withdrawing from all foreign events... Could be wrong.
On October 19 2012 21:50 Mewka wrote: you really think you know so much of every country bw scene ;o
It's pretty much common knowledge. I mean, Germany did well in the last NW by being highly organized, so they started off excellent, but once other teams started pulling it together, Germany's line up didn't hold up.
Hungary only ever beat Eastern Europe last NW and though they went 1-5 (They actually technically should have won both times, one of their players just didn't submit replays in the second match). Of course, this was against Russia and Poland... However, pretty much just brings us to the point that Hungary cannot win on it's own.
As for China, If they are to compete... You'll likely need a different organizer than HaFnium since he isn't planning on doing anything for NW afaik. Also, you'd probably need a completely new set of players (which would probably lag even more than the ones selected previously).
On October 19 2012 18:19 reps)Plumbum wrote: I want to head the RUSSIANS, but i do not understand - what does message from sponsor means? Seriously? Can anyone explain me meaning of it?
Awesome! You have no idea how hard it is, especially as a sponsor, to wait for an event that you know will be announced "soon". I'm so happy to see all the pieces coming together and the event getting off the ground
BTW, don't forget to thank the people organizing and casting in this event, they're putting huge amounts of their own free time into this without asking for anything in return. I can't speak for KoS-Templar and Reclusive, but as for everyone in SBWI and also myself; we're doing this for purely selfish reasons, since the only thing we really care about is more Brood War, watching more, playing more...
So, huge thanks to LRM)Game for organizing, and an equally huge thank you to Elegant, Hacklebeast and anyone else who might get involved in casting for this tournament!
edit: in my euphoria upon seeing this thread I forgot to also thank Shiroiusagi for the graphics, they look sick
* Finals * Best of 1 NW contingent on a tiebreaker in Round 2 * Best of 3 NW's otherwise * Identical match format
What does that mean? How many teams comes from Round 2?
Largo, 2 teams, the finalists
Mazur, no one has time to post their teams. There will be no team posting until there are leaders assigned per team. There will be people requesting via this thread, and only this thread, to be a candidate for their team's leadership. Once there is one of two, or only one (if that's how the team wants it) leader for a team, players can then contact their leader, and the leader must post their players in this thread. It is outlined right in the OP.
On October 20 2012 00:31 ForeignBW wrote: Largo, 2 teams, the finalists
>>Best of 1 NW contingent on a tiebreaker in Round 2 So if tiebreaker then some bo1s (as much as required) which will the final instead of one final bo3? For the situation: Team 1: 0-3 Team 2: 2-1 Team 3: 2-1 Team 4: 2-1
If there is a 3 way tiebreaker during Round 2 that takes additional time, the finals will be a single nation war between the two finalists. If there is not a 3 way tiebreaker for Round 2, the finals will be a best of 3 nation war series between the finalists (2-0 or 2-1). What this means is that the league has a time limit, and the finals format relies on round 2.
* Finals * Best of 1 NW contingent on a tiebreaker in Round 2 * Best of 3 NW's otherwise * Identical match format
What does that mean? How many teams comes from Round 2?
Largo, 2 teams, the finalists
Mazur, no one has time to post their teams. There will be no team posting until there are leaders assigned per team. There will be people requesting via this thread, and only this thread, to be a candidate for their team's leadership. Once there is one of two, or only one (if that's how the team wants it) leader for a team, players can then contact their leader, and the leader must post their players in this thread. It is outlined right in the OP.
I was asked to be the PL leader once again. So I post it here.
China, Bulgaria, ect may be able to field their own team, but there are other things to consider. With out Bulgaria, Eastern Europe has almost no one, and similarly without china AP has no one.
Sweden apparently is central Europe I'm not complaining, Szi... I mean Hungary is on that team too. It's just that the Nordic countries, don't really belong in any of those teams. Or is it central as in between east and west?
to Plumbum Sponsor Message Easy Mode:
Why are you still here?
Because this is the best game in the world, and because all other games are gay.
* Finals * Best of 1 NW contingent on a tiebreaker in Round 2 * Best of 3 NW's otherwise * Identical match format
What does that mean? How many teams comes from Round 2?
Largo, 2 teams, the finalists
Mazur, no one has time to post their teams. There will be no team posting until there are leaders assigned per team. There will be people requesting via this thread, and only this thread, to be a candidate for their team's leadership. Once there is one of two, or only one (if that's how the team wants it) leader for a team, players can then contact their leader, and the leader must post their players in this thread. It is outlined right in the OP.
I was asked to be the PL leader once again. So I post it here.
You're indeed qualified to run that team, you will be their first leader. After players make contact with you, you can begin to submit your lineup. Please add players races that haven't played in major leagues in the past year or so, as they're sometimes apt to changing their races in a period of time like that.
On October 20 2012 01:36 greatnoob wrote: Denmark is in Central Europe or in Western Europe? It's listed in both teams.
On October 19 2012 23:55 TehRei wrote: Awesome! You have no idea how hard it is, especially as a sponsor, to wait for an event that you know will be announced "soon". I'm so happy to see all the pieces coming together and the event getting off the ground
BTW, don't forget to thank the people organizing and casting in this event, they're putting huge amounts of their own free time into this without asking for anything in return. I can't speak for KoS-Templar and Reclusive, but as for everyone in SBWI and also myself; we're doing this for purely selfish reasons, since the only thing we really care about is more Brood War, watching more, playing more...
So, huge thanks to LRM)Game for organizing, and an equally huge thank you to Elegant, Hacklebeast and anyone else who might get involved in casting for this tournament!
edit: in my euphoria upon seeing this thread I forgot to also thank Shiroiusagi for the graphics, they look sick
On October 19 2012 23:55 TehRei wrote: Awesome! You have no idea how hard it is, especially as a sponsor, to wait for an event that you know will be announced "soon". I'm so happy to see all the pieces coming together and the event getting off the ground
BTW, don't forget to thank the people organizing and casting in this event, they're putting huge amounts of their own free time into this without asking for anything in return. I can't speak for KoS-Templar and Reclusive, but as for everyone in SBWI and also myself; we're doing this for purely selfish reasons, since the only thing we really care about is more Brood War, watching more, playing more...
So, huge thanks to LRM)Game for organizing, and an equally huge thank you to Elegant, Hacklebeast and anyone else who might get involved in casting for this tournament!
edit: in my euphoria upon seeing this thread I forgot to also thank Shiroiusagi for the graphics, they look sick
i think Jumperer has polish nationality in TL's acc, because of GC2 (when he was in Gt and Gt was recognized as polish team ^^). on gg.net he's had polish flag too lol
On October 20 2012 17:52 Sneazel wrote: i think Jumperer has polish nationality in TL's acc, because of GC2 (when he was in Gt and Gt was recognized as polish team ^^). on gg.net he's had polish flag too lol
oh.. lol
ok xD
btw - I hope you are gonna play more BW !!! I miss your play..
If we go back at the last NW tournament (Sponsored by Altitude , big thx to them) , our Eastern Europe team had many players from different country (In the name of team play , we don`t call our good players from Bulgaria who can play , instead we were waiting for the Eastern Europe players , so we got W.O`s) still the only players that participate was bulgarians.The lack of organization was factor too. In the present we have a solid and active bulgarian national team who can play in this league.We are combined just from the fact that we gonna defend our bulgarian flag and our nationality.
Big thanks to The Swedish Brood War Initiative, Tehrei, KoS-Templar, Reclusive and LRM)Game.( U a awesome)
On October 20 2012 17:52 Sneazel wrote: i think Jumperer has polish nationality in TL's acc, because of GC2 (when he was in Gt and Gt was recognized as polish team ^^). on gg.net he's had polish flag too lol
On October 20 2012 18:42 LRM)INF3cted wrote: If we go back at the last NW tournament (Sponsored by Altitude , big thx to them) , our Eastern Europe team had many players from different country (In the name of team play , we don`t call our good players from Bulgaria who can play , instead we were waiting for the Eastern Europe players , so we got W.O`s) still the only players that participate was bulgarians.The lack of organization was factor too. In the present we have a solid and active bulgarian national team who can play in this league.We are combined just from the fact that we gonna defend our bulgarian flag and our nationality.
Big thanks to The Swedish Brood War Initiative, Tehrei, KoS-Templar, Reclusive and LRM)Game.( U a awesome)
I have absolutely no idea how this is an organizational issue. If Bulgaria is capable of playing on its own, then they're capable of playing on a team. Without Bulgaria, Eastern Europe could not compete in a relative way. This league is not about who can, there are a couple combined teams that could but didn't perform at a significantly high level last Nation Wars, and the risk of that is not worth it whatsoever. I'm having trouble understanding your logic to be quite honest. If one is good alone, one is better on a team; inductive reasoning.
Edit: I refuse to set individual teams up for failure, and the only independent teams that exist do so because they have shown strength within their communities.
On October 20 2012 09:53 LRM)nOoNe wrote: dRaW + myself offer to be NA leaders
@Loccxito, you're not a top guy in the LA scene but if no one else volunteers within the next week, I'll add you.
I am the one leader active of Peru man, and Peru want to play alone cuz we have so many active players 1:1 and 2:2 I dunno what u think! my players can confirm you.
This goes for everyone: No teams will be deconstructed just because one country is more active than the others in their group, they were put together that way on purpose. The fact that people are complaining about the same teams that were highly successful last NW is beyond my comprehension.
On October 21 2012 13:06 ForeignBW wrote: This goes for everyone: No teams will be deconstructed just because one country is more active than the others in their group, they were put together that way on purpose. The fact that people are complaining about the same teams that were highly successful last NW is beyond my comprehension.
I think what @Inf3cted meant to say that Bulgaria is better on it self rather than in a team because bulgarian players are the best in the Group[EE] ,but they cant go out with their best roster (Mostly bulgarian players) because the other EE players will want to play as well
hey guys! i'll manage Central Europe, if u are from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, or Croatia and you'd like to play in this event send me a pm.
On October 21 2012 17:57 ForeignBW wrote: Officially 3 teams with leaders. Players that want to play on those teams should start signing up privately or publicly with their respective leaders.
As for the other 5 teams, if you're looking to lead one of those teams please post in the thread as soon as possible.
On October 22 2012 19:11 ne4aJIb wrote: eon should be the organizer for africa, his island is closer to sahara desert than to santiago bernabeu. :arshavin:
On October 23 2012 11:50 sluggaslamoo wrote: If I create an SEA team can we play at a different time?
19CET is 4am Aus (melbourne) time.
SEA --> AP AP has always been compensated with earlier and or later playing times. 15CET or 23CET, etc, depending on geographical location of the opponent.
