CKCG2005 date: 2005 August 19th~22nd
Will be partially broadcast on MBCGame TV
Games Included: Half-life Counter-Strike, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Starcraft: Brood War
Main Sponsors: Hyundai, SKTelecom, Qantech & Curitel
Group A: SlayerS_`BoxeR`(T), Kingdom(P), =PNZ=Legendary(P), WNV.Pj(M)
Group B: iloveoov(T), Siva(Z), Bat.Super(T), QCHATi.zzR(T)
Group C: GoRush(Z), [ReD]NaDa(T), STOP_Vulture(T), Ehome.HK(P)
Group D: Silent_Control(T), GoodFriend(T), STOP_Phoenix66(T), SCI_Dp_R(Z)
Schedule And/or Partial Results (Winner Bolded)!
Starcraft: BroodWar 8/20 Day one
10:00~11:00 Group Full League play (all games at Lost Temple)
SlayerS_`BoxeR` > Kingdom =PNZ=Legendary > WNV.Pj iloveoov > siva Bat.Super > QCHATi.zzR gorush < [ReD]NaDa STOP_Vulture > Ehome.HK Silent_Control > GoodFriend STOP_Phoenix66 > SCI_Dp_R
14:00~15:00 Group Full League play (all games at Into The Darkness)
SlayerS_`BoxeR` > WNV.Pj Kingdom -/- =PNZ=Legendary Draw Game iloveoov > QCHATi.zzR siva < Bat.Super gorush > Ehome.HK [ReD]NaDa > STOP_Vulture Silent_Control > SCI_Dp_R GoodFriend > STOP_Phoenix66
17:00~18:00 Group Full League play (all games at Luna)
Kingdom > WNV.Pj SlayerS_`BoxeR` < =PNZ=Legendary siva > QCHATi.zzR iloveoov > Bat.Super [ReD]NaDa > Ehome.HK gorush > STOP_Vulture GoodFriend > SCI_Dp_R Silent_Control < STOP_Phoenix66
Players advancing out of the groups: A: SlayerS_`BoxeR`, =PNZ=Legendary B: iloveoov, Bat.Super C: [ReD]NaDa, gorush D: GoodFriend, Silent_Control
11:00~12:00 Final Tournament round of 8
SlayerS_`BoxeR` < [ReD]NaDa 2-0 iloveoov > GoodFriend 2-1 Silent_Control > Bat.Super 2-1 gorush > =PNZ=Legendary 2-0
8/21 TBD
16:00~17:00 Final Tournament round of 4
iloveoov > gorush 2:0 [ReD]NaDa > Silent_Control 2:1
8/22 Day three
Championship game
iloveoov > [ReD]NaDa at The Lost Temple iloveoov < [ReD]NaDa at Into The Darkness iloveoov > [ReD]NaDa at Luna
so there you have it, your grand champion iloveoov 
Some event photos have been compiled at the following links:
http://www.playsc.com/bbs/read.php?tid=2181&fpage=1&u=3188 http://www.playsc.com/bbs/read.php?tid=2191&fpage=1&u=3188
and a few replays as well located here:
Seemed like there was kind of a blackhole of info on this... I just thought I look for some and post what I find.. sorry if its not much
Ya its good thx. Been wondering what else was happening with this. Get all players :D
2v2s are for amateurs, and 1v1s are for pros. Each country selected 8 pros and they would compete full-league. (This means you get to see your favorite pro, whoever that might be, at least for three matches) Korean pros are all announced as above, Chinese participants are not known yet. Head coach will be Hochang Song from P&C, with Hoon Joo from SKT1 assisting. Korean amateur teams are known as Claninter and battleboys.
there will also be an event-opening type match of 2v2 between Korean & Chinese Pros during the first day. (or it could be two 1v1 matches)
btw, first place prize is about $10,000.
sc 1v1 kor:Boxer、Xellos、Nada、GoodFriend、July、GoRush、Nal_rA、Kingdom chn:66、ZZR、DpR、Super、PJ、LX、章春雷、雷浩
WoW, PJ has finally the match against korean's pro officially
I really love china and their nicks, only 2 or 3 letters compared to sktelecomT1_`SlayerS_BoxeR` or whatever.. ;p
China offers 20,000¥ to the winner of each match.
I think.
The list of korean participants looks fake, they didnt seem to be able to get any ktf player to join the team.
On August 18 2005 20:25 pbjay wrote: The list of korean participants looks fake, they didnt seem to be able to get any ktf player to join the team.
No, it's not fake.
If you look at the sponsors, they include T1 and P&C.
