On July 21 2011 18:51 hellbound wrote:Show nested quote + there's a lot of truth in the complaints though, you have to know that vultures in your base are going to be a possibility if you're going up against fantasy terran, and he had ample time to prepare
heh, yeah but most/many T's don't micro them as meticulously as fantasy does
On July 21 2011 18:53 Dakkas wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2011 18:52 yepenaxa wrote: At least we have an PvZ final. better than PvP Not if it's another hydra-bust again
psst, modesty will get all the wrong ideas!
On July 21 2011 18:53 Oystein wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2011 18:47 o[twist] wrote:On July 21 2011 18:44 Motivate wrote: so many idiots don't realise that fantasy used to actually be a really good player. that vulture micro was fking sick. instead people are just like "omg free fail LOLOL LOSE TO FANTASY" -.- it's not like fantasy was so good that free was somehow prevented from having dragoons or cannons at his bases (for several straight minutes) or forced to suicide his army into fanta's choke. good play doesn't force your opponent to make poor decisions. Actually good play is usually what makes your opponents making mistakes. Not really force it, but usually you see people doing horrible mistakes when they are in rough spots (in example losing all your probes when you are probecutting) and not when they are cruising along in a game going their way and playing according to plan. It was still obviously horrendous by Free, but I don`t think he would have just suicided those units if he had not lost all his probes and getting his 3rd dropped and about to lose even more.
well free put himself in a weird position with that 2gate pressure and probecutting, so he better have a sound plan to follow it up...that was just not as well prepared as it should i feel
Wow Modesty with a lair, no den!
Free's in great shape though
3 zealots hanging out vs 8 lings at Modestys' 3rd
Forge done, one cannon behind the choke, Free's main gas comes online
United States5582 Posts
Lair done, spire placed
10 or 11 lings running around now, and 1 more in the main
modesty done gone and lost his mind. he builds a spire first
On July 21 2011 18:49 Zona wrote:Show nested quote +On July 21 2011 18:47 kuroshiroi wrote:On July 21 2011 18:44 Motivate wrote: so many idiots don't realise that fantasy used to actually be a really good player. that vulture micro was fking sick. instead people are just like "omg free fail LOLOL LOSE TO FANTASY" -.- Even fantasy was surprised he won that game. Free needed to drop 4 cannons and he would have not died to 4 vultures and a tank. It was absolutely a massive fail by free. It was nice play by Fantasy but the game was lost entirely due to free's failure to not drop a few cannons. How can you state that Fantasy was surprised? Mind reading? His face after that game? Free's face after that game? Maybe it was bemusement but he was certainly very happy after that game which I choose to interpret in that way. There's no way to mock me with some BS comment about mind reading.
lings come home and finish off the scouting probe zealots also back at free's nat choke
Core done in the main - something placed observer ain't showing us! (stargate?)
modesty takes his nat gas, speedy lings now
stargate and citadel warping in, in the main
probe gets into Modesty's main again as the lings are elsewhere
Free knows everything
3 hatch muta bust instead of hydra now. Free tech is really behind
On July 21 2011 18:54 Spica wrote: Omfg a spire hahaha
This map should be relatively good for Toss vs Zerg, shouldn't it? It must be hard for them slimey bastards to play their usual turtle-style with a fast 4th and stuff.
1 zealot at the middle pyramids surrounded and destroyed, 5 still chilling outside Free's nat 1 cannon placed in Free's main, archives coming
Scourge scout it all - could have cornered the sair but didn't!
Clearly Modesty is caving under the pressure and accidentally made the spire
2 more gates in Free's main (3) 1 cannon placed at the nat mineral line
4th and 5th hatches at Modesty's 3rd and nat
1 creep placed at the 3rd
a few mutas heading out with some scourge
1 DT heading out
1 scourge hits!
mutas chasing the sair, finished off
how long usually between the end of this game and the first game of the next group?
Busting high ground at Nat is hard on this map. Flying units have no restrictions.
modesty vying for air superiority ZvP. wonder how free reacts to this
Mutas raiding FRee's nat mineral line, cannon taken out, warping cannon being hit
dt gets 2 kills at Modesty's 3rd, destroyed by sunken
mutascourge fight sair/cannon at Free's nat mineral line - scourge fail?