Australia 14568 Posts
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
I'm astonished. how did we come to this? Killer picture and not JD's? Anyway OZ Has got to win this, as always of course .
On August 20 2011 12:04 fofa2000 wrote: I'm astonished. how did we come to this? Killer picture and not JD's?
Anyway OZ Has got to win this, as always of course
That's Bogus.
Killer all-kill incoming.
i don't think killer can beat bogus in a straight up zvt, expecting a 4-2 from either side
awesome banner, bogus all kill gogo!!!!!!!
I'd like to see both sides to do well, but mostly I would JD to show us a good game today.
I don't even know when, why or how I became a Killer fan, but I'm one now. Hope to see Killer vs. Bogus! Huge fan of both players :D
oz should stop doing so well cuz i wanna see JD play LOL
Many thanks to nanashin for streaming :D Hoping for some good games.
Wait, IT'S ON TONIGHT? FUCK YES, after not watching BW for so long I MUST watch it now.
The only question to ask is who will all kill STX and put them out of their misery.
Australia 14568 Posts
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Nice, I wonder who's gonna allkill today
Yup, Dear vs. Bogus. I want to see how much Dear has grown. OZ protoss hwaiting.