Big suprise that the participants are composed of players from those two teams?
i mean it's highly questionable whether nal_ra is really in the kor lineup. he's in KTF
2 or 3 letters?? 66=[S.Top]Phoenix66 ZZR=qcH.ZzR Super=THE_Super Pj=wNv.Pj LX=Yx.Mop 章春雷=?? 雷浩=??
looks like the 1v1 bracket is 'free for all'. if all chinese sc players 're knocked out in the first round then it will become some kind of a korean all-star tourney
On August 18 2005 20:40 pbjay wrote: i mean it's highly questionable whether nal_ra is really in the kor lineup. he's in KTF
This is the actual list eh....
SlayerS_`BoxeR`, iloveoov, Kingdom, Gorush, NaDa, Goodfriend, Silent_Control, Dream.t)Siva,
On August 18 2005 18:50 Tsc wrote: sc 1v1 kor:Boxer、Xellos、Nada、GoodFriend、July、GoRush、Nal_rA、Kingdom chn:66、ZZR、DpR、Super、PJ、LX、章春雷、雷浩
Your team Korea list is totally wrong.
YaoYuan is wrong.
The lineup in the original post is correct about Korean pros.
In fact they've already left for China today, I think.
china gonna get raped
so would any other country in any other planet of the universe though :D
if reach doesnt play something's wrong
or isn't ktf participating? :O
Only T1 and P&C members got to participate.
germany/poland would do better than china imo
Group: A: Pj lx Boxer Kingdom
B: NaDa GoRush HK Vulture
C: DpR Phoenix Silent_Control GoodFriend
D: Super ZZR Siva Iloveoov
On August 18 2005 23:58 HiaTuS. wrote: germany/poland would do better than china imo China won Germany and Poland in Nation Wars
On August 19 2005 03:43 SpringWind wrote: Group: A: Pj lx Boxer Kingdom
B: NaDa GoRush HK Vulture
C: DpR Phoenix Silent_Control GoodFriend
D: Super ZZR Siva Iloveoov Nice groups Will there be reps available?
On August 19 2005 03:49 (paladin)roMAD wrote:[Nice groups  Will there be reps available?
I hope they release as last year:D
[S.Top]Vulture&[S.Top]Phoenix aza aza fighting¬¬¬¬¬
Pj in same group with Boxer and Kingdom. Nice ^^
i really hope there will be reps.. anyone knows how long this will take?
i hope pj will beat kingdom
boxer will loss again ? -_-
Qantech & Curitel?
On August 19 2005 11:22 Cedric wrote:i hope pj will beat kingdom 
He has a better chance against Boxer imo.
On August 19 2005 13:12 Cambium wrote:Dubious. He has a better chance against Boxer imo. Yeah, I honestly don't think his tvp is at Kingdom's level, but his pvt is surely good enough to compete with boxer.
Switch Kingdom with SilentControl then China has a little chance at groupA; coz both pj and lx have pvt as their strongest matchup. but pj's vp is subpar and kingdom is also relentless in PvP.
Starcraft: BroodWar 8/20 Day one
10:00~11:00 Group Full League play
A1vsA2 / A3vsA4 Lost Temple B1vsB2 / B3vsB4 Lost Temple C1vsC2 / C3vsC4 Lost Temple D1vsD2 / D3vsD4 Lost Temple
14:00~15:00 Group Full League play
A1vsA3 / A2vsA4 Into The Darkness B1vsB3 / B2vsB4 Into The Darkness C1vsC3 / C2vsC4 Into The Darkness D1vsD3 / D2vsD4 Into The Darkness
17:00~18:00 Group Full League play
A1vsA4 / A2vsA3 Luna B1vsB4 / B2vsB3 Luna C1vsC4 / C2vsC3 Luna D1vsD4 / D2vsD3 Luna
11:00~12:00 Final Tournament round of 8
A #1 vs B #2 A #2 vs B #1 C #1 vs D #1 C #2 vs D #2
8/21 Day two
16:00~17:00 Final Tournament round of 4
A#1/B#2 winner vs A#2/B#1 winner C#1/D#1 winner vs C#2/D#2 winner
8/22 Day three
Championship game
Since i'm edit the main post I'll just post this once so people understand the format of how it went
Boxer vs Pj on Luna Pj vs Kingdom on Dark
and SKT1's manager invited Pj join SKT1 yestoday.
the ckcg website says pj vs kingdom on luna and boxer vs pj on dark =(!
edit: by the way congrats to Pj!
On August 19 2005 16:36 linyu)wufan18 wrote: Boxer vs Pj on Luna Pj vs Kingdom on Dark
and SKT1's manager invited Pj join SKT1 yestoday.
