On January 15 2012 15:17 Black Gun wrote: wtf, skt from 1st to 5th in just 2 playdays?
but everything is so close together after the rounds of the ordinary format that i feel like the winners league results are gonna determine the playoff spots. unfortunately, kt seems like far and away the strongest team for that format. :/
On January 15 2012 15:13 deafhobbit wrote: Fuck yeah Team 8!
Also, why do zergs go Guardian in TvZ? Almost every time i see them used Terrans do what Sea did and kill everything with a few wraiths.
lol i honestly have no idea why. they're almost never successful
but they're fun as fuck to use.... i love watching guardians demolish that M&M push (even if they're going to die to 2 wraiths a minute later)
I get that it is old school, and if you can get guardians, hydra's, and defilers it can work (like Shine did that one OSL game), since you can kill wraiths and use hydra's under swarm to prevent marines from just running under the guardians. But in a world where most terrans will have starports out for vessels by the time your guardians spawn, going fast guardians just seems dumb.
On January 15 2012 15:17 Black Gun wrote: wtf, skt from 1st to 5th in just 2 playdays?
but everything is so close together after the rounds of the ordinary format that i feel like the winners league results are gonna determine the playoff spots. unfortunately, kt seems like far and away the strongest team for that format. :/
anyway, gratz t8 on the much needed win.
There is no Winner's League. 3rd round will be regular PL format.
On January 15 2012 15:17 Black Gun wrote: wtf, skt from 1st to 5th in just 2 playdays?
but everything is so close together after the rounds of the ordinary format that i feel like the winners league results are gonna determine the playoff spots. unfortunately, kt seems like far and away the strongest team for that format. :/
anyway, gratz t8 on the much needed win.
No winners league this year
damn, lol. guess i should put more effort into keeping up with bw XD"
hmm, if theres no winners league, there might be a lot of randomness involved in the end when it comes to the playoff spots.
On January 15 2012 02:39 sM.Zik wrote: I was expecting them to win against KT but CJ... I don't think so unless they step their game up like they should have done several weeks ago.
Thanks T8. JD I dont blame you for loosing a ZvZ against Effort.
On January 15 2012 15:17 Black Gun wrote: wtf, skt from 1st to 5th in just 2 playdays?
but everything is so close together after the rounds of the ordinary format that i feel like the winners league results are gonna determine the playoff spots. unfortunately, kt seems like far and away the strongest team for that format. :/
anyway, gratz t8 on the much needed win.
No winners league this year
KT is to imbalanced for winners league , they had to take it away
On January 15 2012 15:12 Slardar wrote: I can't remember the last time straight guardians boded well for the Zerg player. Oh well...... Thanks Hydra! GJ Sea
Fantasy vs Where Where went straight out Guardians, BUT Fantasy did go bio
You must be remembering wrong.
Fantasy goes relatively standard bio almost all the time now, it sucks, even Flash is doing more valkonic than he is.
The other annoying thing about Fantasy bio is that it isn't even particularly good or bad, so his games look pretty much like any mediocre Terran playing TvZ.
I'm finding it hard to be sad about Jaedong losing. Jaedong was never going to carry this team, and structuring lineups around him would only doom T8 to failure. The sooner they're winning (and playing/planning to win) without him, the healthier the team is. The only downside is that sponsors probably love Jaedong, so the economic appeal of the team suffers somewhat.
Outlier looks something like outsider, and one of the most common ZvT builds on Outsider was to grab 3-4 gasses really fast, build a million sunkens at your nat, and use guardians to kill off the first push while your ultras and then defilers came online and you take the map.
I think this was the first time the build showed up:
God I miss outsider, that map was so good
Edit: Seriously, if they took out outlier and replaced it with outsider/outsider SE I would be very happy. Yeah, it was imbalanced in ZvP, but it produced a ton of amazing games, while outlier has been kind of underwhelming so far for some reason. I don't think I've ever been less happy about KeSPA rotating out a map.