I really hope somebody steps up to manage Western Europe. I really don't have time at the moment, much as I enjoyed it last time around. Come on Western Europeans...
Dear teams forming before they join: Please keep me updated once every couple of days through PM. Your information will be kept confidential.
Dear teams with leadership or formation already: PM me any updates about your team every couple of days as well please, especially Latin America. There are two leader slots because there is a necessity of two leaders for almost every team. If you're not satisfied with what one leader is doing, step up if qualified by being the motivating factor for your team.
Dear teams who haven't bothered to do anything yet: I fail to believe that through the views on this thread and the news on other websites some of those who have read either will not be playing or leading. If you know you're going to be, I beg you to be proactive. This league starts in roughly 3 weeks, and there should be some foundation to your team with plenty of time to spare.
I guess we could get a team going again but I'm not sure if any of the Chinese players are interested this time... probably not because of what happened in GC.
On October 25 2012 11:31 fold wrote: I guess we could get a team going again but I'm not sure if any of the Chinese players are interested this time... probably not because of what happened in GC.
I still think that we should have as many pure national teams as we can get.. and then if some people want to play but they are from countries that cant form a proper team, then we merge them into teams..
On October 25 2012 11:16 ForeignBW wrote: youRun and White did a great job last time.
actually i dont have enough time atm, but if u (loccxito) need me, mb i can help a couple days, plus i can help u whit the translate, so u dont have to use google
btw if u dont have enough players, i would like to join LA also ^^
Add cute to team NA pls. Also, Poland, stop bitching. I understand your fear, but these players either go to uni in north america or have lived here for a long time. It's the same circumstance with Pro7ecT, a korean who lives/lived in Russia; no one bitched him out for playing in the last nation wars. Furthermore, koreans are banned from Gambit's Cup, yet no one considers Michael/Bibiane/Bizzy/Pro7ecT as part of that group. There are serious inconsistencies in your logic.
Ah, okay i understand rules. If korean player speaks english, then he can be involved in your Nation Team, great. They study in US and what lol, do they have dual citzenship? Nobody is bitching right now, just call this event "friends wars" not nation wars, nd Noone you're really wrong because who fears? Maybe you, we see result of this.I don't have anything personally to them, no offence. Just you wanna make event unfair do it, because without them NA team doesn't exist.
Seriously trutaCz you are fighting for a cause that has been long shot down since the beginning of the foreign scene roughly around 2004 (when it took off and established rules). TSL had Korean nationals ffs o,o
On October 28 2012 02:11 LRM)nOoNe wrote: Add cute to team NA pls. Also, Poland, stop bitching. I understand your fear, but these players either go to uni in north america or have lived here for a long time. It's the same circumstance with Pro7ecT, a korean who lives/lived in Russia; no one bitched him out for playing in the last nation wars. Furthermore, koreans are banned from Gambit's Cup, yet no one considers Michael/Bibiane/Bizzy/Pro7ecT as part of that group. There are serious inconsistencies in your logic.
On October 28 2012 19:36 iFU.pauline wrote: This nation wars is based on your nationality or is based on where you live?
It's based on where your grandfather's best friend's dog held most interest in. So, for example, if the dog saw a postcard with a really cute snow wolf pup and was excited to the point of running about and trying to catch its own tail, you should sign up for Sweden. Korean BBQ postcard - Korea. Etc :D
lol so you are saying TT that all canadian citizens who are not white are not Canadian? Come to Ontario and you will see how multicultural Canada can be. Yes Canadians can be of Korean descent...
can't tell if you are being serious or not anymore xD
On October 30 2012 20:56 aFF]ZuluNAtion[ wrote: Yan is korean o_O ? Im sure he was on WCG with Draco in same group and he had RUS/UKR flag O_O In 2004 he was top2 Ukraine WCG also.
for south america, if Dinot, Gotunk, and Castro were active it would be really hard to beat South america. a lineup like this would be super Strong: Terror Dinot Castro Gotunk Ultra(Patron) Belladona/Babo or LoCcxitO for 2v2
On November 07 2012 00:19 Sum41 wrote: for south america, if Dinot, Gotunk, and Castro were active it would be really hard to beat South america. a lineup like this would be super Strong: Terror Dinot Castro Gotunk Ultra(Patron) Belladona/Babo or LoCcxitO for 2v2
Somebody should get in contact with them and get them to play!
On November 07 2012 00:19 Sum41 wrote: for south america, if Dinot, Gotunk, and Castro were active it would be really hard to beat South america. a lineup like this would be super Strong: Terror Dinot Castro Gotunk Ultra(Patron) Belladona/Babo or LoCcxitO for 2v2
i know but i cant find to dinot and gotunk, so hard if u can help me, PM Me ^_^
On November 07 2012 00:19 Sum41 wrote: for south america, if Dinot, Gotunk, and Castro were active it would be really hard to beat South america. a lineup like this would be super Strong: Terror Dinot Castro Gotunk Ultra(Patron) Belladona/Babo or LoCcxitO for 2v2
i know but i cant find to dinot and gotunk, so hard if u can help me, PM Me ^_^
On November 07 2012 01:48 hacklebeast wrote: I have gotunk on skype, and tried to get him back a couple of times. He seems pretty firm in his retirement
coming soon :p i will post tomorrow or sunday LA roster, im trying to contact inactive olds, this NW seems very hard and LA dont have active players :p
On November 07 2012 00:19 Sum41 wrote: for south america, if Dinot, Gotunk, and Castro were active it would be really hard to beat South america. a lineup like this would be super Strong: Terror Dinot Castro Gotunk Ultra(Patron) Belladona/Babo or LoCcxitO for 2v2
i think Bella/Viciado are stronger than Bella/Babo
On November 10 2012 02:49 yellowsmile wrote: well i still did not see the leaders or the players from some teams. wtf is going on since this is starting in the next week.
megh, maybe it could be a good idea to postpone it 2 or 3 more weeks, teams need more time to find players + countries their leaders
Well I assume Russia is done and just hasn't submitted yet, and WE is almost done as soon as they get a leader (doty, baku, zaraki, eon, teh, cryoc, elegant is a pretty decent team, and that's just people I've seen around recently, it only gets better from there). That really just leaves LA (who have been working for a while, and I doubt they will be able to get many new players with an additional week or 2) and EE.
On November 11 2012 06:06 thezanursic wrote: Okay this is a theoretical question, but if somebody from Afreca wants to play where would you guys let him play in?
On November 11 2012 06:06 thezanursic wrote: Okay this is a theoretical question, but if somebody from Afreca wants to play where would you guys let him play in?
Not in this league.
Nah, we should just split it into Europe's teams Just draw a longitudinal line down the French/German border, and one down the Hungarian/Romanian border. Boom, Africa in 3 parts.
Updates: The entire round 1's schedule has been released, with maps included by week. The sets have been clarified; loser picks and refer to #19 in the rules. The map pool has been posted to know which maps may be chosen from.
For Russia: I know you have a team, please submit it. For Western Europe: I've spoken with almost everyone that would be on your team. None of you want to lead as most of you have the same prior commitments that I do. I suggest someone steps up, as the usual names that would be leading the team seem to not have the time. Your players are clearly interested in playing, as I've spoken to them all individually. This goes for players like Bakuryu, dOTY, ZaRaki, Infernal, and others. For Eastern Europe: You seriously need a leader. All of Bulgaria, and players like Octzerg + Werdum await your call. All it takes is a little bit of dedication from a leader.
I would like to know whos on the Eastern Europe Team and who to PM to organise time.
Slugger[wOk] and Slugger are the same person, so if you aren't including the leaders in the team lists, put me as R in leader, and remove me from team list. Thanks.
I play all races (mostly depends on map or 2v2), I will notify the other team our lineup/races/time before game day.
The times will be assigned, I just haven't put them in for AP's nation wars yet. It was an oversight when making the schedule given that everyone else will play at 19CET. Thank you for clarifying yourself in the roster.
I feel 14CET is a reasonable time for both European countries and those participating for the Asian Pacific team, however, I'd like to know individually from team leaders in Group 1 if they'd prefer to play at 23CET vs Asian Pacific given that it's also a reasonable time. For now, the assigned time will remain 14CET for AP NW's.
14CET is actually pretty bad time for us. It's midnight for the Australians on the eastern states and 2am for the New Zealanders which is most of our team. We'll get back to you when we come back with a better time.
On November 11 2012 11:15 ForeignBW wrote: You guys made it to the Semi-Finals of Altitude's Nation Wars playing European teams at 15CET.
Different players different timezones...for me it is alright but I'm not the only player. If the chinese were to play again, this would be good time for them. (9pm)
On November 07 2012 00:19 Sum41 wrote: for south america, if Dinot, Gotunk, and Castro were active it would be really hard to beat South america. a lineup like this would be super Strong: Terror Dinot Castro Gotunk Ultra(Patron) Belladona/Babo or LoCcxitO for 2v2
i know but i cant find to dinot and gotunk, so hard if u can help me, PM Me ^_^
Dinot is really hard to find he is like a ghost he appears when he wants to hahaha he is never seen on forums, or streams, that guy is really talented at hide and seek, and Starcraft.
Maybe you can find him on facebok and PM Him i think this is his facebook page http://www.facebook.com/KitoLledo i almost sure this is him because they use to call him KitoLledo as you see at the last word of the link also the name is the same he has been registered on GGnet (Cristóbal Lledó). and it says in the facebook page that he is studying in a university(the main reason why dinot retired was to focus on his studies as far as i know)
On November 12 2012 01:29 Metal[x] wrote: that is dinot fb, but i haven't seen him online or on skype/msn recently. I don't think he coming back anytime soon lol
LOL well i hope he returns soon, we are almost at the end of the year and summer vacations(in south america), so he will have plenty of time for starcraft if he want to play again
On November 12 2012 02:59 LoCcxitO.o wrote: Latin America HanDy [PE] D4ndy [PE] TerrOr [PE] RaFaeL [BR] ZanCco [PE] Hezz [CL] LLILLOX [CL] / YouRun [MX] CaStrO [PE] zinyakar [PE] babo [CL] strOke [CL]
Good lineup :D, is good to hear that castro is going to play !!! so many time since he was inactive. the strongest players there Terror, Castro, Handy, LLiLLoX, Stroke and babo. although i never heard of ZanCco, Hezz and Rafael
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Cyprus, Georgia, and Macedonia
wants to play for EE and think it's a good addition to the current roster of EE - PM me here on TL. Also anyone with gosu friends can PM me iif he is wondering whether to wake up the gosus they know or not xD
On November 12 2012 05:30 LRM)TechnicS wrote: If anyone good from + Show Spoiler +
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Cyprus, Georgia, and Macedonia
wants to play for EE and think it's a good addition to the current roster of EE - PM me here on TL. Also anyone with gosu friends can PM me iif he is wondering whether to wake up the gosus they know or not xD
I'm not from what Game classified as EE, but what rank is a *good player*
On November 12 2012 05:39 ForeignBW wrote: Good job leaders. The only team left to not have a roster is Western Europe. If you're in those countries, please step up.