=O! is pj taking the offer?
On August 19 2005 16:36 linyu)wufan18 wrote: and SKT1's manager invited Pj join SKT1 yestoday. it is very evil to tell us that without telling us his reponse unless he hasnt decided yet.
Sweden33719 Posts
Wow, that is absolutely awesome :D (PJ joining SKT T1)
Best of luck to him~!
The Korean gamers were complaining about the shitty computer desks, and they sent people to buy new ones.
United States37500 Posts
On August 19 2005 20:57 Cambium wrote: LoL
The Korean gamers were complaining about the shitty computer desks, and they sent people to buy new ones.
Hahaha, that's pretty bad on the part of the host.
this year is alot better than last year's.
cant wait for the reps.
Shouldnt the games have started by now?
Damn it! Pj accept this offer!! It would be soooooooooooo cool :o
It was scheduled to start at around 11:30, but because of the computer desks, it got delayed to 1:30.
It should start very shortly.
[CKCG] 선수단 음식에 곤혹 등 CKCG2005 이모저모 작성[2005-08-20 12:59], 한줄답변[79]
○…"삶은계란밖에 먹을게 없더라고요." 최연성 등의 한국 프로게이머들이 아침을 삶은 계란 한두개로 해결했다며. 선수들은 중국풍의 식사가 모두 입에 맞지 않았다고.
○…"별 세개짜리 호텔인데 물이 없어요." CKCG 국가대표팀의 코치로 참가한 SK텔레콤 주 훈 감독. 별 세개 등급의 호텔임에도 불구하고 냉장고와 물은 찾아볼 수가 없다고. 옆에 한 관계자가 "대부분의 중국 호텔은 시설과 상관 없이 별 세개 등급이다"라고 말하자 경악.
○…비좁은 책상 때문에 CKCG 경기 진행이 오후 2시(북경 시간)로 미뤄졌다. 경기가 열리는 중국무역중심 CKCG 현장에 준비된 선수의 경기석이 너무 낮고, 좁은 관계로 선수들이 마우스 움직임을 할 수 없을 정도였기 때문. 부랴부랴 CKCG 측에서는 선수가 경기할 책상을 수배하느라 분주.
○…"스타크래프트는 있는데 배틀넷이 안 돼요." 경기 진행이 지연되자 선수단은 경기장 인근에 PC방을 찾았다. 펜티업급 PC로 꾸며진 이 PC방은 램이 32메가로 저 사양 PC였다고. 또한 불법 복사 CD로 스타크래프트를 깔았기 때문에 선수들은 IPX를 통해서만 연습이 가능했다는 후문. 그러나 이 마저도 선수들이 서로의 전략을 노출시키지 않기 위해 간단한 웹서핑만 했다고.
○…"악! 한자다" 한국 프로게이머들이 중국어 버전 워크래프트3와 카운터스트라이크가 설치된 것을 확인하고는 실소를 금치 못 했다. 중국어버전으로는 경기를 치를 수 없기 때문. 이 때문에 경기 진행은 덩달아 더뎌졌다.
* Theres nothing to eat except boiled eggs Players such as ilOveOOv had to have a breakfast of one or two boiled eggs, and most of the players could not handle the Chinese style foods.
* The 3-star hotel has no water. Joo Hoon, as the CKCG Korea coach - unable to find water or a refrigerator at a 3 star hotel. Horrified after an organiser said "Most Chinese hotels are 3star anyhow, without comparing facilities and such."
* Because of the narrow tables the CKCG matches were delayed to 2PM Beijing time. The desks at the CKCG stage were too low and too narrow, that the gamers could not move their mouses freely. The CKCG organisers are hurriedly organising new desks.
* There is Starcraft, but there is no Battle.net As the games were delayed the gamers went to a LAN-cafe near the hosting area. The place, filled with Pentium-grade PCs had 32MB RAM, and because the installation was through copied disks practice was unavailable through Battle.net, and had to practice through IPX. But to hide their strats the players resorted to simple web-surfing.
* Ack! Chinese The Korean progamers were unable to hide their horror after finding that War3 and CS were installed in a Chinese version. They cannot play on a Chinese version, so their attempts at progress in the events were delayed.
