first hydra out, 2 vultures pulling back
Canata adding 2nd CC in his main, floating factory north - is he going to try to land it in action's main?
3 hydra chasing the 2 vultures away
canata trying to micro, loses a vulture
another rax being added
lol canata lands his factory to block off action's main
omg action why didnt the lings attack it.
looks like bloody ridge got a new version; i don't remember the main/nat choke being that tiny before
lol action doesn't even attack the building lol vulture done at the landed factory but trapped taken out by hydra
canata what a failure
On June 05 2011 14:10 X10A wrote: I'm craving McDonalds guys But I don't want to go out What to do T.T Can't miss ACE
fail from both players.
another vulture out, factory lifts, chased by 6 speedlings, canata can't make it work destroyed
Factory blocking the choke Vulture is stuck aswell LOL Canata Lulz Hydra goes down, but theres another Fact lift Lands to let 4 lings in Fantasy vs somebody this reminds me of Microing one vultures vs lings
United States5018 Posts
I can see it only on GTR's small screen but even there it looks bad
lol shoots the fucking extractor
5930 Posts
Just GG Canata. You're going to lose to mutalisks in any moment.
spire almost done, will canata have any answer when mutas are out? he has 2 raxes and academy ebay coming he's about to take his nat
his vulture only now dies in action's nat
1 drone 2 ling retreat from canata's nat as canata moves out but one ling gets in, sees everything gets an scv kill
mutas coming! action still on one gas
muta count pretty low - needed a lot of passes to kill one scv but more mutas being added
canata with hardly any turrets and just one scanner
hey pretty smooth transition for canata. Action on 1 gas and the muta count is low.
Mutalisks are out Three of them Turrets are no where near completion SCV gets picked off, but the turret comes up regardless MnM force taking shots at the mutas Canata is pushing out with his MnM? o.o
one ovie picked off but mutas head into canata's main - only a single turret there scvs fleet to the nat
canata rushing out with his mnm, action adding another 3 sunkens to his nat
mutas control canata's raxes