A couple of teams have not submitted a point system for their teams, please do so.
On November 12 2012 05:39 ForeignBW wrote: Good job leaders. The only team left to not have a roster is Western Europe. If you're in those countries, please step up.
A couple of teams have not submitted a point system for their teams, please do so.
On November 12 2012 05:30 LRM)TechnicS wrote: If anyone good from + Show Spoiler +
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Cyprus, Georgia, and Macedonia
wants to play for EE and think it's a good addition to the current roster of EE - PM me here on TL. Also anyone with gosu friends can PM me iif he is wondering whether to wake up the gosus they know or not xD
ask gargoyle and ifu.werdum, they are from Kazakhstan
On November 12 2012 02:59 LoCcxitO.o wrote: Latin America HanDy [PE] D4ndy [PE] TerrOr [PE] RaFaeL [BR] ZanCco [PE] Hezz [CL] LLILLOX [CL] / YouRun [MX] CaStrO [PE] zinyakar [PE] babo [CL] strOke [CL]
Good lineup :D, is good to hear that castro is going to play !!! so many time since he was inactive. the strongest players there Terror, Castro, Handy, LLiLLoX, Stroke and babo. although i never heard of ZanCco, Hezz and Rafael
zancco is a fish player dude, Hezz has so many akas, so its hard to figure who is him (i think his last aka was valhalla[wok]) + rafael is braziliand & terran, so i think he is M[pain].
On November 12 2012 05:39 ForeignBW wrote: Good job leaders. The only team left to not have a roster is Western Europe. If you're in those countries, please step up.
A couple of teams have not submitted a point system for their teams, please do so.
On November 12 2012 05:30 LRM)TechnicS wrote: If anyone good from + Show Spoiler +
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Cyprus, Georgia, and Macedonia
wants to play for EE and think it's a good addition to the current roster of EE - PM me here on TL. Also anyone with gosu friends can PM me iif he is wondering whether to wake up the gosus they know or not xD
I'm not from what Game classified as EE, but what rank is a *good player*
C+/B-ish level players will be good addition to our team as of now xD
I see so many strong players and strong teams. I am kind of surprised though that Poland hasnt picked up more players their line-up is really strong, but with the strong showing in NW 1 and NW 2 it is really strange that they havent picked up a couple of the players that finished well, but dont have experience in teamleagues. + Show Spoiler +
On November 13 2012 15:38 thezanursic wrote: I see so many strong players and strong teams. I am kind of surprised though that Poland hasnt picked up more players their line-up is really strong, but with the strong showing in NW 1 and NW 2 it is really strange that they havent picked up a couple of the players that finished well, but dont have experience in teamleagues. + Show Spoiler +
On November 13 2012 15:38 thezanursic wrote: I see so many strong players and strong teams. I am kind of surprised though that Poland hasnt picked up more players their line-up is really strong, but with the strong showing in NW 1 and NW 2 it is really strange that they havent picked up a couple of the players that finished well, but dont have experience in teamleagues. + Show Spoiler +
On November 14 2012 02:29 )Messer( wrote: I also applied for leader of WE team. Can I get final reply to this?
I've replied to you within 24 hours every time. By 24 hours I mean a lot less, just that I won't check PMs to list 2 or 3 hours. If you want to make it public, Mewka has the right response. You cannot lead WE.
It doesn't matter to me if you reply in public or PM me. But I waited over 30 hours for your PM (before i posted here) because first response wasn't clear refusal at all. Now it is.
On November 15 2012 11:52 LoCcxitO.o wrote: Fix my team pls, Remove RaFael and add Yugox [PE]
hey locxito have you get in contact with dinot? or you couldn't contact him?
He played vs Draco in TSL, right? Or was it someother guy. I do remember him putting up a good show!
no.. in TSL he defeated Idra 2-0, some guy called kwark if i remenber well, had an amazing series with Rondo, and lost to JF(IefNaij) in the Quarter Finals, also in the liquibition he played a Bo7 against JF those games were awesome. he used to beat, or put a good fight most of the good players in 2008-2009 was one of the best zergs those whole 2 years. that's why i want to see him
On November 16 2012 04:05 Cryoc wrote: Seeing that no leader has yet been approved for Western Europe I would offer to be a leader so that we can actually participate.
Approved. Edit: Hey WE players, you can sign up for the team now.
On November 16 2012 04:05 Cryoc wrote: Seeing that no leader has yet been approved for Western Europe I would offer to be a leader so that we can actually participate.
we're sick of waiting. Here is evidence of our team being ready to play. please give us our deserved 6-0 walkover victory for actually getting 5 people into a channel on a saturday night.
i haven't checked TL nor Skype yesterday thoroughly so i didn't know about the change. Even if i knew it would be hard to have told everybody about it...
On November 17 2012 19:36 LRM)TechnicS wrote: i haven't checked TL nor Skype yesterday thoroughly so i didn't know about the change. Even if i knew it would be hard to have told everybody about it...
then you weren't doing your job as a captain. we managed to reschedule and shit. wasn't hard.
glad we didn't have to waste our time owning your players tho, easier for everyone with the walkover
i just now understand our CW is rescheduled for 11CET and i don't remember confirming anywhere about it since don't think it's more comfortable to everybody from our team as 14 / 19 CET are at Saturdays. My apologies to AP that you guys had to wait. I am sure we can work out meeting up some other day/time and play it.
The rule as it states there says that no match can be postponed unless scheduled with game 24 hours ahead of time. our games were 1 hour ago. therefore a postponement to another time would be impossible. We had the same amount of time to get our lineup into the channel at the designated time and I honestly don't believe that you wouldn't check the tournament thread for more than 24 hours prior to your scheduled game. or ANYONE in your team couldn't have seen it and worked something out. come on.
Nah, no drama. The rescheduling of games must be confirmed by both sides. From my point of view, in this case, the rescheduling to 11CET, that was made for AP to feel more comfortable, was made too quick and confirmed by not both sides. (btw it's around 22:17 right now in your timezone (asian-pacific) right?).
the time was changed more than 36 hours ago, and the potential changing of times was talked about in this thread extensively more than a week ago. Are you saying you need more than a week to become aware of time changes?
it's 9.30pm ish where i am right now, but the NZ'ers are ahead of us i think, around 11.30
To Group 1: Every match vs AP will be played at 11CET. This is very important, make sure to communicate it to your players
Rosters updated.
Yes, thanks for letting us know that yesterday. You couldn't have given us more time to communicate that to our players and be prepared for the cw. And it's not like we didn't confirm that we are aware about the rescheduled time..
PS: Kiante, if you are in this league to receive walkovers and act feminine you better not participate in it..
Act feminine? I'm really not sure what you're trying to say there but I don't really understand it. We're here as a team to win. We showed up to win. You didn't show up. We win. pretty simple.
On November 17 2012 20:41 Kiante wrote: Act feminine? I'm really not sure what you're trying to say there but I don't really understand it. We're here as a team to win. We showed up to win. You didn't show up. We win. pretty simple.
If we no-showed you would do the same.
Yes, I understand your point of view and I also understand that you don't care about the way things turned out for us. First, you ask the organisers to reschedule the time for your cw's to a different time a day before our match, then you don't care if we knew about that or not and decided to be there with your players when it was good for you and take wo. And no, we wouldn't have done the same if it was the opposite. In fact, we would've acted gm and want to play the games anyway, not to mention we wouldn't make up a different time that was better for us a day before a cw with anyone.
We asked a week ago. It was in this thread. If you read the thread you would've been aware. I really doubt that all of your players didn't check tl in the 36 hours preceding the games and couldn't have organised something.
what happened here in fact was just us being more prepared than you, and maybe you can use this as a learning experience and actually check relevant information when you know you have a game coming up.
On November 17 2012 20:24 Kiante wrote: the time was changed more than 36 hours ago, and the potential changing of times was talked about in this thread extensively more than a week ago. Are you saying you need more than a week to become aware of time changes?
it's 9.30pm ish where i am right now, but the NZ'ers are ahead of us i think, around 11.30
I made a quick look at the posts in this thread regarding AP playing time. The team was formed November 9th, 17:50 KST time with the sluggaslamoo post about it, who was assured beforehand by ForeignBW that AP would get a reasonable time to play ('15CET or 23CET, etc, depending on geographical location of the opponent.'). After that, a little before the creation of EE team (with my post), sluggaslamoo rightfully asks 'I would like to know whos on the Eastern Europe Team and who to PM to organise time.'. I still haven't been contacted by him nor anybody regarding the matter. After that, there are less than 8 (?) posts in total regarding AP playing time. That, by my standards, is not an extensive talk regarding an issue that has many players involved. I am sorry for the situation that have arisen but a decision, even if confirmed by us 36 hours ago, for us means we had less than 15 hours of to be awake and to communicate that between each other. That is far from sufficient (and fair since we did not confirm) amount of time.
Imo the situation is unique and we can't even find appropriate rules that apply in such a situation. (as it was in GC R1, where I should have been banned from a regular season's CW week, and not in the final imo since the rules can be interpreted both ways)
Also, we are all here to win, that is correct. But we are also here to play. And that is why the league is not involving countries, but particular regions (imho). Because the BW scene is shrinked and we will watch a league full of w.os. I don't believe a sponsor or an audience would want that. (again imho) Also there is a huge difference between a 'no-show' and a 'no-show with cicrumstances as we are facing now'. The statement 'If we no-showed you would do the same.' is pretty misguiding in this situation. If we had the CW at 14CET (suppose there was no word about rescheduling), yes - we would expect to receive a w.o. But if I, as captain, were to make a decision whether to insist on w.o or not in the following cicrumstances : 1. our opponents are not here; 2. our team talked hours before the CW with only the organizers and received a rescheduling that is more comfortable to our team; 3. the rescheduling was NOT confirmed by opponent's team leader nor anybody speaking for him (coleader, player etc); 4. our team haven't spoken privately with the team about the time when we play; 5. we are at least on neutral terms with opponent's team; I believe I wouldn't have insisted on a w.o. and don't give too much thought about it. Also, I would probably feel uncomfortable to receive as big as mine right now persuasions to not insist on a w.o in such cicrumstances, but that's probably just me. If my players pressured me for a w.o., I would say we can't expect a proper w.o. in such cicrumstances.