OMFG, the CKCG people should provide some decent facilities for progamers, I mean wtf?/!??!?! narrow desks, omgomg.dfnafognqr12#$$
Is it just me or is OOv hugging GoRush O_O_O_O_OO_O_O_O@_O@_O_
On August 19 2005 22:31 oneiro wrote:http://www.fighterforum.com/news/news_read.asp?cat=ETC&idx=7123[CKCG] 선수단 음식에 곤혹 등 CKCG2005 이모저모 작성[2005-08-20 12:59], 한줄답변[79] ○…"삶은계란밖에 먹을게 없더라고요." 최연성 등의 한국 프로게이머들이 아침을 삶은 계란 한두개로 해결했다며. 선수들은 중국풍의 식사가 모두 입에 맞지 않았다고. ○…"별 세개짜리 호텔인데 물이 없어요." CKCG 국가대표팀의 코치로 참가한 SK텔레콤 주 훈 감독. 별 세개 등급의 호텔임에도 불구하고 냉장고와 물은 찾아볼 수가 없다고. 옆에 한 관계자가 "대부분의 중국 호텔은 시설과 상관 없이 별 세개 등급이다"라고 말하자 경악. ○…비좁은 책상 때문에 CKCG 경기 진행이 오후 2시(북경 시간)로 미뤄졌다. 경기가 열리는 중국무역중심 CKCG 현장에 준비된 선수의 경기석이 너무 낮고, 좁은 관계로 선수들이 마우스 움직임을 할 수 없을 정도였기 때문. 부랴부랴 CKCG 측에서는 선수가 경기할 책상을 수배하느라 분주. ○…"스타크래프트는 있는데 배틀넷이 안 돼요." 경기 진행이 지연되자 선수단은 경기장 인근에 PC방을 찾았다. 펜티업급 PC로 꾸며진 이 PC방은 램이 32메가로 저 사양 PC였다고. 또한 불법 복사 CD로 스타크래프트를 깔았기 때문에 선수들은 IPX를 통해서만 연습이 가능했다는 후문. 그러나 이 마저도 선수들이 서로의 전략을 노출시키지 않기 위해 간단한 웹서핑만 했다고. ○…"악! 한자다" 한국 프로게이머들이 중국어 버전 워크래프트3와 카운터스트라이크가 설치된 것을 확인하고는 실소를 금치 못 했다. 중국어버전으로는 경기를 치를 수 없기 때문. 이 때문에 경기 진행은 덩달아 더뎌졌다. Translation * Theres nothing to eat except boiled eggs Players such as ilOveOOv had to have a breakfast of one or two boiled eggs, and most of the players could not handle the Chinese style foods. * The 3-star hotel has no water. Joo Hoon, as the CKCG Korea coach - unable to find water or a refrigerator at a 3 star hotel. Horrified after an organiser said "Most Chinese hotels are 3star anyhow, without comparing facilities and such." * Because of the narrow tables the CKCG matches were delayed to 2PM Beijing time. The desks at the CKCG stage were too low and too narrow, that the gamers could not move their mouses freely. The CKCG organisers are hurriedly organising new desks. * There is Starcraft, but there is no Battle.net As the games were delayed the gamers went to a LAN-cafe near the hosting area. The place, filled with Pentium-grade PCs had 32MB RAM, and because the installation was through copied disks practice was unavailable through Battle.net, and had to practice through IPX. But to hide their strats the players resorted to simple web-surfing. * Ack! Chinese The Korean progamers were unable to hide their horror after finding that War3 and CS were installed in a Chinese version. They cannot play on a Chinese version, so their attempts at progress in the events were delayed. OMFG, the CKCG people should provide some decent facilities for progamers, I mean wtf?/!??!?! narrow desks, omgomg.dfnafognqr12#$$
That's China for ya
WoW, now pj looks like a senior executive from a state-owned enterprise coming out with his petite secretary. He seems so ... dominating that i have to shrink away from his beaming confidence >_<
come on dont let the lousy organization ruin the event.
I'm pretty sure some people at PlaySC are updating the event, however, it's extremely slow for me so I'm not going to bother.
ODL is on anyway ^^
CKCG should be on MBC.
lol id rather watch ODL than check for updates on those terribly slow chinese sites ;9
OMFG its still not starting
Osaka27125 Posts
Wow, really too bad that such a high profile event is suffering due to organizational skills. Hopefully they get their shit together soon.
They still havent started T_T
Apparently GoodFriend vs Silent_Control is going on right now, before the Boxer/Kingdom match O_O
▶16R Round 1 - All maps Lost Temple
GroupA SlayerS_`BoxeR` vs Kingdom - TvP -Boxer wins by defending Kingdoms DTdrop and outmacroing. =PNZ=Legendary vs WNV.Pj - PvZ - Legendary wins through 2gate hardcore zealot rush.
GroupB iloveoov vs siva - TvZ - OOv wins through MarineMedic Irradiate, even though Siva had great muta harass Bat.Super vs QCHATi.zzR - TvT - Super wins with 2fac1star build, nice defending.
