On June 28 2011 19:20 Motivate wrote: omg wooow how the f did jd build so many mutas off like 4 drones on minerals? did calm really lose that many?
JD's lings + forcing a sunken evened the drone count. Plus he also pulled a miner off gas back onto mins at some point. And SO many scourge hits put him ahead in air.
Russian Federation 4405 Posts
but now anytime/shy/sky/alone/lolman must win 2 more games...
Great game! I thought Calm had JD when he was harassing with his two Ling groups.
lolman will win a game, I hope.
great entertaining game, really funny to watch ^^x
Holy shit that game was craaaaaaaaaazy. So much crowd cheering/excitement for every little thing that match lol. Thanks to fold/Kiante for streaming. ^^ You guys are awesome. oh, i forgot the sheep :D
On June 28 2011 19:23 PineappleLumpsToss wrote: Great game! I thought Calm had JD when he was harassing with his two Ling groups.
I thought JD was a gonner too after the drones snipe, but JD counter was impressively quick and decisive - Scourging a lot of mutas help too
Nice replay Whats with the jumping sheep
Netherlands 45349 Posts
On June 28 2011 19:31 3 wrote: Nice replay Whats with the jumping sheep
Blame Flamewheel, it is now Jaedong victory sign.
Russian Federation 4405 Posts
Anytime vs. Bogus! It is quite nice that Anytime got PvT, he had been pretty good in it this season.
Australia 14568 Posts
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
SASHINNNN just dont fail if you cheese this time plz ><
♣ Jaedong. Stork. Bisu. Calm. NaDa. SC2: Sen, MKP, DRG, MMA, Grubby, NonY, Ret, Jinro, TLO, Sheth, HayprO, Zenio,Taeja,Snute, Sea, Rain, MC,Squirtle,Stephano,Parting ,Life, and HEROOOOO <3
Russian Federation 4405 Posts
why "shit", anytime can win vs. Terrans, he'd shown it this season
Netherlands 45349 Posts
My reaction: YEAAAAAAAAAAH ASHIN TOSSSSSSSSSSSS ow shit its bogus -.-.