We didn't talk to game about this "hours before". We asked a week ago. He posted in the thread which is where we read the information.the infomation was posted in the evening euro time, so a time your team would be likely to be browsing the forums a significant amount of time before the games. it was posted around 4am for us. It would be more likely for a european to be in receipt of the information than someone in our region due to this timing of the posting. You seem to think that we conspired this with the organiser, which is completely false. We asked in the thread, openly, WELL in advance. The post by game was made well before our matches giving both teams the same oportunity to get their teams together for the new time.
You're bending facts here to your own agenda. Realisticly, we had less than 24h to get our squad together and ready to play (most of us work full time and wouldn't browse TL in the morning, i think i got the PM from slugga last night around this time) while you had easily 36h. (easier to get the info at night and send around PM's + a full day to get replies and organise).
If you were reading the thread you would know we were asking for a new time and as the captain of your team it is your responsibilty to keep up to date. it doesn't take much effort to jump on TL once a day and make sure everything is in place for the upcoming war. I know I did, and i only really signed up to the team a couple of days ago. Maybe you should stop trying so hard to try and twist the circumstances of your no-show and make a better effort to organise your team in the future
If EE wants a rescheduling that is more comfortable to EE, I make sure I contact the appropriate people from the opponent's team/teams. I haven't been contacted by fold, nor slugg. So I can be faulty for not following the thread 24/7, as a captain? But AP's leaders can't be faulty for not contacting me since EE was created? I believe it's easier to write a PM, than follow the thread 24/7. Post factum, I totally disagree with 11CET...
How is that hard to comprehend. we didn't decide the 11 time. we asked a week ago if a different time was possible.
The time was posted in the thread, where we read it. that was where we found out. We then showed up at that time.
we didn't concoct the time, we simply requested, openly in the thread, a week ago. that was the limit of our influence over the time change.
We both had the same oportunity to read the thread, which is where all of the rescheduling has occured.
it's not our repsonsibility to pm you about something we read in a public thread that you should be checking. get your shit in order.
edit: just to add more clarification: the organiser (lrm)game) rescheduled the time publicly in the thread (wasn't known in advance by us or you) 36 hours ahead. He obviously assumed that this amount of pre-warning was enough for both teams to organise themselves to attend, otherwise he would've posted earlier.
Imo the whole process of rescheduling was and still is with the idea in mind to comply with AP's needs only. I don't think that any justful rescheduling processes harm way more one team over another. I will conform to any decision made by the admin staff on the matter. Also I will further rethink my position in this league.
I'm not siding with anyone here, but would it be possible to get rescheduling/changes in format etc on the front page, teamliquid.net/bw ?
And not only for NW, but for all currently running leagues? It feels really sad as a viewer to miss out on potentially awesome games solely due to a miss in communication.
On November 17 2012 22:39 LRM)TechnicS wrote: Imo the whole process of rescheduling was and still is with the idea in mind to comply with AP's needs only. I don't think that any justful rescheduling processes harm way more one team over another. I will conform to any decision made by the admin staff on the matter. Also I will further rethink my position in this league.
Yes it was done to help us in terms of making the time more reasonable but still fair to both teams, but all of this was conducted openly in the thread. you definetly had time to add input (a week ago when we requested a different time you could have easily had some input (ie: x time is better than y time for us, we cant make x time) etc. Hell, ANY post in the thread prior to our games requesting a reschedule would've been fine for us. The fact that you only posted after no-showing even though there was plenty of time to get that post in is the issue here.
Sorry but I couldn't make an input regarding AP's needs 7 days ago. Our team is 5 days old including today. Also yes - a post of mine regarding AP's needs would have been better than nothing. But even better than me posting, would have been a leader or a player from AP to ask me about the matter in the thread or just PM me. LoccXito typed to me with a player suggestion to which I fastly responded. Again, I am awaiting the decision by the admin staff that I will conform with.
Just a question, are there admins present during these cws? You would think that there would've been one there at the new time just to give the final say on the matter rather than always disputing in the threads.
Kiante, are you really going though all this BS just so you can dodge a cw with EE given the circumstances? Don't you think that's really sad and is not at all in the spirit of this league? This is all I am going to say.
I don't know why you guys couldn't arrange to play at that time when we managed to...It's not like we were informed ahead of time what time it would change to. I don't like W.O. either but realistically when are we going to play? On weekdays where people might not have time to play? The time zone differences makes it impossible, it's day for us and night for you and vice versa.
Other teams, you're playing Asia Pacific at 11CET, please remember that.
Any way we can get the casts on the calendar? I'm pretty confused about when/where/how to watch this. Also, it'd be awesome if we can get a solid youtube organization of all SBWI Videos, especially these casts!
(This is me talking without being sure if this has happened yet)
On November 18 2012 03:19 TheShimmy wrote: Any way we can get the casts on the calendar? I'm pretty confused about when/where/how to watch this. Also, it'd be awesome if we can get a solid youtube organization of all SBWI Videos, especially these casts!
(This is me talking without being sure if this has happened yet)
You can watch this at
in one hour from now (20:30 cet). I submitted the calender event, and PMed one of the mods in the IRC. Not sure if it will actually get up in time. No promises about solid youtube organization.
Also, yeah I have some complaint about the possible problem with LA connection (worse than CN connection imo) what will be the follow through while playing this team? Finally: do we have live report threads? it would be nice to have, I am just not competent enough to make one myself...
This situation is actually mostly my fault, you guys should have realized this and not tried to argue facts that were right on both sides. I'm going to address the issues one by one and leave an open ended conclusion.
1) 24 hours PP, there is no excuse to not understand the rules - where Kiante was going with this. Kiante is not a leader of AP therefore his opinion, while applicable to the team, holds no weight over my decision at all. The leader of AP, Fold, posted a very calm frustration about the situation. Also Kiante, a W.O is 4 points... it's a best of 7.
2) I did in fact message every team in Group 1, Russia and Poland's leaders can verify this, that all AP matches due to their time restrictions would play all of their matches at 11CET. TechnicS, EE's leader however did not reply and was not on Skype the days leading up to this nation war. I sent him the message Thursday at 20CET. This is enough time to prepare, but as TechnicS and I talk almost every day, I'm confident that he didn't see the update. He did assume given the first time change to 14CET that it was that time, it's logical.
3) I was complained to that 11CET was not reasonable. Tell that to every American who has played in iCCupCL and BWCL throughout the history of foreign BW leagues. 11am is perfectly fine.
Conclusion: TechnicS made one of the only valid points in all of that drama. What he said was that this is a unique situation, and it is. I understand that both sides have a point, and one is a little more right than the other by textbook definition (AP). However, this is the first week of a major league and I think both teams should act accordingly. The open ended part of this is that I do want that match replayed.
I understand AP's difficulty with timezones, so I'm not going to ask EE to show up at like 7am to play them before their next week's nation war. This league is statistic based for advancement. Thus, AP and EE will arrange matches over the course of round 1 to complete the NW. What I mean by over the course of round 1 is that the NW could take 3 days or 3 weeks, but AP and EE have until the end of round 1 to finish. Both teams must submit a lineup to me by this time next week. Since AP is more right in this situation, the lineup will be altered in their favor. What I mean by this is that EE will send me their 5 players, and based on the set player of AP's availability (I will enforce reasonable playing times), which I will know in advance, I will mediate the NW and have TechnicS send whichever player is available during those times. I know that this isn't as easy as just showing up to play one day, but it's very important for both teams to finish this nation war.
For further AP NW's:
I can't be at AP's NW matches and then show up to the other 3 of the week. I need to find a referee that is capable and willing to work with this league to secure that AP is awarded the same necessary benefits as everyone else. If anyone is willing to volunteer, please PM me. I will be looking privately as well so that this is not a recurring issue.
I missed the first 2 1v1's, and Radley vs TTF was so-so imo. The 2v2 games were all surprisingly good though! I actually haven't watched that many 2v2's -- never found it very interesting tbh, but those games might have changed my mind. The first game in the 2v2 set was especially awesome and I highly recommend watching it, if you haven't already. ^^
All great games (possibly Radley vs TTF was too slow). I would say the first 2v2 was my favorite out of the bunch along with the zvz series with defi vs pike. Honestly that series showed us that zvz doesn't need to look the same all the time which is nice for a change. Great watching this with chat commentary from Bakuryu and dRaw too.
I was supposed to finish this but got really swamped in a lot of studying so I moved the "skeleton" to mainspace. Anyone can continue. I'll probably get to it soon, or as soon as I can. http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/SBWI_Nation_Wars
All roster requests have been updated. Please, if I have spelled your name wrong either here or in the R&S thread post here or PM me so that I may fix it. Thank you.
However he is able to play on 11CET Sunday. If it makes it easier we will use him as our ACE, in-case an ace match is necessary, and match him to play the final 1v1 and ace match (if necessary) against a preselected opponents ace player. This means we will not have to reschedule an ACE match if it ever comes to one.
We have still not received our opponents lineup from last week. I suggest a better solution to our first weeks game, is to just post pone round 2 matches and allow us to play in a catchup week at the end of round 1.
Given that in most situations the team who followed the rules should have recieved w/o, we still gladly accept a full rematch. However we would like to be posted who on their team is playing on what maps (their lineup w' maps basically) before we post ours. I believe this is a fair solution to the current situation.
On November 22 2012 14:33 sluggaslamoo wrote: vvv starmint
Cannot play at 11CET Saturday due to work.
However he is able to play on 11CET Sunday. If it makes it easier we will use him as our ACE, in-case an ace match is necessary, and match him to play the final 1v1 and ace match (if necessary) against a preselected opponents ace player. This means we will not have to reschedule an ACE match if it ever comes to one.
We have still not received our opponents lineup from last week. I suggest a better solution to our first weeks game, is to just post pone round 2 matches and allow us to play in a catchup week at the end of round 1.
Given that in most situations the team who followed the rules should have recieved w/o, we still gladly accept a full rematch. However we would like to be posted who on their team is playing on what maps (their lineup w' maps basically) before we post ours. I believe this is a fair solution to the current situation.
Thanks for the understanding.
I'm wondering why BG still didn't comply yet :eon:
On November 22 2012 14:33 sluggaslamoo wrote: vvv starmint
Cannot play at 11CET Saturday due to work.
However he is able to play on 11CET Sunday. If it makes it easier we will use him as our ACE, in-case an ace match is necessary, and match him to play the final 1v1 and ace match (if necessary) against a preselected opponents ace player. This means we will not have to reschedule an ACE match if it ever comes to one.
We have still not received our opponents lineup from last week. I suggest a better solution to our first weeks game, is to just post pone round 2 matches and allow us to play in a catchup week at the end of round 1.