GroupC gorush vs [ReD]NaDa - ZvT - Nada wins with 10rax12rax build, defending GoRushs 9pool STOP_Vulture vs Ehome.HK - TvP - Vulture wins after defending his 1fac expo and massing from 7fac.
GroupD Silent_Control vs GoodFriend - TvT - Silent_Control wins by maintaining a continuous advantage in resources, with battlecruiser-tank. STOP_Phoenix66 vs SCI_Dp_R - TvZ - Phoenix66 wins with fast bunkering, killing fast expo.
On August 19 2005 03:44 SpringWind wrote:Show nested quote +On August 18 2005 23:58 HiaTuS. wrote: germany/poland would do better than china imo China won Germany and Poland in Nation Wars
China played 1 nw against germany and won with like 6 x 2:1 China played 4 nws against poland, won 2, lost 1 and had a draw
I think the three nations are pretty much even
United States37500 Posts
On August 20 2005 03:09 oneiro wrote: ▶16R Round 1 - All maps Lost Temple
GroupA SlayerS_`BoxeR` vs Kingdom - TvP -Boxer wins by defending Kingdoms DTdrop and outmacroing. =PNZ=Legendary vs WNV.Pj - PvZ - Legendary wins through 2gate hardcore zealot rush.
GroupB iloveoov vs siva - TvZ - OOv wins through MarineMedic Irradiate, even though Siva had great muta harass Bat.Super vs QCHATi.zzR - TvT - Super wins with 2fac1star build, nice defending.
GroupC gorush vs [ReD]NaDa - ZvT - Nada wins with 10rax12rax build, defending GoRushs 9pool STOP_Vulture vs Ehome.HK - TvP - Vulture wins after defending his 1fac expo and massing from 7fac.
GroupD Silent_Control vs GoodFriend - TvT - Silent_Control wins by maintaining a continuous advantage in resources, with battlecruiser-tank. STOP_Phoenix66 vs SCI_Dp_R - TvZ - Phoenix66 wins with fast bunkering, killing fast expo.
Surprised about Pj and GoodFriend losing. All other games were pretty expected.
I dunno but I went to korean sc communities and I've heard that commentators and ob's are telling chinese gamers where korean gamers are located (starting positions, strategies... and stuff) Not only for Bw, but for CS as well. If this is true... then i don't know what to say, the poor organization skill was bad enougn and now this?
Yes, it seems true, I am listening to a live Korean internet radio broadcasting from there, and because of ear-map Lunatic-hai got OWNED by WnV in CS. Not cool.
On the other hand.
SlayerS_`BoxeR` vs WNV.Pj - ongoing Kingdom vs =PNZ=Legendary - Draw iloveoov vs QCHATi.zzR - OOv win siva vs Bat.Super - Super win gorush vs Ehome.HK - GoRush win [ReD]NaDa vs STOP_Vulture - NaDa win Silent_Control vs SCI_Dp_R - Silent_Control win GoodFriend vs STOP_Phoenix66 - GoodFriend win
According to pgr21 Kingdom drew, but the CKCG2005 site says he won.
Kingdom and Siva lost. CMON, how could they lose...
This is a f**king joke..
and it's funny that kingdom lost PvP considering the fact that PvP is one of his greatest mu
United States37500 Posts
On August 20 2005 04:31 wu wrote: I dunno but I went to korean sc communities and I've heard that commentators and ob's are telling chinese gamers where korean gamers are located (starting positions, strategies... and stuff) Not only for Bw, but for CS as well. If this is true... then i don't know what to say, the poor organization skill was bad enougn and now this?
Christ... gG future Chinese tourneys.
@@ Kingdom lost?..
Boxer and PJ preparing for their game now
On August 20 2005 04:34 oneiro wrote: Yes, it seems true, I am listening to a live Korean internet radio broadcasting from there, and because of ear-map Lunatic-hai got OWNED by WnV in CS. Not cool. I heard china won, 13:2 for CS? Even though I don't know what that means, since i dont play CS... @.@
On August 20 2005 04:48 wu wrote:Show nested quote +On August 20 2005 04:34 oneiro wrote: Yes, it seems true, I am listening to a live Korean internet radio broadcasting from there, and because of ear-map Lunatic-hai got OWNED by WnV in CS. Not cool. I heard china won, 13:2 for CS? Even though I don't know what that means, since i dont play CS... @.@
Yeah, either 13-2 or 15-2. 1 point is one round, when you kill off all 5 players of the opposing team or bomb the target/defuse the bomb (T and CT respectively). Map was de_train.
