United States5582 Posts
On March 31 2012 13:10 [V] wrote: Is there a site where they post all ongiong games and results live? And will the stream do some multi feature, like in sports, where they switch between/among concurrently held live games when there is something interesting happening elsewhere? 1. Yes. DES and Fomos. Check page 3 of this thread for more info. 2. I believe so, but then again my memory is fuzzy at times.
Hey, does this mean there are no OSL-exclusive maps this season (example: dreamliner in KAS2)?
Holy cow who was that guy with the psyduck's lips?
Kind of looks like the one-of-everything build.
But hon_sin is getting vulture speed, and has a starport up.Ah, there's the sci-fac. Yep, just fast irradiate.
On March 31 2012 13:12 MountainDewJunkie wrote: Hey, does this mean there are no OSL-exclusive maps this season (example: dreamliner in KAS2)?
Gladiator is an OSL exclusive map.
usually you won;t see the new maps until the ODT or even the Ro16 no?
Thanks to GTR for the stream and supernovamaniac for the commentary.
Vulture massacres Zerglings as usual, but walls nat with four colonies rofl
Awesome last-second wall by Check. Speed vults locked out
That was a cute block, ha.
Nice wall
good timing on the sim-city by check
United States5582 Posts
Oh, nice sunken wall reflexes Check! Just in time
Bunker in main, sci vessel out
Mutas poking around, I don't expect much here
It's about time! BW Starleague for ever
"Look, we're Zerg. We can wall too!" BD
Mutalisks find spot on the defense and seiges nat, but vulture sniping drones on 3rd exp
check found the blindspot.
irradiate, muta quickly pulled, check doing pretty well, killing comsat and some scvs!
this is like
the cutest game