Given that in most situations the team who followed the rules should have recieved w/o, we still gladly accept a full rematch. However we would like to be posted who on their team is playing on what maps (their lineup w' maps basically) before we post ours. I believe this is a fair solution to the current situation.
Thanks for the understanding.
These are the quite the demands. I ruled on this matter in a very fair way that doesn't give you an insane, almost cheating advantage. I won't do any of these. The StarMint request doesn't even make sense. That's actually rescheduling but you claim that it isn't. There are rules on postponement, just like there was a decision on the first week match. Regarding StarMint and the match vs EE, if you read my decision, you would realize that you have that option. No, you haven't received the opponents lineup from last week - because, again, if you read my decision, you'd know they have until Sunday, the same way your team does (which has not done so yet).
On November 22 2012 14:33 sluggaslamoo wrote: vvv starmint
Cannot play at 11CET Saturday due to work.
However he is able to play on 11CET Sunday. If it makes it easier we will use him as our ACE, in-case an ace match is necessary, and match him to play the final 1v1 and ace match (if necessary) against a preselected opponents ace player. This means we will not have to reschedule an ACE match if it ever comes to one.
We have still not received our opponents lineup from last week. I suggest a better solution to our first weeks game, is to just post pone round 2 matches and allow us to play in a catchup week at the end of round 1.
Given that in most situations the team who followed the rules should have recieved w/o, we still gladly accept a full rematch. However we would like to be posted who on their team is playing on what maps (their lineup w' maps basically) before we post ours. I believe this is a fair solution to the current situation.
Thanks for the understanding.
These are the quite the demands. I ruled on this matter in a very fair way that doesn't give you an insane, almost cheating advantage. I won't do any of these. The StarMint request doesn't even make sense. That's actually rescheduling but you claim that it isn't. There are rules on postponement, just like there was a decision on the first week match. Regarding StarMint and the match vs EE, if you read my decision, you would realize that you have that option. No, you haven't received the opponents lineup from last week - because, again, if you read my decision, you'd know they have until Sunday, the same way your team does (which has not done so yet).
I think you misunderstood.
Starmint cannot play on Saturdays. Therefore for each week we will use him as our ACE and play against the other teams ACE for the 1v1 and ACE match on Sunday. We don't need to know who the player is before hand, in fact this gives other teams an advantage because they know who they will be playing against. Instead of postponing every week, I am just saying that this is a weekly post-ponent for all of his games to be played at the same time but on Sunday instead, to make everyone's lives a lot easier.
Your previous post sounded like we had to wait for technics to post their lineup first (see next quote). So I was waiting. I will be sending you the lineup in 5 minutes from now.
Because you said
"Since AP is more right in this situation, the lineup will be altered in their favor"
The request I just made was having the lineup altered in our favour. Is it not? The way you phrased the explanation made it sound like their team would be sending the lineup first and then we send ours to match theirs with times. So I assumed I was merely doing the same thing, but everyone playing at the same time which makes organising a lot easier.
I think having individual times for every match is simply not going to work. What is a reasonable time? Any time organised by us is obviously going to be "unreasonable" for them unless its on the weekend. When we do get a "reasonable time", it will not be that reasonable for either of us. By the time we figure out game times, it will be christmas. I assumed that the lineup would be altered in our favor, so that's the proposition I made.
I believe my proposition was completely justified and there was no reason to escalate it. If you said "the times will be altered in their favour" I wouldn't have come up with this. What is cheating? What is fair? by the rules we should have been awarded the w/o but we weren't. Its already unfair, and having individual times at a reasonable time I don't think is fair either when we obviously know that no time is going to be reasonable.
I am not going to complain if we don't get it, it is simply a proposition, but considering the rules have been bent already, I don't see why this came to be such a huge issue.
The catchup week I think is a far superior alternative than organising times individually.
On November 22 2012 14:33 sluggaslamoo wrote: vvv starmint
Cannot play at 11CET Saturday due to work.
However he is able to play on 11CET Sunday. If it makes it easier we will use him as our ACE, in-case an ace match is necessary, and match him to play the final 1v1 and ace match (if necessary) against a preselected opponents ace player. This means we will not have to reschedule an ACE match if it ever comes to one.
We have still not received our opponents lineup from last week. I suggest a better solution to our first weeks game, is to just post pone round 2 matches and allow us to play in a catchup week at the end of round 1.
Given that in most situations the team who followed the rules should have recieved w/o, we still gladly accept a full rematch. However we would like to be posted who on their team is playing on what maps (their lineup w' maps basically) before we post ours. I believe this is a fair solution to the current situation.
Thanks for the understanding.
These are the quite the demands. I ruled on this matter in a very fair way that doesn't give you an insane, almost cheating advantage. I won't do any of these. The StarMint request doesn't even make sense. That's actually rescheduling but you claim that it isn't. There are rules on postponement, just like there was a decision on the first week match. Regarding StarMint and the match vs EE, if you read my decision, you would realize that you have that option. No, you haven't received the opponents lineup from last week - because, again, if you read my decision, you'd know they have until Sunday, the same way your team does (which has not done so yet).
I think you misunderstand, I didn't claim that it isn't rescheduling. (please direct me to where I said that)
Starmint cannot play on Saturdays. Therefore for each week we will use him as our ACE and play against the other teams ACE for the 1v1 and ACE match on Sunday. We don't need to know who the player is before hand, in fact this gives other teams an advantage because they know who they will be playing against. Instead of postponing every week, I am just saying that this is a weekly post-ponent for all of his games to be played at the same time but on Sunday instead, to make everyone's lives a lot easier.
Your previous post sounded like we had to wait for technics to post their lineup first (see next quote). So I was waiting. I will be sending you the lineup in 5 minutes from now.
Because you said
"Since AP is more right in this situation, the lineup will be altered in their favor"
The request I just made was having the lineup altered in our favour. Is it not?
I think having individual times for every match is simply not going to work. What is a reasonable time? Any time organised by us is obviously going to be "unreasonable" for them unless its on the weekend. When we do get a "reasonable time", it will not be that reasonable for either of us. By the time we figure out game times, it will be christmas. I assumed that the lineup would be altered in our favor, so that's the proposition I made.
I believe my proposition was completely justified and there was no reason to escalate it. If you said "the times will be altered in their favour" I wouldn't have come up with this. What is cheating? by the rules we should have been awarded the w/o but we weren't. I am not going to complain if we don't get it, it is simply a proposition, but considering the rules have been bent already, I don't see why this came to be such a huge issue.
The catchup week I think is a far superior alternative than organising times individually.
On November 22 2012 14:33 sluggaslamoo wrote: This means we will not have to reschedule an ACE match if it ever comes to one.
Thanks for the understanding.
On November 18 2012 06:01 ForeignBW wrote: Both teams must submit a lineup to me by this time next week. Since AP is more right in this situation, the lineup will be altered in their favor. What I mean by this is that EE will send me their 5 players, and based on the set player of AP's availability (I will enforce reasonable playing times), which I will know in advance, I will mediate the NW and have TechnicS send whichever player is available during those times. I know that this isn't as easy as just showing up to play one day, but it's very important for both teams to finish this nation war.
"I think having individual times for every match is simply not going to work." Your thoughts on that are just wrong. I've got quite a bit more experience than you on these matters. If you guys can't work with me over 5 weeks to play 6 best of 3's, then I don't know what to tell you.
"What is cheating?" "We have still not received our opponents lineup from last week." I'd say that getting your opponents lineup is a cheating advantage.
I truly, truly feel that you didn't understand the decision that I posted. I'd suggest carefully reading it, as it won't change.
Individual times may have worked for people with similar timezones, but I just think its going to be a huge hassle when we are on the opposite sides of the world.
Ill leave it up to you, but I doubt its gonna work because our morning is their night and visa-versa. Hardly anyone can play in the morning or during the day during weekdays because of work/uni.
Also what is the rule if neither team gets their games finished by the deadline you prescribed?
As for the Starmint issue, if we don't do it in the way I prescribed, then we will need to spread our 1v1 and ACE matches over two weeks every week, which is just silly. If we say that our entire team will be playing at 11CET Saturday, except for Starmint on 11CET Sunday, technically that's not really rescheduling, its just that that is our teams schedule for each week.
Why not just say that the other team will select who to vs against Starmint on Sunday and will also play the ACE match? We are not going against the rules at all, we are just saying that we will be postponing Starmints game to Sunday 11CET every week (in a way).
If they want to pit different players against Starmint, then they will both have to turn up on Sunday instead of Saturday, if they really really want to.
On November 23 2012 13:39 sluggaslamoo wrote: Individual times may have worked for people with similar timezones, but I just think its going to be a huge hassle when we are on the opposite sides of the world.
Ill leave it up to you, but I doubt its gonna work because our morning is their night and visa-versa. Hardly anyone can play in the morning or during the day during weekdays because of work/uni.
Also what is the rule if neither team gets their games finished by the deadline you prescribed?
As for the Starmint issue, if we don't do it in the way I prescribed, then we will need to spread our 1v1 and ACE matches over two weeks every week, which is just silly. If we say that our entire team will be playing at 11CET Saturday, except for Starmint on 11CET Sunday, technically that's not really rescheduling, its just that that is our teams schedule for each week.
Why not just say that the other team will select who to vs against Starmint on Sunday and will also play the ACE match? We are not going against the rules at all, we are just saying that we will be postponing Starmints game to Sunday 11CET every week (in a way).
If they want to pit different players against Starmint, then they will both have to turn up on Sunday instead of Saturday, if they really really want to.
Discretion will be used if the games are not finished. It will be based on effort. If everything is taken care of reasonably by AP and EE just can't finish the games, AP will receive the W.Os because as I said, you guys are more right in this case.
I implied that you should read the rules on postponement... which just meant that you'll have to postpone the ace match every week. The problem with that is an ACE match is hypothetical. None have even been played in the league yet. Because of that, you'd have to postpone one of your sets for StarMint. Why? In the rules, postponement has to be done 24 hours before a match. You can't postpone something that doesn't factually exist every match.
On November 23 2012 13:39 sluggaslamoo wrote: Individual times may have worked for people with similar timezones, but I just think its going to be a huge hassle when we are on the opposite sides of the world.
Ill leave it up to you, but I doubt its gonna work because our morning is their night and visa-versa. Hardly anyone can play in the morning or during the day during weekdays because of work/uni.
Also what is the rule if neither team gets their games finished by the deadline you prescribed?
As for the Starmint issue, if we don't do it in the way I prescribed, then we will need to spread our 1v1 and ACE matches over two weeks every week, which is just silly. If we say that our entire team will be playing at 11CET Saturday, except for Starmint on 11CET Sunday, technically that's not really rescheduling, its just that that is our teams schedule for each week.