Pretty sad though, the Korean guy on the radio was pretty angry T_T
On August 20 2005 04:44 oneiro wrote: @@ Kingdom lost?.. nvm, it was a draw.
Kingdom > Legendary Boxer > PJ
a draw? ;o what the hell how often do those happen, explain please
FighterForum says that there was a Chinese crowd distracting the players during the game.
Next stage match - ilOveOOv vs The.Super - TvT Lets hope BoxeRs jeja can avenge last years controversy.
ahhh China china china... what can I say
On August 20 2005 05:16 starofNC wrote: a draw? ;o what the hell how often do those happen, explain please Not sure, I can't see them playing b/c I'm listening from the radio... All I know that this tourney is a TOTAL MESS.
Apparently theres a possibility of a cheat-observer screen thingy in OOv vs Super, unlike in Boxer vs PJ, the radio casters say @@
OOv will rape Super for sure, no matter what. 100 wraiths = GG
United States37500 Posts
I don't think Koreans will want to go to China to play tournaments anymore. This thing was so poorly organized. And what the fuck is up with the cheating?
honestly, i see no reason why Super or Pj would even want that, or any of the Chinese gamers like.. thats just, i mean it may or may not be true but I'm just saying anyone who says it was their idea from the beginning even if it was true i think thats highly suspect
The radio servers down atm, too many people T_T.. lets hope OOv is doing well
As for the cheating that was in CS only, no proof about any of it in the SC matches.
OOv won, Super typed out just now @@
That was quick!
Super typed GG aftering seeing oov's tanks (im assmuing oov had shitload of em)
Silent_Control, GoodFriend, and Phoenix66 need to have a 3way tiebreaker on LT. Silent_Control lost to Phoenix. Kingdom is also playing his rematch game with Legendary.
MaveN Crew vs PerfectFuture now, China no observer maphack plz TT
Boxer owning
why are Kingdom and Legendary playing rematch?
Btw, it seems there are gonna be reps, cause there is 리플레이 graph, which means replay/vod(?)
On August 20 2005 05:58 Cedric wrote: why are Kingdom and Legendary playing rematch? They forced a draw because the crowd was distracting them, apparently
Kingdom > Pj Legendary > Boxer
Which means theres gonna be another 3-way rematch between Boxer, Kingdom and Legendary. But PJ 3loss?? Not cool.
Who is this Legendary guy?
On August 20 2005 05:55 oneiro wrote:
MaveN Crew vs PerfectFuture now, China no observer maphack plz TT
stop complaining.have u got any proof?
루나틱하이의 움직임은 좋았다. 그러나 5대12로 패배했다. 문제는 중국측에서 방송한 해설 때문이다. Lunatic-hais moves were good. But they lost 5-12. The problem was the commentary given by the Chinese commentator.
카운터스트라이크는 5명이 플레이하기 때문에 방음벽을 만들기 까다롭다. 그 문제로 인해 한국 MBC게임과 CKCG 심판으로 참여한 온상민 해설위원은 시작부터 끝까지 중국측의 해설 없이 경기를 진행하자고 요구했다. 중국 팀은 헤드셋을 조금만 빼도 해설을 들을 수 있기 때문이었다. Because CS is a 5player team game it is hard to make a soundproof wall. Because of this problem MBCGame and On Sang-Min caster requested from start to end that the game proceed without any commentary from the Chinese. This was because it was possible to hear the commentary even if a little bit of the headset was removed.
그러나 요구는 묵살됐다. 중국측에서는 전반전 첫 세트부터 끝까지 한국팀의 화면을 가지고 해설한 것이다. 이 때문에 전반전은 10점차가 벌어질 정도로 최악의 상황이었다. 중국 선수들이 해설을 들으며 경기를 치렀는지는 알 수 없지만 한국 선수가 행동하는 곳에는 거의 대부분 중국 선수들이 총구를 겨눴다. 행동 패턴과 전략의 움직임이 모두 들킨 것이다. But the request was denied. The game was continued with commentary througout the match. There was a 10point lead at one point. There is of course no way to find out of the Chinese players were listening to the commentary or not, but wherever the Korean players went the Chinese players aimed their guns. Like their action patterns and strategies were all found out.
Theres a bit more in the story, but I didnt translate all of it. Of course being from Korea its biased, a lot, but even so it seems fairly dodgy that the Chinese players knew where to find the players extremely easily in the first 15 games. That is not definite proof, but its my viewpoint. Plus my sentence, China no observer maphack plz TT was a request, not a complaint.
its unfair if that's true
On August 20 2005 06:06 (paladin)roMAD wrote: Who is this Legendary guy?
a new star apm 300++ toss
wow. this event really sucks.
