stats' 3rd comes online
defiler mound done
zealot chasing one drone moving towards 7.5
dt heading into ggaemo's nat, ovie wakes up in time and lings finish it off
lings stop the zealot at 7.5 from destroying the drone sent there but stats archon/zealot army coming hatch cancelled
doom drop coming..hope its good
Defiler mound is up Single DT almost gets into the nat, gets a single kill Drone sent to 11 to expo survives with one hit left, and starts a hatchery Zealots and an archon moving towards to shut that down Hatchery forced cancel Droptech!!!
Icarus reminds me of Mercury
drop done!
lurkerling loaded up near ggaemo's nat and heads east!
2 more gates in stats' main, now 8 total
ggaemo losing more isolated lings to stats' army
7 ovies fly past an observer towards stats' main stats bringing his army back
drop in the main!
lurkers spread out before stats can storm!
stats losing lots of probes
lings pick off a templar at the nat!
stats actually losing a good number of zealots clearing up the lurker-heavy drop cleared though
ggaemo with just a huge huge mass of lings moving south
he takes 7.5 again, as his 4th
Two more gateways getting added for Stats Stats spots the OL's GGaemo with a ton of lings 5 or so HT in the main Lurkers drop and take out a cannon, tons of probes Storms used up, tons of zealots running into kill the lurkers Cleaned up losing a few building, and probes, might be another amassing
ggaemo's 7 ovies once again move by stats army as the head into the main 2 templar away and the 7 ovies leave though
consume done
stats adding a 2nd robo at his 3rd
nice plague on about 7 zealots but storms decimating lings
drop on stats' 3rd!
Is it just me, or does GGaemo look like hes leaning whenever hes on the spot of the camera? 11 oclock is morphing Defilers have consume OL's moving to drop 7 Playyguu on zealots Tons of Lurker ling attacking everything at 7 The nexus goes down!
drops on stats third and its all gone!!!
doom zoom on chintoss as he makes a face!
ggaemo about to bring things ome! stats running his templar through the lurker field stats falling apart!
shuttle heading north towards ggaemo's main
stats' 3rd levelled
stats storms the 3 drones on gas in ggaemo's main as the drones flee quickly
stats starving. no death bal either
I didn't expect KTFlash to show up against ACE of all teams
cracklings are petty good huh
shuttle swings by ggaemo's 4th but leaves after seeing all the lings on the ground
huge bunch of ovies gathered at 8.5
1 reaver done at stats' nat but he'll starve soon
bunch of lings wasted trying to kill a templar near stats' nat
stats taking a 3rd at 4.5