Why not just say that the other team will select who to vs against Starmint on Sunday and will also play the ACE match? We are not going against the rules at all, we are just saying that we will be postponing Starmints game to Sunday 11CET every week (in a way).
If they want to pit different players against Starmint, then they will both have to turn up on Sunday instead of Saturday, if they really really want to.
Discretion will be used if the games are not finished. It will be based on effort. If everything is taken care of reasonably by AP and EE just can't finish the games, AP will receive the W.Os because as I said, you guys are more right in this case.
I implied that you should read the rules on postponement... which just meant that you'll have to postpone the ace match every week. The problem with that is an ACE match is hypothetical. None have even been played in the league yet. Because of that, you'd have to postpone one of your sets for StarMint. Why? In the rules, postponement has to be done 24 hours before a match. You can't postpone something that doesn't factually exist every match.
Since there are so many new names in this tournament is it possible to add the players' ranks after their names in the rosters? I think this would be great. However I know this might be a ton of work so feel free to just say no if you don't have the time.
someone call bakuryu for me T_T I can't seem to get his attention @ skype so he is not there. Got about 1 hour to start this CW match NA vs WE PP set 1.
On November 24 2012 01:19 reps)Defi wrote: We better play all games at saturday, since Sunday 11 CET is Defiler tour time and obv that all russian players usually play it.
And btw, rules: 11) There will be no PP matches unless scheduled a minimum of 24 hours beforehand with LRM)Game.
we got informed in less than 24hours, as u can see.
Neither of you get the rule. You don't contact each other, the rule clearly states that you contact me. I'm not granting this PP for this week because of the obvious reason.
All Nation Wars Captain In Group One. Feel Free To add me on skype if its easyer for you to contact me for AP Nation Wars. Skype ID -KoS-Templar Hope to see you soon Thanks
On November 24 2012 07:15 StarCraft2 wrote: So what happened with CEvsLA? Did we (CE) win on W/O or what?
No it was just casted.
What? How and when did it play out o,o
Edit: I'm asking cause I'm a player on CE roster, wonder how I missed it :/ Edit2: So apparently madinho and pass played, and neither of them were at the original date of 17th I just wonder when and how it was decided to play out these series as I have heard nothing of it.
On November 24 2012 07:55 hacklebeast wrote: you guys apparently played 3 sets last saturday, then the rest yesterday. At least that's how I understand it.
Ok fair enough, I'll just wait for updated results on wiki.
On November 24 2012 07:55 hacklebeast wrote: you guys apparently played 3 sets last saturday, then the rest yesterday. At least that's how I understand it.
Ok fair enough, I'll just wait for updated results on wiki.
Thanks for replies
I came in late on the cast so I missed the first 3 sets that's why the LP article isn't updated yet.
Epixode, please check the R&S thread for all of the current week 1 results and standings available.
DarKo (StarCraft2), Latin America contacted Ace about playing the games by Friday (when I told them they had to be played by), and he agreed. They were played at 19CET today.
On November 24 2012 01:19 reps)Defi wrote: We better play all games at saturday, since Sunday 11 CET is Defiler tour time and obv that all russian players usually play it.
And btw, rules: 11) There will be no PP matches unless scheduled a minimum of 24 hours beforehand with LRM)Game.
we got informed in less than 24hours, as u can see.
Neither of you get the rule. You don't contact each other, the rule clearly states that you contact me. I'm not granting this PP for this week because of the obvious reason.
I've told you in this thread multiple times that Starmint cannot play on Saturday and can play on Sunday 11 CET, you even talked about it, well in advance. Otherwise I do not know what contact is. Do you need a PM next time? (although the rules didn't specifically ask for one iirc)
Why are you so lenient to Eastern Europe who failed to check the inboxes/thread when they knew the times weren't set yet, or skype, and clearly broke the rules, but don't give us one PP even when I've done everything I can to tell you about the PP over a longer timeframe. Not only that, all the discussion was done in the thread as well both times.
There is clearly some bias going on here. I'd love to know what would have happened if we did not turn up and EE did. At what point is it ok to be lenient, I'd like to know, because I believe we deserve some of that.
Question... If there's a PP match you claim we must play by Friday 19cet of the following week... When and where is the final deadline time?
example Team A vs Team B Team A uses PP (it's super effective!) Team B goes, yeah no worries we comply because we're nice guys... Time goes by, neither can play by Friday (various reasons, i.e 1 team has only so many active players or maybe they can actually only play on the weekend during the times available for PP matches) Who gets the win? If team B gets the WO for complying to the original PP match, what incentives do they have to play at all, why not just take the WO?
On November 24 2012 12:51 dRaW wrote: Question... If there's a PP match you claim we must play by Friday 19cet of the following week... When and where is the final deadline time?
example Team A vs Team B Team A uses PP (it's super effective!) Team B goes, yeah no worries we comply because we're nice guys... Time goes by, neither can play by Friday (various reasons, i.e 1 team has only so many active players or maybe they can actually only play on the weekend during the times available for PP matches) Who gets the win? If team B gets the WO for complying to the original PP match, what incentives do they have to play at all, why not just take the WO?
If team B just wants to win for winning's sake then
Team B goes, yeah no worries we comply because we're nice guys...
On November 24 2012 01:19 reps)Defi wrote: We better play all games at saturday, since Sunday 11 CET is Defiler tour time and obv that all russian players usually play it.
And btw, rules: 11) There will be no PP matches unless scheduled a minimum of 24 hours beforehand with LRM)Game.
we got informed in less than 24hours, as u can see.
Neither of you get the rule. You don't contact each other, the rule clearly states that you contact me. I'm not granting this PP for this week because of the obvious reason.
I've told you in this thread multiple times that Starmint cannot play on Saturday and can play on Sunday 11 CET, you even talked about it, well in advance. Otherwise I do not know what contact is. Do you need a PM next time? (although the rules didn't specifically ask for one iirc)
Why are you so lenient to Eastern Europe who failed to check the inboxes/thread when they knew the times weren't set yet, or skype, and clearly broke the rules, but don't give us one PP even when I've done everything I can to tell you about the PP over a longer timeframe. Not only that, all the discussion was done in the thread as well both times.
There is clearly some bias going on here. I'd love to know what would have happened if we did not turn up and EE did. At what point is it ok to be lenient, I'd like to know, because I believe we deserve some of that.
He already told you that your prior requests didn't count and explained why before the 24 hours were up. There is a 24 hour rule for a reason. If you don't understand/agree with the reasons for it, that's fine. But it doesn't mean that you get to ignore the rule.
There is no bias heare. Your team is already getting special treatment, and you are whining because the organizers/other team leaders won't make your PP schedule for you. Coming in and saying "Yo, my super special player will only play on this not normal day at this not normal time. Figure it out fuckers." isn't going to fly.
On November 24 2012 01:19 reps)Defi wrote: We better play all games at saturday, since Sunday 11 CET is Defiler tour time and obv that all russian players usually play it.
And btw, rules: 11) There will be no PP matches unless scheduled a minimum of 24 hours beforehand with LRM)Game.
we got informed in less than 24hours, as u can see.
Neither of you get the rule. You don't contact each other, the rule clearly states that you contact me. I'm not granting this PP for this week because of the obvious reason.
I've told you in this thread multiple times that Starmint cannot play on Saturday and can play on Sunday 11 CET, you even talked about it, well in advance. Otherwise I do not know what contact is. Do you need a PM next time? (although the rules didn't specifically ask for one iirc)
Why are you so lenient to Eastern Europe who failed to check the inboxes/thread when they knew the times weren't set yet, or skype, and clearly broke the rules, but don't give us one PP even when I've done everything I can to tell you about the PP over a longer timeframe. Not only that, all the discussion was done in the thread as well both times.
There is clearly some bias going on here. I'd love to know what would have happened if we did not turn up and EE did. At what point is it ok to be lenient, I'd like to know, because I believe we deserve some of that.
We discussed StarMint several times on a public forum in the applicable thread. Yes, for postponements you specifically need to ask to postpone whether it's private or public. By specifically I mean weekly, listing the opponent and which set you'd like postponed. I'm not going to respond to your bias comments, I'll address that as a post of anger.
On November 24 2012 01:19 reps)Defi wrote: We better play all games at saturday, since Sunday 11 CET is Defiler tour time and obv that all russian players usually play it.
And btw, rules: 11) There will be no PP matches unless scheduled a minimum of 24 hours beforehand with LRM)Game.
we got informed in less than 24hours, as u can see.
Neither of you get the rule. You don't contact each other, the rule clearly states that you contact me. I'm not granting this PP for this week because of the obvious reason.
I've told you in this thread multiple times that Starmint cannot play on Saturday and can play on Sunday 11 CET, you even talked about it, well in advance. Otherwise I do not know what contact is. Do you need a PM next time? (although the rules didn't specifically ask for one iirc)
Why are you so lenient to Eastern Europe who failed to check the inboxes/thread when they knew the times weren't set yet, or skype, and clearly broke the rules, but don't give us one PP even when I've done everything I can to tell you about the PP over a longer timeframe. Not only that, all the discussion was done in the thread as well both times.
There is clearly some bias going on here. I'd love to know what would have happened if we did not turn up and EE did. At what point is it ok to be lenient, I'd like to know, because I believe we deserve some of that.
He already told you that your prior requests didn't count and explained why before the 24 hours were up. There is a 24 hour rule for a reason. If you don't understand/agree with the reasons for it, that's fine. But it doesn't mean that you get to ignore the rule.
There is no bias heare. Your team is already getting special treatment, and you are whining because the organizers/other team leaders won't make your PP schedule for you. Coming in and saying "Yo, my super special player will only play on this not normal day at this not normal time. Figure it out fuckers." isn't going to fly.
? this doesn't make sense. I contacted game that Starmint needs PP, what more is there to it?
I am fine with the ACE match needing an extra PP, I don't care about that, Starmint still needs his PP which I notified well in advance.
Can you specify why exactly we were not granted the PP? I am really confused. I did everything that I could. Notified Defi on skype (who was online), and in the thread (which game acknowledged), well before the 24 hours were up. This is not special treatment, this is a standard PP, of which we are allowed to do.
On October 19 2012 08:21 ForeignBW wrote: 12) The use of an incorrect map will result in a draw for the set, both players will be banned from their next Nation War. (Rule #8 applies for rigged maps)
First Disciplinary Actions:
LocDog vs HanDy: Used FS as 2nd and 3rd map. MaD + PaSs versus babo and LoCcxitO: Used FS all 3 times.
I was going to let the 2v2 slide because it seems the rules weren't understood, but the leader was involved from LA. Come on...