On August 20 2005 04:38 wu wrote: Kingdom and Siva lost. CMON, how could they lose...
This is a f**king joke..
and it's funny that kingdom lost PvP considering the fact that PvP is one of his greatest mu
cuz u koreans are not fucking god in bw.
How come I was under the impression that China always beat Korea in CS? I thought that was the one event that China could win (ever since Koreans started to completely dominate War3).
On August 20 2005 08:00 ky[Z] wrote:Show nested quote +On August 20 2005 04:38 wu wrote: Kingdom and Siva lost. CMON, how could they lose...
This is a f**king joke..
and it's funny that kingdom lost PvP considering the fact that PvP is one of his greatest mu cuz u koreans are not fucking god in bw.
Kingdom didn't lose, it was a draw due to distracting chinese crowd
On August 20 2005 08:00 ky[Z] wrote:Show nested quote +On August 20 2005 04:38 wu wrote: Kingdom and Siva lost. CMON, how could they lose...
This is a f**king joke..
and it's funny that kingdom lost PvP considering the fact that PvP is one of his greatest mu cuz u koreans are not fucking god in bw. yes they are DUH!
On August 20 2005 06:55 cruelman wrote:a new star apm 300++ toss Is he Bat.JayStar? He's very good, yeah :o
Sweden33719 Posts
On August 20 2005 06:00 (paladin)roMAD wrote:Btw, it seems there are gonna be reps, cause there is 리플레이 graph, which means replay/vod(?)  Means replay.
Come on some of you guys need to stop making wild accusations and just try to enjoy the game.
The organizers are incompetent but it\'s not like they\'ve intentionally compromised the standard of the event. E-sport in china is simply too small compared to the scene in korea. The WEG event last year was really an exception, coz some government bureaus were involved and they pumped a lot of resources into the preparation. Now i\'m affraid it had set the bar too high. According the live spectators there many aspects have already improved over the WCG qualifer that had just taken place a week ago. Even though the standard couldnt lived up to the expectations of the more professional Korean players, it shouldnt be regarded as an insult. Especially when you know almost all the fans in chinese sc forums were speaking for the players and only blamed the organisers for the delay of the games.
As to the obs and commentators, of course they would insist on theire broadcast. The audiences had sat there whole day waiting for the matches, the organizers had them to please as well. Some of the accusations, like chinese players could have adjusted their earphones for better 'reception', or they could have done map-hacking, showed very ill faith. When you play on BN and you suspect your opponent hacking, you'll always perceive all kind of 'evidences' for that. But in a official ipx event like this there's no reason to entertain such an idea.
Based on things that i've heard, this event sounds really really bad. Which is very disappointing because last year's WEG was somewhat successful without any major problems. Something like the crowd giving things to Chinese players, bad headphones, and no food. Come on!! The organizers should have known better and at least installed some kinda booth so the players dont hear anything except the sound coming out of their headphones.
well actually there are a lot of factors, they should just admin it like the CPL tries to do....
i have no idea about ckcg really but the only part that sounds pretty ridiculous is the live commentating on some kind of overhead system during the cs matches, i mean wtf? lol doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out, and im sure they know about HLTV and setting up HLTV delays etc.
thing is most of the time when lan tournaments happen the people like to setup their HLTV's with no delay which is cool.. but the commentating is done on the side by one of those internet game radio stations, and its not being broadcast over the sound system of the place itself. Most of the time the only place they have the live HLTV is just off one or two TVs accessible to onlookers but (obviously) inaccessible to gamers.
and trust me, all this stuff is VERY known to the cs community and players, lol, its nothing special or complex.
As far as like the crowd getting out of hand etc causing the stoppage in the first Kingdom/Legendary game, come on what the hell Chinese people manner please, i think this is 60% the people's fault, maybe 40% the fault of the organizers for not cracking the whip.
and I think its 10% Kingdom's fault, for being so sexy.
On August 20 2005 09:02 (paladin)roMAD wrote:Show nested quote +On August 20 2005 06:55 cruelman wrote:On August 20 2005 06:06 (paladin)roMAD wrote: Who is this Legendary guy? a new star apm 300++ toss Is he Bat.JayStar? He's very good, yeah :o NO!
On August 20 2005 05:55 oneiro wrote:
MaveN Crew vs PerfectFuture now, China no observer maphack plz TT
BAD joke
On August 20 2005 06:21 oneiro wrote:http://www.fighterforum.com/news/news_read.asp?cat=ETC&idx=7138루나틱하이의 움직임은 좋았다. 그러나 5대12로 패배했다. 문제는 중국측에서 방송한 해설 때문이다. Lunatic-hais moves were good. But they lost 5-12. The problem was the commentary given by the Chinese commentator. 카운터스트라이크는 5명이 플레이하기 때문에 방음벽을 만들기 까다롭다. 그 문제로 인해 한국 MBC게임과 CKCG 심판으로 참여한 온상민 해설위원은 시작부터 끝까지 중국측의 해설 없이 경기를 진행하자고 요구했다. 중국 팀은 헤드셋을 조금만 빼도 해설을 들을 수 있기 때문이었다. Because CS is a 5player team game it is hard to make a soundproof wall. Because of this problem MBCGame and On Sang-Min caster requested from start to end that the game proceed without any commentary from the Chinese. This was because it was possible to hear the commentary even if a little bit of the headset was removed. 그러나 요구는 묵살됐다. 중국측에서는 전반전 첫 세트부터 끝까지 한국팀의 화면을 가지고 해설한 것이다. 이 때문에 전반전은 10점차가 벌어질 정도로 최악의 상황이었다. 중국 선수들이 해설을 들으며 경기를 치렀는지는 알 수 없지만 한국 선수가 행동하는 곳에는 거의 대부분 중국 선수들이 총구를 겨눴다. 행동 패턴과 전략의 움직임이 모두 들킨 것이다. But the request was denied. The game was continued with commentary througout the match. There was a 10point lead at one point. There is of course no way to find out of the Chinese players were listening to the commentary or not, but wherever the Korean players went the Chinese players aimed their guns. Like their action patterns and strategies were all found out. Theres a bit more in the story, but I didnt translate all of it. Of course being from Korea its biased, a lot, but even so it seems fairly dodgy that the Chinese players knew where to find the players extremely easily in the first 15 games. That is not definite proof, but its my viewpoint. Plus my sentence, China no observer maphack plz TT was a request, not a complaint.
There was a 2 minute delay between the commentary and the actual game that was being played, not like Korea where the screen is instantly from the gameplay. Therefore, even if the players did listen to what the commentators were saying, it didn't really matter because it all happened in the previous round. That's why it wasn't an issue to deal with.
On a side note, the Chinese CS teams are really really good at CS. They have crazy aim that is acknowledged from around the world. But Starcraft and Warcraft 3, Korea is definitely better and there's no doubt about that.
you know, I read that whole post just now, and it's sad that it didn't turn out as wonderful as everyone would have hoped..
but i'm still glad for the work of the people on the Chinese end of the dialogue that set an event like CKCG into motion, even if it has some glaring issues. It shows that they are forward thinking enough to appreciate what true e-sports professionalism might one day become -- More than just a korean phenomenon. Like this Springwind fellow commented on the other thread, something to the extent of "what we lack in entrepreneurship, hospitality, and organization, we make up for with love for gaming and a desire to learn and improve" -- couldn't be more well put as far as I am concerned.
Perhaps though, it may have been a bit premature to go and get the korean pro-gaming teams to come and participate, because they are so used to being coddled and what not in korea. Shit happens. They are pro-gamers and that means you work with what you are given and you put on a show for the spectators. Fans don't put the money in their pocket, their sponsors do. So as far as I'm concerned when they sign that contract they waive their right to bitch and complain like some common WCG contestant. (which they may or may not have done, i have no idea)
lol at least they'll just appreciate how great it is to be back in the OGN studio in korea again once they return.
errr yeah all the results are up to date now on the original post hope its readable
and yeah.. I was looking at the title.. this tournament was originally billed as sort of a China vs Korea showmatch like last year's similar event, but it turned out to not really be anything like that.. just a chinese lan event where some pro gamers were invited to and a big ffa ensued lol -_-
it might interest people to know that 1/2 of the Clan InteR korean 2v2 team is InteR.Calm, you might recognize that name because he recently won his group at Courage Tournament 14. So when someone earlier mentioned that 2v2 is for amateurs 1v1 is for pros, not entirely correct. Because he probably fits into the pro-gaming framework somewhere in the junpro area.
Sweden33719 Posts
On August 21 2005 05:24 starofNC wrote: it might interest people to know that 1/2 of the Clan InteR korean 2v2 team is InteR.Calm, you might recognize that name because he recently won his group at Courage Tournament 14. So when someone earlier mentioned that 2v2 is for amateurs 1v1 is for pros, not entirely correct. Because he probably fits into the pro-gaming framework somewhere in the junpro area. Well he qualified for the China vs Korea thing before he got his license/signed up before he got his license ^_^
Iloveoov wins
3 final reps on yaoyuan.com