All players mentioned cannot play in this week's nation war. Sorry for the short notice, I've been traveling and celebrating the holidays all week. I suggest that you guys read the rules for further notice.
On November 23 2012 13:39 sluggaslamoo wrote: Individual times may have worked for people with similar timezones, but I just think its going to be a huge hassle when we are on the opposite sides of the world.
Ill leave it up to you, but I doubt its gonna work because our morning is their night and visa-versa. Hardly anyone can play in the morning or during the day during weekdays because of work/uni.
Also what is the rule if neither team gets their games finished by the deadline you prescribed?
As for the Starmint issue, if we don't do it in the way I prescribed, then we will need to spread our 1v1 and ACE matches over two weeks every week, which is just silly. If we say that our entire team will be playing at 11CET Saturday, except for Starmint on 11CET Sunday, technically that's not really rescheduling, its just that that is our teams schedule for each week.
Why not just say that the other team will select who to vs against Starmint on Sunday and will also play the ACE match? We are not going against the rules at all, we are just saying that we will be postponing Starmints game to Sunday 11CET every week (in a way).
If they want to pit different players against Starmint, then they will both have to turn up on Sunday instead of Saturday, if they really really want to.
Discretion will be used if the games are not finished. It will be based on effort. If everything is taken care of reasonably by AP and EE just can't finish the games, AP will receive the W.Os because as I said, you guys are more right in this case.
I implied that you should read the rules on postponement... which just meant that you'll have to postpone the ace match every week. The problem with that is an ACE match is hypothetical. None have even been played in the league yet. Because of that, you'd have to postpone one of your sets for StarMint. Why? In the rules, postponement has to be done 24 hours before a match. You can't postpone something that doesn't factually exist every match.
And then the next time you brought it up it was within 24 hours.
I don't think you understand the rule. It's not "ask for a PP" 24 hours before, it's "talk to both the organizer and the other team leader and have everyone shaking hands in agreement" 24 hours before. If you tried to talk to defi and couldn't reach him, that's a shame. But Defi has no responsibility to help you out with your PP, and you are essentially asking him for a favor to allow you to play the set at a different time. That being said, Defi (and the other leaders I have had any extended interaction with) is a pretty cool guy and will probably be able to work something out with you if you bring it up directly with him earlier.
It's not a matter of formally submitting a request to the organizer so that he can make other teams conform to the PP. It's about asking the other team yourself if it is something that they would be ok with, and then informing the organizer about the already made agreement.
guys its not a big deal, he needs to PP starmint's game it's one player im sure teams can accommodate this on the weekend... god this is going to turn into a WO league which is hardly what we want. AP is having trouble fortifying their roster because of GC and CN troubles, we can afford to cut them a little slack, no offense to AP I don't think they will win many games but at least lets keep this as friendly as possible. Sure he can read the rules and all you need to say is "sorry you can't this time because its within 24hours, but next time just notify ahead of time." we can PP already, so he is just saying this is a guaranteed time where you can have someone play the PP player.
Getting Yan to play Bakuryu was troublesome, they are 9 hours apart and it took the whole week to get it set up, so I can imagine some teams will have trouble setting up games with AP NOT ON THE WEEKEND (it's exam period coming up as well...)
I don't think slugga is whining he's just misunderstanding the situation all these replies are saying the same thing anyway -_-;
Also, I am disappointed in the teams playing the wrong maps it's not hard to follow and I would rather show our team strength and line-up rather than receiving WOs. Hopefully we can get things running so we have opponent's full rosters available for us to show the true power of NA.
On October 19 2012 08:21 ForeignBW wrote: 12) The use of an incorrect map will result in a draw for the set, both players will be banned from their next Nation War. (Rule #8 applies for rigged maps)
First Disciplinary Actions:
LocDog vs HanDy: Used FS as 2nd and 3rd map. MaD + PaSs versus babo and LoCcxitO: Used FS all 3 times.
I was going to let the 2v2 slide because it seems the rules weren't understood, but the leader was involved from LA. Come on...
All players mentioned cannot play in this week's nation war. Sorry for the short notice, I've been traveling and celebrating the holidays all week. I suggest that you guys read the rules for further notice.
Okay. These games were played on thursday, when we let to LA to finish the cw, and we didn't take walkover. I don't have time for this, waiting 1 hour for the another team to show up, so could anybody tell me the rule about walkovers? We waited LA for 1 hour before we started playing, then we played 3 games and scored 3-0. After we won those three games we got walkover for that NW, that's why we played the rest of the games. So i'd be really thankful if you could tell me the offical rule about the walkovers. How many sets needed to play to make the NW count, and how much time do we have to wait for the opponet team? thanks. Anyway just noticing, we postponed a game for tonight.
On November 24 2012 09:33 ForeignBW wrote: Epixode, please check the R&S thread for all of the current week 1 results and standings available.
DarKo (StarCraft2), Latin America contacted Ace about playing the games by Friday (when I told them they had to be played by), and he agreed. They were played at 19CET today.
i would like to voice my feelings regarding the CE temp bans. rules are rules, can't change them, BUT i feel team CE is being put at a HUGE disadvantage vs team NA as a result of being unreasonably nice and accomodating to team LA. let me explain: on the original date of the nw, ace and i played our opponents on iccup, since they couldn't play on fish (fun fact: this was 1 hour after the start of the nw). dsaqwe played his games on fish. he couldn't ask his leader if the same map could be played multiple times. so anyway, we go 3-0, we are given a w/o for the series, but holy shit are we manner and agree to play the rest of the games. fast forward to the PP'd games, Ace jumps in to help set matchups, then has to leave. again, our players have no way of seeking a leader's guidance, unless there's another one present. oh, wait...
of course it would be ideal for each and every participant to know all the rules. all concerned players should be experienced enough to avoid something dumb like this and should have known better. still, it's especially disheartening considering our next opponent tonight.
I just want to say one thing to Skzlime. I am proud of having a team like CE to support. A professional team. I as a fan I am very glad that you did not just take wo's and instead played the games. Köszönöm.
On November 24 2012 22:06 skzlime wrote: i would like to voice my feelings regarding the CE temp bans. rules are rules, can't change them, BUT i feel team CE is being put at a HUGE disadvantage vs team NA as a result of being unreasonably nice and accomodating to team LA. let me explain: on the original date of the nw, ace and i played our opponents on iccup, since they couldn't play on fish (fun fact: this was 1 hour after the start of the nw). dsaqwe played his games on fish. he couldn't ask his leader if the same map could be played multiple times. so anyway, we go 3-0, we are given a w/o for the series, but holy shit are we manner and agree to play the rest of the games. fast forward to the PP'd games, Ace jumps in to help set matchups, then has to leave. again, our players have no way of seeking a leader's guidance, unless there's another one present. oh, wait...
of course it would be ideal for each and every participant to know all the rules. all concerned players should be experienced enough to avoid something dumb like this and should have known better. still, it's especially disheartening considering our next opponent tonight.
maybe it's not a good idea to post this, but this is similar to the EE vs AP situation where EE failed to comply to the ruling yet still get to play (so slight inconsistencies considering your case is also a particularly specific one)... I personally don't mind if you guys bring full line-up because as I said it's best to show the strongest games possible.
The only slight difference is that the CW time was changed by the official, where EE might not have had enough time to see (questionable? who knows) and CE had seen the ruling for some time, so should be well aware of the ruling. Also considering you know how the league will be run based on past history of how the tours are run, it's always best to follow the ruling to the last word.
On October 19 2012 08:21 ForeignBW wrote: 12) The use of an incorrect map will result in a draw for the set, both players will be banned from their next Nation War. (Rule #8 applies for rigged maps)
First Disciplinary Actions:
LocDog vs HanDy: Used FS as 2nd and 3rd map. MaD + PaSs versus babo and LoCcxitO: Used FS all 3 times.
I was going to let the 2v2 slide because it seems the rules weren't understood, but the leader was involved from LA. Come on...
All players mentioned cannot play in this week's nation war. Sorry for the short notice, I've been traveling and celebrating the holidays all week. I suggest that you guys read the rules for further notice.
Okay. These games were played on thursday, when we let to LA to finish the cw, and we didn't take walkover. I don't have time for this, waiting 1 hour for the another team to show up, so could anybody tell me the rule about walkovers? We waited LA for 1 hour before we started playing, then we played 3 games and scored 3-0. After we won those three games we got walkover for that NW, that's why we played the rest of the games. So i'd be really thankful if you could tell me the offical rule about the walkovers. How many sets needed to play to make the NW count, and how much time do we have to wait for the opponet team? thanks. Anyway just noticing, we postponed a game for tonight.
thanks for the answers
I gave you guys W.O after 40 minutes, please stop lying. I didn't add the rule because it's going to be done on a case-by-case basis. The first week couldn't have strict rules for W.Os for obvious reasons. Teams only have to have 3 players to play a NW... 3 1v1 and a 2v2, best of 7.
On November 25 2012 10:17 Tarmak_mk wrote: is there some punishment about bm?
17) No BM or flaming will be tolerated in Official SBWI Nation Wars threads, failure to abide by this rule will result in action taken against the offending nation at the organizer's discretion. That is all.
Starmint will need to PP'd. Preferrably Sunday 11 CET (not final, will need to confirm with him but this is a time he can play usually) on Set 1 Fighting Spirit for the December 1 game.
Could someone please let me know who the teamliquid id of the leader of poland is so I can PM?
EleGant just logged on Skype and said he's unable to cast this. Hacklebeast also can't cast today. No responses from other casters either. Looks like we're doomed. Two good NWs too -_-
They'll be made up in time casting wise... sorry, I didn't know about any of this.
If anyone qualified wants to cast these, they can.
L_Master will be streaming NA vs CE and WE vs LA tomorrow, Monday, November 26th at 16CET. Get home from school, work, or watch it at work, you won't be disappointed.
On November 27 2012 01:52 TaShadan wrote: who is sabas from netherland? any known aka?
Sabas is an up and coming 15 year old C rank iccup superstar that recently just changed his race to Terran from playing Zerg. He is a part of the AoV gaming family and has been helping out TL'ers with many Brood war related problems.
On November 27 2012 01:52 TaShadan wrote: who is sabas from netherland? any known aka?
Sabas is an up and coming 15 year old C rank iccup superstar that recently just changed his race to Terran from playing Zerg. He is a part of the AoV gaming family and has been helping out TL'ers with many Brood war related problems.
Loccxito send me PM about CW this weekend, I would like to have as many matches as possible(since you guys have given many WOs so far) so if your can't have a full roster @ the scheduled time maybe we can work something out but you must reply by before Friday 19CET (which is within 24 hours of the scheduled match)
On November 29 2012 13:48 dRaW wrote: Loccxito send me PM about CW this weekend, I would like to have as many matches as possible(since you guys have given many WOs so far) so if your can't have a full roster @ the scheduled time maybe we can work something out but you must reply by before Friday 19CET (which is within 24 hours of the scheduled match)
Sry; i send PM to hackleast if i wrong, i talk with YouRun and we decide to retire LA of this league(admin ban handy/no give chance to replace players) well, i dont manage anymore LA and i dont know if leagueadmins can find new leader for LA, but im sure LA dont got more active leaders/admins.
Sorry, we was very interested to continue playing it but rules just kill us! GL ALL nations
On November 29 2012 13:48 dRaW wrote: Loccxito send me PM about CW this weekend, I would like to have as many matches as possible(since you guys have given many WOs so far) so if your can't have a full roster @ the scheduled time maybe we can work something out but you must reply by before Friday 19CET (which is within 24 hours of the scheduled match)
Sry; i send PM to hackleast if i wrong, i talk with YouRun and we decide to retire LA of this league(admin ban handy/no give chance to replace players) well, i dont manage anymore LA and i dont know if leagueadmins can find new leader for LA, but im sure LA dont got more active leaders/admins.
Sorry, we was very interested to continue playing it but rules just kill us! GL ALL nations
Uhm... you are supposed to coordinate with other nation leaders that's why I left a message for you to PM me. Also, sorry to hear that about your players, but all you guys really have to do is follow the rules and keep organized. Hopefully another person could lead if you are too busy to do so because it's a shame to retire a team from the league.
AP vs Russia cast gonna happen in a few hours, what ever happened to EE vs AP? Also, unrelated but W T F I just found out... http://www.teamliquid.net/calendar/2012/12/#event_13712 there is a CANADIAN KC who plays SC2 Terran, this is not me... what a damn copycat.
On November 29 2012 13:48 dRaW wrote: Loccxito send me PM about CW this weekend, I would like to have as many matches as possible(since you guys have given many WOs so far) so if your can't have a full roster @ the scheduled time maybe we can work something out but you must reply by before Friday 19CET (which is within 24 hours of the scheduled match)
Sry; i send PM to hackleast if i wrong, i talk with YouRun and we decide to retire LA of this league(admin ban handy/no give chance to replace players) well, i dont manage anymore LA and i dont know if leagueadmins can find new leader for LA, but im sure LA dont got more active leaders/admins.
Sorry, we was very interested to continue playing it but rules just kill us! GL ALL nations
any other south americans want to take over this? I'd rather not receive WO for a clanwar if you guys are able to put together a team later in this round...
On December 01 2012 00:45 Sum41 wrote: Such a shame to know this. LA is a good team, why there are so many problems?
On December 01 2012 07:19 Sum41 wrote: No Draw i don't anyone from LA that could manage well a team =/ and the other problem is that most of them has really basic english(caveman)
On December 01 2012 07:19 Sum41 wrote: No Draw i don't anyone from LA that could manage well a team =/ and the other problem is that most of them has really basic english(caveman)
Time to help ur nation ? :p
i would like eonzerg but i'm not in touch with any of the top players, because i'm just a noob D+ .-. nobody love me xD
cmon LA, put it together im sure you guys can get a line-up, I am willing to PP some matches if you can at least confirm sometime before 9am EST Saturday that you will put an effort to getting the line up together.
I was on iccup past few days, and you definitely have enough from south america to play:
On December 01 2012 17:08 dRaW wrote: cmon LA, put it together im sure you guys can get a line-up, I am willing to PP some matches if you can at least confirm sometime before 9am EST Saturday that you will put an effort to getting the line up together.
I was on iccup past few days, and you definitely have enough from south america to play:
Latin America has officially disbanded. If another Latin America leader would like to step up, please contact me. I spoilered the old team to make the players more easily accessible if a leader steps up.
On December 01 2012 17:08 dRaW wrote: cmon LA, put it together im sure you guys can get a line-up, I am willing to PP some matches if you can at least confirm sometime before 9am EST Saturday that you will put an effort to getting the line up together.
I was on iccup past few days, and you definitely have enough from south america to play:
On December 02 2012 14:43 ForeignBW wrote: Latin America has officially disbanded. If another Latin America leader would like to step up, please contact me. I spoilered the old team to make the players more easily accessible if a leader steps up.
I can't get to my skype right now, but if there is a cast scheduled tonight (Idk why there wouldn't be) I am good for it, I will be there. I've been afk for a couple of days, so I don't know anything that's happening! But I'm good to go.
On December 02 2012 14:43 ForeignBW wrote: Latin America has officially disbanded. If another Latin America leader would like to step up, please contact me. I spoilered the old team to make the players more easily accessible if a leader steps up.
Why did LoccxitO decide to withdraw from the league so suddenly?
On December 02 2012 14:43 ForeignBW wrote: Latin America has officially disbanded. If another Latin America leader would like to step up, please contact me. I spoilered the old team to make the players more easily accessible if a leader steps up.
Why did LoccxitO decide to withdraw from the league so suddenly?
On December 02 2012 14:43 ForeignBW wrote: Latin America has officially disbanded. If another Latin America leader would like to step up, please contact me. I spoilered the old team to make the players more easily accessible if a leader steps up.
Why did LoccxitO decide to withdraw from the league so suddenly?
On December 03 2012 15:58 Jumperer wrote: I talked to LoccxitO recently and he told me that the reason that he couldn't participate in this tournament anymore is due to the fact that his neighborhood is constantly being attacked by zombies.
On December 03 2012 15:58 Jumperer wrote: I talked to LoccxitO recently and he told me that the reason that he couldn't participate in this tournament anymore is due to the fact that his neighborhood is constantly being attacked by zombies.
You seem to move around a lot. Ever considered getting a nice beach house near Rio and captaining the LA team?
On December 08 2012 04:06 TheFrankOne wrote: Does everyone see hacklebeast's screen shifted right or is it just me?
It is set up that way. Just happens to be the best way for me to stream.
On December 08 2012 08:01 ne4aJIb wrote: hacklbeast, can you observe better? you miss a lot of action, don't you look at minimap?
I agree that i'm not terribly good at it, but I will also say that there is a reason that ogn/mbc had 3 commentators, and none of them controlled the camera.
I just want to emphasize hacklebeast's awesome cast on the Deska vs Semih games! Best so far in NW 150 viewers on their toes constantly! One could truly feel the players' emotions channeled through you, hackle.
I will be home sunday evening and if there are any unfinished casts I can probably do them however it would be late night for europeans who I assume are the bulk of viewers so maybe they can watch the VODs?
I made a little mistake in the past few casts. I will not be casting on Friday the 14th. School related obligations are going to pull me away for that day. I will be back to cast the start of week 5 on Saturday on 20:30.
On December 13 2012 22:33 LRM)INF3cted wrote: So u gonna miss the games between EE vs AP ? :O
That's the game. There may be another caster, or I may end up casting it a different day, not sure. All I can say for sure is that I will not be casting it on Friday.
On December 14 2012 00:47 thezanursic wrote: What is going to happen to LA in R2? Or am I misunderstanding the format?
R2 is the start of the playoff, and only has four teams participating. LA will be one of the other four teams that get eliminated.
On December 13 2012 22:33 LRM)INF3cted wrote: So u gonna miss the games between EE vs AP ? :O
That's the game. There may be another caster, or I may end up casting it a different day, not sure. All I can say for sure is that I will not be casting it on Friday.
The calendered event was submitted like this: Today's nation war consists of conglomerate nations, one being in a desperate fight for second place in their group facing off against the nation that holds the absolute best record so far in the tournament:
North America versus Central Europe
All of the action can be caught on EleGant's stream, where players ranging from Ace, MaD, and LocDog can be caught fighting their hearts out for placement against the likes of Game, Modesty, and DragOn. Today will also have a backup stream, which will be L_Master in the case of technical difficulties for EleGant. That is because of a possibility of issue for EleGant, being aware is for the best of all of us.
I don't know how... , but the resolution on hacklebeasts videos for the new sets is fucked up... When I full screen it the right part of the screen doesn't show up.
On December 16 2012 21:43 thezanursic wrote: I don't know how... , but the resolution on hacklebeasts videos for the new sets is fucked up... When I full screen it the right part of the screen doesn't show up.
How come?
That's the way I have had it set for months. It just happens to be the best way for me to stream.
I'm considering making a team NA fan thread for the next couple of rounds. The OP would be neat and I think our team deserves some recognition for being a beast thus far.
This might not be the right place to ask especially since LA disbanded, but is Gotunk stilll active. I saw his profile he seems to be really active in the health and fitness section for whatever reason xD, but is he currently practicing BW?
Ace, as much as I appreciate you spoiling the NW in the thread, we've already discussed this on Skype. You guys have a regularly schedule nation war tomorrow - play it then or don't play it at all, you had 2 weeks to get the matches done.
it's really hard to get the matches done when one team has 2 players that would prefer to play their 1v1's and the 2v2 on the same day, a player who will not play his 1v1 until the 2v2 has been played, and the 4 players supposed to play the 2v2 are all working or studying or both. i spent at least 2hours trying to organise these games and it was very little fun
Due to a miscalculation of the standings, it figures that PL will qualify if they beat AP without an ace match alongside of RU, with the possibility of a 23-14 tie. If PL + AP go to an ace match for the nation war already played that will be casted Friday, no matter the result, EE and RU will qualify for Round 2 to compete with NA and CE only if EE 6-0s AP.
What must happen for EE + RU to qualify: EE 6-0 AP, PL and AP either go to an ace match or PL loses to AP.
What must happen for PL + RU to qualify: PL 4-2 or better vs AP.
Russia is already qualified.
I apologize for the simple math error of forgetting an Eastern Europe loss.
Congratulation ne4jlb, you have been promoted to the position of "dude who goes and gets replays from BW players who speak a different language and are angry because they lost"! I'll expect the replays an hour before I begin casting. I'm sure that you, with your unbounded knowledge of all things BW will totally know how to get those reps. God's speed.
On January 05 2013 07:23 hacklebeast wrote: It's unnecessary, but if you really want it...
Congratulation ne4jlb, you have been promoted to the position of "dude who goes and gets replays from BW players who speak a different language and are angry because they lost"! I'll expect the replays an hour before I begin casting. I'm sure that you, with your unbounded knowledge of all things BW will totally know how to get those reps. God's speed.
rofl, Game in twitch chat said, the lost team sends their replays too... and before that, when i asked you the same question, you've replied it is been taken care of, so far i didn't see how.
and what's with that kind of language? is it because i said that you can't obs properly, miss battles, cause you never look at the minimap?